Friday, December 17, 2010

Milena Velbanadine Jansen Milk

Chapter 14 History of an anonymous, shallot groomer-Chapter 13

The two boys went first to the White House then, not having found it, they reached the laboratory. The gate was still up and knocked on the windows to be open. Paul had with him a large folder, the kind that are used to store designs, which had put all the notes taken during the last few months spent in the service of the teacher and related offenses, real or imagined, that she committed at different times and circumstances with a lot of dates, facts and names of any witnesses. Naomi was instead informed about the risks and penalties that could come from both the failures that milder the most serious crimes and was determined to derive as much advantage as possible. Both were well dressed, as if they were marked at a reception and the girl was wearing a miniskirt that barely covered her groin and a tiny black silk top: he wanted to cause further cracking teacher who would envy, she imagined, comparing so bursting with beauty his insignificant figure. He felt a great pleasure to great humiliation and this was an opportunity to avenge the wrongs that he thought his friend had suffered. He followed her like a dog, watching her in ecstasy, feeling the victory already in his pocket. Despite being a nice guy, never had a girlfriend so striking and often wondered how such a, for him incomparable beauty, decided to go out with someone like him that she did not have luxury cars, or disposable income: an enormous fortune was to be preserved by all means!

The sisters launched a nod and a knock, while Bianca lowered the lights in the back room, Anna went to open the door. When the two boys entered the room behind the laboratory left the movie image of the teacher who was standing naked in the shower. Moments later Paul was seen moving towards the box, also naked and filmed from the back, open the door and enter the cloud of steam. Even a few moments and Bianca Maria came emerging from the mist with their hands outstretched in a gesture of despair and slid on the floor and injured at least two positions. Paul was immediately above in that the posture could be interpreted in various ways, but primarily as the continuation of a criminal intention. The teacher had been able to play well their part-time should be spouting some 'red paint, hidden in the palm of his hand over his own body on the wet floor and to give drama to the scene.

Noemi was annihilated in front of that movie that I absolutely did not expect to see. Like any spectator who had watched the sequences exchanged a script designed and reconstructed in an attempt to table di stupro cadendo anch’essa nel tranello.

“Sei un lurido maiale - disse rivolta a Paolo- non ti credevo capace di tanto. Tu che hai sempre disprezzato, a parole, questo ammasso di ciccia - ed indicò Bianca Maria– ti sei lasciato prendere dalla fregola ed hai mandato a puttane tutti i nostri piani. Ti disprezzerò sempre per questo e non ti voglio più vedere.” Gli strappò di mano la cartelletta rovesciandone il contenuto sul pavimento, uscì quasi correndo dal retrobottega e si dileguò passando per il cortiletto. Paolo era rimasto inebetito a fissare lo schermo ormai vuoto: “Ma io ti volevo solo provocare, lo sai che mi fai schifo”. Farfugliò qualcosa del genere rivolgendosi a Bianca poi, osservando le due sorelle che si scambiavano sorrisini compiaciuti, prese la stessa strada dell’amica e tolse il disturbo. La maestra raccolse i fogli sparsi sul pavimento e le bastò scorrerli velocemente per rendersi conto del grosso pericolo che aveva corso e che era riuscita a sventare grazie al proprio intuito. Non si sentì offesa né per le parole di Noemi, né per quelle del suo commesso appagata dalla certezza di aver definitivamente cancellato ogni loro velleità salvando la propria azienda ed il proprio futuro.

Fuori aveva iniziato a piovere: Paolo non sapeva dove andare perché da qualche mese, abbandonata dopo un violento litigio la casa dei genitori, viveva con Noemi. Lei lo aveva sempre tenuto in pugno da quando had met several months earlier, in a night. I pushed around and gave him no respite for criticizing the work you do with too much commitment, never claimed a salary more suitable for the lack of ambition and devotion to White. Gradually, the boy began to detest their employer, to feel exploited and undervalued, and accumulated a great resentment against him. It was then that the former teacher had to endure the humiliation, the constant allusions, the assessments heavier and behaviors as the most absurd, indeed, the dreary ritual of shower which Paul appealed to when he realized that Bianca would have gladly accepted the his attentions. Noemi commanded, and he ran, however, putting a great deal of mischief.

remembered that James and Paul Anselmo stayed by the monks and decided to join them to find accommodation at least for that night had left the girl's house the documents and money but absolutely no intention of seeing her again for a few days in the hope that, over time , things are settled. He knew that the two friends that night, would come home early because he had heard their speeches during the afternoon lessons. He then walked to the convent sheltering from the rain with an old broken umbrella remedied in a waste basket. Meanwhile, Naomi was reaching the parking lot where the two had parked the car before reaching the laboratory. He was completely soaked and out of his mind with rage when a vehicle approached the sidewalk on which he was walking: "Want a ride?" It was Anna Maria, who was returning home after being laid off from her sister. Noemi spun around, scared and surprised, then began to walk more vigorously without answering the question. "Come on, salts. I let off some steam and I took my revenge: I can now afford to do the good deed for the day. " A shiver went through the back of the girl he quickened his pace to run almost putting however, hampered by high heeled shoes. Anna took her by the belt attraverso il finestrino, la bloccò mettendosi con l’auto di traverso e riuscì a scaraventarla sul sedile posteriore chiudendo le portiere dall’esterno. Noemi era troppo spaventata per reagire, temeva che la donna potesse compiere qualche gesto inconsulto e guardava terrorizzata la sua mano destra da cui spuntava una specie di grosso cavatappi appuntito. “Mantenere la calma, non reagire, aspettare il momento opportuno per darsela a gambe.” Questo si ripeteva mentre l’auto stava attraversando, a tutta velocità, i sobborghi della cittadina per imboccare la strada per il lago. La pioggia aveva cessato di cadere, ma si era alzato un vento freddo che piegava i rami degli alberi proiettando ombre sinistre sulle vie poco trafficate. Came to the house of Anna after a long detour inland secondary: she opened the wrought iron gate with remote control, the car came to a small house set against a hill, Naomi and brought down, threatening her with the sort of punch that had still in her hand, her inside. She obeyed without resistance as they found themselves in a kind of massive large kitchen with two tables, a gigantic tiled stove and a monumental sideboard. "This for a while 'is your house" - said Anna-behind that door there is a bedroom and a bathroom. The refrigerator is full. Do not make jokes if they do not want to see you ruined your nice legs and your face from cold fish. " Uscì dal locale, chiuse l’uscio a doppia mandata e proseguì in auto lungo il vialetto che portava all’abitazione principale distante quasi mezzo chilometro.

Paolo stava intanto raggiungendo il convento. In auto, dal laboratorio di Bianca, era un lungo tragitto, ma esistevano alcune scorciatoie pedonali che lui fortunatamente, conosceva. Percorso l’erto sentiero in terra battuta che iniziava dopo la via crucis si ritrovò davanti al portone d’ingresso che appariva sbarrato. Si aspettava di dover usare un batacchio o qualcosa di simile per annunciarsi al frate guardiano, ma si accorse che a lato dell’ingresso c’erano un moderno videocitofono ed un campanello. Suonò e dopo qualche istante fu raggiunto the caretaker dressed in civilian clothes. Anselmo was only present in the room because Flora had accompanied James and Denise in the city and would be back later. The remedied when placed on trial as an excuse Paul Anselmo persuaded to give him hospitality at least for that night.


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