Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Attach A Soap Dish


This is a publishing initiative that addresses the world of contemporary theater and research at national level. Having reached a considerable number of members, interests and contacts, we decided to realize this idea, especially after the experience gained from running a blog and a dedicated group called Theatre ITALY and numerous theatrical activities of the association culturale ART LAB (produzione di spettacoli, realizzazione di laboratori in Italia e all'estero e organizzazione di eventi culturali).
Si tratterà - inizialmente - di un sito di informazione ed approfondimento sul mondo del teatro contemporaneo, una webzine culturale, un nuovo punto di vista dal quale si potrà osservare con attenzione la scena contemporanea italiana. L'obiettivo immediato e concreto è reperire risorse e collaboratori per realizzare subito il sito web ed in futuro (prossimo) una rivista cartacea semestrale. Il titolo è semplice e diretto, "Teatro Contemporaneo" e a tal fine abbiamo già acquisito il dominio

We are currently working on the logo, the structure and contents of the site, which will consist - to big lines - a forum, a page "ABOUT U.S.", "Contact" and "NEWSLETTER" and above 5 subjects or "categories" which are:

"VISAS FOR YOU" (reviews of shows and photo reports from all over Italy)

"ON STAGE" (posters and theater performances in programming)

"TEATROFEST" (indicating the festival and exhibitions of contemporary theater in all of Italy)

"TEATROLAB (band signal, casting, training and guidance for all types of theater operators, laboratories, workshops, residencies and educational activities, etc.).

"foyer" (articles and interviews, reports on conferences and seminars, meetings, debates and discussions on research and cultural policies in the context of contemporary theater in Italy)

In Annex press releases (draft), to achieve the stage dedicated to young writers and photographers, potential future employees. I hope I have been exhaustive, it is still available for any clarification.



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