After recovering from the hangover, the latest in a long line over the past two months, Tania took refuge in the waiting room of the station in the suburbs few hundred meters from the laboratory. "Cracks James and all those like him who let themselves be fooled by the beautiful women and stupid!" She repeated to herself trying to get to sleep lying on an uncomfortable seat with wooden staves. The environment was not the most advisable, even the shadow of the police, and when the fumes of alcohol gave way to almost sober, really began to worry. Seeing several ugly mugs turn around at any moment imagined that he could jump out even if someone willing to rape this possibility, after all, would have afforded an experience that, although in a different context, the tickled.
Yeah, she was thin as a nail and one as a cactus survived a drought in decades. Often, looking in the mirror, she was taken by anxiety: had no form, her face resembled that of an embalmed body and legs were two sticks strung under ass flat like a cemetery headstone. It was almost impossible to imagine that a male simple, not mental affection of defects and with a view could simply have an interest in her. Reflecting on the tragic fate was a parallel with Naomi, with her exuberant vitality, with the sensuality of the sister who could afford to use her body to enslave men. Yet he felt no envy for her because she knew what was hidden behind the bravado to be a deeply unhappy that he had suffered the pains of hell and was still suffering.
had met several times before and after the research done per rintracciare figli e figliastri del loro padre snaturato ed erano subito entrate in sintonia. La madre di Noemi era una signora di mezz'età ormai sfiorita e senza stimoli che le facessero apprezzare quel poco di buono che ancora aveva a disposizione. Educò la figlia passando dalla più rigorosa disciplina, ma questo solo nei primissimi anni, al più sfrenato lassismo che divenne menefreghismo quando si convinse che l'uomo che amava, il padre della ragazza, si era ricavato una sorta di harem in cui si muoveva a proprio piacimento senza curarsi nemmeno di salvare le apparenze. Per una sorta di rivalsa verso quell'essere tanto meschino ed egoista allevò Noemi, dopo i primi anni di vita in cui ancora sperava in un ravvedimento di suo padre, nella absolute permissiveness and urged them to take revenge, because she was not capable of the whole universe of men. She collected a series of flirtations of short duration only for the whim of those who seduce the most annoying was, or seemed more sure of himself, but left with empty-handed. It goes well with bullies and country unsavory individuals using them to your liking, learning to cheat others and refining the art of deception.
Despite this, and having lived in opposite ways, Tania do not blame her, she felt even more connected to her that the other sisters and other siblings because I imagine that, for a single joke of fate, Naomi was MP for both inbred and the other to take revenge against men. Often
had reached the night in which he worked and had tried the same pleasure that she was in no doubt try to show off and to catalyze the lustful glances of men: it was like, desire, desire, too.
Despite these acquaintances had never met Paul, nor imagined that you could know Naomi and James. On the other hand, after the very first time they met, it did not like to talk about their past, neither she ventured to many questions that would have certainly annoyed if not angry.
So after sleeping a few nights in the waiting room of the station and the suburbs have wandered around there during the day Tania decided to visit his sister to ask her hospitality. He would not return to their home, imagining that his partner, James, was already a prey to remorse soaking in expectation of his return and will also meet great difficulties in work. Now completely sober, it was refreshing ideas the fountain of the gardens and had bought the train ticket to travel to visit the joint. Arriving at the home of the latter noticed some movement and the presence of a police car. He hid behind a banner ad and saw that Naomi was loaded on the vehicle: do not take much imagination, knowing subject, to imagine that the girl had committed some unforgivable lightness, it was suffering the consequences. He wandered for a long time for the town, they tried a small hotel of the lowest class and spent the last coins left to spend a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, he meditated on his own experiences and get information on the destination of half-sister.
After a fortnight he decided to go visit him in prison: "I caught six months, told her that Naomi was pretty high spirits having just received the visit of a handsome military-pass in any case I can hurry and be revenged on those who kicked me in this ugly mess. And 'the only time I do not do crime, rather subisco of wrongs, and I go to jail: it is very strange life, "the chief told her to leaders what had happened, he said of Paul and how he, after having sworn eternal love, had disappeared from circulation in time of need. He pointed where he found the keys and asked to use very much that he needed. He also added some details about where he kept hidden a small amount of money and put it to him.
Tania found it greatly changed, perhaps the misadventures dell'ultimo periodo l'avevano fatta rinsavire o forse iniziava a stancarsi di quella vita così squallida che stava purtroppo vivendo. Per una singolare coincidenza la toelettatrice si insediò nell'appartamento di Noemi la sera stessa in cui Paolo decise di uscirne: i due quindi non ebbero l'opportunità di incrociarsi anche se, il giorno seguente, capitò lì quel funzionario del recupero crediti che avrebbe pedinato l'ex garzone di Bianca sino all'allevamento di Anselmo e del suocero assistendo in diretta al loro litigio ed al tragico epilogo.
Quando la polizia raggiunse l'allevamento di Anselmo, Paolo era stato immobilizzato da alcuni inservienti e si guardava intorno Lost noting with distress that he should undergo an urgent interrogation because the circumstances were all against him. The friend who had hosted the convent and on which he placed so much hope was now accusing him of murder while the men present and the mother-in-law gave him a hand. Lorella arrived almost together with the military did not display particularly upset and taken apart after his mother threw a fleeting glance at the sheet covering the corpse of his father, began to chatter with her.
'E' was-he shouted while pointing Paolo Anselmo-I witnessed the scene from behind the wall and I assure you that does not fit all. " All those present were, however, a different view and, while not avendo visto ciò che era successo, iniziarono ad accusare il ragazzo che stava versando tutte le proprie lacrime. Fu caricato su un'auto della polizia che prese la via della città. Dall'alto della collina il funzionario della finanziaria assisteva alla scena: intuiva che da quella tragedia cui aveva assistito avrebbe potuto realizzare un bel po' di quattrini, molti più di quelli che si sarebbe procurato intascando le provvigioni per il recupero del credito.
Ritornò tranquillo verso la vettura posteggiata a lato della carrereccia e si avviò, senza fretta, verso la città. Qui, come prima mossa, cercò di incastrare i vari tasselli di quel puzzle che stava man mano prendendo una forma compiuta, then decided to return to the home of Naomi as she could, meanwhile, came home to be. The
agreed to test the ground to understand what role did the groomer and the whole affair which could provide help to continue the plan was developing. He had taken the information and know for a fact that between Paul and the girl things were not going well. He knew the bad name of Naomi and her propensity to cheat others for which expectations as he spoke with the woman who came to the door, that she was to come out. Tania in front of him, but I think I speak with Noemi and you also asked, without suggesting nothing, as he could get a nice guy like Paul with a kind of ugly.
Hatch in outline the plan he had devised implying that, for its realization, he needed a trusted partner. "I could fit Anselmo blackmailing him because of what I saw from the hill. I also took the photos that outline the situation created. Later, when the farmer will have shelled out a lot of money not to be Paul was imprisoned and will be done only a few months in prison, will deliver the material at my disposal anonymously to the Police by allowing justice to be done. But I need someone to give me a hand making my accomplice. "Tania listened with interest, he realized the misunderstanding, but did not consider it appropriate to appear. If he had understood, that man wanted Anselmo blackmail by threatening to tell all that he saw the police, pour a large amount of money and then after a few months to make sure that Paul was released from prison because of the photos anonymously. At that point, if the farmer had pulled into the case, Noemi (Tania) could become a witness key to clear him of any wrongdoing.
was clearly a plan that did not take into account the fact that while the tragic events took place, the girl was in prison, but the poor man ignored him.
Tania held the game playing its part: "You would, if I understand correctly, that I would provide an alibi stating that you would never have been able to blackmail Anselmo as the hour of the tragic events, we were together, and then in 'inability to take pictures that might trap the guy. " The puzzled by the fact that the man wanted to cheat first, but then did not allow this scam is completely ruined Paul, depriving him for who knows how many decades of their liberty. "Divide the profits fifty-fifty, Paul will do a couple of months that in jail, from what I understand it and to the point where you find your relationship, she wants to do for you punizione, poi se dovessi essere tirato in causa da Anselmo, lei sarà la mia ancora di salvezza. Io potrò sempre affermare di non aver assistito alla scena, essendo in sua compagnia, magari avendola visitata per chiedere a lei quella somma che il suo fidanzato deve alla finanziaria, così le foto che anonimamente farò pervenire alla Polizia non potranno essermi attribuite. -Si fermò un istante cercando di interpretare l'incertezza disegnatasi sul viso di Tania come un'anticipazione dell'assenso che stava per accordargli.
La ragazza aveva ancora molti dubbi, ma decise di mostrarsi convinta che la cosa potesse funzionare e concordò con l'uomo un appuntamento per la serata the following day when, after a night reflection and a deeper appreciation of the facts, they would have jointly developed a plan of action.
Paul was indicted for the murder of the farmer, Anselmo blackmailed by the official of the agency, passed a couple of months, he delivered anonymously to the police that the photos clearly exonerate the former White boy . The murderer, on the advice of their lawyer, decided not to bring up because no one in this case, their position before the law would have been further aggravated: in the meantime had dried up, without being entitled to the accounts in Joint account with bank mother-in-law and her deceased husband. He confided that the magistrates would not have too much calcium your hand to a tragic fatality occurred after an argument: what, in legal terms is called murder manslaughter. The process was for summary, and before Naomi finished serving their sentences , Tania put them available to a substantial sum so that he could rebuild his life in the company of his new love. Anselmo
not fared rather cheap because, in addition to the death of her father, even if caused by accident, he was charged false testimony against Paul. The wife and mother-in-law threatened to sue for the shortfall of money which, as assessed circumstances and that it would bring little benefit, then abstained from performing.
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