Sunday, December 19, 2010

Factory Outlets Near Syracuse My

Chapter 22 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer

Virginia was slowly changing in both appearance and character: his hunger was gone and a dozen nervous plenty of excess weight had gone along with her determination and the clothes terribly unfashionable. With clients of White was very kind and had a very good relationship with the sisters where he was staying. The odd jobs that he worked during the early days of the course had turned into a real job that did not have to use the money to take off her grandmother's small satisfactions like buying a dress or a dinner at the restaurant.

For the first time in his life had gone to the hairdresser and, with appropriate hairstyle and make-up properly, she had regained her femininity. Now the boys turned to look at her and she was a great satisfaction to be so breathtaking.

He sensed that the teacher, appena si fosse dimostrata autonoma non solo per i bagni, ma anche per le tosature, intendeva dare il benservito a Paolo e proporle l’assunzione. In questa prospettiva cercava di farsi benvolere sottoponendosi di buon grado a veri e propri tour de force come per esempio in occasione della manifestazione canina che aveva saputo gestire in modo esemplare. Andava molto d’accordo con Bianca, un po’ meno con sua sorella che aveva  metodi d’insegnamento troppo sbrigativi e spesso si metteva ad urlare contro qualche allievo senza alcuna ragione. La maestra stravedeva per quest’allieva disciplinata, sempre disponibile, docile, gentile e la considerava senz’altro il miglior elemento cui le fosse capitato di insegnare nel corso the years. "I need to make a proposal-he said that one day they found themselves alone in the lab-I saw that the work you really like, you're patient with the dogs and the owners, you've made a good knowledge and friendships around the first and after the show: would you replace Paul at the end of the course? The affair must remain secret, but I decided to talk so that you can get organized. "Virginia does not wait for this confirmation:" It would be wonderful, I do not want more! I understand only a little uncomfortable by the sisters to stay for the long distance that exists between the laboratory and the convent, and because it wishes to make them a little more independent. "" You could stay in my house, "said White-I live in a spacious loft with three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a large terrace. I do not give an immediate answer, but think about it for a few days. "Virginia would have wanted to shout that he accepted at once, without hesitation, but the teacher did not give her time to replicate and cut short the conversation.

She had specialized in commercial cuts, but still had some difficulty in dealing with some individuals from exposure following the principles of race. White knew that these skills would take some time, but most of the customers of the laboratory should not bring their dogs or show off, nor in the race for which the work done by Virginia era conforme alle loro aspettative. I soggetti destinati alle esposizioni richiedevano cure particolari, lavorazioni estenuanti e spesso i loro padroni erano esigenti al limite della paranoia. Da un punto di vista economico il guadagno non era mai proporzionato allo spreco di energie e di tempo. D’altra parte i soggetti che riuscivano ad ottenere buoni piazzamenti portavano lustro all’attività e quindi bisognava fare buon viso a cattivo gioco. L’ambiente degli espositori era un circolo chiuso formato da persone spesso montate e supponenti, un'area off-limits dove era difficilissimo entrare ed ancora più difficile operare. In questa sorta di club per pochi eletti le voci correvano alla velocità della luce ed il toelettatore that could satisfy a customer and let him gain some recognition important to get a good return through word of mouth advertising. Those who committed a mistake, it was real or perceived, could suffer a significant loss of image that was difficult to repair quickly. White was then still undecided between accepting these particular jobs and with some excuse to decline the assignment. In the end almost always won the personal pride and could not resist the temptation to use the stripping knife on some subject of particular interest.
passed about ten days, and Virginia is still to face with the teacher who told her: "I deciso di licenziare Paolo prima del previsto, appena finirà la convalescenza, e tra stasera e domani lo convocherò per dargli la cattiva notizia. Sono successe delle cose che rendono più urgente del previsto la mia decisione.” Aveva saputo dell’arresto di Noemi ed avrebbe forse dovuto testimoniare, insieme al suocero di Anna, contro di lei. Era dunque opportuno che il ragazzo lasciasse al più presto il laboratorio affinchè la situazione, già di per sé ingarbugliata, non subisse ulteriori complicazioni. Paolo sembrava ignorare che la sua amica fosse ritornata a casa per poche ore e presa poi in consegna dai poliziotti. Noemi infatti non aveva lasciato alcun segno del suo breve passaggio e la permanenza nell’abitazione lasted a couple of hours at most. On the other hand, the boy did not feel ready yet to deal with it and preferred to imagine that the girl had moved away from home with his friend, as it did before. He wanted to postpone the day of reckoning and, although distorted by quell'ennesimo treachery of his companion, was his lack of luck so to continue over for some time. It is only now noticed that he stuck in a dead end for pandering to the delusions of grandeur of a bitch with no feelings that he had manipulated and forced to turn against the teacher, but unfortunately suffered this unfortunate woman charm. The situation had, because of him, escaped hand and could not only be fired, but also spend some serious trouble with the law. He did not know what decision to take and wanted to talk to Bianca on the morning after the foul deed by downloading all the blame on the shoulders of what Naomi's humbling, if necessary, in an attempt to reach an agreement that at least did not lose his job by throwing it on the pavement . The silence of the teacher, who seemed focused on their thoughts and showed no signs speak to him, but did not promise anything good. He would have preferred her to vent maybe mistreated in front of students, but he could not endure that surreal atmosphere in which the words are not pronounced as boulders weighed. On the other hand he was in trouble or not being able to count on help from parents, with whom she had severed relations on account of Naomi, or other friends or acquaintances as she had done for him around the desert. If unfortunately you were back from fling before all the rage subsided, he would almost certainly be thrown out of the house to purchase another big problem. Knowing the high sensitivity of light to the money taken and decided to propose without beating about the bush in exchange for waiving the payment of the maintenance job, a great sacrifice to achieve a substantial result and absolutely necessary.

White organized the things so that she and Paul found themselves face to face after the closure of the laboratory. He also dismissed Virginia, which usually came out with her, and was preparing to implement the second part of its plan. Paul joined her in the back and sat next to the desk: "As you may have guessed the blame for what happened is my part, but the greatest responsibility falls on Naomi." Launched into a detailed description of how her friend had the brainwashed him against his own parents and causing him to lose the light of reason. The described with the adjectives most infamous and described it as a thug who used his charm to ensnare men pushing actions more efferate. Bianca ascoltava in silenzio aspettando che il ragazzo si sfogasse per bene decisa ad intervenire solo al momento opportuno assestando il colpo definitivo. “Tu sai che ti sono sempre stato amico– riprese Paolo– e non devi tener conto delle parole dette in un momento di rabbia. Ti ho servito con devozione per tanti anni e continuerò a lavorare per te finchè lo vorrai. Se entravo con te nella doccia è perché mi attraevi, ma poi la mia timidezza non mi consentiva di superare certi limiti e così mi mettevo a fare lo spavaldo sperando di superare l'imbarazzo ed attendendo che fossi tu a prendere l’iniziativa.” Questo era veramente il colmo e Bianca fu sul punto di mollare un sonoro ceffone a quel grandissimo bugiardo, ma si trattenne curiosa di sentire le conclusioni cui egli sarebbe pervenuto. Se credeva di poterla rabbonire con delle prestazioni di cui lei, oramai, non sentiva più la necessità, si sbagliava di grosso: altri e più importanti erano i suoi obiettivi.

Paolo continuò per un buon quarto d’ora a denigrare Noemi, prendendosi solo una piccola parte di responsabilità ed a scrutare il viso di Bianca che però rimaneva impassibile: non tradiva alcuna emozione. Ritenendo che le sue profferte non avessero raggiunto lo scopo che si prefiggeva si decise a calare l’asso che immaginava vincente: “Riconosco di averti offeso e toccato nei sentimenti più intimi e per dimostrarti my repentance I'm willing to give up part of my settlement for past years to your service. "Bianca expecting only that, but he remained silent for several minutes without letting leaked his satisfaction, even trying to take an expression as distraught as possible . "Did you notice the evil you did to me giving heed to that bitch?" He sat beside the boy holding his head in his hands in a dramatic gesture of despair. "The money can never repay my suffering, so you deserve exemplary punishment to remain long imprinted in your brain. Do not come to tell the stories and recognize your pathetic responsibility. You and your friend have devised a diabolical plan in detail, I have slandered and humiliated in an ugly way that I can never forgive. I have therefore entitled to compensation that twenty million quantify unless you choose to sign this release. "He took a letter from the drawer already completed which showed that the boy had already received the full amount of responsibility itself against Liquidation. Replicate without feeling relieved because he signed a complaint for rape was assumed that he would definitely ruined the lives and would cost much more than the sum he was giving up. White took on a more friendly attitude: "What happened to your friend? "" I do not see or hear from a lot, "said the boy, but when I see her again I'll tell you what's what." Paul evidently ignored the events of recent days, after the evening where it was projected footage of the fake aggression, which left White with an extra margin of maneuver. "I-told-will realize that with all that has happened to our relationship can not continue. He broke the trust that existed between us and unfortunately I will never forgive you for the disgraceful behavior that you took for me. Every time I see you again I will have to mind the scenes orribili che mi si ripresentano ora sotto forma di incubi notturni. Non ti meraviglierai se ti chiedo di firmare anche le dimissioni immediate senza l’obbligo del preavviso.” Estrasse un secondo documento dal cassetto della scrivania e lo porse a Paolo insieme ad una penna. Egli, che già pensava di essersela cavata con un grosso sacrificio, ma senza perdere il lavoro e si era alzato in piedi per accomiatarsi, si rigirò più volte il foglio tra le mani, fissò a lungo Bianca sperando in un suo ripensamento poi si accasciò sulla poltrona piangendo. Tra pochi giorni avrebbe avuto alle calcagna gli incaricati della finanziaria cui aveva chiesto un prestito per soddisfare alcuni desideri di Noemi e che si sarebbero attivati per recuperare tre rate già scadute ed una quarta che stava maturando. Si era già trovato in una situazione del genere prima di impiegarsi presso la maestra e non era stato per nulla piacevole.

Si avvicinò a Bianca cercando maldestramente di abbracciarla, ma lei si sottrasse a questi goffi tentativi di farle cambiare idea e lo fissò con un sorrisino ironico che esprimeva tutta la soddisfazione per una vittoria schiacciante. Il ragazzo si alzò dalla poltrona, posò il foglio sulla scrivania lì vicino e lo firmò senza aggiungere nulla.

Intanto Noemi veniva interrogata dai poliziotti che già la conoscevano per una lunga serie di piccoli reati, prevalentemente truffe e raggiri, con cui si era macchiata la fedina penalty over the years. The two agents, one close to retirement and the other very young, they could not look away from his legs and occasionally lost his train of thought. She understood that, prior to the bear, it would be difficult to dismiss the charges that would have made short: the car that had, by all evidence, deprived the owners of the paintings had been found and valuables together with a large sum of money. Telling the truth would have been stuck in a quagmire and no one would believe in the absence of testimony and evidence. He might as well follow the advice of senior police officer, who had suggested to make the best of a bad game going immediately before the magistrate that it was now almost a certainty, would not have even tossed in jail. As for the eleven reports and criminal record have to add a twelfth not moved one iota of its position. The "stolen property" was recovered, the grandfather of Barbara would almost certainly withdraw the complaint and she would return them home after a very short time: her parents were educated on how to exploit the loopholes in the law and the superficiality of some officials still ready to forgive in obedience to some kind of perverse ideologies. The young agent

staring at the almost wanting reassurance that the law would certainly have offered countless loopholes. For a moment she stopped to think about your troubles and felt a great attraction for that beautiful blond boy that although the environment was the best, he'd been very kind and helpful. It was a nice feeling that the calm leads us to consider the alternatives before him and the consequences that they each would entail. The most senior policeman wanted to avoid any complication during the last months of work and then absented himself with an excuse and left the two young men alone. "You had better confess and I'll try to get off the complaint," said the agent a Noemi– la cosa potrebbe anche finire qui”. Sorrise alla ragazza e lanciò un’altra occhiata alle sue bellissime gambe. “Come ti chiami?” chiese lei con lo sguardo ammaliatore delle grandi occasioni lasciando che una spallina del minuscolo top scivolasse opportunamente verso il basso.


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