Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mission O Custom Snow

History of an anonymous, shallot Grooming-Chapter 31

 I genitori di Denise decisero di mandarla, per un po' di tempo, dai parenti di Ginevra. Il padre sopratutto era molto preoccupato perchè, dopo la morte di Flora ed il quasi contemporaneo scioglimento della società che stava realizzando la clinica veterinaria e le sue dipendenze, lei non gli aveva più rivolto la parola. Non poteva certo immaginare che la ragazza gli attribuisse la maggiore responsabilità per il misero fallimento di quel sogno che tutti, in origine, avevano vagheggiato. In effetti per lo stravolgimento dei piani iniziali e per il loro successivo abbandono should mainly blame the father of Flora, but also a veterinarian, who had lost after the arrival on the scene of property speculation, all the initial excitement. The doctor had then decided to remove his livestock and Mirko of where they had settled thus putting the tombstone on the initiative. If it had been the father of Denise things would have turned out differently: in fact he hoped to persuade James to stay because, he was certain the boy would surpass the most critical period for thrown back with renewed force, if the enterprise only to keep alive the memory of Flora and achieve what was the great dream of both.

But Denise is not giving peace was always nervous, did not want to go to the farm even when friends, before it was all upset, please do so. His father was puzzled: the girl visibly emaciated and showed no signs of recovering, even if he tries to stimulate or at least to make sure it opened to study a possible remedy. Everyone had noticed how be held away from James, it was impossible not to notice, and this attitude puzzling friends and relatives who wondered if there was some secret aspect, in the recent tragedy, of which they were not aware of. The sudden departure of Mirko, the too hasty exit from the company of the father of Flora and the almost simultaneous resignation of James in the project gave rise to several common gossip that were woven, as often happens, with assumptions more or less close to reality .

is simply made up of disagreements between the groomer and its non-in-law and even a secret affair, when Flora was still alive, between the boy and Denise. James was rather upset about the conduct of 'friend and began to think of it, in Somehow, without realizing it, offended. Then he took the decision to leave and, overwhelmed by far more serious problems, he stopped worrying about trying to recover at the same time that he had lost the psychological equilibrium with the loved one. Never could have imagined the feelings that agitated the poor girl just back from a double disappointment for them that James preferred Flora or perhaps it was not her own feelings sufficiently early in the exterior and sleazy behavior that caused by Anselmo was chosen as an antidote, he was absolutely convinced that the thing to work, to their frustration. However

Denise, but unconvinced, he left for Switzerland where the expected second-degree cousins, his father was convinced, would try to raise it again in any way materially and morally. She had stayed several times in the great Lake House, the parties to Vesenaz, and the area she loved so much. His parents, owners of a transport company, owned a herd of dogs Nordic heritage stretching back through generations, more for passion than for profit. The last time he had visited with Flora, about three years ago, and was a pleasant and interesting. The family was composed by a cousin suo padre, dalla moglie, una grigionese autoritaria ma molto simpatica, da due figli maschi ed una femmina oltre all'anziano nonno che sapeva farsi benvolere da tutti per la sua cordialità ed il suo buonumore. Il figlio più grande Denise non l'aveva praticamente mai conosciuto perchè ogni volta che lei si recava in Svizzera o che i parenti scendevano in Italia egli era sempre impegnato con la scuola: prima in collegio a Neuchatel e poi all'Università di Zurigo. Studiava, non avrebbe potuto essere diversamente, Veterinaria e si stava specializzando in animali da reddito.

La ragazza prese possesso della stanza più bella dell'intera casa, quella che aveva condiviso con Flora tre estati prima. La pace della campagna, the relaxing rhythms that led the family, marked by the constant presence of her aunt, and welcomed by his grandfather's jokes, they managed somehow to pacify. Rarely emerged from the confines of the vast property, but the farm dogs entertained happy chatting with the elderly caretaker of those animals lucky: they indeed have a large area of \u200b\u200badmissions and kept clean and, in winter, ; conveniently heated.
One day, coming back from the fence towards the house came across Dominic, who had just returned from Zurich to enjoy a family summer vacation. Denise remembered him vaguely as a kid a little 'silent, magrissimo e brufoloso, ma ora aveva dinanzi un giovane robusto, alto, dinoccolato e di bell'aspetto che l'accolse con un accattivante sorriso. Si salutarono baciandosi sulle guance ed il ragazzo le offrì uno dei croissant che teneva in un sacchetto. "Ti avrò vista forse una volta quando avevi circa dieci anni con tua madre e tuo padre- esordì in francese per poi passare all' italiano- e devo riconoscere che l'aria delle tue montagne ti ha fatto crescere bene". Le sorrise porgendole un tovagliolo di carta perchè, nel frattempo, si era sporcata la bocca con la marmellata. "Anche l'aria di Zurigo fa crescere sani e forti, da quello che vedo-  replicò Denise accennando anch'essa un mezzo sorriso- arrivo ora dall'allevamento I accept that you keep it in perfect condition. "The boy frowned slightly:" I do not know how long we can handle it: my father never wanted to trade in dogs, on the other hand would not even have time to monitor such activity, but expenses have risen considerably and the new regulations will rise to the municipal lot next year. You may have noticed that once we had even two employees, now we have only the old man to take care of the animals of the same name Dominic. Did you see the improvements we've made? But it is not enough. "In fact, the small farm was one of the best that Denise had visited, but not producing any income perchè i cani rimanevano in famiglia sino alla morte naturale od al massimo venivano regalati a qualche amico, gravava pesantemente sul bilancio familiare. "Mio padre dovrebbe prendere una decisione in merito, ne abbiamo discusso spesso, ma egli -ribadì Dominic- non vuole rinunciare a questo costosissimo hobby."

Si fermarono un attimo ammirando il bellissimo panorama che si godeva da quella zona privilegiata e per gustarsi un altro croissant poi il ragazzo prese Denise sottobraccio e la ricondusse verso i recinti dove il vecchio guardiano stava preparando il cibo per i cani. "Abbiamo speso l'anno scorso quasi venticinquemila franchi per rinnovare i box e per dotarli di riscaldamento- proseguì il ragazzo- but now there are informed that we will have to tile the entire living area and renovate shelters by providing the structure of an area for washing and for veterinary visits. The only solution would be to dismantle all, get rid of about three-quarters of the dogs and keep the other free to use land as individuals. But my family has always wanted to do the big things: not enough to have one or two animals, like ordinary mortals: they want to keep a vast multitude to not break a tradition dating back to the great-grandparents. On the other hand we are bred for profit or to simple passion authorities do not care a damn: the rules are the same as for all tali vanno rispettati." Mentre parlava i cani gli venivano incontro festosi e lui li accarezzava amorevolmente: sbarazzarsene doveva essere una decisione molto difficile da prendere non solo per suo padre, ma anche per lui.

Effettuata una lunga ricognizione dell'intera struttura i due cugini tornarono verso la casa che distava qualche centinaio di metri. Dominic aveva abbandonato l'argomento dei cani per inventarsi tutta una serie di spiritosaggini che divertirono Denise per tutto il resto della mattinata: in questo egli era molto simile al nonno! "Ci andiamo a fare un giro in barca nel pomeriggio?" chiese il ragazzo alla sua compagna quando già stavano apparecchiando per il pranzo. La ragazza agreed immediately because I imagine a pleasant afternoon cradled by the waves of the lake and warmed by the sun began to beat louder.

those ended up boating became a pleasant habit of following days to become the main occupation of the day and when the two boys did not come out on the lake they went together to the city for shopping or going to the cinema or restaurant.
Denise was now in Switzerland for more than two months, would soon be started in the autumn with its rains and Dominic would return to Zurich to support the latest exams and to discuss the thesis. The two young men carry on a day which tended to the ugly, their last excursion on the lake. The boy was silent for much of the route that would take them, as at other times, near a tiny beach where we stopped often to get a tan. Dominic ran the boat ashore, and when the landing was a few meters, dropping a life jacket and invited the girl to perform the same operation helps to loosen the straps. His hands were shaking visibly, however, so he stopped fiddling with Denise laces and girded for life with an awkward and sudden move that made her smile: it looked intently into her eyes, she was finally looking to take the initiative to his lips. Not to mention they took off their costumes happy indulging in the bottom of the boat as the sun had managed to penetrate the clouds.

Denise, from the first trip by boat, he sensed that things would turn out. Dominic, quite explicitly, was showing a great interest in her and remained stuck like a leech on all day without losing sight of. His attentions flattered her, but she wanted to enjoy a period of reflection before deciding. It was still quite upset by the feelings he had experienced in recent months after the death of dear friend and decided to mention something boy, then became convinced that one thing to explain to others that she could not understand was a mistake. He was afraid to contradict itself with too convoluted arguments that would have certainly appalled Dominic a kind, how she managed to intuit rather pragmatic and not prone to flights of fancy.

Speaking likely to give a classic in the foot, but was silent in the future plagued by guilt. Reconsidered the whole matter without finding the key to the problem: if the person who had been really interested in the past should not have put James with Anselm and even to the present and after such a short time, have an interest in Dominic. Their considerations ed i propri ragionamenti finivano, come sempre, per provocarle delle forti emicranie e non raggiungeva mai dei punti fermi, ma si ritrovava persa nei meandri di una mente troppo contorta senza cavare un ragno dal buco. Correva appresso a delle supposizioni cervellotiche che lei stessa, alla fine, finiva per scartare. Temeva che la faccenda, complicandosi troppo, riuscisse a rovinare quella bellissima storia che era appena iniziata proprio nell'ultimo giorno di vacanza perciò tacque e si lasciò condurre per mano.

Comunque fossero andate le cose avrebbe dovuto confessare a se stessa, le sarebbe bastato a hint of sincerity, that the focus of his interests were not there, nor the figure of James, nor that of Anselm, but the friendship that developed during the fanciulezza Flora and cemented in adolescence. This bond, which indestructible she believed, would be continued over the years, if the accident had not happened, because the two girls would live in harmony even after the marriage of either. This was what was expected and therefore was willing to make any sacrifice. But now things had changed.


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