Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Game Where U Can Get Preg

Chapter 25 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 24

The changes started immediately after the funeral of Flora which was postponed twice to allow the processing of legal documents, including an autopsy. It was promptly rebuilt alive, like a condor waiting time, a large builder in the area who years earlier had tried to purchase both the land annexed to the veterinary facility adjacent to the lake which was the scene of the tragic event. He intended to transform the area, panoramic and easily accessible from the city, land for wealthy clients. In reality there were close links between landscape, but they could be bypassed with a few tricks recovering and increasing the volume of four cottages located at strategic points. The three initial partners in the meantime had obtained permission to incorporate in the project include the construction of a restaurant and expansion of the access road and parking, but conveniently exploiting the loopholes in legislation that are open to different interpretations could be obtained very more. Flora's father then decided to sell its share and the manufacturer, stating, immediately began to exert strong pressure to the other two members had converted to his project. For a few weeks James was able to do their jobs without interference, then was summoned by the non-law who informed him about news that occurred: "I sold all my part-told-you do not jumping the preambles to worry because you will be in charge the company paying the small monthly sum on which we agreed when we gave you the loan. The breeding, the study veterinary and grooming as well as remain active will be brought to an end, slightly lowered, the work for the board and the restaurant. As for the apartment that you now deal with you directly to make arrangements with those who have found my share. I think you will retain the favorable conditions that we have given you, I was on this point irremovible demanding the inclusion of a clause in the contract that I signed. "
James replied:" My intention is to pack up to leave as soon as possible. After the death of Flora I can no longer live in this house that reminds me too much and I always shut the windows looking towards the pond not to give in to despair. If the new owner's objections will not propose to return directly from the debt to the monthly installments that are now being withheld from the salary because I'm going to fire me. "Flora's father was long in silence and then replied: "You will certainly evaluate all aspects of the issue and understand your state of mind. I'll try to put a good word so that your proposal is accepted. Do you consider yourself as a child and you'll always be grateful that you have made me happy Flora in the short period you have spent together so I have a great debt of gratitude about you. I also had a long talk with your parents and together we will pave the way for at least that you can make those projects that I shared with my daughter. "

In the days after James met several times with the new owner defining the terms of the agreement, often returned from their parents and found suitable premises to set up a grooming parlor in the city where he started. With the money received for the sale of equipment, which originally were intended to organize their marriage and with a help of Flora's father managed to buy some second hand equipment and furnishing the new premises of decent work with a small adjacent apartment. The debt was open with his father, but this would have done so quietly having received no stress about it and trusting that, after the tragedy, he had decided to cancel all claims or at least of patients leave time to collect ideas and back on track. At that time

Denise si era tenuta alla larga sia dalla casa di Giacomo che dalla toelettatura di Bianca Maria. Non accettava le novità che stavano stravolgendo il progetto iniziale della clinica e delle sue pertinenze considerandole un grave affronto alla memoria dell’amica defunta. Non essendo ben informata sui fatti, immaginava che Giacomo stesse traslocando contro la propria volontà e covava un forte risentimento nei riguardi dei tre soci, ma in particolar modo del padre, che non avevano saputo o voluto intervenire. Ma sopratutto si rammaricava per essersi lasciata andare a delle considerazioni tanto squallide immaginando di poter trarre un ipotetico vantaggio dalla morte della sua amica. Che la delusione d'amore le avesse offuscato il cervello lo poteva anche conceive, but what she had imagined, that would possibly ensue quell'accomodamento altruism disgrace, filled her with dismay. He hated how you could hate a bitter enemy, and while he tried to justify himself, he wanted to die as other Flora putting an end to their suffering. If only he had investigated more carefully the grounds of what was happening, without fear of uncovering the darker sides of his character and without closing like a clam, you would have realized he had committed a series of unforgivable mistakes repressing their instincts in the hope that, as they say, managed to nail drives out nail. She had behaved like an ostrich that hides our heads in the sand.

In reality she was in love with James, but his friend, without realizing it, of course, had preceded it in a move so swift as to remove all chance. Assuming that the boy had been some interest in her she was hopelessly ousted from the competition because the two young people are glued to each other since the first hours of their meeting and was evidently not that flash in the pan that she assumed . A Denise was left with no other choice but to take up with Anselmo confident that he could love and support by a surrogate love and support that he actually wanted to receive da Giacomo. Trovandosi la strada sbarrata, per non perdere l'amicizia di Flora e continuare a condividerne esperienze ed aspirazioni aveva scelto di adattarsi nell'ambito di quella che, come auspicava, sarebbe diventata una solidissima convivenza a quattro. In fin dei conti lei ed i suoi tre amici avevano i medesimi progetti e le medesime ambizioni ed aspirazioni: per questo si immaginava che dovessero trascorrere l'intera esistenza in una sorta di grande famiglia.
Quando Anselmo manifestò le proprie intenzioni lei si angosciò non tanto per aver perduto un amore, anche se di ripiego, quanto perchè constatava il fallimento di quella che era diventata ormai la sua ossessione.

Con la fine dei corsi di toelettatura, the death of Flora, the removal of her boyfriend and the new successor in the original design of the clinic and the land surrounding the fate of several people, who already seemed marked, have therefore undergone radical changes. The farmer, despite verbal assurances of the hours immediately following the death of the girl was almost evicted from her home and with him most of his dogs. It demolished the shelters as the home of James was later merged into the restaurant and the grooming deleted because the manufacturer, despite his word to the father of Flora, decided to reduce the old project to a minimum to make room for new needs and initiatives . At the end remained a small pension for dogs and cats, divided from the main body of the cottage, and a veterinary clinic housed in a prefabricated cabin, all at a considerable distance from the restaurant and the pergola: the dream of James, and Denise Flora, who was was also shared by their parents, they crash badly crushed by the overriding interests. The vet, a former member of Flora's father, he lost enthusiasm because it did not intend to share the dream of a life with the demands of a real estate speculator and contented himself with a branch to add a little 'out of the way to his own office for the city while his father Denise was associated with a symbolic fee taking on interim management the restaurant. Who suffered the worst consequences for this reversal of the original project, however, was the breeder. He had not yet signed a regular contract with the old property and had settled in the apartment for free while waiting for the work was completed and is better able to follow especially in housing dogs. It had to be a temporary solution which he himself had requested, but was now in a dramatic situation: under threat of eviction to be placed with several dogs and groom. Not pleaded the intervention of those who had reduced in those conditions, but rushed home to Bianca Maria because she had a debt of gratitude to him and had come time to have it welded. James

loaded his belongings in the car of Flora, turned for a moment toward the pond and took the dirt road leading to the state. Although he tried to trace Denise, even delaying his departure, there had been to find the girl who, after the death of her friend, had taken a very strange attitude and was almost expelled from those places that first time attending assiduously. James could not give an explanation why not imagine what were his feelings of guilt and what she was troubled. He had always considered a good friend and never had gone farther, had suffered with her and Flora for the conduct of Anselmo, and together they had consoled, but could not enter into the labyrinth of his twisted mind.

While James to take the highway that would have led him in his hometown Mirko, the farmer, was playing at the door of Bianca Maria. They found themselves alone in the large attic because Virginia had taken a couple of days of vacation and had reached the sea, a boy she was a ruthless court for several weeks. Mirko was not one to preambles: went without even saying goodbye to the heart of the debate. "I have thrown in the middle of a road wretches! They reneged on their promises and I have not a shred of contract to be assured that my rights. Now you that you support me as I've helped you at the time of Dino. "Mirko was in fact, several years earlier, took responsibility for the trafficking of prohibited animals that the teacher had started with his brother and continued after his death. He had a few weeks in prison, but White did not suffer any consequences rather enjoying the benefits of economic activity for some very profitable years. "I know, I know," replied the teacher-what do you think that I do not know how to be grateful? "She looked straight into my eyes: yes, I had to help her because he was always fair and then he did not want to go away as he had done some years before his brother at his age and his problems had absolute need of a strong male presence and determined.


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