Friday, December 17, 2010

Gst On Income Protector Policy Benefits

Storia di un anonimo, scalognato toelettatore- Capitolo 12

The teacher, Anna Maria, his sister, could not be more different: a number of years divided them and their appearance did not suggest certain images that belong to the same family. Bianca Maria was not very high, rather than turned, big-boned and had jet black hair, Anna Maria, while approaching their fifties, a woman was still very attractive, high and slender, with hair made of red amber pendant with two beautiful violet eyes. Despite being beautiful and living with a wealthy old maid in a big house left her by her husband who died at a young age following a traffic accident in which she had been involved bringing back serious consequences which had not so much the physical damage, as his mental balance . In fact, remained trapped in the car for a long time, aware, next to her husband in agony.

From that happy union, so tragically broken, was born one daughter, Barbara, who was now in Venezuela.

Following the accident she had, for a couple of years, closed in on itself then had begun to attend old friends and to look for some small jobs, not very difficult to kill time and to return to lead a normal life. Certainly did not need to because her husband had left her, in addition to the house and some other property, including a substantial income, but did not want to spend the rest of his life in idleness in my thoughts always turned to the tragic event that ' was so heavily marked.

His character, however, was converted and became very aggressive which would often respond disproportionately in respect of people who are too intrusive or some real or alleged abuses that were. Many the men were of course the court but she rejected them imagining that they were more interested in the dowry and the person erecting, around them, a kind of impenetrable fence that divided it and protected it from the outside world. They spent about five years before you decide to come out with an old friend of her husband, but the relationship broke up in a short time because she was expected by human behavior and attention similar to those of the deceased, what which obviously could not happen. Disappointed in their expectations had a reaction so violent that his friend walked away beginning to suspect that he was mad. It was a good person and could make her happy, but this Anna Maria was not enough because he was haunted by a thousand fears and could no longer control their reactions. In those years
White, little more than sixteen, he began attending classes for grooming at an old master of their city and, supported by his father, had opened a small shop of products for animals. Anna Maria wanted her to help and so began, through a third party, following the directives of her sister, to be expert on grooming revealing an unsuspected talent for that job. In short, he passed the teacher and threw himself headlong in the activity by allowing Bianca to open the section in advance of cutting and shearing. Often lingered or sleeping in the laboratory not to come home in the midst of a devastating crisis that assailed at times when it was not busy with work and that would, unfortunately, involved the minor daughter and housekeeper. Some rare time she had met, also in those rooms and after hours, customers and acquaintances who seemed to remember, for some reason, a similarity, a particular tone of voice, the good old days, but had never succeeded in obtaining relief or emotional involvement.

The collaboration between the two sisters ceased, even indirectly, because of Dino, for he had brought some dogs from Anna Maria because they were clipped and prepared for a race, but also the groomer to know that everyone praises the beauty. The laboratory Bianca Maria was in fact built in a short time, a reputation for professionalism, but men also attended to learn that his sister had become a living legend and his account is told the most fantastic stories. Some thought she was mad fury, others just a bit 'eccentric, but all wanted to see it if only to tell about, boasting of getting to know her. Dino wanted her to know for sure because he knew like no other and prepare the dogs continued to attend because the work was performed in a workmanlike manner, but White was jealous and began to act accordingly even trying to remove his sister from the laboratory. Cohabitation thus turned into hell even if the father of both tried to do anything to calm the waters, he knew that this behavior is irresponsible and unreasonable by the youngest daughter would have irreparably damaged an activity that had just taken off. Anna Maria could not understand the reasons for the hostility that was mounted in a few weeks, then suddenly realized that deciding to leave that task for her was a blessing because it gave her much satisfaction fills life. His sister he realized he had overplayed his hand and found himself immediately in big trouble having lost such a good collaborator, but he was too proud to retrace his steps and to clarify the situation.

Who was involved, despite himself, in the events and had ruined his life was the daughter of Anna Maria, who found himself, at any moment, a hysterical mother around the house all day without having the strength and authority To counter the recurring crises. She tried every possible way to solve the big problem, but had no help from relatives or neighbors, his paternal grandfather was that he could intervene in the hospital or from a psicologo e fu lasciata sola ed indifesa in balia di persone prive di scrupoli che tentarono di impossessarsi della sua cospicua eredità.

Le due sorelle si riappacificarono, o per lo meno riallacciarono i loro rapporti, in occasione della morte del padre cui entrambe erano molto affezionate. La maestra intervenne varie volte per aiutare Anna Maria nel momenti di crisi più acuta e fu sostenuta economicamente, in altrettante occasioni, quando gli affari non giravano e gli impegni assunti e non mantenuti minacciavano di travolgere l’attività. Parecchia ruggine era però rimasta anche se il muro divisorio era crollato.

Bianca Maria mise la sorella al corrente della situazione venutasi a creare nel laboratorio per la mole eccessiva work and for the conduct of Paul, and Naomi Werner. Did not hide anything, not even the existence of the movies that Anna Maria would immediately see. They spent an entire night to discuss what were the most intelligent moves to be made and devised a plan to reduce to impotence the clerk and his girlfriend rough at the same time clarifying the position of Werner. Also addresses the problems of the courses and the show dog and Anna Maria assured throughout its readiness to organize the work. He wanted to still have a free hand and the teacher had no choice but to accept.

The next morning, the first to reach the laboratory, when the two sisters had already ventilated the premises and went to the floor was given a final, unusual case, Noemi.

Seeing Anna Maria paled and froze in the doorway, "What are you doing here?"-Asked, turning to the older sister. "What are you doing-said-she did not think that White accepted the students like you. Or maybe she just ignores that it has pulled home a delinquent. "

Naomi took on a menacing "I am not a criminal and she is a crazy old woman hysterical that should be locked up in some lunatic asylum."

Bianca Maria attended the scene astonished and rather alarmed because, knowing her sister and its reactions, it was mathematically certain that the discussion would soon degenerated into a scuffle with the results unpredictable. As a precaution, therefore, ran close to the entrance of the laboratory and pushed, unceremoniously, the two women in the back.

"fucking whore Anna-shoot-if you're here is to implement some criminal design. I've seen how you behaved with Barbara and how you tried to hand out. " In fact Naomi had become friends with her daughter to convince her mother and to prohibit the possession of community property. Only the intervention of his grandfather, came out at the last minute from a long illness, and a little 'luck had prevented Anna would find itself locked in a mental hospital and the squandered a large fortune gratifying daughter's friend and adviser who masterminded the plan.

"I just tried to open your eyes and escape to a life-loony-Noemi said you're crazy and unleashed the money belong to her."

Anna Maria had become like a white candle and clenched his fists as if trying to keep an anger was about to explode. Well remembered all the visits he had suffered, the doctors asked her husband's deceased firefighters who had taken steps to remove it from that car that had become his coffin, his body torn apart by her last kiss who had given him before being pulled from the twisted metal. He recalled in particular the face of a lawyer, in cahoots with Naomi, who treated her like a madman trying to ban it for the benefit of his daughter just age. In the small town where she lived, Anna Maria was at the center of attention and she narrated stories each more imaginative and added some details to a story already in itself novel. Noemi and professional then tried to exploit these rumors and friendship with Barbara girl gullible, and easily stressed plagiabile to obtain an economic advantage.

The discussion was fast degenerating even as Paul and the students were preparing to enter the laboratory. Finding it closed, and hearing screams coming from all worries and James began to knock violently at the door. "Bianca Maria, all right?"-Shouted by placing the hands in the mouth mo 'megaphone.

In response, the teacher threw herself between the two women now if they were playing the thrashing he took his sister by the arm and threw in a closet, then pushed on the couch and Naomi advised her to calm down because they would have clarified thereafter the situation. He left the back room and went to open the door.

Students and Paul went in with prudent behavior, but Bianca was already reconstructed and the adjacent room came only a faint cry: the cry of her sister.

Nobody had the courage to ask what was going on and the teacher took advantage of being embarrassed silence to catapult still in the back, locked the door, let out by Anna closet, drag it to the secondary entrance, overlooking a courtyard, recommend them to calm down and leave it on a bench at un'aiola. He returned to the lab after Naomi had the opportunity to recover and was regaining its natural color, but the vest had reduced to shreds and his face swollen. "With you we will deal tonight," hissed the only now realizing the state which was reduced and the shocked looks of James, Anselmo, Werner and girls, while Paul seemed anxious and almost on the verge of tears.
students were white like candles, but he was completely reworked to throw quick glances in the direction of Naomi, who responds to gestures, imagining that no one would notice. With one hand, gesturing toward his friend and with the other he feels the breast, checking that there were no bruises. Werner had observed the strange movements and thought, being in a situation of great emotional stress, that the two relate in some way to him. Have long suspected that the Italian police was on his trail and imagine that Naomi had guessed or discovered something. Perhaps she and Maria White had received a visit from a policeman who would definitely come back during the morning. The circle was tightening around him and his friend. He had heard the cries? He did not know how to explain, but everything seemed very strange. Was it the case a change of scenery? While thinking about all these things a well-dressed man, about forty years and with a suitcase in his hand was entering the store. Werner ran into the back then took the path of travel of the courtyard. Did not even notice the presence of Anna Maria still sitting on a bench with the air turned upside down. She went on main street and went running toward the hotel dragging the inevitable sack.

In fact, the man who had just entered the workshop was an official INAIL who was preparing to perform a check after the complaint filed by former student slipped on the floor in the first day of classes. The lesson had not even started and Bianca Maria was removing a drawer for three lawnmowers and entrust them to as many students to start with the first lesson of shearing. Did not have the time for Paul was gone with Naomi, the officer had just presented and three customers were coming in the laboratory to entrust their beasts. The teacher had a moment of bewilderment. "Go call my sister is out in the yard - she said to Virginia. The girl went into the back room and found them whispering to Paul and Naomi in a low voice. Output outside saw Anna still sitting on the bench with his head in his hands. Imagining it was the sister of the White approached her: "Your sister is waiting in the lab."

Meanwhile, Naomi was telling his friend what had happened a few minutes earlier, but the boy is now trying to calm her stroking her face: "Today's stuck. Tonight we will throw the mask and she will not listen to it: we will take our revenge! "

Bianca Maria, made to accommodate customers sitting in waiting approached the man with the briefcase, which he began: "I am here to INAIL inspection following a complaint received by our office by a former student of your victim." The teacher turned pale and he saw for a moment, the lab turned into a huge rotating black hole as a psychedelic light.

Meanwhile, Paul had returned from the back room and was preparing to award to James and Flora Anselmo three lawnmowers made by White on the counter.

Naomi was left at the coffee machine and was serving a cappuccino. When Anna returned to Virginia and from the courtyard, past, made a gesture of annoyance, but did not utter parola. Mentre le due raggiungevano gli altri allievi Bianca Maria si appartò nel retro con l’ispettore e fece segno a Noemi di uscire immediatamente.

Anna si rese presto conto della situazione e, ritrovata la calma, congedò i clienti, pregò Paolo di iniziare con i lavaggi e si mise al centro degli allievi con la tosatrice della sorella in mano. “Buongiorno! Sono la sorella della vostra maestra ed ho collaborato con lei per parecchi anni. Ora vi darò alcune informazioni generali sulle tosatrici di media potenza, quelle che tre di voi hanno già in mano. La tosatrice va trattata con rispetto e professionalità. Non può risolvere tutti i problemi, ma vi può aiutare molto rendendo veloce e remunerativo il vostro work. It should never-never-used and pointed out that in dogs or cats victims. A hair full of knots, dirt, felted is ideal for casting an engine or to turn a new comb or just a sharp piece of iron without any utilities. So before you brush, remove the nodes if necessary to disentangle the skeins and wash, then use the clippers. " As he spoke reminded of the old peaceful days spent in the laboratory of his sister and regain confidence in itself. "The combs should be cleaned, oiled and should be removed every night, and should, during shearing, and cool avoiding friction between the two component parts and the effort to penetrate the pelo deteriorino irrimediabilmente la macchina. Non avete in mano un bazooka, ma uno strumento complesso e tecnologicamente avanzato da usarecon criterio. Più avanti vi spiegherò la funzione delle testine in base alla loro altezza ed alle parti da tosare sul corpo dell’animale”.

La lezione proseguiva senza difficoltà mentre tutti si chiedevano con chi si fosse appartata Bianca Maria.

Werner intanto aveva raggiunto il proprio albergo e stava velocemente facendo le valige aiutato da Biborka. Paolo si era isolato da tutti presso la vasca più lontana dal gruppo e procedeva alacremente al lavaggio degli animali. Noemi si avvicinò prima agli altri allievi poi, con un ampio giro intorno alle mensole, raggiunse l’amico and, pretending to help, terms of information about what had just happened and showed him with a swift move, however, some noted that the two had large bruises on her right breast.

Bianca came out distorted from the back room, "interrupted his sister, who was elaborates on the various brands of mowers and their characteristics, and said to the students, pointing to the man's case:" This gentleman is an inspector INAIL that came to us to make investigations. I explained your role and I hope that everything is in order. Now each of you must provide proof of their identity. " He noted that Werner was not present and she was relieved, another possible problem was, for the moment, set aside. He left the students, Paul and Anna Maria to grips with the inspector, retired in the back and poured himself a double whiskey in a plastic cup, put his head under the cold water of the sink and wondered if the troubles of the day they had spent with the card or if something else could happen.

Immediately after he remembered that night would have had to Naomi and Paul, to stem the fury of his sister that he would definitely still to come, where was Werner understand and inform the accountant received the unwelcome visit.

had also decided, before they happened all those contingencies, contact of three judges for the event, but estimated that in the particular state of mind in which he was not able to bear their Paturnie controlling his nerves.

Throughout the day Anna Maria busied herself with the students while Paul was preparing the animals for customers: he appeared tense as a violin string, and often came close to her friend Naomi whispering in his ear. At noon, the girl had disappeared from the lab without any justification making you return after a couple of hours. For its part, White spent most of the day on the phone to call the accountant, his lawyer, union craftsmen, insurance and an old colleague who had recently been visited by an inspector INAIL. At about nineteen

the laboratory was emptied and Anna arranged to close from inside the premises. The two sisters left the shutters lifted in waiting Paul and Naomi, which they captured speeches, he did live, they had prepared for them a huge surprise and waited impatiently for the clock struck the hour of revenge.


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