Friday, December 31, 2010

Basic Test Presence Of Nicotine

Chapter 29 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer

For the first two days after the disappearance of Tania James was not worried: the imagined to bed to sober up and recover a dignified bearing. In winter the work was certainly not the highest level and he was able to fend for itself without too many sacrifices. The third day began to worry and decided instead to go and look at his home. She had lived in the back for a few years later, when he formed the company with James, had decided to rent a tiny studio in a few hundred meters from the laboratory. On a small hall and a kitchen was converted into a loft bed and wardrobe. The space was reduced to its essentials, but the environment after all seemed nice and bright thanks to the presenza di una grande finestra affacciata su un giardinetto e di un enorme lucernario. Per accedere all'appartamento bisognava passare proprio dinanzi alla villetta dei genitori di Chiara, imboccare un vicolo cieco che la contornava e salire una rampa esterna di scale da cui si poteva scorgere una parte del giardino dell'ex fidanzata di Giacomo.

Tania teneva sempre una chiave di scorta in bottega per cui il ragazzo entrò senza difficoltà nell'appartamento convinto di trovarvi la socia: magari avrebbero litigato, ma aveva il dovere di assisterla qualora se ne fosse presentata la necessità. D'altra parte momenti di crisi profonda capitano a tutti, lui ne sapeva qualcosa, ma con la buona volontà si può porre rimedio anche alle situazioni peggiori e risalire la china. Uscì dal laboratorio, svoltò a destra per il corso alberato ed in breve raggiunse prima una via più stretta, poi il vicoletto che contornava il muro di cinta dell'abitazione di Chiara. Era entrato una sola volta nell'appartamento di Tania, ma conosceva benissimo quella zona che aveva fatto da sfondo alla sua gioventù. Quei luoghi ora lo mettevano leggermente a disagio ricordandogli l'ultima visita effettuata presso i genitori della sua ex ragazza e la soddisfazione che si era preso saldando loro, mentre lo guardavano inebetiti, l'intero debito contratto.

Bussò all'entrata poi si decided to use the bunch of keys he had taken in the workshop: "Tania, are you there?" yelled crossing the threshold. Absolute silence. "Are you asleep?" He cried before deciding to get on the mezzanine. No response. The unmade bed appeared, the small closet was ajar and some clothes littered a chair under the skylight. Pushed aside the thick curtain that prevented roller to distinguish objects clearly and looked around to reveal a big mess: Tania was just changed! He recalled the first and only visit all'appartamentino: the environment was not a hair out of place and everything smells good and now that little accommodation was more like the mansion of a cabin that the house of a woman ordered and mature. Went downstairs and walked to the sink cluttered with dirty dishes and a small table on which were piled up different folders red, some old letters and yellowed newspaper. In front of the table there was a cupboard with light wood floor flooded with other collectors and a couple of photo albums. Only then he noticed that a little 'aside, leaned a sealed envelope addressed to him: a James Furlanis. He opened with the help of a kitchen knife, one of the few clean, and immediately started reading.


A parte gli errori grammaticali Giacomo si accorse che quella lettera aveva le o tutte consunte per cui assomigliavano praticamente a delle c: questo era il difetto di una macchina da scrivere portatile che aveva usato una volta presso il laboratorio di Tania e che poi era sparita. Non c'era need to become Sherlock Holmes to assume that the message he had just written his partner then setting up a pathetic melodrama. He put the letter in his pocket and began to inspect the folders and albums that were piled nearby. In the most massive of the latter, as in the first collector discovered a series of photographs in which he was portrayed as he worked, while entertaining clients, and even when he was shaving in the narrow service grooming. There are also some snapshots more daring attitudes that portrayed in intimate contact with some regulars of the laboratory. How did Tania have those pictures or when he had captured, admitted that she had been to take it back, remained a mystery. What
still put in a good mood even though, deep down, was beginning to feel a slight remorse for what, by its conduct, had caused. He decided to put that and other folders in a large shoulder bag found in the loft and prepared to leave carry this heavy content.

Before crossing the threshold, we ascertained that the other side, towards the garden of Clare, no one was lurking and then inserted the key from the outside to close. But as he descended the stairs past the non-law who was drawing the attention planted on our doorstep. "Hello James, how are you? - Said the old man going out into the garden, and snapping to the grid-partition between the two properties is that we've seen and am in good shape. I'm sorry to bother you but I have seen she has the keys to Tania. It gave the job to take care of the dog during her absence? We throw something edible to the desperate poor beast barking day and night, but can not continue like that! " Yes, the dog ... how could we forget? Tania And how he could leave the chain on the back of the apartment? It was a circumstance truly inexplicable. "You are no longer the friend did not even see his partner-continued the non-relative and I think you should take care of the animal. "James came down the stairs, headed for the small garden at the back of Penelope and untied. The dog greeted him joyful because you already knew and loneliness began to weigh them. "What is a friend of Tania? - asked the groomer to the non-law-I thought you lead a solitary life and I never heard mention that it was a friendship or relationship." "A type high forties, very distinguished, "replied the old man-is here a few times a week comes around seventeen, when Tania is still at work, and exit from the apartment the next morning about nine o'clock, when the groomer if they have already left. "absolute mystery. James greeted the man and took his leave carrying around Penelope, wagging his tail happily.

back home The boy ordered the folders on a table, deciding that it would examine carefully the contents starting from the next day, Sunday. An object immediately attracted his attention: a small notebook with a dark leather wallets secured through a large yellow rubber band. He began to leaf through the pages and found it full of addresses each of the which followed by a brief comment: good, reliable, low, attention or anything like that. He had never heard of any of persons listed in: they were not certain customers of their laboratory. Puzzled returned to the store to see if, meanwhile, occurred during the news. Calm on all fronts: no news of Tania and nothing significant to report. He filled the bowl of Penelope and, after having carried out at the park, left it in the back also make available a large bowl of fresh water.

The next morning he woke up early, putting himself at once to inspect the contents of folders that had not yet opened. He immediately made the idea that Tania, parallel to the squalid life that he and others imagined, to lead a life more enjoyable with an important matter of amicizie o per lo meno di conoscenze. A ben pensarci dopo un certo orario lei era sempre irreperibile e questo valeva anche per i giorni di festa. Non si barricava dunque esausta in casa dopo il lavoro ma conduceva, con ogni probabilità, una vita molto più interessante. Centinaia di foto, all'apparenza anche recenti, con persone di ogni età ed in luoghi per lo più sconosciuti avvaloravano questa ipotesi. Che razza di persona era la sua socia? Forse l'aveva sottovalutata. Tra i vari documenti trovò anche la copia di una denuncia che sua madre aveva evidentemente sporto contro il marito per violenza e percosse: di questo però aveva già sentito parlare. Vagliò attentamente il contenuto two folders and another left open for the afternoon. He decided to take another turn at the apartment to find that they had not escaped the details since the matter began to get interesting. While turning point in the alley he saw the man described by the non-law quickly climb the ladder and open the outer door of Tania. He waited a few minutes, then decided to knock on the door to solve the mystery visitor linked to that secret.

"You can get in? - Shouted hitting their knuckles on the door are the socio-Tania." The opening was a man very tall, distinguished, handsome and elegantly dressed. They exchanged a handshake, "I am the brother of the groomer," said the annoyed expression without hiding forty-some papers are here to fix my sister and to take away from Penelope. " "How's Tanya?" Said James uneasy about the attitude of his own party-friendly does not know he had a brother. He always made you believe to be alone in the world. "" Actually I'm just a brother and we recently brought together after the death of his mother Tania. She asked for help and I felt obliged to intervene. Our father was never a saint for which both hated it, I would say that we hated, and this feeling, anche se le potrà apparire inconsueto, ci ha ricongiunti e ricompattati. Entrambi abbiamo sopportato la sua presenza deleteria e subìto delle vere e proprie angherie. Noi come le nostre madri siamo stati vittime della sua brutalità ed alla fine era scritto nel destino che ci coalizzassimo.- La sua espressione si addolcì mentre faceva accomodare Giacomo all'interno dell'abitazione- mio padre, il padre di Tania, ha condotto una vita estremamente sregolata. I tradimenti verso le donne che frequentava in contemporanea erano il cardine intorno a cui ruotava la sua vita. Non si faceva scrupoli e non aveva alcun rispetto per nessuna di quelle sventurate. Accanto a tre relazioni diciamo così semi ufficiali or at least tolerated brought forward a variety of additional flirts: a real piece of crap! - James wondered why not a little man, skipping over any prembolo, fervor in that story was gradually aggiundendovi new details: it was just hating His father - ended up there among us poor helpless aggregate sons and stepsons, they represent a true partnership .- He cleared his throat, perhaps noticing a kind of disbelief on the face of James emergence .- You do not know what it means- was changed to a more confidential tone, feel a bastard and we were all bastards but Tania could boast-stressed smiling-word to be the sole repository of the last name of our father, but perhaps what bothered her more than satisfied and it was she who initiated moves so that we knew. "

James was aghast: the Tania seemed impossible that entertain relations with a group of people so diverse and unusual. And that crowd! If the photos had not misled it was among dozens of individuals, assumed, official wife, lovers cornificate, legitimate children and as well as illegitimate children of the children until some kind of generation. A sort of huge extended family!
"I'm sorry for the interference, ma io ero molto preoccupato per la scomparsa di sua sorella- intervenne Giacomo rivolgendosi al fratello della sua socia- non avrei mai immaginato però una situazione come questa". L'uomo alla fine si lasciò andare ad una sonora risata: "Anch'io non avrei mai immaginato che fossimo così tanti!"
In effetti la situazione era un pochino diversa ed i rapporti tra i discendenti di quell'incallito seduttore non erano stati, in origine, così idilliaci.

Qualcuno lo difendeva ancora a spada tratta pensando di essere un figlio privilegiato o prediletto. L'uomo cercò infatti, sopratutto nei suoi ultimi anni di vita, di mettere gli uni contro gli altri perchè immaginava che altrimenti gli si sarebbero coalizzati However, as some had already happened. Tania lived in a difficult environment in which it originally allies against each other for gaining the favor of a player who led the orchestra, however, at your own advantage. The mothers pretended not to see, for the sake of the children were silent, but were just extras. The groomer also underwent a pass by the elderly parent, sick now, but he could never know this was down a thick smoke screen, even if his sisters had to endure such an indignity. In the last months of his life his father he retired with his wife Journal, Tania's mother, per farsi assistere durante la malattia che, in capo a pochi mesi, lo portò alla morte.

Egli aveva una buona disponibiltà economica che dilapidò nel corso degli anni con le amanti e, in seguito, per curarsi a dovere. Tania e sua madre vissero nelle ristrettezze mentre il congiunto spendeva a piene mani.
"Dov'è ora sua sorella?" chiese Giacomo. "Anche se ti sembrerà strano lo ignoro. Mi ha lasciato uno scritto con alcune istruzioni che oggi volevo eseguire-  rispose l'uomo- prima tra tutte il prelievo di certi raccoglitori che lei custodisce in questo appartamento". Giacomo non sapeva come comportarsi: confessare che egli aveva sottratto ciò che molto probabilmente Man sought would have brought only trouble. Opted to remain silent because the sequel to that story, allegedly contained within the bag he had brought home, I was intrigued. It therefore dismissed the man eager to return to their homes to go in search of new twists that would surely have stumbled.

It did not take him long to find, within the most massive bin, a sealed letter addressed to "my brother George" which tore the envelope immediately immersed in reading.
When Tania's father became ill he was diagnosed with a degenerative disease in the long course that would then stored alive for several years but with serious shortcomings. The man decided to return to family after a long break for a walk around the world that had made her comfortable with her many lovers. The wife did not dare to reject it because of their nature mild and condescending, in fact he did so to comply scrupulously with the provisions of the doctors. Tania, who had already passed the thirty and still remembered the harassment suffered because of the parent and the numerous attempts made in the past to block unhealthy appetites already decided to hasten its end by replacing every type of medicine that was prescribed by the false drugs. It replaced

the tablets of the tablets of sugar, the drops fell into the toilet with clean water and medicines mistaking intramuscular vials with no other active ingredient. The man began to deteriorate so rapidly and reached its final goal in twelve months. The wife was not aware of these tricks and actually was surprised that so little care avessereo effect. Tania rejoiced instead waiting for any deterioration in his father's death as a liberation. The groomer wanted his brother to inform other relatives, who had recently reconciled and closed ranks in a kind of community, of what he had done and the reasons which had led him to work that way. But the letter also contained some considerations as to who was reading: he was deeply impressed and it was immediately beset by heavy feelings of guilt. The groomer performed a parallel between the dissolute life of his father and that little different, of James. Concquiste compared the latter's betrayal of the parent to the detriment of his wife too compliant.

Because of what he considered real betrayal by his partner to give their Tania slowly descended into paranoia clinging to the bottle, drawing only comfort and trying to photograph, in secret, the most reprehensible conduct of James for poterglieli then reproach. He built a voluminous dossier as other snapshots, more compromising, were added to those that James had found during the first, fast reconnaissance.

The groomer closed the collector is what he had learned that day was enough. He was very upset because she realized that her life after the death of Flora, had become one of unimaginable squalor. If cost was a bit 'relieved and no longer had to tighten their belts before and after each payment, his relationships with women were, unfortunately, the closer to what, joke about it, called the method of Anselmo a shot well established and on, without emotional involvement.

For the first time in many years, tried to clear as much nostalgia for that phase of innocent sentimentality that she embodied in days gone by. The fact that he remembered at that moment more the relationship with the first girlfriend who testified to the great love for Flora as you would hold on, not to succumb to something alive and tangible rather than the sad memories that had already paralyzed for a long period.
The brief conversation with the non-in-law, the courtesy that he had expressed, made him re-emerge a few pleasant memories and these pleasing images that ran in his mind he fell asleep.


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