History an anonymous, shallot-groomer
Werner had meanwhile moved to Brixen and there had established their own grooming. Business, considering the recent inauguration of the year, could not do better, thanks to the knowledge of his uncle and fierce competition is not exactly the work was never missed. The rooms were spacious, located in the center and served by a large parking lot. He had made a small apartment at the rear of the structure, but often by the elderly relative who was staying, after years of near solitude, joyfully welcomed the presence of his nephew.
Biborka's husband was dead and in the meantime the woman had even sought to renew ties with her lover without making any mention of course the money disappeared and killed on the road to reconciliation which, knowing Werner and his weaknesses, he considered imminent. He believed it to be able to dupe again with the same arguments as in other times and had used that had never failed. But on this occasion Werner took the bait and not the woman had no choice but to remain in Hungary to lick their wounds after a life spent in managing their own interests with too much open-mindedness trampling, with sadistic cynicism, the feelings of those who had the misfortune to cross. Thanks to his uncle, who managed to thwart the attempt to reunite patched, Werner finally severed the bond that had perverted too long influenced his life. He began to attend new people to become friends of the very important and useful in the workplace and especially to look to the future with renewed optimism.
early from school grooming he was planning to organize courses in the area where he decided to open up the business. As fate had brought in the big city hub for the surrounding valleys and place of intense tourist passage, he wheeled out the old idea and spoke by phone with Bianca. The space was really great and the chances of success right guaranteed by the logistical support and careful organization. The teacher is enthusiastic about, but to ensure its presence in selected public holidays it clearly could not close his lab during the week and have not yet abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bopening a branch in the hills near the house of the poor Flora. James, however, suggested that you contact, such as skills, had almost overcome in order to assess its intentions.
At that time the boy Mirko and occasionally worked with, attending his farm, he met Tania the groomer that for about three years was active a few hundred meters from his laboratory. She had struggled to create a small circle of loyal customers at both removing them from grooming in the historic city: the profession still does not provide an adequate income, but we put all the goodwill to divert a portion of the work of the two older competitors into their shop. Be a massive hit on the organization, punctuality, cleanliness, love for animals by applying lower rates of course dell'agguerrita competition. Even about her began to circulate rumors are absolutely unfounded, spread to art, which depicted the time as an amateur in jeopardy now as a person reduced to despair at the absence of financial resources would soon be thrown in the towel. Despite this, the turnover grew slowly and never had a customer had found fault with the methods used or the organization: who came there for the first time never lost his way back. Tania was still very worried, and vents with James, the excessive rise in overhead costs and the inability to increase tariffs beyond a certain limit the risk of losing a whole range of customers.
"We are the last to arrive and we must be content with the crumbs," said the boy-I am suffering the torments of hell, and I try hard to make my way. " Tania's inspired confidence and he had no difficulty in telling her the situation she had and what hardships she faced recently.
She was not the kind of woman who attracts the male gaze: older than James, had to endure before the oppression of a tyrannical father and then treat the long-aged mother who had left her alone in the world for a few months after a long illness. Tall and rail thin, her face was the suffering of those who do not expect anything good the days to come, but it was a good person and he could dispense helpful advice at the appropriate time without becoming too intrusive. In his company, James was well and was opened as it used to do with Flora at the best of their happy union. The two met often now is that on-farm in the town of origin in the laboratory on the premises of one or the other. The long talks were of great comfort to the boy and helped to make it less drab life of the woman who, in addition to the work, he had other interests and basically lived segregated in its own shop. One day Tania said to James: "I know something about the disaster that surely you ignore. Do not you have wanted to speak first because I had great confidence in you, but now I feel like it and it is right that you know some details of the tragedy that you have so heavily marked and decide accordingly whether or not to take action against a person who, rightly or wrongly, is now distressed by heavy guilt. " The boy immediately thought Mirko: I suspect that the farmer hiding something about the tragic death of Flora and her last hours. In fact, he seemed unwilling to address the topic and his silence seemed to want to cover the darker sides of a story too quickly stored as a disgrace. Between him and the farmer does not c'era mai stata eccessiva confidenza per cui l'aveva oltremodo meravigliato il suo bel gesto di offrirgli un lavoro nel momento del bisogno: aveva pensato, per un istante, che egli volesse scaricarsi la coscienza senza però comprenderne i motivi. “Mirko era molto attratto da Flora– proseguì Tania– ma la sua presenza lo metteva a disagio perché la considerava al di fuori della propria portata. La idealizzò a tal punto da ritenerla un’intoccabile ed inavvicinabile icona della femminilità. Gli bastava soltanto scorgerla per andare completamente in confusione e temeva di far trasparire questo suo stato d’animo attraverso gli atteggiamenti impacciati o l’espressione del viso. Provava envy of your idyllic relationship, he had never been able to build a similar one with several companions visited. His contacts with women were, I do not know how to define them better, quite rudimentary: he did not want emotional involvement failing perhaps never found the right person ".- He cleared his throat by a long pause. She had never met a man who understand and know the value but, unlike Mirko, the failure was unfortunately also the raw material: absolute zero on all fronts, no close encounter adolescence today! He felt a sense of self-pity, the often happened in recent times , but recovered quickly in the continuing story-"For you and Mirko were Flora diventati un autentico tormento! La vostra serenità lo infastidiva perchè era costretto a paragonarla ogni giorno con la propria tristissima solitudine. Per questo cercava in ogni modo di evitarvi, vi girava alla larga per non sorprendervi in qualche atteggiamento affettuoso: la vostra gioia lo rattristava e contemporaneamente lo irritava. Quando Flora decise di far addestrare il proprio cucciolo giù in pianura senza consultarlo egli se la legò al dito offendendosi. Forse cercava il pretesto per detestarvi ancora di più e voi glielo forniste su un piatto d'argento. Iniziò a cambiare strada quando vi scorgeva, a nascondersi presso i recinti dei cani per evitare ogni contatto. Anche la mattina della tragedia, avvistando Flora che, dietro al proprio dog, running toward the area cursed, he decided to leave to reach the opposite end of the farm. Of course he did not think that that day would be consumed a tragedy, but he detested that animal disobedient and daredevil that for sure, sooner or later, would combine some trouble. Rejoiced for his pranks that had his revenge for the wrongs they have suffered. If only he had taken in the neighborhood, doing away with those attitudes childish, maybe he would have heard the calls of Flora and avoided the tragedy. "Giacomo had heard the story with interest, however, judging it a bit 'invented: what could accuse Mirko? , was clearly a crabby, a primitive, but it belonged to his private life and nothing could be linked. They had a long discussion, he and Flora, the possibility of entrusting the training of the puppy, but she did not want to listen to reason: "That man is scary-I-had responded often tried to speak to him, but answered in monosyllables as if annoyed by my presence, then I prefer to keep up as large as possible." If only he understood what was causing frustration in Mirko certainly would have changed his mind, but did not have the sensitivity to do so. He began to think that in fact the two neighbors snubbed him, trying to keep my distance and went into seclusion, if possible, even more.
There was a nexus between the conduct of the breeder, the puppy's flight and the accident occurred? James thought about how to react after this story, but everything seemed so absurd a story focusing mostly on assumptions odd result, he thought, the fanciful imagination of Tania, a mixture of reality and insights put together by a woman who certainly 'Another had stuffed a story lean and simple, you could not expect more from Mirko, with personal notes that had come to misrepresent the facts. Dazed and disoriented James asked his friend: "You How would you behave? "" I let go for not spending more months of hell-she-said there is nothing on which to blame the farmer, and he should not have, unfortunately, all the wheels in place. E 'was he who insist that you bring these facts and is ready to accept your every decision. I would ignore it because nothing concrete has happened that could accelerate an event already planned by fate. "James was increasingly perplexed:" Explain to me then because I've told this story? If you yourself are convinced that nothing added to what we already know you could spare me This continuous pain. "Tania, looking distraught gaze of his friend, he realized that it disturbed unnecessarily and regretted it. He wanted to establish a link between them is deeper, the result of greater intimacy, but that was a move undoubtedly inappropriate. He had slightly fictionalized, this is the confidences of Mirko by adding their thoughts maybe not very relevant without losing the thread of the story, but James did not think it came out so upset.
Boy , did not address the topic more, but from next week to attend the camp stopped breeding them immediately available to decide on courses of Werner.
Bressanone everything was ready to welcome the new teacher who managed to get away for a long period from their city with the help of Tania why the two decided to merge their grooming on the premises of the woman and the boy canceled the contract ' rent of own workshop retaining only the use of premises for habitation. The partnership between the two individuals continued for some time with mutual satisfaction, because they divided the tasks in an optimal manner for which James was able to give their best in the shearing while Tania specializes in bathrooms, in less demanding jobs, and general organization.
From time to time with old friends and know they were affected by the boy several times received the visit of missing-in-law, for Anselm it was already at loggerheads with Lorella and demanded all the time, but always lacked, inexplicably, the visit Denise. I had become very close relationship with Werner and often organized the events with great audience participation and economic return. Bianca Maria was also a day in the company of Virginia, to visit old student: he's a lot of compliments on how organized the work, but ran into a colossal gaffe Tania exchange for the mother of James.
Indeed she was a few years older than the boy, but the expression on her face, sad and suffering, made her look even older. He wanted to be something better than just a business partner for James, but realized, in time, could not aspire to anything different. He tried clumsily to declare his feelings, but then, looking in the mirror, she was less than the courage and continued to soak in the shadows. After a period of a couple of years in which James was let go, and even his appearance had been affected, he had returned to being the brilliant young man, nice and good looks of better times. The customers were doting on him and Tania had to be content to assist him, as a mere servant, senza poter recriminare perché si era cacciata da sola in quella situazione ed era giusto che ne pagasse le conseguenze. Egli approfittava delle circostanze, per lui vantaggiose, intuendo che la dedizione e l’attaccamento della donna non erano soltanto un attestato di amicizia: gli conveniva però fare orecchie da mercante troncando sul nascere ogni discorso che avrebbe potuto condurlo su un terreno che considerava insidioso ed in cui gli sarebbe stato difficile destreggiarsi senza mortificare quella che era, e doveva rimanere, solo una socia in affari. Le offriva una grande e sincera amicizia, questo si, ma spesso l’eccessiva confidenza sconfinava in un cameratismo troppo spinto per cui non si faceva scrupolo di raccontarle, compiacendosene, tutti details, even the most gory, their amorous encounters. They were short stories, interspersed with long periods of reflection and reconsideration, which did not lead to ever engaging in relationships, or definitive links. If he had engaged in something more serious maybe Tania would have resigned retired forever in the shadows, but the right person for he seemed never to arrive at each break and she was beginning to hope to be finally taken into consideration and macerated in these repeated and lengthy waits.
Humiliated in 'women's pride and rassegnatasi to live without the possibility of expressing their feelings, the groomer a few years after he began drinking and soon becomes a slave to alcohol. James held out for some time, then was forced to put the member of its responsibilities: they were rapidly losing their best customers and organization of work was leaking from all sides. The premises were frequently dirty and the events overlapped in the same time much to the chagrin of those who were accustomed to a prompt and efficient service.
"I do not know what's going on, but it is not going anywhere. You're an alcoholic no good! "He broke one day James. In fact, that morning was Tania made to work under more than usual indecent, filthy and still prey to the fumes now that he drank alcohol at any time of day.
"You do not have any regard for me .- He simply replicate the mixed groomer mouth - so I go and I shall never see you anymore." He picked up a few things in a big bag and left the laboratory without adding another .
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