Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Public Racquetball Courts 63146

Chapter 28 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 27

Virginia lived for some years with his teacher, then went to live with a guy who had begun to court since the early months of the course. It was completely transformed to become a beautiful girl, taller than the average, care and appearance of good character. He had become familiar with the work of transforming the White laboratory in a well organized that we fail to satisfy a wide range of customers. Always available and extremely friendly and courteous, especially the owner was often preferred to those people, the most demanding, Bianca was sometimes rudely if not with rudeness. He had learned the best professional techniques, but if there was to work hard, never looked the clock giving the best of herself from six in the morning to night.

Her boyfriend, a hard worker, nice guy like you, sometimes scolded, fearing that they scrambled too, but not overplayed his hand seeing her happy and fulfilled. The son of a merchant in the area, the classic seven shirts struggled to convince her to come and live with him because Virginia does not definitely decided to leave the attic of the White simply spend with the boy some rare weekends and summer vacations, even these reduced the bone, again because of heavy work commitments. So he is not tormented her to it right now, hoping that she first decided o poi a recidere quel cordone ombelicale che la legava, troppo saldamente, alla maestra. Poteva comprendere la grande devozione di Virginia per Bianca, ma non quell’attaccamento morboso che, nel primo periodo della loro amicizia, aveva immaginato avesse dei risvolti inconfessabili. In realtà la ragazza era normalissima e normalissimi erano i rapporti con Bianca: semplicemente Virginia considerava la maestra come una sorta di essere superiore che era intervenuto nella sua vita per riscattarla dall’abbrutimento e dalla miseria. Anche se lo stipendio era ai minimi contrattuali e le ore di straordinario non venivano retribuite, lei non avrebbe mai preso in considerazione altre opportunità né aspirava a migliorare il proprio stato. La ragazza riusciva ad arrotondare un po’ grazie a qualche lavoretto extra nei rari momenti di libertà e ciò le bastava per sentirsi pienamente realizzata. Italo, al contrario, guadagnava molto bene quindi la coppia non aveva problemi economici e questo, per il momento, gli poteva bastare. Ma qualche piccola recriminazione a volte affiorava perché non era accettabile che Virginia si desse così tanto da fare senza che l’impegno profuso venisse riconosciuto. Anche la ragazza però, ascoltando casualmente alcuni discorsi tra la maestra e sua sorella, iniziò ad avere qualche perplessità: Bianca apprezzava infatti il lavoro svolto dalla propria dipendente, ma non avrebbe mai allentato the purse strings in a period considered critical. For her, he imagined a future black and bleak even when the business is progressing very well, it was unthinkable that an employee could earn more than an apprentice although he had achieved a remarkable professionalism. A customer of the laboratory

understood the situation, became a close friend of Virginia started to do so until the strange talk, away from prying ears, the proposed opening of a new and luxurious beauty salon for dogs in a big city nearby. The lady was very persuasive and she began to consider this opportunity lost, in part, their carelessness. For White would have to play yet another wake-up call, but on that occasion she was not particularly intuitive and it was decided to make only a few steps out of time lost, at once, an invaluable employee and a sincere friend.

Within four months of Virginia and his friend, hypothetical lender, had already designed a plan of action also involving Italian enterprise. The two young men blindly trusted that person and, without putting up barriers, they found themselves embroiled in a situation that could ruin their finances, their serenity and a relationship that, at that time was the best you could wish for. Mrs. Agosti was made In fact, believing it promised wealthy, false pretenses and important knowledge, of things that never could have been retained. Involved in the project a number of professionals and companies that allowed themselves to be duped some not so much by his good looks, which really was not so beautiful, how very loose-talking ways and sliced. If you put into your head to make a certain project would pass on the corpse of his mother just to bring it to term. Money and finance is no problem because he was always able to find some naive ready to go along with borrowing excessively in his stead. He had been so from twenty years old then continuously in a crescendo of action, spesso estemporanee, che avevano ridotto sul lastrico parecchie persone, ma da cui lei era sempre uscita immacolata come la neve. Nel corso degli anni aveva quindi disseminato il territorio di cadaveri: ditte fallite, fornitori non pagati, imbrogli di ogni genere per cui molti l’avevano denunciata, ma in nessun caso lei risultò formalmente responsabile dei danni causati perché trafficava dietro le quinte badando di realizzare i migliori profitti possibili senza che il proprio nome fosse in alcun modo compromesso.

La maggior parte delle volte attirava nella propria rete degli uomini divorziati, separati o vedovi che avessero un minimo di disponibilità economica e riusciva a rovinarli in poco tempo facendo in modo che si intestassero dei pet shops, farms or pensions which quickly failed. Playing the part of innocent and defenseless woman so that the unfortunates were put at his disposal as the champions to defend their queen. It is a little person posing as a 'dizzy and helpless so that the men involved off guard, without hesitation, slipping in the tunnel of death. Established a company, Agosti began to buy goods without trade policy, promising that he could not offer services or sell the paper behind and advance, animals of each gender and race not having the availability nor things present, nor future. Within a short time the house of cards collapsed and many people who had trusted were found involved in an endless series of troubles, ruining lives. He knew how to move and used the technique of snakes caster so the unlucky danced while she directed the orchestra. Many have vowed to take revenge, but none was successful until now because, after the devastating experience, the injured preferring to retreat and lick their wounds in the shade ashamed of their gullibility and cursing the moment they had crossed. Woman had been a crash of the accounts would also be returned, but it was a pretty ordinary person, rather stocky and with eyes as round as a cold fish. When the years began to become too many and ripetuti e pesanti restauri, l’eleganza del portamento, gli atteggiamenti ambigui e gli ammiccamenti non sortirono più l’effetto desiderato, compì un salto di qualità spostando le proprie attenzioni dagli uomini soli e potenzialmente vulnerabili, ad altri soggetti, maschi o femmine che fossero, purchè sufficientemente sprovveduti e con buone potenzialità economiche. Italo e Virginia, lo aveva saputo da quest’ultima, avevano a disposizione un piccolo patrimonio destinato all’acquisto della loro nuova casa: per lei fu un invito a cena! Per farla breve suggerì ai due ragazzi di rilevare un’impresa, grande negozio di animali con annessa toelettatura, carica di debiti, con spese fisse esorbitanti e con reputation in the constantly decreasing. To take care of purchases and increase turnover by leveraging, suggests, on their important insights.

The two boys committed the unforgivable mistake out of debts and falling farm in question, in just a few months, in a sea of \u200b\u200btroubles. If only Virginia had not asked for advice to Bianca would have been in that situation, but she did not dare to reveal to the teacher what he regarded as a dirty traitor. The scams were studied scientifically at a table by August, which, in just a short time, he managed to set aside a substantial sum on the backs of unwary investors. Appena subentrati nella conduzione dell’azienda i due fidanzati si trovarono le banche ed i creditori alle calcagna: dovettero quindi mettere mano all’intero capitale a disposizione per non essere coinvolti nella bancarotta che si stava profilando all’orizzonte. “E’ un ottimo investimento!- continuava ad insistere la Agosti negando l’evidenza dei fatti- i vecchi titolari hanno lavorato senza cervello, ma riusciremo a recuperare nel giro di pochi mesi.” I pochi mesi diventarono un biennio ed in questo lasso di tempo la donna, trafficando dietro le quinte come era sua abitudine, riuscì a dirottare parte dei materiali acquistati verso un magazzino di proprietà e ad eseguire operazioni finanziarie dissennate per l’azienda, but advantageous for itself. The two guys just start to seriously worry about having left the excellent Italian job not only to help Virginia, but also to pocket the liquidation was immediately thrown into that bottomless bag that had been loaded on the rump.

They began to quarrel among themselves and the girl fell into a dangerous depression that brought her to swallow the food at any time of day or night, as in the days of the circus. He was afraid of finding themselves in the same situation of deprivation of the past and let himself be overcome by repeated panic attacks. Still hopeful and confident, Italo dared not, however, give the sack to Agosti so that the two are now deprived of the indispensable to allow the woman to take on a regular basis, dall'esangue account, your monthly stipend. She always seemed happy and relaxed, but it could not be otherwise, as they sank into the darkest despair. They opened their eyes when they came to visit them a senior representative of items for the animals: "Do not you realize that you are delinquent in attending? - Said, without preamble, I have known for over twenty years and I can assure you that left in its path a trail of dead and wounded uninterrupted. Live by their wits and has built a solid economic position behind the naive like you. Sorry if I speak well, but age of retirement and can afford to use the utmost sincerity. What I can not understand is how such people can continue with their deception over the years, and no obstacles in their way. Evidently the world is so big that they can not spread the news with the necessary speed, or there is always some movement in gonzo who still believes in miracles. "The representative had some unfinished business with the lady met a lot of years before when she ran in a provincial center, a large pet store. He, too, despite not want to recognize, was a dupe and that the wound still burned he never completely healed. Bragging connections in high places, a degree in Veterinary and collaboration with the State University, the August was able to obtain large supplies of which, of course, was well guarded by welding. In this case the ownership of your business was his companion, a Valtellina as high as naive, she gave up, as expected, while the ship was sinking. After a couple of years re-awakening was out in a village a few miles away and was made to open a small shop, always of the same genus, a traffic policeman who left his wife and children to follow, ruining lives. Here he had given his best at the same time opening a branch activity at the local vet and buy the material, which was then made to disappear in the name and on behalf of the study. Again, the responsibilities and debts had fallen on the shoulders of the local policeman who had lost his own home and health.
past few years, lively and ringalluzzita other minor successes achieved in the meantime, had crossed the road again the representative making the call by his turn: an insurer separated from his wife with several years of work behind it and a good economic position. Pivoting on his knowledge and his reputation was able to obtain a large bank loan planting activity trade, breeding dogs, grooming and training in a shed without usability and in an area totally unsuitable for such an exercise. Initiated activity without waiting for the necessary permits were issued, it was enlarged by contacting some foreign suppliers, to making significant advances for courses never would have realized that grooming and paying a large sum, deducted from the account of his companion, for the purchase of a piece of land next year, but burdened by environmental restrictions and mortgages in a crescendo of initiatives without rhyme or reason.

not exposed himself never personally making sure that the negotiations with suppliers were carried out by the insurer, who had a reputation, and appeared to deal only concluded as the surprise that is extracted from the egg of Easter. Striking patchy carefully selecting the unwary who rushed in increasing numbers, in its network. Left on the pavement, the insurer, wanted to make yet another leap and started to take care of church property because of some news that had reached his ear. In those years the episcopal diocese was an important by assigning some abandoned farmhouses, had inherited a noblewoman, to needy families so that there is planted under semi free, secure the property and taking care of the surrounding farms. The Agosti became an instant baciapile writing to all the volunteers that somehow did head to the Church and its dependencies. He reached the skirts, which had always carried well above the knee, participated assiduously for any type of religious service, including the funerals of strangers, took behaviors consonant with the new environment that was also stopped attending and make-up like an old whore of periphery. With these devices could be assigned a large farm in a horseshoe, with all its appliances and use of surrounding lands, now fallow, but they had known better times. The hidden purpose was to establish a farm of luxury, but more relevant to the stated purpose of the generous owners expectations: the establishment of a family home to comfort the dispossessed in the area. On that occasion, came out slightly from the sown into a relationship with a guy much younger than her, a penniless in the province, but not omit to sign inguaiarlo making millions of orders for the restoration of the farms and selling or renting apartments, in restructuring, which had no availability.
supplier firms is trusted by granting large credit since there's half the Curia, but when the chips are also the Bishop came to be involved in a lot of trouble while the woman if she was already melting on the sly, this time with the young friend who was then placed in an apartment not far from its new luxury housing as a work of art is preserved with care and then expose it in the hall representative, at the most important occasions.

leave for some time to calm the waters, crops up out brighter and smoother than ever to set up a new activity to several kilometers away. His young companion had remained loyal even after the storm and, although in some creditor at his heels, he could juggle with skills in critical situations having made the lessons received.

This time took over, with checks and bills of course did not go well, a pet store and a farm planted some years earlier by a young entrepreneur. Discarded clothing punished and taken the old provocative behavior shortened day by day their skirts and squeezed their breasts, but massive falling in dizzying cleavage that could be strung together without problems, a bottle of Chianti. It was a return to free-range sources that invigorated by stimulating it to devise new tricks in a Rossini crescendo of initiatives that decreed the downfall of other unfortunates. If the young fellow was now a fixture and an irreplaceable presence in his life, so we had taken care di addestrarlo nell’ arte del raggiro e della menzogna impartendogli quotidiane lezioni teoriche ed esercitazioni sul campo, altri sprovveduti le furono nel frattempo vicini permettendole di affinare le proprie tecniche.

Mentre ascoltavano questo racconto Virginia ed Italo erano seduti su un divanetto, all’interno del loro negozio, in preda ad un’agitazione che montava insieme ai nuovi particolari con cui l’anziano rappresentante infarciva il proprio racconto. Il ragazzo si prese la testa tra le mani: “Io ti ho avvisata, ma tu correvi dietro ai tuoi sogni di gloria ed ora ci siamo dentro entrambi sino al collo!” In effetti Virginia non aveva voluto ascoltare le perplessità del ragazzo, ma si trattava solo di small notes and no real criticism frasettine laid quietly in the middle of a conversation with the hesitation and the reluctance of those who fear to offend a famous person or a deity to curse. At this point they realized they both fell into a trap, victims of a colossal deception which would have gone completely destroyed.

"You can not making accusations that are not mine alone so that you too have always shared and any decision but you have pushed ahead of me nell'assecondare that bitch" taunted Virginia to Italy. When some alarm bells would have suggested a more prudent and cautious behavior In fact, the boy continued to blindly trust the woman giving background to the latest financial resources that were sacrificed in the expectation that things would improve and intravvedesse a glimmer of light. Virginia began to suspect that her boyfriend and the woman had entered into a relationship: she took then to monitor unobtrusively stalking during the rare moments when he was away from the store. Proven by the difficulties of the moment, and fearing to find himself in a situation of extreme poverty that had marked his childhood and adolescence, while repeatedly altering old habits, in just a few months, his physical appearance. Fattening of all proportion and, noticing that he was suffering from the metamorphosis, he became sloppy and arrogant increasingly denying her boyfriend who still wanted. Italy was let go at once with the August, was almost forced, but he never wanted to repeat that experience absolutely negativa.La woman had deeply wounded by suggesting that just do not know when the boy felt only repulsed by his body ravaged by cellulite and worn with age, but especially a great remorse in regard to Virginia. "You look great, but you give little to do" I teased as he cursed the moment when they decided apartments. Other approaches and other opportunities not presented themselves, but also in that situation is was let go because he feared, with a refusal to offend his refined and authoritative business partner for too long as it was pointing a hunting dog. Meanwhile, Virginia had frequent nightmares and twice she had gone with the caravan of their parents and then not have the courage to join them. Was considering whether it was more convenient or more bearable to face the fall in the company of the boy, who now had become a stranger, or return, like the prodigal son, which had escaped from the circus full of hope.

There was the grandmother to inspire courage and Italy seems so distant and immersed in their thoughts and their concerns that it was almost impossible talk to him. One day, taking care not to show up, made a wide turn around the caravan and understood the situation, since the course was even worse. I could see only people brutalized by poverty and animals and their cages were inexplicably disappeared. The tent was implanted and a second caravan of gypsies, was standing next to a circus in an uninterrupted succession of old cars, clothes hung out to dry as best and household goods stacked piles of garbage smoldering in the mud.

imagined that his former colleagues and relatives were aggregated to the nomads not to die of starvation becoming thieves and beggars. Without giving too much attention is stationed presso un distributore di benzina, in posizione strategica, per meglio osservare l’accampamento e le persone che lo occupavano. Il vastissimo spiazzo a lato della statale era ridotto ad un pantano in cui si rincorrevano alcuni ragazzini e scorazzavano alcuni cani sporchi e denutriti. Le roulottes del circo erano riconoscibili perché recavano sul fianco, molto sbiadito, il nome dell’equipe mentre i mezzi degli zingari, in miglior stato di conservazione, occupavano il lato più esterno dello sterrato. Un occhio inesperto non avrebbe rilevato alcuna differenza tra gli uni e gli altri, ma Virginia considerava preoccupante quella convivenza inusuale ipotizzando che i propri parenti avessero cessato l’attività e raggiunto un accordo with the gypsies. Many of the cars that ran along the highway slowed down near the camp while others stopped along the side of the road remains on hold.

To his amazement, she saw a trailer out of two of his cousins, already beautiful and talented trapeze artist, both in skimpy clothes that came in two cars driven by older people. It did not take much to realize that the circus had become a place of illegal appointments and her cousins, who had so envied for their beauty, prostitutes livelihood, he imagined, for the entire community. The attacked a sense of anguish, then began to sob desperately crouching in the shadow of a pillar of supply. His family lived in poverty and she soon would be found in the same condition! Desperately began to assess whether there were ways out, but was the only viable one that would have given his old teacher groped for a reconciliation.

White had never accepted the treachery of his favorite pupil and, when she left, did nothing but hatred and resentment smolder studying the possibility to be able to finally avenge. Abandoned in the worst period of the season, when the work reached its peak, she had to decide in the next two years, the organization courses. Neither was a great help her sister who spent a nervous breakdown by now to the next without interruption. Her husband had left the house, finding temporary accommodation rose more appropriate at an institution of Turin, the old housekeeper and her daughter-in-law had died and, after making a fleeting visit to the family home and has taken action to admit the parent, had returned in Venezuela from its companion.

When she knocked, with his tail between his legs, the door of Bianca, she had solved its problems in part because, after repeated attempts, she came to hand a really good guy and resourceful that she had been hired gratified, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, with a salary much higher than those applying to Virginia. This does not mean his thirst for vengeance was diminished or the desire for revenge diminished: one rode the other day by day as the lava that pushes on the cone of a volcano. White had never had a good character: feeling rejected by the boys she liked, and more painful after the parenthesis Dino had found great comfort in the friendship of Virginia pouring out upon her the same affection and the same attention that, in normal situations, could bestow upon a hypothetical boyfriend or life partner. In Mirko had not found the support he expected: he would prefer to isolate themselves at his farm and did not want his company.
Bianca hated the girl as you might hate a faithless husband, but the greatest resentment arose from the fact that had caused considerable economic damage boycotting them just as the work proceeded on a roll. Stress and disappointment they had suffered and left their mark so that his body had been considerably weakened, suffered from recurring headaches, his back was broken and had lost weight considerably from person taking on a sofferente.Virginia was received with coldness, but not expect a better deal: there were no kisses or hugs, but a handshake unconvinced that does not bode well.

"You could at least inform me of what you were plotting the teacher-debuted with an altered voice with anger and emotion, and you'd have the chance to run for cover. This happens when you treat people very well and are granted too much confidence. "Virginia blushed visibly," I should not have to go like that and I regret it, but I am Italian and we were putting away money for the home and the salary you gave not allow us to look to the future with serenity. "falsely asserted that White would be a simple enough request from the girl to make them loosen their purse strings. It was not and so the two women were aware, but both decided not to continue on that minefield: the teacher may not enter into contradiction and Virginia to prevent her from taking further innervosisse is, therefore, a more hostile attitude. White, however, waited too long and the hour of revenge was not the guy who relented from a desperate situation: he spoke with Virginia already enjoying the punishment that he inflicted on the traitor and liar, his former employee. The deeply resented the fact that it could not arrange for two years in a row, giving courses in grooming a gain that had recently allowed a good standard of life removing concerns that stemmed from a meager budget with which she could barely cover the rate of mortgage contracts. The defection of Virginia had come at the least suitable and she had to borrow further to cover the lost profits that gave her students . These considerations aside, the girl had always been paid properly, so he reasoned White, having to add up the salary with a range of "benefits", the first of the free accommodation, which she enjoyed. If Paul had been properly punished, Virginia deserved worse treatment because she had been welcomed as a friend, even housed in the house, filled with care until to revolutionize the existence of the teacher. "Unfortunately I have found your replacement for some time he began-White-is a smart guy and willing to whom I could not deny. : Life as they say, if he makes another, and no one is indispensable in this world. The only thing that I propose is a part-time job for house cleaning, laboratory and cattery that I planted in the back. " When the teacher was forced to abstain for two consecutive years, the organization of courses invent, to supplement the income from the principal, a cattery clogging the already unbelievably cramped back room with an infinite number of cages stacked in three parallel rows. All this, of course, without permission and without those technical details that would have ensured that the poor animals a better living.


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