History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 19
came the dog days of exposure. White and Anna could not get to sleep in three nights immediately earlier. The school and the laboratory were neglected in the last week to set up the stands and to make final arrangements with exhibitors, the municipal authorities, the judges and, of course, the groomers who took part in the competition.
Students feel neglected and abandoned, but no one dared to complain and all efforts were made within the limit of their ability to lend a hand in the laboratory and in the structure that was slowly taking shape. It was still a good diversion after a grueling series of lectures and close it behind urging each other to catch up. Paul worked with his head down and avoid crossing the eyes of teacher and his sister. Concerned about the long silence of Noemi, a few days had taken possession of his house, but the news was slow in coming. He lived then in a situation of continuous stress not sleep at night for fear that her friend sopraggiungesse making a scene landmark, and perhaps away from home and support during the day, a situation embarrassing and humiliating as well as a considerable physical effort .
was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and did not know where to get the energy to recharge overcome this moment of crisis really alarming. Not to meet the teacher at the end of the day secluded like a whipped dog and preferred to work like crazy in the halls of the show that imagine the looks on disgusted by all the students and two sisters. Coming home it was having a shower and often skip dinner stretched lifeless on the bed to surrender immediately to his nightmares: he could not withstand such a long nervous tension!
was still the day of exposure. As usual, all the tiles were put back a few hours before the opening of the halls and staff had arranged with Teutonic precision, in areas reserved for them. The groomers, this time truly realized in bulk from abroad, had taken place in the ring e si apprestavano, appena fosse scattata l'ora x, ad intervenire sui propri cani.
Non è che gli animali avessero bisogno di eccessive manipolazioni per raggiungere la perfezione estetica, o almeno quel grado di rifinitura che i partecipanti intendevano, ma la prassi consolidata era quella di arrivare in gara con dei soggetti praticamente già preparati che richiedevano solo alcuni aggiustamenti finali.
I giudici chiudevano entrambi gli occhi di fronte a questo andazzo e si erano ormai rassegnati a lasciar correre qui come in occasione di altre manifestazioni. Intervenivano solo in casi estremi, quando l'inghippo era talmente evidente da rasentare il ridicolo.
Gli espositori avevano riempito gli stands di mercanzie e l'afflusso the public was excellent, resulting in clogging of the two bars, placed at the entrances of the park, they were doing a roaring trade. Bianca and her sister were busy with the judges and all the students were busy to close the boxes and distribute the latest cards to participate.
Paul was still under scaffolding, like a white candle, and felt that his strength would soon be abandoned. He took off his shirt: he was sweating like it had never happened and felt a slight dizziness. He called James, who was passing by, before collapsing on the ground lifeless. Were immediately alerted rescue workers in health care, already in place, but few noticed, in the general confusion about what was happening.
James stayed a bit 'with the boy and nurses, escorted him to a nearby hospital until then, since its steady state, returned to the place of the event.
The tenderers were fifty including seven alumni of Bianca, who had opened their business in many small towns scattered virtually throughout the country. The teacher was already waiting for the final battles that have always followed the verdict of the jury and had decided to distance themselves at least an hour after the conclusion of the races not to be involved in those controversies are always the same and always different. Informed about the illness of Paul took the ball to escape, but did not reach the hospital where he was hospitalized, but a pastry shop nearby and tried unsuccessfully to relax in front of a steaming cappuccino and brioche at a mammoth.
He kept contact with the hospital's hyperactive Virginia who had also tried, unsuccessfully, to contact by telephone Noemi literally vanished into thin air. To be sure the teacher thought that Paul was just another scripted and did not bother most of that time, had other problems to solve. The
reached the bar, after having long sought, Werner and Denise: "Judges have ruled out all the awards from his students," said the girl. White rose in a fury Cheaper, came running from the pastry and flung her face twisted into the pen where the races had taken place. A similar debacle had never occurred in many years of event! He went mentally through the list of invited judges and realized, just now, that he pulled into his house the worst competition. Some of them were tightly linked with other schools, had had with other, perhaps several years earlier, some altercation, one was even the president of an association referred to groomers, snubbed, she never wanted to join. Prostrate
by the events that characterized the last period of time, had delegated the selection of judges with her sister and they were unfortunately i risultati! Doveva comunque fare buon viso ed accettare questo scempio come se nulla fosse accaduto. Entrò nei ring con la sciabola sguainata, ma subito la rinfoderò profondendosi in mille salamelecchi e lodando le scelte del team. Se non altro quell'anno nessuno avrebbe potuto affermare che la sua scuola era stata avvantaggiata.
Paolo intanto si stava riprendendo e gli sembrò di scorgere il viso di Noemi tra coloro che lo stavano visitando: erano però soltanto gli allievi che, dopo la fine dell'esposizione, venivano a rendergli omaggio ed a sincerarsi sulle sue condizioni di salute. Aveva superato una bella crisi ed ora poteva contare su una quindicina di giorni di convalescenza. Due settimane lontano dal laboratorio e dalle teachers, it would definitely be a lighter weight enabling them to do more research on the death of Naomi that worried him immensely.
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