Sunday, December 26, 2010

25 Weeks Pregnancy Nausea

Chapter 26 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer

James then returned to the city where he started and here he set up his grooming. The parents hoped that he returned to live with them, but the boy would not listen to reason and settled in that apartment, adjacent to the laboratory, which had rented and sparsely furnished. The activity e l’abitazione erano situate a poche decine di metri dalla casa di Chiara, la sua ex ragazza, ma per lui questa coincidenza non rappresentava alcun problema essendo quella storia finita e dimenticata; altre erano le difficoltà che non gli permettevano di concentrarsi sul lavoro come avrebbe voluto: lo strazio seguito alla morte di Flora gli paralizzava le forze e gli annebbiava il cervello facendogli spesso detestare quella professione che avrebbero dovuto esercitare insieme. Non riusciva ad applicarsi mettendo a frutto gli insegnamenti ricevuti e l’esperienza acquisita perciò portava avanti stancamente l’attività alternando periodi abbastanza sereni e rassegnati con giornate in cui, preso dallo sconforto, arrivava a disdire all appointments. This created a reputation as someone who is strict and unreliable even if the work performed, when you're feeling, they were absolutely flawless and certainly excellent compared to poor competition. The town already operated three grooming, two of which are planted at least fifteen years, so the craftsmen tried to grab the available work using all lawful means and unlawful. On behalf of James were scattered entries most unlikely that the painted now as a cynical play boy that he would kill himself for his future wife too many escapades, now as a person moody, irritable and not very fond of animals. For the first two months had to be content an average of two dogs per day, then the numbers began to rise slowly along with the confidence of customers. Every now and Clare, less conspicuously, he passed the laboratory of her former boyfriend, but dared not enter Recalling the coolness with which they had left, and believing that that story lasted for many years, was now a closed chapter in it was necessary to erase any lingering nostalgia. After a brief and unhappy life with a rich contemporary he was in a situation where, because of negative experiences in the recent past is going to rinvangare the best episodes of a more distant past. The long history with James had obviously left his mark in his heart, and while not wanting to recognize, with his selfishness had thrown to the winds stay with a sincere affection for absolutely nothing in his hand. James, meanwhile, was too tied to the memory of Flora to suggest a reconciliation with his ex-girlfriend whom he remembered only the evil and malignity of the last period having removed all memory of the peaceful moments spent together. They were not so distant memories, although enlivened by the return in their city, to ruin their existence, but the heartbreaking separation from loved one remembered in the face every day and sweetness of spirit. Meanwhile, the economic situation began to deteriorate, as it was close between the need to cope with many commitments and the limited gains that the activities offered. In addition to the considerable costs of the rents and the current installment was to pay off the loan obtained by the father of Flora and the members and the details of which were agreed to return with the builder. Too proud to ask for more money to their parents, or perhaps in fear that they reminded him of the debt earlier, James was forced to save on every purchase, even on food, hoping that luck and support him the job increases. He spent entire days without leaving the lab to go outside just to go in the apartment where he spent his free time from work commitments thinking Flora and his fate that he had deceived the first glimpse of making a life free of difficulty and then so heavily mocked. At night he could not fall asleep and paraded before the main episodes of a union that was really strong and happy as he could never imagine. He did not care more about their appearance and often slept suit jumping on a chair without dinner after a day of monotonous, tiring and disappointing. She sensed that it could not continue to live in those conditions, but could not find a foothold to cling to and exit from the discomfort plan for the future. His parents, and especially the mother, they realized that worrying situation, but if they tried to intervene were often driven in the wrong way. Slightly improved the intervention of the things that Mirko, aided by White, had found a new place for themselves and their dogs in a town a hundred kilometers from the laboratory of James. Fortunately the farmer was able to maintain most of its customers and also to increase the activity of the board and training. Undergoing an arduous journey to reach the groomer twice a week, the farm here and Mirko could shear a dozen dogs sitting accrescendondo significantly its revenue: it was a big help in a time of financial crisis, but also un'opportunità per rifiondarsi, con rinnovato vigore, in quella professione che tante soddisfazioni gli aveva già dato e tante altre gliene poteva concedere in futuro. Questo diversivo rasserenò notevolmente il ragazzo che prese a lavorare con rinnovato impegno per non deludere l’amico e per rimettersi lentamente in carreggiata. L'aiuto gli giunse quindi, insperato e graditissimo, da una persona quasi estranea ma che, evidentemente, aveva molto a cuore il suo avvenire.

Dopo un periodo iniziale in cui sia Anselmo, che Denise, che Bianca e Werner ed il mancato suocero lo contattavano con una certa assiduità, gli amici si erano man mano eclissati e con loro i continui and references to a painful past and a love gone along with luck.
This departure was in some respects a veritable panacea for he began to get out of a deadlock facing the big problems with greater determination as it was against his will involved and devoting himself with renewed enthusiasm to his profession, he was certainly would have recovered to life. If
James, undoubtedly in trouble, as he was recovering the lost positions, Anselmo was within a few weeks, slid down a slope that was sinking into abject despair: he had finally realized that their own greed and the claim lead a life in which lies and deception la facevano da padroni lo avrebbero psicologicamente annientato. Si era unito in matrimonio con Lorella il mese successivo alla fine dei corsi, ma gli erano bastati un paio di mesi per capire di essersi infilato in un vicolo cieco in balìa di una famiglia troppo invadente ed abituata a comandare, quella dei suoceri, e di una moglie che la notte stessa del matrimonio cessò di essere accondiscendente ed abulica per trasformarsi in una sorta di guardia carceraria: era come succhiare un chiodo pensando ad un cioccolatino! Iniziò ad odiare la moglie, i suoceri, ma sopratutto la propria dabbenaggine: era cascato nella trappola e non sapeva proprio come uscirne.
Se Giacomo doveva solo maledire la propria sfortuna, Anselmo i guai se li era andati a cercare alone now was to lead the herd, he had always wanted, but the price was too high. With the marriage, things had changed and the interference of in-laws become unbearable. Practically the two newlyweds lived in a kind of extended family whose father was the patriarch of Loren and her mother almost supervise police. The daughter, as usual, gave no sign of wanting to rebel against this situation, which seemed rather to his liking and asked her husband for you to promptly come into compliance with the decisions that rained down from above. Anselmo had dreamed of becoming the owner of the livestock and to organize work by modern standards, but found that, following the marriage, instead of increasing its autonomy was significantly decreased. If before the interference was acceptable, but not had the semblance of order categorical, now in-laws criticize every decision openly claiming their decision-making power and often coming to humiliate him. They certainly knew something about the relationship with Denise that had characterized the period of training and watching over him fearing that his daughter could be other betrayals. Nor did they care to attend too closely to the home of the couple was a few hundred meters from their home. The girl was always openly sided with their parents, even those issues of work for which he had always expressed an utter lack of interest. Anselmo then began to imagine that he had fallen into a trap built in art over the years by the two-in-law who refused to let his daughter grow up to selfishly keep her tied with a double umbilical cord. The sense of frustration and the certainty that he stuck in a dead-end tunnel increased day by day the resentment that the boy had been against the elderly relatives and their insipid daughter while growing up in his mind a strong stimulus to rebellion, something of great concern that the boy would not be able to manage its own strengths and that, not to lead to some rash act, required external assistance.


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