Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nikon Meade Telescope

History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 16

Biborka and Werner had found accommodation with his uncle Brixen already helped them on another occasion. He noted a number of gaps in their story, but being very fond of his nephew, decided not to investigate thoroughly satisfied for the moment, the general insurance. Biborka looked very tired and proven, ate very little and spent most of the day in bed. The house that hosted them was very large and occupy their beautiful upstairs room with a bay window and a parlor graced with potted geraniums. Werner's uncle, Gustavo, was an old industrial board for many years a widower who lived alone with assistance in the household chores, by an elderly lady next door. A life, its very withdrawn with the only exception of a fortnightly meeting with the few remaining friends at a local restaurant for a dinner in memory of joy in the good old days. Although it was a very discreet in particular wanted to know some more to justify the strange behavior of his grandson and his friend not so much curiosity as to help them in appropriate ways. Werner notched but any request or remained very vague justifications merely generic Biborka while there was no possibility of dialogue she knew very few words of German, no Italian language and having forgotten what little of Gustavo learned Hungarian in his youth. By chance he discovered that the bag of his nephew were stacked several wads of banknotes, ATS, and that fact had very alarmed. But one day, after seeing the umpteenth argument between Biborka and his nephew, he decided to put their backs to the wall for you to explain the reasons at the same time revealing the origin of all that money. Werner still tried to remain vague, but his uncle gave him no alternative: either tell the truth or to pack up and leave the house. "Biborka put me in a pickle! - He began his grandson-I know her for many years and we have lived together for a short period before I moved Budapest for work. I've always loved, but I realized that I could never meet his expectations: she aimed high, he wanted a comfortable life that I could not offer at that time. To go along with it I also changed jobs and our town I moved to the capital in search of fortune. Her for a while 'I waited, then she started with another and I lost all my hopes. However, we kept in touch and we met several times because in the meantime had moved on Lake Balaton. On those occasions, I begged to go with me but she was deaf ear because obviously the person with whom he could offer was much more than quello che io avrei potuto. Continuammo ad incontrarci, senza dare troppo nell’occhio, per un lungo periodo ed ogni volta mi scoprivo più innamorato.” Guardò verso la strada e si schiarì la voce. “Poi un brutto giorno lei mi disse che dovevamo interrompere la nostra relazione perché si stava mettendo con una persona, un politico, molto potente ed in vista che non avrebbe perdonato le sue scappatelle. Venni a sapere che si trattava addirittura di un parlamentare rimasto vedovo da qualche anno e molto più anziano di lei. Continuammo comunque a frequentarci, usando mille precauzioni, parecchie volte l’anno. Ultimamente Biborka mi confidava di aver perso ogni autonomia e di sentirsi prigioniera nella grande casa of which she became the mistress. He also told me to fear for their safety suspecting that her husband had killed his first wife. I of course I believed, and together we designed a plan to rescue from slavery. He said he had provided a large sum of money stolen from bank accounts of her husband in a few months without him noticing. I, unwisely, I had meanwhile made to believe to be in a flourishing economic situation, the result of the new work undertaken in the capital, so we could look with confidence to the future. "He cleared his voice again looking for the right words to describe the most the thorny matter. "In fact, you uncle You know, I was the only bureau chief accountant of the company where I worked: I spent considerable sums in their hands, but my salary was certainly not a fairy tale. I began to steal small amounts of falsifying the books, then more substantial sums earmarked to Biborka decided that the way of escape. One day we met at the local bar in downtown Budapest and she said that her husband had become more violent and that someday he would kill her. I believe her this time and the next morning I impossessai of another sum of money, I prepared two suitcases, one for the money for other personal items, loaded it all into the car and reached the place in which we had gathered. In the company of course had not yet noticed anything because I had taken three days off and the husband of my partner was still unaware of the fact that its accounts had been drained. We reached Ödenburg and passes them without difficulty repairing the border with Austria in Carinthia. "On hearing the name of that city was attacked by Gustavo old memories: he was born there, you had spent his childhood living in tension after the referendum when the city had opted for Hungary and several German-speaking inhabitants, especially those employed in public administration, were repaired nell'austriaco Burgenland. His brother, Werner's father had operated a restaurant because they preferred to stay busy, and loved his work. They had been there as well as some relatives of his mother, while his childhood friend, with whom he met again, he preferred to emigrate first in Bavaria and then in the Italian Tyrol. Ödenburg became Sopron and Gustavo had not had the opportunity to come back even if it was meant to do before I die. The majority of the population, but there were the fraud, had voted for sovereignty not to submit to the Hungarian Social Democratic government, which means "red", which at that time held the power in Austria. Ironically, these people then had to endure several years of communist dictatorship bitterly regretting the choice made at the time while his father Werner was able to emigrate, but most of emigration it was an escape, leaving his wife and children to follow a young person was infatuated. The mother of the aspiring groomer had to roll up their sleeves to raise three sons with the proceeds of an asset that the poor had not been nationalized, but made it less every day. After his father's death began with Werner Biborka, that city was considered a no-good, ignoring the advice of his mother and brothers who were absolutely opposed to the union. They went to live in via Kossuth, in una vecchia ed umida palazzina già sede di una scuola elementare, ma la donna iniziò subito a lamentarsi per quella sistemazione precaria ed a pretendere che Werner si desse immediatamente da fare perchè quella non poteva rimanere a lungo la loro casa. Il ragazzo si indebitò con alcuni parenti per soddisfare le richieste della donna, ma neanche questo bastò e, dopo un breve periodo di convivenza, lei decise di ritornare dai propri genitori. Si separarono per un po', poi tornarono ad incontrarsi con una certa frequenza e le frequentazioni non si interruppero nemmeno quando Biborka decise di accasarsi prima con un agiato burocrate della capitale e poi con l'anziano parlamentare rimasto vedovo della prima moglie. Werner, due to this clandestine relationship that always hoped to turn into something definitive, it remained suspended for many years in limbo, faithful to a woman who did not deserve all this devotion.

"We scrape together a decent nest egg, but now there is an arrest warrant on our shoulders and move frequently from place to place to avoid being sent to jail," Werner continued. His uncle looked more puzzled that surprised: "You have committed a series of mistakes that can cost you dear! Biborka at least told you the truth or did he just fooled because he was tired of her husband? And by the way Who is this man so important and so violent? "Werner told the name of the politician to his uncle: he was evidently of Austrian origin, though poorly edited in an improbable Hungarian version. "But where is this man?" He asked. "It 's a small town not far from Ödenburg towards Mörbisch" said Werner. The uncle was thoughtful for a moment: "You have not answered my question: Biborka you used to achieve its goals or is truly in love with you?" The grandson put his hands through his hair and began to sob: "A I have to tell you the truth, I trusted a clever cheater! Now lei ha mille idee per la testa ed ignora a quali sotterfugi io abbia dovuto ricorrere pur di accontentarla. Incomincio a dubitare anche della storia che mi ha raccontato a proposito del marito violento e dell’uxoricidio di cui egli si sarebbe macchiato. Parecchi riscontri mi portano oggi ad immaginare che la prima moglie si sia veramente suicidata e che la fantasia di Biborka non abbia limiti.” “Più che fantasia io la definirei perfidia” replicò Gustavo. “Ora comunque datti una calmata e vedrò se esiste una via d'uscita: ti sei messo comunque in un brutto pasticcio. Saresti disposto a scaricare la tua amica? Intendo dire, se tu avessi la certezza matematica che lei ti abbia ingannato saresti disposto ad abbandonarla al proprio fate? Why is not that there is much room to move or to find alternative solutions. "Werner said nothing and left his uncle and headed for the room in which the expected Biborka:" We'll talk tomorrow, "he said before disappearing into the room. After a few minutes Gustavo felt that the two argued, but failed to grasp the meaning of the speech. The two went out together only from their room the next morning just before noon. The woman was distraught man dragged her: "Come on, call Bianca Maria and get it over with once and for all!" They decided that Werner would have taken the courses and then implant the pet shop, as designed in home, hoping not to be hunted by the police yet and that the visit of the mysterious character at the Laboratory of White had nothing to do with their situation.

Gustavo bar their way, "Translate to your lovely now I'll tell you what: I found out that her husband is an authoritarian, but not violent. I knew he had to endure numerous betrayals by this woman-and he pointed Biborka-because, dear Werner, only you were not there in his heart. The wife has actually committed suicide in a hospital for mental illness on Lake Balaton, while her husband was in Parliament in Budapest. Your friend has dried up as current accounts, but she could use them to your liking essendoseli cointestato made after fooled the old wife for which he has not committed any crime. The only trouble is you, my poor nephew, and I'm sure she will seek to optimize and then report you to the Italian authorities and out of the way. "Gustavo had no difficulty in obtaining that information through relatives in Hungary. In one morning he discovered that Werner had failed to discover, or had not wanted to do? within a few years. "Then he continued, first you get rid of your beautiful and then begin to evaluate your position." Werner translated all to Biborka, without omitting a comma, pushed her out of the house and together they walked along the arcades. The woman remained silent

tripped awkwardly on the right: what he said was absolutely true and Gustavo nothing remained to be replicated. Werner, screaming like a madman out all the resentment and feeling betrayed by the one person who had come to love throughout their lifetime. He would have preferred that the Biborka interrupted in some way trying to justify himself, but she remained cold as an icicle. Walked three times up and down the street and returned before the house of his uncle: "I collect my things and me I go to that point, "said Biborka-I would have preferred that the story would end differently, but maybe it's better that way. "In fact, he decided to spend the last period of his life with Werner had always enjoyed in his youth had also loved, but then it was too ambitious to retire to live in a small provincial town with no property. Even in the short period in which they lived was still granted the escapades of which we feel a heavy remorse. Would return to her husband who, as he was old and senile, no doubt would forgive a betrayal. Was in a position to repay the amounts not paid as well, until then, had not given the background resources that remained well hidden in a background of the case. He did not reply because at that point, there was nothing left to mend. They went upstairs and after a few minutes she left the house dragging his belongings. If he had better check the inside of the suitcase would have noticed that most of the notes he had taken off. Gustavo fact made sure that his nephew was at least partly compensated for the wrongs and put in a position to remedy its slope with the company that cheated would certainly have withdrawn the complaint.


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