Chapter 23 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer
Since the courses were started grooming Anselmo had received three visits from his girlfriend. She was always accompanied by parents who kept her under close surveillance even if the guy was clearly annoyed by the suffocating presence and did not scruple to externalize the his disappointment. Loren was not a bad girl, though not certain level of Denise, but his behavior left a lot of puzzled. At first glance seem quite insignificant and could not be attributed either major flaws, nor particular virtues then gradually you realize that what was petulant and insecure. His interests and topics of conversation were superficial and more appropriate for a teenager to a young woman about to marry. Gossip peppered his speech any and all ideas were good to criticize people who may know only superficially. He had never concerned nor the work of Anselm, nor the conduct of the courses: evidently provvedesse expected that the boy alone for their future without involving them in issues that would have distracted from his quiet life and its frivolities. Had never even visited the farm of his father, nor expressed any interest in any of the ideas that Anselmo, with an exceptional spirit of initiative and outstanding qualities organization, intended to put to use. Lorella depended in every way by their parents that the plan every moment of the day. To carve out a moment of intimacy Anselmo, who lived in a house next to his, had to resort to a variety of tricks and even reach the hidden room, late at night, from a service port which holds the key. Perhaps the future in-laws were aware of it, or perhaps ignorant, but that family was recited every day and with great effort, a sort of comedy of errors for which reality and fiction overlaps with the two interpenetrating crossing and blending into one another: a smokescreen that enveloped everything. Anselmo was a simple pop-up because the small universe of the people revolved around the father of Loren, the protagonist in own play: he decided the plot changing it from time to time to suit you or the propri umori. La ragazza accettava questo andazzo ritenendolo normalissimo e non la sfiorava nemmeno l’idea di ribellarsi per ottenere una maggiore autonomia.
Giacomo aveva conosciuto Lorella e l’aveva giudicata immediatamente scialba ed antipatica: non riusciva a capire come il suo amico, una persona brillante ed intraprendente, riuscisse a stravedere per lei ed a sopportare i suoi discorsi di una disarmante banalità. A dire il vero aveva notato evidenti e ripetuti segnali di insofferenza da parte del ragazzo verso le continue intrusioni dei futuri suoceri, ma li considerava troppo blandi a fronte di vere e proprie prevaricazioni. L’aveva inoltre puzzled, if not shocked, the behavior of Anselm against Denise. He had lured the girl's got game for a long time, failing to clarify its position, saying and not saying, often playing on ambiguities like maybe he had learned from the future father in law.
"You're sure to be in love with her?-Day James asked a friend, referring to Loren-image that you liked and Denise, from what little I understood, certain attitudes you annoy your girlfriend as well as the continuing interference of his parents. "Anselmo remained in silence for a moment then replied," My relationship with Lorella goes back several years ago. His parents are owners of big farm where I work and when I took at their structure is as if I had signed a contract that also included the link with their daughter. I am attached to, but I could not tell if you love the most or the idea of \u200b\u200bone day inherit the business of my future in-laws. I have practically removed from the orphanage where I was allowing me to improve my without ever adopting. So I started to work with them before the age of sixteen years and still live in a kind of annexe adjoining farming. Then it is checked Lorella out of which the first did not know existed, like a rabbit out of the cylinder of a magician and I was attending with the blessing of her parents: it has given another turning point in my life. At first I did not understand which were my true aspirations and my deepest feelings, then I slowly inserted within the family and now I act already dominates. Lorella may seem superficial, but I have no problem and is content to live under the shadow accepting my every decision. I cheated on her often and I think it is even noticed, but probably okay and I should be even better. "James was increasingly puzzled:" But Denise thing is for you? I thought you went very well and I wanted something to perfection. "Anselmo smiled:" I appreciate Lorella because never has an opinion different from mine or not having an opinion, willingly accept to live in a trailer. Denise has been, let's call it a pleasant accident on the way: I would be obliged to confront her constantly and that in the long run, I would create a lot of problems. But there is another reason why I have no intention of separating from my girlfriend when she was little more than sixteen years I have made her pregnant and I managed to abort it by the intervention of his parents. She was the opposite for the only time I think, for my decision then was particularly persuaded by the intervention of his father and decided she had fallen into a long depression. After this has become even more fragile and therefore its not lose sight of controlling, therefore, me too. For some time we do not address the topic more, but between us was signed, as I said, a tacit agreement that I have joined the family, assuming all my responsibilities and my family has entrusted the management of the company as if we were already married. Will understand that at this point I can not sever the link, but if everything was less complicated equally decide to accept the situation. Among the advantages of running the acquired business is well established and profitable as if he were the owner, between the duties to protect Lorella supporting them morally and physically after the ordeal she has suffered and which I have the responsibility .
James noticed that it overestimated the determination and courage of the friend who unfortunately was digging the grave with their hands! He remembered the long ordeal and that he had spent sleepless nights before convinced that the history between him and Clare was water under the bridge and behavior so cynical just could not accept it. Probabilmente Anselmo era sicuro di poter conciliare un matrimonio di interesse con una serie di tradimenti che la futura moglie avrebbe tollerato per non creare problemi al prossimo, ma sopratutto a se stessa. Magari il mondo girava proprio in questa maniera, ma Giacomo aveva una visione totalmente diversa del matrimonio e della fedeltà di coppia specialmente dopo aver incontrato Flora.
L’unica a subirne le conseguenze era stata purtroppo Denise che attribuiva a se stessa il fallimento della relazione e scusava quasi il comportamento di Anselmo convinta di non aver saputo soddisfare le sue più intime aspirazioni. Giacomo avrebbe voluto intervenire per aprirle gli occhi ma poi, dietro suggerimento della sua ragazza e per non spargere altro sale su ferite non yet healed, he decided to postpone.
The course was coming to an end last week took place some evening meetings attended by two veterinarians and an accountant who illustrated the paperwork for the opening of a company making a wide detour on capital investment and time needed for his return.
Bianca Maria, while nell'accavallarsi of events that had turned what should have been a peaceful succession of lessons in a nightmare, he was very satisfied with the results. At least three students had excelled: James, Anselmo and Virginia, two other, Flora and Werner, had excellent performances having acquired a good preparation. Denise, having acquired a good manual, it was completely blocked after the disappointment of love and not willing to want to return despite the stresses of the teacher and the encouragement of Flora and James. Naomi had never had a serious interest in this course, too busy to show off and too busy to realize that plan, in its intentions, the teacher would have thrown on the pavement and the wind years of hard work. As the eighth student, who had called for the inspection of INAIL, he was not at all suited for that kind of work and the inspector, after having trod some 'hands on default of Bianca, was content with general assurances about the development in accordance with local filling out a report rosewater further "refined" than from a pair of hair clippers.
Virginia now living permanently with the teacher and some student, some 'mischievous too, had spread the rumor that if the two intended. Actually, some attitudes could support this hypothesis, but it was just too much confidence and a sort of complicity that had been established between the teacher and her favorite student. The girl of the circus was still completely lean transformation and softening while White assumed more and more of an attitude protection against him, filling it with care and saving the hard stuff. Werner was often shuttled between the Tyrol, where work on the transformation of the premises is in full swing. Some of the money that his uncle had cleverly stolen from Biborka had been engaged to compensate the company that had suffered the shortfall and in buildings while the largest share to the groomer would ensure a peaceful and prosperous life waiting for the activities undertaken took off. They had in fact planned the first three years of negative balances to break even, but maybe it was a prediction is too pessimistic. Uncle Werner was an old industrial and alert, an endless source of good advice, which carefully addressed the challenges of the market should have the same fortune the other white students who were already contemplating to go it would be unaware of the difficulties that have arisen.
James lived with Flora in the apartment that had expanded and embellished by monitoring the progress of work, after the removal of the breeder and veterinarian with the opening of the surgery three times a week, continue to be increasingly hard. The two boys are discovered more and more in love and had no other desire than to remain forever in that place, surrounded by lush vegetation and an everlasting peace. The grooming began to host the first customers and equipment provided by James had proved to the occasion: he had made in its time, good buy! Flora's father was very pleased with the progress of works and, eager as a kid, was eager that they terminate. Denise's father and his friend the vet was very good and willing, if it was presented the need to place more capital in a company that was rapidly taking off.
The farmer deceased's brother Dino, a friend of White, had moved there on business occupying the opposite side, compared to the apartment of James and Flora, the cottage being restored. He was a strange, a "primitive" man of few words who blushed to imagine that someone could speak to her. He held the admissions of dogs perfectly clean and tidy and the lawn in front of his house was passed and passed back with almost maniacal care. Often the two boys had invited into their home for a coffee or a drink, but he always declined invitations with more imaginative excuses why they had postponed the fear of putting it, with too much insistence, embarrassed. In his apartment there was no telephone or television, the lights were extinguished a few hours after sunset and from that moment, in that part of the building, everything fell nel silenzio più assoluto. Tra l’uscio dei due ragazzi e quello dell’allevatore c’erano solo una trentina di metri, ma quella distanza separava due mondi affatto diversi: i primi invitavano spesso amici e parenti facendo le ore piccole, il secondo viveva in simbiosi con i propri animali che, dopo il tramonto e caso più unico che raro, sembravano anch’essi precipitare in una sorta di letargo. Solo con il sorgere del sole si avvertivano i primi movimenti perchè i cani festeggiavano, a loro modo, l’arrivo del pasto mattutino.
Paolo, dopo aver chiesto per qualche notte ospitalità ad Anselmo, si era definitivamente trasferito nell’appartamento di Noemi in attesa che l’amica reappear. Began to worry seriously and there were several things he could not give an explanation. The girl had left all their clothes in the closets, even those who used more frequently, as the car had never moved from where they had parked near the laboratory of the teacher on the night of stormy meeting. He even imagined that Naomi was removed to mortify him, giving him a lesson, that boy his own age that made her a short and fierce as it had already granted the escapades, but now he was really overdoing it: there was no more than two weeks and concern had skyrocketed. On the other Part Paul did not know where to go and enjoy the comfort of the apartment without having to endure the tantrums had been the friend for a few days and at that moment, a real cure. Now he wanted to see Naomi, maybe suffer the wrath and resentments, to be sure that she was away with his suitor, but it's still there in his arms to receive perhaps forgiveness. He thought long about what to do, then decided it was appropriate to visit that location that he and his friends attend sporadically and Naomi had a night where he worked as a bartender and where everyone knew her.
You took a shower, dressed, went to retrieve the car and headed the other end of town. The
Tapeete was not a very elegant room divided into three sections: the first part was usually frequented by children who arrived there from the district taking advantage of low prices and the opportunity to make friends interesting in the second room, which was reached by a tiny red door guarded by two massive bouncers, crowded with men below the age they knew they could find, in any event, the company most suitable and girls no longer available. The third part, reached via a narrow wooden staircase, was the most elegant and less crowded and you might be held, among other things, gambling. Round on two stages and a dozen meters away from each other of strippers were performing and, sometimes, even men in random alternation and uninterrupted. Noemi often left his work behind the counter and climbed on the platform to mimic the movements of the girls were offered to the lustful eyes of customers. There Paul had seen the first outbreak in a sensual performance and then bring it closer, had signed his own ruin.
The boy quietly went upstairs through wooden stairs because the security men knew him well and he had also some friends. "Did you see Naomi?" Asked a guy with massive arms folded lurking beneath the first platform, one of three members of the local. "I have not seen more than a month," replied the man, holding out her hand to greet him. "I am concerned-Paul-shoot because it virtually disappeared from circulation. We had a violent quarrel and since then she's gone. "The burly man smiled: he knew the strange behavior of Naomi and knew that sometimes, after arguing with Paul, he was thrown into the arms of Marcello, the friend of critical moments. This apartment in the dressing room, she was consoling, then return home relaxed. "If I want to ask Marcello there it was"-he pointed to a thirty stationed before the bar, "and from what I understand at this time is not attending any".
Paul thanked the man and went downstairs where he met other people who might know something about Naomi, but failed to get any information. Disappointed and even more perplexed he returned to the house and, in the throes of a violent crisis of despair, he fell asleep on the bed clothes.
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