Sunday, December 19, 2010

Is Scott Kay Artiste Exclusive To Helzberg?

Chapter 21 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 20

Noemi non riusciva a ricavare nessuna notizia dall’uomo che divideva con lei quell’insolita prigione: egli si sforzava di parlare, gesticolava con l’unica mano, cercava spesso di scrivere qualcosa ma era tutta fatica sprecata. La ragazza non sapeva più quale sistema adottare per ottenere qualche indicazione utile che le consentisse di groped flight: As the days passed in silence quell'irreale became more pessimistic and often let itself be discouraged. Then reacted by taking a attempts in the hope that, sooner or later, you get to glimpse a glimmer of light. But the situation remained unchanged and the time never passed. The food and some clothing parts were delivered weekly through the grates of the biggest window in the middle of the night and who delivered them was careful to avoid recognition. After many hesitations groped Naomi decided to escape through the tunnel that had glimpsed beyond the security door: you may not get you anywhere, but the hope was the last to die. "You owe me make way along the walk, "said the man one morning while having breakfast somewhere sbucherà-well!" He began to get agitated, jumped up from his chair and walked to barricade themselves inside their rooms. The move was so unexpected that Naomi was not able to steal the key of the security door, nor was the readiness to follow him, "If you do not want to come I will go alone," shouted through the door. There were several minutes of silence then the man came out carrying what looked like a topographical map. In it, two houses were represented: a very small and pink and a much greater distance, by examining the scale del documento, circa mezzo chilometro l’una dall’altra e collegate da una doppia linea tratteggiata in direzione nord-sud. Circa a metà del tragitto era disegnato una specie di fiumiciattolo azzurro che intersecava il tracciato interrompendolo brevemente. Non era difficile immaginare che quel tratteggio rappresentasse il tunnel e le curve di livello sovrapposte ad esso la collinetta che evidentemente sorgeva tra le due abitazioni impedendo che dall’una si potesse scorgere l’altra.

L’uomo evidenziò, passandovi sopra l’indice, l’andamento sinuoso del sentiero e porse a Noemi le chiavi della porta blindata. La ragazza le afferrò al volo e si precipitò ad aprirla sperando che dietro di essa there was freedom. His roommate is not followed and went to bed in his room, taking with him some food. The first meters of the kind of tunnel Noemi already knew them and they walked without difficulty and then had to backtrack because the darkness was total. Spotted groping for an electrical switch that lit a series of lights attached to the ceiling of the cave and continued his journey. The plastered walls are very damp and soon left the place the rock and the brick floor was transformed into un'accidentata trail dirt. He began to glimpse a glimmer of light, but soon realized that it was only a small window, protected by a large grille, which looked out from the gallery. From there it was unimaginable to exit, then continue along the path that sometimes rears up shrinking to less than one meter and then also increased. Often had to walk across the legs rubbing against the wet rock. At one point he thought that he had driven into a trap, but do not lose heart and went to a second window always protected by a heavy iron grill. There he began to distinguish between noise and huddled under an overhang of the rock was a kind of monotone mumble, perhaps a roar of water. It took courage and went on the road until you find your way barred by a deep gully and a couple of yards wide. Taken by despondency, burst into tears: he had to back down and surrender. He returned disconsolately on their feet and only then noticed the existence of a tunnel they had dug in the side of the steps. Better insight into the area and decided to go up the ramp that perhaps enabled it to overcome the obstacle. He climbed with hands for fear of slipping because the surface was wet and adherence to a minimum. A few minutes later came out into a wider path across the canal that failed, with that diversion, to get around. Now the tunnel had plastered here and there small areas that alternated with bare rock. The ground on which he walked had become flat, paved with bricks as the beginning of the gallery and a blinding light pierced by a window much wider than those seen earlier.

Suddenly, around a bend in the elbow, began a sort of corridor, then parried before a white wall is very long and interrupted by two massive doors both closed with a padlock. He was in a sort dicavedio with the walls plastered and painted white could not be drawn on the back of the big house on the map and from there, with a little 'luck, he could reach the government to get rid of this nightmare. He put his ear against the wall to detect any human presence, but the silence was total. He noticed that along the front wall, at eye level, there were tiny slits and stood on tiptoe to look into it. You could see a fireplace, some furniture, beautiful rugs, a coffee table with a television, a desk and turn, a large library and many paintings. He decided to wait until someone entered the room to realize the situation. He then sat on the floor waiting for something to happen. After about ten minutes she heard a door open, stood up to observe the cracks and saw an elderly woman near enough to the TV, turn it on and simultaneously operate a floor polisher Floor covering, with its noise, the music played. After a moment, the phone began to ring, but obviously this sound was dominated by the other two and the woman could not perceive it. From an adjacent room, set off an exhortation: "Answer the phone!" The old maid died while the two appliances then went to the wall behind which was stationed Noemi. Because of the shape of the slits the woman went out of sight of the girl, but put his ear to the wall would have certainly been able to follow the conversation. "E 'Bianca' shouted the woman. From the adjoining room came a man of about eighty very elegant rushed to the unit. "Hello, what happened?" He stayed for a while 'in silence and then continued: "It must be very patient, knows his sister and her strange reactions. I really do not know how to behave more and when I moved into this house my life has become a living hell. "He paused again briefly:" Now we have the big problem with that girl Anna has pulled back from the lab imprisoning chalet in pink. It can be tossed in jail for what he did: it is a kidnapping, "He remained silent for a moment:" How can we know anything? You do not want Anna has made me believe that all by myself! But it is absurd! Here we are at the mercy of a mad unleashed! I can no longer sustain a situation like that and I demand that you give me a hand. "The conversation went on for a long presence in the domestic firm in the middle of the room with very concerned expression. At the end of the telephone conversation Naomi tried to rearrange the ideas that were still rather confused. He had heard of the person who dealt with her the "pink house" Poor Henry, he had called the old man, the great house, whose back had just met, was actually the home of Anna Maria, not White knew that her sister had dragged there. Everything was easy to understand, but there were still many obscure points to be clarified, but the man with whom she shared a prison was certainly, as he had already guessed, the father of Barbara, who apparently had survived the tragic accident.

Naomi realized that I have the keys of the locks which were closed the two gates of the villa were part of the series and Henry, his roommate, had given her before he goes into the tunnel. When two people away from the salon opened one of the two doors and with extreme caution, he entered the house. He made a very short lap but then, hearing other voices coming other premises, retraced his steps and decided to go back over the long tunnel that would have shown in the pink house. Not come easily to the place from where she left it locked in his room and threw herself exhausted on the bed with a little 'luck would riconcquistato freedom! In those same moments, the two sisters toiletries, dismissed the students, were arguing big time. "You're a crazy unleashed! - Reproached Bianca Anna-end we'll all be in jail. But as I jumped in mind to seize Naomi? You know that if one escapes, runs a yarn by the police and you complain? Want to involve your father in your madness on the streets and reduce nearly eighty years? "Anna was unimpressed to it right now:" I only brought a company of poor Henry was suffering very lonely and I have since made a good work. "" But what good work-interrupted-White certain things can only conceive of a sick mind like yours! And stop callin 'you know poor Henry very well be your husband! "In rage, the teacher had gone too far and now they regret it. Anna, a prey to a kind of rapture, it sprang at her sister and began to shower him with kicks and punches snatching and tearing his hair. "That's not my husband, he died next to me in the car. What My father is a monster that is home to Christian charity and has nothing to do with the father of my daughter. "He continued to cry and scream for a good quarter of an hour then suddenly collapsed to the ground unconscious. The white felt his pulse then, because she was still alive, dragged her to a chair resting his back against the padded seat. She could not stand this situation and the violent reactions of her sister.

When Anna and her husband were pulled from their cars were both still alive. The teacher had suffered only superficial wounds, while the man was in serious condition with the left side of the mutilated body from the twisted metal. He was taken to a hospital in the area accident and then transferred to a rehabilitation institute in Turin where he remained for about two years. His wife had suffered a serious injury and his mental balance was altered so that the father and other relatives decided, even at the suggestion of doctors, not to disclose that her husband was still alive but horribly disfigured. It had to be a temporary solution until fully recovering and Anna ended up accepting the situation. But his crisis seems to never be interrupted and the moment of truth was always postponed. Meanwhile, Henry was discharged by the Institute of Turin, but he refused to return to the large family villa with his wife and little daughter. He did not want Anna, but especially the little Barbara, I saw in those conditions and feel pity for him. It is then adapted to live in the pink house, a little off the main, which was connected through a tunnel perhaps dating back to medieval times when instead of the two houses stood a castle owner and a guard post. Henry often traveled with great effort quell'angusto walkway to observe without being seen, the women in his life. He could come at any moment because the main internal possessed the keys of the two doors, but never wanted to do not disturb them. The girl was very alert, however, and soon became aware of what was succedendo nella casetta; mise così alle strette il nonno che, dopo vari tentennamenti, si decise a raccontarle la verità. Iniziò quindi a frequentare il villino rosa per rivedere il padre cui la legava un grandissimo affetto. Dopo qualche giorno di grande turbamento iniziò pian piano ad accettare la situazione e si recava spesso, con la domestica, a portare il cibo e la biancheria di ricambio al genitore. Anche se il padre non riusciva a parlarle lei si accontentava di stargli vicino e di accarezzargli amorevolmente il volto sfigurato. Faceva tutto questo di nascosto dalla madre che, in un assurdo rituale, qualche volta raggiungeva il cimitero della vicina parrocchia pregando presso la tomba di famiglia come se il marito vi fosse realmente sepolto.

The two women were fighting for the most trivial reasons, but also for the periodic outbursts of Anna, who was particularly aggressive on some days. When she began to attend that friend of her husband, who apparently was not aware of the situation, Barbara turned against being certain that the mother knew the truth, but pretended to ignore it did not complicate his life. "You have abandoned the father reproached the time of need-a day on which the dispute had degenerated-you can not make us all fools, pretending not to know." Railed against Anna, forcibly dragged her along the path leading down the hill towards the pink house, forced Henry to open before he put his daughter and cried, "This is not your father, this is just a poor invalid who your grandfather has wanted to host here for Christian charity. Any other assumption you can remove the head put your heart at peace! "Henry did not want to open the door, slumped in a chair crying and there vented all their despair. But Anna had not yet finished with rage: "How do you imagine that this monster is your father? Perhaps something you like? Can you guess the color of her hair, it's your own eyes? "Barbara parried suddenly in front of the mother, stared at her with hatred and spat right in his face. Then came from the house and ran desperately toward the villa. You do not speak again for several years and as soon as the opportunity arose she first tried them not forbid making heritage, aided in this by Noemi, then left for Venezuela in the company of a friend who moved there to work, was very fond of and wanted to remove it from the absurd situation of returning to life.

The sick mind conceived the kidnapping of Anna Noemi as a just punishment against a being that vile before, he had plotted to seize his assets and was now trying to trick White. When Barbara was still a little girl Naomi, perhaps at the suggestion of their parents, became friend and, on the pretext of helping in a difficult moment, tried to put it against the mother. The goal, of course, not stated, was to make a profit as a result of the disqualification of Anna and her admission to a mental hospital. Barbara was a very vulnerable girl who was forced against his will, to suffer all the consequences of the tragic events that involved his family a peaceful and prosperous existence turning into a nightmare without end. Within a few days is practically left to itself, since even the closest relatives, bewildered by what had happened, they could not handle the situation so that more evidence had been avoided devastating. The girl is then tied to Naomi in an almost morbid considering it the only lifeline which to cling with all their might. She was willing to follow every suggestion and meet with the money taken secretly at home, his every whim. If the grandfather had not intervened, which among other things at that time was taken to hospital, Barbara, who was coming of age, have squandered their substance and those of his mother making it available to what it considered a friend.
No one could say with absolute certainty that Anna does not realize the existence of her husband in the house rose as no one could testify to the contrary, the woman, who Noemi considered the same way as a prostitute of the lowest level, he probably just wanted to give this man so unfortunate a friend who did not go for the subtle and was able to restore a semblance of normal life.

's husband, about two years before the tragic accident, had placed at the pink house of the cameras to control the access gate to the property that was a few meters from the house. When the father of Anna Henry decided to move to the pavilion by the Institute of Turin did change the system so that not only was visible outside the building, but also the interior, from the kitchen to the bedrooms, the first section tunnel and sua parte finale. Anna Maria, di nascosto, si recava spesso nell’angusto locale dove era sistemato il monitor ricevente: osservava per ore l’uomo della villetta rosa e ne conosceva ormai tutte le abitudini. Continuò a spiarlo anche dopo l’arrivo di Noemi e si accorse che lei, dopo un periodo di ambientamento, iniziò ad assumere i medesimi atteggiamenti provocatori di cui le aveva parlato Bianca: girava completamente nuda o pochissimo vestita per casa facendo in modo che Enrico la vedesse e la desiderasse. Non gli si era ancora concessa, né lui aveva tentato degli approcci, ma lo avrebbe fatto prestissimo per ottenere dall’uomo un asservimento totale.

Intanto Bianca Maria stava escogitando un piano per togliere sister of trouble to ensure that Noemi abandon the villa without rushing to make a complaint and to provide better support to Henry raised his father from a looming too heavy for a man of his age.

The father of Anna, looking at movies of the last hours, he noticed that Naomi had entered the tunnel and had reached the very back of the room with the fireplace. She was a great danger to Henry and not remain segregated forever. Cursed his daughter in law and called immediately after White found that Naomi was not behind the wall to listen. The teacher did not give him time to vent: "I have in mind a plan that will deliver us finally to quella presenza nefasta sollevando lei ed Anna da ogni possibile coinvolgimento. Mi deve mettere a disposizione un’auto e deve caricarci sopra alcuni oggetti di valore, per esempio un paio di quadri o cristalleria ed anche una somma in contanti. Quando avrà preparato il tutto mi richiami e le svelerò cosa intendo fare.” L’uomo intuì quali fossero le intenzioni di Bianca e si sentì abbastanza sollevato riproponendosi, una volta sistemata Noemi, di telefonare alla nipote, di farla rientrare a casa e di discutere con lei la sorte dei suoi genitori.

Un paio di giorni dopo, all’imbrunire, Noemi si accorse della presenza di una piccola utilitaria con il motore acceso posteggiata davanti the cottage. She looked out the window and saw the big gate fully opened while the iron gateway of the house was left ajar. Now or never thought of picking up a flash in the bag with the few items gleaned just in case. She slipped out of the house, jumped on the car in reverse and slipped between the two wings of the electric gate that they were closing. In the heat of the moment did not notice that the back seat were arranged several paintings, two or three Capodimonte figurines and a bag containing about one million in cash. She crossed the forest at full speed, the route a couple of kilometers the lake, then took the road home, parked far away from the entrance per non dare nell’occhio. In una decina di minuti raggiunse a piedi il proprio appartamento e si accorse che, nel periodo in cui era rimasta segregata, Paolo ne aveva usufruito alla grande. Come mai non l’aveva cercata? Forse temeva le sue reazioni ed aveva ritenuto opportuno non avviare immediatamente le indagini concedendosi un periodo di riflessione? Si tolse i larghi vestiti da uomo che ancora indossava, li buttò direttamente nella spazzatura e si immerse nella vasca colma d’acqua tiepida. Chiuse gli occhi ed iniziò a studiare un piano d’azione per ricattare Bianca e Anna con la minaccia di denunciare entrambe se non le avessero corrisposto un sostanzioso indennizzo. Era ancora immersa in questi pensieri quando udì suonare alla porta. He put the bathrobe and peered through the peephole, they were policemen. Not that it remained open because he made noise with their hooves in approaching the door and was then alerted the two agents, "dressed and follow us to the barracks," said the senior showing his badge.


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