Chapter 30 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer
If only James had looked more closely at the photos collected in albums by Tania, not sure what it portrayed, but the other, and if he had scroll all the names listed on notebook skin would come across a face and a name he knew.
Noemi failed this time to dodge prison. Despite the assurances of the young police officer and although the magistrate had no intention to punish him, his criminal record was too compromised and his voluminous dossier as Treccani. The were therefore sentenced to six months in prison to be served at a home district a few hundred kilometers from the city in which he lived. He did not even have time to return to their homes: it was loaded on a cell phone that took the road towards what, for some 'time, would become his new home. The young police officer, until his superiors recalled him not to conduct more appropriate to their condition, then visited regularly he wrote and telephoned often waiting to be able to meet again. The discreet presence and attitudes sometimes embarrassed that reveals a character so sweet and sensitive they were making inroads into the heart of the girl.
All the men who had attended, including even Paul, were to remain subjugated by her explosive sensuality but wondered if she, as part of the report, he felt gratified: it was only a beautiful object from exhibit, boasting to friends and acquaintances, and on which to vent their impulses without any real emotional involvement. The aide to White, in particular, was deeply disappointed because they had not bothered, as expected, to seek to reconcile with her, assuming there was a possibility, after what had happened. He felt abandoned even if they had left, after that shocking fight, so unfriendly. It is expected that the boy give the soul while to find her, after all he had sworn eternal love, but this did not happen and Naomi felt strong yet another disappointment.
relations that had woven over the years, and they were many, had not met since then intimately never demanded love, or at least an affection sincere and received only a pale substitute. The men wanted her body, but no one cared about her feelings: a blow then passed to the next seamlessly. Many thought it was a clever manipulator able to seduce at your own convenience, but she felt rather manipulated and exploited by equally skilled deceivers, once you got that to which they aspired, they lost all interest in their concquista. Noting
then, with the practicality that distinguished her, as men were intended solely to exploit it without caring about his deepest feelings, si era ormai rassegnata ad usare l'arma della seduzione ed i propri attributi naturali per procurarsi dei benefici immediati perchè sapeva che l'infatuazione sarebbe svanita molto velocemente: doveva quindi approfittare del momento propizio senza lasciarsi sfuggire l'arrapato di turno.
Quando conobbe il giovane agente cominciò a riconsiderare azioni ed aspirazioni e si rese conto di dover correggere il proprio atteggiamento: ora non si sentiva più minacciata e le due traumatiche esperienze, quella della villetta rosa appena conclusa e quella del carcere che stava vivendo, avevano profondamente modificato le sue più intime convinzioni. Perse la propria aggressività and became sweet and submissive leaving to become the leading role, with complete satisfaction, an appearance that was meekly led by the hand.
If only James had then looked more closely at some of the photographs collected by Tania would have certainly noticed that Naomi was in all likelihood, a sister of his partner. Among the groomer and she had established a strong bond of affection, much closer than with other blood relatives who had gradually recovered to unite against their parent. They share the certainty that it suffered more pronounced the other sisters and brothers, the negative consequences of that situation so distressing, they were in fact the older and therefore had to endure as long as the bullying father of that master. By Naomi, when she presented the need, Tania got encouragement, a kind of moral food for the journey, along the road that had taken his sick father deprived of necessary treatment. And more and Naomi, had previously helped the groomer to find the courage to get in touch with the unfortunate relatives, you can easily imagine, often did everything possible not to be identified. Too had suffered for pity for a man who made havoc of their feelings by depriving them of the minimum necessary per condurre una vita scellerata, ma immaginavano che egli potesse ancora infierire complicando ulteriormente la loro esistenza già di per sè sufficientemente grama e raminga.
Il padre di Tania e Noemi nel corso della sua non lunghissima esistenza aveva costituito, oltre alla famiglia diciamo così ufficiale, una mezza dozzina di focolari domestici in una zona molto vasta. Il proprio lavoro in giro per il mondo e le iniziali buone disponibilità economiche glielo consentivano ed egli approfittava a piene mani di situazioni particolari scegliendo con cura donne senza un nucleo famigliare alle spalle o che comunque non gli potessero creare problemi futuri. Procedeva così in un crescendo di iniziative mirate a soddisfare le voglie del time and abandoned the victims when his interests took him elsewhere. Despite these poor women had common characteristics in the same manner and were submissive, sweet and naive, the mothers and Tania Noemi educated their daughters in a different way. The first fact received a 'type of education Calvinist moral ethics in strict compliance with the second, spurred on by this mother who had developed a sort of rebellion to the inner world, became a small-caliber delinquentella aggressive and restless. This did not prevent the two half-sisters feel for each other sympathy one for another, and shall endeavor to make each other of favori. Mai Tania avrebbe sospettato che Giacomo conoscesse Noemi: non c'era apparentemente alcun motivo per pensare che le loro vite si fossero intrecciate in quei mesi del corso di toelettatura. La toelettatrice non amava parlare della propria vita privata, che giudicava troppo complessa e squallida per diventare oggetto di conversazione; allo stesso modo il ragazzo soffriva nel solo ripercorrere con la memoria i meravigliosi momenti passati con Flora e le aspettative di vita in comune che si erano tragicamente infrante dopo la tragedia: affrontava quindi con difficoltà l'argomento.
I due soci, per una serie di coincidenze e per interposta persona, si erano comunque già incrociati in a not too distant past.
Tania had been to take the initiative: he wanted those who had been influenced in some way harmful to his father suffering the same abuses that she had suffered was, as far as possible, according to a strict plan of action, compensated at least economically. At the time the financial position of the felon father was prosperous enough even if you went with gradually deteriorating over the years with the disease. When he decided to return, so to speak, in the family weakened in body and no longer able to lead that life is so unruly that the years had been a feature of youth and the maturity she decided it was imperative to shorten the existence to take advantage of that part of his heritage that still had not dissipated. He did this not for herself but for the multitude of children and stepchildren, his wife and concubines with whom he had cynically discarded as if they were returnable bottles. By what was nothing and no one had ever put across to stop the triumphal march and she had to be ensured even if it were the last of their actions. Therefore welcomed the father at home, not placed in conflict with her mother who had assumed an attitude for the umpteenth time docile, servile and resigned and proceeded to implement its plan. Replace every kind of medicine that was prescribed and was able to dramatically extend the life of a spouse, his was a degenerative disease that could also be resolved over a decade, cough tablets, drops of pure water and vials without no active ingredient. Everyone was now aware of the fate of their father even if only Tania, Noemi and her brother George knew why he regressed so quickly.
Paul had occupied the apartment for about a month Noemi hoping for you to reappear, in another, thank God every day that passed, it failed due to address. Therefore remained inerte senza decidersi ad intraprendere qualche iniziativa più sostanziosa per svelare il mistero legato alla sua scomparsa dopo qualche timido tentativo presso alcuni comuni conoscenti che non aveva dato i risultati attesi e dopo aver contattato, non senza esitazione, Bianca Maria. La maestra, come si aspettava, lo accolse in malo modo e lo congedò senza naturalmente rivelargli nulla di ciò che sapeva.
Dopo circa un mese egli dovette tuttavia lasciare l'abitazione dell'amica perchè i creditori avevano preso l'abitudine di venirlo a cercare proprio lì, d'altra parte era il suo domicilio abituale, reclamando i pagamenti arretrati.
Disperato e confuso decise a quel punto di ricorrere ancora all'aiuto di Anselmo che credeva ormai felicemente accasato presso l'allevamento del suocero. All'oscuro dei retroscena non immaginava che, nel volgere di così poco tempo, i rapporti tra lui e l'anziano parente si fossero tanto deteriorati da ipotizzare un'imminente resa dei conti. Pensava anzi di trovare una sistemazione temporanea e forse un lavoro definitivo grazie all'interessamento dell'amico.
Per evitare altri guai, ne aveva già troppi, decise di non usare l'auto di Noemi e, con il poco denaro che gli era rimasto, raggiunse in treno ed in autobus un paesino prossimo all'allevamento in cui lavorava Anselmo. Da lì avrebbe had to travel about four miles on foot in the direction of a low hill and up again for a short distance before falling back, cutting through the woods, until the entry of the company. A flat dirt path, as he had indicated some people near a petrol kiosk, began to climb a narrow path leaving the road. He began to glimpse a few feet below, the shapes of some warehouses, a fence and what he believed was the home of the owners. Some poplars partially precluded the sight but soon, he was sure, would have popped out near the main entrance of the farm. From below came
cries excited: it seemed that someone was fighting. Quickened the pace and found his way barred by a dry stone wall leaning against a building of a plan beyond what some people, it was now certain, if they were giving a thrashing. He leaned over the wall trying to stay hidden, but acknowledged Anselmo and his stepfather, he knew the latter having met at the convent, who were squabbling. Now he could clearly distinguish their cries: "Rogue, good for nothing, I picked up while you were in the shit and now you want to be master," shouted the older person. "I am the servant of anyone, much less than that airhead of your daughter" replied Anselmo.
Reproached the boy to his father looked forward to having deceived the direction of a job-that-then he looked good reliance. "The master in here I am," replied the old man showing how it not been for his family, Anselmo at that time he would be still in the orphanage. "We've risen from the squalid environment through the good auspices of a priest friend of ours-the-now reproached not raise too much of the ridge. I do not know how my daughter was able to fall in love with someone like you who do not know from where comes wasteland: go to the kennel and resize your goal. " "If I had not had the confidence to lead this company shit your damn daughter today it is still an old maid, "said Anselmo-VE are always guarded you and your fucking wife, at least I hoped that things would improve after the wedding, but you caught me!" Paul did not dare
; intervene for fear of getting involved in that dispute took a turn as the most worrying. He tried to hide even better return on their steps. The situation quickly degenerated and Anselm, with a push well established, he sent his father-in with banging head against the curb of a small platform. Del blood spilled on the ground while the boy tried to raise this now lifeless body. Paul would voluto darsela a gambe per evitare ogni fastidio presente e futuro, ma in quel preciso istante Anselmo alzò gli occhi e lo vide. Fu questione di un attimo: "Come hai potuto fare questo?" chiese all'ex garzone di Bianca che ancora non aveva capito la sciagura che gli stava rotolando addosso ed il significato che assumevano, in quella circostanza, le parole dell'amico. Paolo rimase inebetito e non ebbe la prontezza di replicare: aveva proprio udito bene? Anselmo gli si stava avvicinando dopo aver constatato che per il suocero non c'era ormai più nulla da fare. "Come hai potuto compiere un atto così efferato?" ripetè accorgendosi che da dietro il magazzino stavano sopraggiungendo la suocera ed alcuni inservienti allarmati per le grida che avevano hearing. Paul slipped the bag he carried over the shoulder, jumped down from the dry stone wall on which was perched and rushed like a fury against Anselmo. "I want to fit-in anger-but I repeat I will not allow". As the woman approached the corpse of her husband at the sidewalk pour the attendants tried to divide the two boys who had rolled on the ground at the height of the quarrel. Nobody noticed at that turmoil, a person who, from the hill was looking forward to the scene.
One of the creditors of Paul, after a few rounds to empty at the home of Naomi, was convinced that the girl had disappeared from circulation by removing the young from the clutches of those who had granted the loans carry with them cash and other valuables. If Paul was not able to meet its obligations she had to intervene and the financial agent's task was to convince her, by hook or by crook, to pocket his commission. He thus decided to stalk the guy figuring that he, sooner or later, would betray making a misstep. When she saw him from a great career with a big shoulder bag she had decided to follow him thinking that they could finally get to the solution of that problem that the company he worked for had loaded on his shoulders. She assisted
then the whole scene, he saw Paul coming down the slope, he heard the excited voices without understanding why the two individuals inside the fence if the reason they were playing as holy, he saw the older man succumbed in a pool blood and watched the next fight between Paul and Anselmo. Not that he completely grasped the sense of what had happened in such a short space of time, but imagined that those events and possibly by those who could benefit would be derived.
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