Saturday, December 18, 2010

Play Free Simpson Hit And Run

History of an anonymous, shallot Grooming-Chapter 15

Naomi was soon realized to be a prisoner in the house roofs lean against the hill, the two ports that could communicate with the outside windows were closed and protected by sturdy railings. There were obviously way out. He tried not to lose his temper and went to scout the various local inspecting every corner to find out if there was any chance to get out of that house. He was shivering with cold and then took off her clothes completely soaked, and went looking for something with which to dry. In the house was perfectly indescribable disorder: two on the kitchen table was piled with dirty dishes, leftover food and a few bottles of beer in the adjacent room in the two rooms and bathroom were stacked in various garments including men's socks, sweaters and pants dirty. The electric heater was on, but the water came down barely warm and the shower tray was covered with three fingers of foam which showed a towel dirty and frayed. Naomi saw a bathrobe hanging on the wall, examined it from afar and appeared clean enough, but when he decided to wear it felt an acrid smell of sweat and threw him to the ground in disgust. Of the two large rooms only one was equipped with an unmade bed, a wardrobe and a rickety metal table, while in a network against the wall were shorter and a greasy mattress thrown in a corner. He began to fear that, somewhere, could get out of mice or cockroaches and was scared to imagine. He opened the large hall closet, took out a loden, took him into the kitchen and placed it, lying on the table after it cleared by the largest objects that were stacked. He wiped as he could with some rags taken from a drawer and realized only then also have a large bruise at the right side: "You'll pay for this," he said, referring to Anna Maria. He went to the fridge, opened it but found only scraps of food, or consumed several beers still closed in mid-and tuna cans. He pulled the door and walked to the back wall of the large something is amiss because the local: the existence of a security door that logic, should not have existed on that side of the house being built against the hill. We thought about this for a moment without an explanation then returned to the kitchen, opened one by one the drawers of the sideboard in search of cheese hidden under a napkin. He opened a couple, took a tin of tuna from the fridge and that was his dinner after a day of great tensions that would end, it was feared, with a night of nightmares. He inspected every corner of the house yet because, after all, had not lost his appetite, but did not find anything else edible, tired and lay shivering on the table where had placed his coat open and the two flaps closed over his body remained stuck in a kind of sleeping bag. He was unable to sleep because of course he had caught cold during the trip in the rain and wondered who it belonged to that house and if there are any dangers. Not suspected of being in a secluded area of \u200b\u200bthe wide spread around the park of Villa Anna Maria, or that someone was watching at that very moment, through the peephole of the front door. He dozed off for a moment waking with a start for a small noise: the light was turned off but could be glimpsed the outline of a person who was approaching the table very slowly and unsteadily. Terrified pulled the hem of his coat over his eyes and waited to be stabbed, knifed or raped. Nothing came of it: he saw a figure standing at only a few inches from his feet almost in admiration. He realized he had discovered her thighs, but did not dare to move and held his breath until that person, man or woman was, retraced his steps, reached the door, opened it and disappeared in a light shining path .

He could not of course a wink for the rest of the night remains shrouded in big, heavy coat immobilized with fear and undecided what to do. At the first light of dawn came down from the table, and threw in a loden angle began to wander through the house inspecting every corner and yet thoroughly convinced that he had done just a bad dream. He walked cautiously to the wall even with the strong door, the wall was very humid, even with a growth of moss in some places and with the plaster peeling. He was convinced that behind it there could be none other than the hill which, from the side window, glimpsed the outline. The door was closed naturally and put his ear does not hear any noise. He went into the bathroom and noticed that the water had become so filled the hot tub next to the shower and I slipped inside. He lingered until the last trying to get rid of any moisture accumulated si asciugò tamponandosi con l’accappatoio, senza però indossarlo, e si infilò un paio di enormi boxer, l’unico indumento pulito presente nella casa. La luce calda del mattino riuscì a tranquillizzarla ed a restituirle un minimo di ottimismo: sarebbe uscita da quella situazione vendicandosi per tutte le angherie subite.

Con il calar delle tenebre i suoi timori però riaffiorarono e decise di barricarsi nella camera dove c’era l’unico letto disponibile, chiuse la porta a chiave e rinforzò la serratura puntando contro la maniglia un comodino metallico. Iniziava a sentire i morsi della fame, ma in quel momento essi rappresentavano il problema minore perché era terrorizzata dal pensiero di dover trascorrere another night in that accursed house. Through the keyhole, could see a good half of the kitchen and the room where he had barricaded felt sufficiently safe even if anything but quiet. About two o'clock a little noise and the beam of light awoke from a restless slumber: the security door was opening. He entered a large man who wore a suit and limp along painfully with a cane. He saw clearly that he was missing a leg, but he could not see her face that was always in shadow. He walked to the refrigerator and it disappeared from the visible area. So that was not a nightmare the night before, but someone shared with her the house and, during the day, was held hidden behind the security door. Perhaps there was another flat and the hill began later, or the man had dug a shelter in the rock. He heard another door open, the one through which she had entered the driveway and heard a female voice, but was not to Anna, which answered a long lament, a kind of subdued weeping, that made her shiver. A few minutes later the door closed and the man returned to the area visible carry, with obvious effort, two large bags from the supermarket. He stopped at the door of the room and placed the food on the floor. Naomi saw that his face was horribly disfigured and, in addition to the missing leg, even a hand injury. The man walked slowly towards the security door and vanished away in a soft light.

Noemi said the food left in front of the room, looking like good stuff and hunger grew. He calculated he could take possession of those commodities with a quick sortie from their refuge and that the door where the man was gone was far enough away so as to enable it to return quickly to the room in case of danger, then went into the kitchen, took food and is bolted back into the room where he found refuge by locking and buttressing the entrance. In those same moments

Paul, just finished work, was wondering where her friend was over. He had not yet had the courage to return to the apartment that he and the girl parted, but had decided to do so as soon as possible because there were his clothes, money, documents and could not long remain a guest of the convent because the blond began to become nervous situation and demanded that their privacy. And coming soon is also his girlfriend and, before that visit, he should definitely move out from that admission of luck. He noticed the car

Noemi still stuck in the place where they had left two nights before and what had seemed very strange. He imagined that she, after having left the lab, he contacted a guy who on other occasions, during some of their quarrel, he had consoled: it was in the throes of a fit of jealousy and extremely available to humble while to recover, but also wanted to delay the most of the time the comparison. He took the road leading to the apartment and happened to have with them the keys. He entered with prudent behavior, made a quick survey and found that everything was left exactly as they had left two days earlier. Naomi was in the house of his friend? He gathered the most necessary things and decided again that night, returning to the convent by Anselmo did not want the girl sopraggiungesse, maybe in the heart of quell'accompagnatore night and maybe that would gladly have killed him.

what he would do the next day with the teacher? He had no choice: he had to return to work on sight sailing and minimizing their own responsibility, to humiliate and hope in an unlikely pardon. If Bianca would prevaricate satisfied with those performances that she has long had on top of his thoughts: a Desperate times call for desperate measures! At the convent slept little and badly dreaming Noemi, comparing his body lithe and beautiful with the repulsive and the teacher awoke with a start at dawn.

White and Anna while they were consulting: "I would keep even that delinquent ammesso che si faccia ancora vedere, ma desidero vendicarmi –disse la maestra– si merita certamente una punizione esemplare e noi abbiamo il coltello dalla parte del manico.” “Ma ti è proprio indispensabile?” replicò Anna Maria. “In questo momento si, almeno sino a che Virginia non si impratichisce di più, poi intendo rifilargli il classico calcio nel sedere!” Decisero di seguire quella tattica e di sfruttare Paolo a loro piacimento per tutto il tempo necessario. Bianca si sentì sollevata perché il lavoro sarebbe proseguito senza intoppi ed in quel momento tutte le braccia, anche quelle dei traditori, erano indispensabili: “Ma dove sarà finita Noemi?” domandò alla sorella. "Bho, you'll be licking their wounds in some brothel," said Anna. They lowered the gate of the workshop met and headed to the restaurant they wanted to celebrate their victory.


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