History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer
That Saturday morning, James woke up very late with a splitting headache: he had slept with the window wide open and the humidity of the night, rising from the lake, had been heard. Flora was not there, but he did not mind: often in the morning walking the Newfoundland puppy that the vet had given her to repay some of the favors that the two boys were answering the phone in his absence and a sort of tenendogli appointment book.
James sat under a hot shower, dried and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Flora's usually left the table laden with some biscuits, honey and the mug of coffee, but that morning he was obviously forgotten. He tried to remember if the night before had spoken of the urgent need was to attend to some errands, but he remembered nothing. Then imagine that this was the day of vaccination and reassured of Newfoundland: Flora was obviously out to go to the study of the veterinarian in the city. A few moments later he realized he had assumed an impossibility because there was no reason why his girlfriend he went to town avendo, tre volte la settimana, il veterinario a portata di mano: evidentemente l’emicrania gli stava scompigliando i pensieri.
Uscì verso il parcheggio e vide che l’auto di Flora non si era mossa dal solito posto per cui raggiunse l’allevatore suo vicino di casa e lo interrogò: “Hai visto Flora?” Il ragazzo fece cenno di no con la testa: “L’ho vista circa tre ore fa col cane sotto casa vostra, verso il laghetto, poi mi sono allontanato per pulire i recinti..”
Forse il futuro suocero era venuto a prenderla per portarla dalla madre, come spesso faceva il sabato mattina, e non avevano voluto svegliarlo. Egli smise di preoccuparsi ed iniziò a verniciare il cancello d'accesso the courtyard that had just been installed. The sun was hot, and agreed to take advantage of those quiet hours when, oddly, there were no bookings for the grooming. Among the other was thinking of a stroke of luck he had had knowledge of Flora and his misadventures as they come to a successful conclusion with the help of his girlfriend and her father had taken a liking to. Completed the work in the cottage and the surrounding area, started farming full time, retirement and grooming, they would have had time to plan their wedding and to organize a big party under the old pergola inviting relatives and friends. White had already booked to achieve some courses in the meeting room and a beautiful natural setting so the success was guaranteed.
James went in for a drink, looked out the kitchen window to watch the ducks splashing happily in the pond as soon ruffled by a light breeze and realized that something red lying on the grass about two feet from 'water: it was Flora who threw the ball often to Newfoundland to do this play. Climbed over the railing of the window and found himself on the lawn that slopes gently toward the lake. The ball was half immersed in a stagnant pool and rocked propelled by a faint breath of wind. James did not have time to approach the object, but stopped a few meters from the shore because the farmer was attracting his attention and waving on the other side, being the tiny pond, was only a hundred meters. He stopped, without having rearranged their thoughts, but with a feeling that was transmitted from the brain to the legs become as heavy as boulders. He stood rigid until someone assured him he was imagining what could not be true, but the cry of the farmer, who had become a kind of mournful lament, does not bode well. The man joined him and began pulling violently indicating a point on opposite side where a small stream before it joins s'impantanava in muddy waters. There was a small reed bed, the banks became unstable and the path that surrounds the body of water would stop to pick up some yards ahead. It was less crowded area of \u200b\u200bthat small oasis of peace, but was also the place where the puppy loved Newfoundland venture to the great disappointment of Flora. That morning, the dog must have gone on a little lawn chasing the red ball, then had lost all interest in the game and had ventured into the tiny reeds. No doubt the girl had followed him to scold him and to avoid getting bogged down, but had slipped in the one sinking in the reeds where the water reached a considerable depth. The straw hat that had been sheltering from the sun caught in an overhanging branch, and the mud appeared lined by some very deep ruts caused perhaps by the fingers of one hand trying desperately for a handhold. The farmer, using a long stick, was able to fully bring out the blouse she was wont to take, without buttoned shoulders. James grew up drag the reeds and when she saw the garment of the girl floating on troubled waters, he realized that his fears were justified. Do not even try to help the breeder who was almost able to grasp the blouse and slumped on the grass crying desperately. A few yards away, where the mud gave way to grass lawn, the Newfoundland was present at the scene, completely discredited, not daring to approach the two men.
were alerted firefighters and hospital emergency department, the police intervened and the owner of the land on which the pond, but they could not be assumed that, since the body is not yet resurfaced, the tragedy occurred. Flora was to be slipped into the pit, a couple of meters deep, in an attempt to save the puppy and was sunk in the mud, unable to engage in something substantial. The pond, several years earlier, had a wider area because there flowed two small streams and because he was fed by an underground spring, but later one of the streams, the one with the higher capacity, had been diverted for irrigation purposes and the source was fading for which the body of water was gradually reduced turbidity. The owner of the land, adjacent to Flora, lived in several miles away and had tried several times to sell or rent quell'appezzamento which was subjected to heavy landscape restrictions, but without concrete results. The police carry out some surveys, while firefighters worked at the bank. A firefighter was engaged in life with a rope and plunged into the waters mud trying to locate and draw the girl's body allegedly caught on the bottom. The nurses in the emergency room waiting for dumb little higher imagining that their intervention had become redundant. James attended the scene while they were petrified of oncoming cars to the parents of Flora. The three hugged and wept while Denise Anselmo ran down the grassy slope toward the scene of the tragedy. The farmer had come home to take a shower, but the police sergeant had reached to ask him some questions. Although the dynamics of the facts was easily conceivable, they would clarify the circumstances that had allowed the man to identify the place of the now certain drowning. The farmer said he saw the puppy from her home completely discredited, whining and scratching the ground with the cane and then something floating on the water. Ran towards the dog, fearing that some misfortune had happened and he immediately recognized her blouse that Flora held on his back when he had crossed in the early morning at the cottage. The magistrate, who spoke on the spot, and the soldiers to record the story reserving nevertheless to carry out further investigations.
Flora's mother was struck by an illness and he collapsed on the lawn. Mobilized to the ambulance workers who measured the pressure and they accommodate within the vehicle. James was upset and could not utter a word: stupid staring at the place of the accident obsessively hang around his head and passing a hand through his hair. Denise, a short distance, his face streaked with tears and whispered something in his ear to Anselmo.
Several people had gathered near the top of the farmhouse and all remained silent witnessing the recovery of remains. The firefighter was in fact able to identify the body and grasp it with his hands and was now trying to extricate itself from the tangle of roots and canes in which it was entangled. Meanwhile, her blouse was open like a fan nearby and floated slowly moving along the shore. The sun was obscured by thick clouds ed iniziava a cadere una leggera pioggerellina mentre il vigile del fuoco retrocedeva lentamente verso i propri compagni, che tiravano la corda dalla sponda, trascinando il corpo infangato ed irriconoscibile della povera ragazza. Era sopraggiunto il carro funebre e la salma fu caricata mentre i carabinieri tentavano di allontanare le persone che si stavano lentamente avvicinando al veicolo.
Giacomo andò a recuperare il terranova immaginando che fosse la causa di ciò che era successo, ma vedendo i suoi occhi tristi e le orecchie abbassate non ebbe il coraggio di infierire.
Nel giro di un’ora la zona si svuotò completamente ed i militari provvidero a recintare il perimetro del laghetto e ad allontanare i curiosi che si erano radunati più in alto nei pressi del pergolato.
Giacomo ed i genitori di Flora, Denise, Anselmo ed il veterinario si riunirono nella sala di toelettatura, ma nessuno riusciva a pronunciare le prime parole. L’allevatore si era chiuso nel suo appartamento senza fornire ulteriori dettagli su ciò che era accaduto perché già i carabinieri l’avevano torchiato a sufficienza e non voleva che quel tormento proseguisse.
Parlò per primo Anselmo: “E’ una tragedia inspiegabile, Flora era una ragazza molto accorta e non può non aver valutato il rischio cui si sarebbe sottoposta immergendosi in quella zona del laghetto”. Gli rispose Denise: “Era prudente, ma amava alla madness and your dog can be slipped in a last attempt to recover from those treacherous waters. Eventually he was rescued and she has suffered the consequences. "
James did not listen and was intent on Newfoundland to dry ourselves off the thick layer of mud. Flora's parents watched him with a dazed look that express their despair.
White came upon Mary, and his sister Virginia. The latter's eyes were red from crying and ran to embrace the boy who was hooking the dog to the wall.
The teacher wanted to see the scene of the tragedy then he flung himself, without a word, the house of the farmer, the brother of that Dino had an affair with whom in days gone by. All present were surprised by this behavior, but attributed to the strong emotional tension that had aroused in her as in others, the tragic episode.
Flora's father made the move to follow her because he wanted to know all the details about the discovery of the clothing first and then the body of her daughter, but his wife stopped him. James, who had recovered slightly to accommodate the guests in the living room he then asked Denise to serve strong coffee, he apologized to those present, rushed into the room and burst into tears. Began to occur a series of phone calls including one of Flora's brother who was abroad and was planned for a quick return home. The voice of what had rapidly spread and the procession of friends and relatives continued for several hours. James, recovered from crying, he warned his parents that they decided to quickly get on the road to reach the home of his son.
In these moments of great tension and despair, while some get overwhelmed by anxiety, others seek to benefit from the circumstances and in their subconscious, along with the pain, appear entirely inappropriate thoughts and considerations dictated by some perverse mechanism that obviously dwells in their brains. It 's the life that takes precedence, the reference to the reality of weakness and accommodation. Denise, immediately ashamed for a moment imagine to establish a relationship with James once the waters had subsided and he had metabolized the tragedy. Horrified by these cynical thoughts, but at the same time committed by assuming that the behavior of Anselm and the bitter disappointment felt in the recent past had dried up so as to make them imagine things and incattivita petty and utterly deplorable. From that day anyway, so it does not resurface over what he considers bad thoughts, took place away from James and from his home. For its part, Bianca Maria was almost certain that the boy was abandoned after the death of Flora, at work and already imagine being able to set up a profitable branch of their business so well organized at that center.
The girl's father but was already thinking of leaving the society in which they had come mainly to the wishes of her daughter.
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