Lanciano (CH)
Thursday 3 and Friday, February 4 10:30
Teatro Comunale Fedele Fenaroli
Of Gigi Bertoni
By Monica Camporesi, Maria Regosa, Andrea Valdinocci
Musical advice Antonio Talamonti
Sets and costumes Lucia Baldini collaboration with Angela Pezzi
Project lights Marcello D'Agostino
Photo Stefano Tedioli
Graphics Marilena Benini
Directed by Alberto Grilli
By Monica Camporesi, Maria Regosa, Andrea Valdinocci
Musical advice Antonio Talamonti
Sets and costumes Lucia Baldini collaboration with Angela Pezzi
Project lights Marcello D'Agostino
Photo Stefano Tedioli
Graphics Marilena Benini
Directed by Alberto Grilli
Per quanto il titolo lo evochi in maniera inequivocabile Al Gran Teatro di Mangiafuoco non รจ uno spettacolo su Pinocchio. Di Pinocchio questo spettacolo ne ripercorre una traccia, in particolare quella lasciata dall’emozione provata dal burattino davanti al teatro di Mangiafuoco e da un abbecedario venduto in cambio di un biglietto.
Il Gran Teatro sono gli attori stessi, come nel Teatro Orientale sono i personaggi e la scenografia, le maschere e i costumi, i narratori e i danzatori; racchiudono nella loro tecnica tutta la magia, l'arte.
The theater-in theater to life; Eater and his actors tell a story, inspired textures famous Peking Opera, set in a distant and fabulous East. A young girl, through various adventures, defeat the powerful and violent oppressors.
Small Pinocchios in the audience, through free choice, will be active partners of the protagonist, I share the anxieties and fears, but also the firmness of the decision.
The final story will be a moment of collective participation, excitement and knowledge that becomes a shared identity.
The show is recommended for the age group 6-11 years was inolte suitable for the mixed audience of the afternoon.
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