Sunday, December 19, 2010

With Protein For Footballs Players?

History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 18

For a time James was really lucky: the relationship with Flora proceeded at full speed, were finding a solution to his financial problems and, with the sequence of lessons in grooming, discovering that they have special aptitude for the job. Flora's father had wanted to meet before granting the loan and had made a good impression. In addition, the families of the two boys were both home from Friuli and that was worth more to reassure him, assuming there was a need, and to make him promise that, after consultation with the two partners would seek to collect even the equipment that James had bought for the new recycling it in the grooming under construction. A real stroke of luck!

The two boys lived together now firmly in the gate lodge amended in accordance with their requirements before the site stravolgesse the surrounding soil. They were able to expand the garden that now circled the building, embracing a small area, sloping down to the pond, where he was a secular alder which had soared by projecting his own shadow between the farmhouse and the trail descended steeply to the body of water. In his free time watching James work as soon recovered and took care of the driveway until the mall parking lot that served as a defining property. A dozen dogs had already found a place in a small area, already completed, the future of the kennel and the two boys looked after them with great love.

came a fateful day in which James had decided to return home to settle the most urgent business and to meet with Clare urging, pressing a incontro.Che there was someone else in his life was now beyond doubt, but had to be resolved the remaining issues with his father, the owner of the store and rented the two firms that had contracted out the work in a moment of euphoria. The meeting took place in the anonymous bars of the station and took only a few words for the occasion to write the last page of a story that had unfolded over many years and that he could not finish in a more trivial. No mention of the many sunny days lived together for projects of common life, the love that had filled their hearts, just a concise list of outstanding issues expressed by bureaucratic coldness. Among them, of course, the debt stood out against the father of James Clare: "We would have to return that amount, given that our project will not be realized," he began the girl with a touch of malice in his voice. "Let's go to your father and will pay everything, including statutory interest for the months of disturbance "said James pulling off a satisfaction to which he longed for weeks. Clare had already prepared a speech contrasting the arguments with which the boy, he imagined, would attempt to delay the refund, then remained puzzled by his response and slightly disappointed at not having been able to vent in accordance with its intentions. Do not believe at that point necessary to address other issues to avoid any possible recrimination: memories and nostalgia that you wanted, on both sides to bury. Clear the boy walked up to his house where he waited for the non-law and his wife. Even they were surprised because they did not expect to receive back the full amount with interest already imagining having to take a long and painful process to the recovery of credit granted. James left the home of Flora raised and refreshed, and went immediately to the house of their parents who had not seen for months. They were aware of the latest news and rejoiced with the boy for the positive turn that eventually took his life. They knew of course of Flora and expressed the desire to meet you. "At the end of the course you will present," said the boy-you will see that you enjoy it. "

Giacomo's father did not want that, at that time, he had returned because it was not anything more pessimistic and saw his son in a new light. Evidently those months away from home had hardened and could now look forward confidently to the future.

James summoned the representatives of the two companies which had commissioned the work of the intended use as a grooming shop. He restored to the extent possible, the initial situation and agreed to a lump sum to be paid in three installments. Negotiates with the landlord, having meanwhile received another proposal for a lease, he contented himself with a modest compensation. The new grooming equipment were brought in under construction and assessed nearly new Flora's father and his two partners. A good result as tutti i punti di vista! Al ritorno avrebbe festeggiato alla grande con i suoi amici coinvolgendo anche le due maestre.

Giacomo cercò di prender sonno nella sua camera, in casa dei genitori, ma troppi pensieri lo agitavano: in un tempo brevissimo la sua vita aveva preso una piega che mai si sarebbe immaginato. Quando gli eventi stavano per travolgerlo era apparsa Flora per consolarlo e per ridargli fiducia. La ragazza che intendeva un tempo sposare e che era stata al centro dei suoi pensieri ora apparteneva ad un’altra persona, ma ciò lo lasciava assolutamente indifferente né si angustiava per il tradimento subito. Aveva scoperto infatti i lati ambigui del suo carattere e ne era rimasto disgustato: tutto funziona a meraviglia quando la strada è ampia e pianeggiante, ma alla prima salita l’incanto cessa ed ognuno si rivela per quello che realmente è gettando la maschera dell’ipocrisia. Egli aveva agito d’impulso senza valutare le conseguenze di alcune decisioni, ma si attendeva che la persona amata lo comprendesse, al limite lo correggesse, senza però abbandonarlo nel momento del bisogno. Flora invece l’aveva sostenuto perché voleva condividere con lui le scelte importanti della vita e si era fatta in quattro per aiutarlo a risalire la china. La fortuna aveva voluto che il vero carattere di Chiara si palesasse in tempo utile per poter uscire dalla partita senza eccessivo danno. Dell’amore dato e ricambiato restavano solo macerie fumanti, ma ora c’era una new story in which plunge headlong offering the best of themselves. Werner

Meanwhile, aided by his uncle, was in talks to make the company's ill-gotten gains and to withdraw the complaint. Biborka she realized almost immediately that she had been relieved of a substantial sum, but had decided to postpone to avoid unpleasant consequences. Back in Budapest, had managed once again to make a fool of her husband, who received him with joy as we welcome the prodigal son. He was old and ill and chose to close both eyes just to make sure a company and support, which they consider essential in recent years.

Bianca Maria Werner phoned to ask to be readmitted courses. "He missed a lot of lessons," said the teacher, but I'll be glad to have them catch up if he has the courtesy to tell me in detail everything that has happened and the reasons for his behavior. "He looked annoyed, but at that Werner now interested only pursue courses to build up a serious prospect of future work and life: the idea was always to open a pet shop and the teacher would have easily convinced the school to readmit the promise of an additional sum. It had a long discussion, he and his uncle, and had come to the conclusion that there were no viable alternatives being rejected a priori the possibility that Werner could be ritorno nella capitale ungherese. Gustavo mise a disposizione del nipote un piccolo fabbricato in una zona di forte passaggio perché desiderava che il nipote rimanesse a Bressanone. L’edificio richiedeva alcuni interventi per la messa a norma, ma erano opere di piccola entità e costo limitato che Werner avrebbe potuto senz’altro sostenere.


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