Saturday, December 18, 2010

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History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 17

Quell’uomo che appariva solo di notte e le lasciava il cibo dinanzi alla porta della camera non doveva essere poi tanto cattivo: Noemi valutò le circostanze e si rese conto che egli avrebbe potuto farle del male, se solo avesse voluto, sin dalla prima volta, quando l’aveva visto avvicinarsi, restare immobile a guardarla and then return to their refuge. She must not fear it, but if he intended to make them his friends escape from the prison where he had segregated Anna Maria. Maybe he was locked up the house and could not wait to leave. Was not intimidated by his appearance: perhaps he had suffered an accident or was just born that way. She was working on her room, she used her bed and her underwear, but he had not rebelled and took them to eat well: it was obviously a monster! He decided to wait for the right moment to approach him and meanwhile he studied the system more appropriate to ingratiate himself. By day, he remained holed up in his hut and came out only at night when she thought that she was dormendo: lo vedeva, attraverso lo spioncino, andare in bagno, rovistare nel frigo, sedersi ad uno dei due tavoli per consumare una cena frugale. I locali erano sempre sufficientemente illuminati perché fuori dall’entrata che dava sul vialetto c’era una luce perennemente accesa ed il suo chiarore penetrava all’interno attraverso i vetri delle finestre. Decise di compiere un atto gentile nei confronti dell’uomo e di valutare le sue reazioni. Durante il giorno raccattò alcuni capi di abbigliamento sporchi sparsi per la casa e si diede da fare per lavarli stendendoli su un asciugatoio di fortuna posizionato di fronte alla porta blindata affinchè fosse bene in vista. Rassettò la cucina e tolse il disordine che vi regnava da quando era arrivata. Lavorò dalla prima mattina al tardo pomeriggio e restituì ai locali un aspetto decente. Non era sicura che l’uomo la osservasse, ma sperava che egli apprezzasse ciò che stava facendo. Indossava un suo camicione con le maniche corte che le arrivava a metà delle cosce e immaginava che egli la spiasse dal suo rifugio desiderandola come certamente l’aveva desiderata la prima notte. Calarono le tenebre e Noemi si trattenne per un po’ in cucina, poi si barricò nella camera attendendo che qualcosa accadesse. A notte fonda sentì aprirsi la porta blindata e vide l’uomo avanzare nel cono di luce proiettata dall’esterno: egli si fermò ad esaminare la biancheria quasi asciutta, la sniffed and went, clearly pleased, towards the refrigerator. Then Naomi left the room and approached him: "Can you tell me where I am?". The man was startled because he had not heard it happen and put his hand before his face as if to protect themselves. Out of his mouth only monosyllables that Naomi did not know if they were words or complaints. A closer look, even in low light the room, was even more poorly reduced by observing it as she appeared from a distance. However the girl was comforted because he had an aggressive attitude, far from it. It made him more questions, but it was really impossible to decipher his answers even though he tried to better explain the accompanying guttural sounds that managed to deliver the only gesture with his hand. The girl turned on the kitchen light and he repaired the elbow with his face still disfigured. Meanwhile, he was laid for two and for the first time since he was locked up in there, used the stove to prepare something hot. He pointed to a bottle of beer that was served in a glass on the paper tablecloth. They looked into his eyes for a few moments later the man began to eat heartily as if he had stayed too long on an empty stomach. Naomi watched him with curiosity without fear by imagining that his mutilation was the result of a serious accident. He sensed that even before the accident, he must have been a handsome man, tall above the average, well-placed, with thick brown hair and deep blue eyes. He could not quite figure out why he was there and what role the veneer in prison seemed more than a guardian who was also a recluse. It is understood through gestures, with great difficulty, because he was not even able to write on the sheet that Naomi had given him. However, she made him understand that if he wanted, he could sleep in the room next to his using the network that was leaning against the wall and the mattress that was lying nearby. The man appeared happy and with a gesture invited the girl to approach the front door. He opened it and ushered in a kind of underground tunnel, very long and wet, which was spreading in several places. In one of these indentations was arranged a cot pushed against the wall without plaster and another in front of a small television on a lopsided chest. On some shelves were stacked a bit 'of linen and some cans of canned meat and tuna, some beer bottles and paper cups. The corridor then kept getting lost in the dark. The man he accompanied the girl in the kitchen, lightly touched her hair as to want to give thanks, and gave one last fleeting look at her bare legs and neck of the shirt, returned to the shelter and we closed in with a key. Naomi could not sleep for the rest of the night he wandered the house trying to gather ideas and only then realized that the man had written a big B, in shaky block capitals on one of the sheets remained on the table. Though puzzling you could not give meaning to that letter, however, an important step forward was made: the man was harmless, hopeless and felt great attraction for her. A good base to work to escape from that prison!

Immersed in these thoughts he fell asleep at dawn. He was awakened about noon by some noise coming from the room next to her: the man with whom he shared the house had assembled the network and there was dragging on, with difficulty, the mattress. Greeted him with a big smile and he seemed to reciprocate, but went out of his mouth only a sort of gasp. He then went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast and two units with brightly colored paper napkins. If there was one thing that was missing in that house, after refueling at night, it was just the food: the woman which occurred the first night it appeared again at regular intervals every gift of God bringing

Noemi, and ate breakfast, the paper showed the man: "Your name starts with B? You were writing your name? " He made a sign that no, he was writing his own name, raised his hand, laid her down and held parallel to the floor like someone or something to indicate low or small. The girl did not know yet, "Can you complete the word?" He put the package on the side of the cup and handed him a pencil. He undertook to write and it took forever to complete the word "BΔRBRΔ. Only then Noemi understood the truth which, however, still found it hard to believe: it was crazy to think so, but it had to be that way.


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