The girl must of necessity work in black otherwise meager wages would have been foreclosed and tried, those with little money to deal with more pressing commitments by purchasing the necessary food, paying bills and rent. Trusting in the company of Mrs. Agosti had committed the amount saved for the purchase of their future home and were now reduced to poverty and lack of resources with the moral ground.
the night, unable to fall asleep, his mind retraced the last months of his life and hoped to soon be able to avenge.
work in the laboratory had become exhausting and commitment from deep in the many activities which had been assigned was not granting a breather. Early reached the house of the teacher and, after having carried out the cleaning, ran into the shop to start a busy day of work in the service of clients and students. Officially, the board should have followed only for cats, but since it was dismantled by playing a much more demanding job with a salary from a cleaning woman. White was often intractable, is becoming more demanding, but the claim would have meant dismissal and that if Virginia could not quite afford. While
therefore undertook the laboratory tirelessly brooding his revenge, which would have enabled it to take the revenge he sought months. It was to be his exemplary punishment that leaves its mark, and possibly could to stop the career of one member who had cursed reduced in a pitiful state.
One evening, returning home, found her husband napping on the sofa in front of the television on: transmitting an old documentary about exotic animals in the National Geographic. Virginia, looking at those pictures, he had a sort of shock. Immediately woke the man and shouted at him at point-blank: "On Sunday we go to Modena! Andrew rubbed his eyes still pasted to sleep: "Ehhh, but are you by chance your mind?" "On Sunday I absolutely have to bring in Modena! He reiterated The girl took off her coat and preparing to table for dinner. He finally devised a plan to avenge Agosti: just had to make a trip to the circus to get some information would then organized a sortie to the smallest details that, if he managed to perfection, would remain in the annals of history.
He worked hard all day Saturday to assess the various aspects of what was preparing to make then came home late at night that he was thrilled by the project came from his brilliant brain. The next morning, at dawn, reached the circus that was still mired in a kind of swamp on the edge the town. He did not want their parents to review, rather sought to minimize the possibility of meeting them, but just had to talk to his cousin, the one that was once a trapeze artist, and now, if the appearances had not cheated, practice a profession, say thus, most folk. The caravan, semi-submerged in mud, was composed of five media circus, including a rusty trailer for the transport of animals and by some caravan of gypsies. Between half and the other had been set of wooden boards supported by bricks, which allows you to walk above the pulp until you reach the asphalt road that surrounded the camp.
was just after six in the morning when Virginia began to knock on the door of a trailer. From inside came a clatter, then a man appeared at the window, "Clelia is not ready, you take the rut early today!" Then, seeing the girl, stood in silence for a moment trying to focus her face still immersed in the semi darkness and continued: "Virginia! But it's you! What are you doing here at this stupid?" You came to visit your parents? "I'm not here because the crew has split a few months ago after a disastrous season." He made her go inside the trailer. Clelia had not yet awakened, despite the noise, and was lying naked on the bed on his stomach. The man covered her with a blanket that had slipped on the floor and took a stool from a corner to accommodate the guest. "How are you? - Went on-I think you're really good! You went away you made the right decision because we are here we are reduced to despair."
Virginia made a brief summary of what had happened to her after school enrollment grooming without a reminder of the last times of trouble and that she and her husband were going through. Meanwhile Clelia had taken to stir in his sleep: he was the next morning. Finally he opened his eyes, sat up in bed by dropping the blanket at his feet and, when he realized who that person before him, he showed all his amazement: "Virgiiiiniaaaaaaaa, what a nice surprise! Did you finally remembered your family and you come to visit! your father and your mother are no longer with us, but cousins \u200b\u200band Aunt Mafalda still live in the trailer next to ours. " Between the two girls had never been a great intimacy, but the groomer gladly accepted the hospitality which might not expect.
While talking he watched the cousin was always a beautiful woman, perhaps a little fatter, but the body was still firm and voluptuous. Mentally observed, not without a touch of malice, which with a body like that could have made interesting gains in new business that was chosen. Perhaps a friend gave her the cash disappear or Gypsies, placed there at your side, within the control of revenue? There was, however, in its expression, a false note, something different, a bit of wildness in his eyes, which makes it now very similar to his new neighbors. Clelia while wearing a light sweater and pulled the boxer removed from a drawer Virginia faced the argument that he had traced back to the caravan: "What happened to Hasdrubal?" The two guests looked at each other wondering: "Hasdrubal who?" asked the man still expressing their disbelief in the face of a request so unusual. "Hasdrubal the Indian rhinoceros, who but he? "Write as if Virginia had made the request more obvious in the world.
Clelia was spending the cream on the long and beautiful legs:" Even before your parents wind up the company had shuffled animals. Could no longer keep them, and apart from the dogs, the poor animals ended up at the hospice of Modena. It 's been a bit' of time, I can not tell who survived, were all Vecchiotti, but if you have news you have to put them there. "
The Hospice of Modena was nothing but a big makeshift shelters where ended virtually all animals, circuses, for various reasons, no longer able to maintain o che risultavano inservibili nell'ambito degli spettacoli. L'istituzione, fondata da un ex domatore, aveva conosciuto tempi prosperi e felici poi, con la crisi circense e con i pochi soldi che giravano, si era man mano ridotta in condizioni di mera sopravvivenza. Al presente, immaginava Virginia, avrebbe potuto somigliare ad un lazzaretto in cui le povere bestie venivano lasciate morire d'inedia. "Va bene, andrò lì a cercare Asdrubale. Potete prestarmi il rimorchio per gli animali?" Rispose l'amico di Clelia: "se riesci a toglierlo da quella melma in cui è sprofondato te lo possiamo anche regalare."
Virginia si trattenne ancora per una mezz'oretta nella roulotte mentre l'accampamento si stava lentamente animando, the children began to splash about in puddles and the dogs to chase them. Further away from bus went out of strangers, with the facial features that certainly did not belong to the circus people: mothers with olive color with new born baby in her lap, toothless old with long skirts and young girls from exotic features. From their temporary shelters night on their way, walking over the boards, to the state and then disperse in different directions. Clelia meanwhile was preparing to settle in roadside having worn their skimpy work clothes.
Virginia sent back home, quickly tracked down her husband who was fiddling in the garage, and together they reached the gypsy camp trying to remove the trailer from the clutches of animals which was mired in mud. Clelia's friend, the high wear rubber boots, hooked the car to Virginia and the means to own, then the two men at the wheel and the trailer began to slowly emerge from the quagmire. The ropes were removed and the means coupled to the old family of two boys who immediately took the road to Modena.
As Virginia was expected, the hospice had become a dilapidated hospital. Survived with the help of some animal welfare groups, but in precarious conditions, without even a fence that surround it fixed or a guardian who supervises him. The poor animals survive in desperate conditions in makeshift shelters exposed to the elements. If the food was never a problem, the volunteers had always been busy, hygiene conditions were poor, nor those people of good will know how to juggle with unusual animals for our latitudes. If was quite easy to care for dogs and horses, geese and maybe teach monkeys home was more difficult to care for elephants, lions, seals and, in fact, the rhinoceros.
Hasdrubal lay dozing in the quagmire resigned apparently in good physical condition: when glimpsed Virginia raised a few inches of the horn e si voltò dall'altra parte. Non è che la ragazza gli fosse particolarmente simpatica, anzi si ricordava di aver ricevuto, da lei, qualche botta non meritata. Comunque preferiva rimanere in quella sorta di bolgia dantesca piuttosto che fare la fame ritornando nel circo. Se i volontari che lo accudivano ci avevano messo un pochino per comprendere che lui, pur essendo un bestione enorme, non era un animale carnivoro, ora gli portavano cardi, ginestre, canne e rami d'alberi con attaccate le foglie in quantità industriali. Quando notò, dietro l'auto di Virginia, il rimorchio con cui era arrivato all'ospizio iniziò ad agitarsi preoccupandosi per il proprio futuro.
In not a soul was around, "upload it to the middle" - Virginia rebuked her husband as if it were easier operation in the world. "You're a crazy unleashed! - The man replied in awe of that mass of flesh their ostentatiously turned his back.
The girl, however, knew his business: he back off the trailer, after it filled with every type of plant stored on site until the edge of the swamp with a pole and began to goad the beast until he turned on himself. Hasdrubal, like all rhinos, was short-sighted, but he could smell the food miles away. He took a large carriera la via del rimorchio superando in scioltezza il corto scivolo e si ritrovò rinchiuso tra quattro robuste pareti metalliche.
Viaggiare in auto con un rinoceronte al seguito non fu un'impresa facile: spesso il mezzo sbandava vistosamente ed allora Virginia ed il marito erano costretti a fermarsi a bordo strada sperando che il grosso erbivoro si tranquillizzasse. Se apparivano delle pattuglie della stradale all'orizzonte i due deviavano prontamente verso un'area di sosta attendendo che il pericolo si allontanasse. Riuscirono comunque a raggiungere la cittadina da cui erano partiti quando ormai stavano calando le tenebre. Invece di prendere la via di casa si diressero verso l'abitazione della signora Agosti perchè dovevano mettere in implement the second part of the plan.
arrived near the gate that enclosed a large garden with a view of the building where the woman had just moved to the first blocked the supply of gas, the counter was on the wall then, pretending to the telephone company workers to donor, invited her to open the gate for inspection. The woman, not suspecting anything, azionò the remote and saw the first break in the garden and even inside the then Asdrubal tickled by the scent of plants that grow in every corner. She fled upstairs terrified, but the phone line with which he could seek help had been interrupted: the elephant was then as long as necessary to destroy the house and yard littered with excrement, in proportion to its size, the places from which transited. The
Agosti remained barricaded in the bedroom for a long time waiting for his young friend, who was away from home, returned to rescue her. The man came back late at night, perhaps recovering from an escapade, and when he saw what he thought had happened to a cataclysm or something very similar. Then, in the dim light, he saw a huge mass that moved rhythmically emettedo a sort of low whistle: Hasdrubal was resting happy dreaming other thistles and other brooms. The
Agosti should have explained to the police, firefighters and animal protection as ever in the park della sua villa era detenuto un rinoceronte adulto e non sarebbe stata un'impresa tanto facile perchè, il giorno precedente, i Carabinieri avevano ricevuto delle denunce anonime. Ci fu chi, dopo l'irruzione dei militari e l'intervento di alcuni esperti che ricondussero il pachiderma a Modena, ebbe il coraggio di affermare, in totale buona fede, di aver notato l'animale già da diverse settimane presso la casa della donna: probabilmente aveva visto l'Agosti stessa che stava passeggiando all'interno del proprio giardino.
Virginia si accordò con Clelia affinchè denunciasse, anche se in ritardo, la scomparsa dell'animale dal circo ed attese fiduciosa che la Giustizia compisse il proprio corso.
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