Chapter 29 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer
For the first two days after the disappearance of Tania James was not worried: the imagined to bed to sober up and recover a dignified bearing. In winter the work was certainly not the highest level and he was able to fend for itself without too many sacrifices. The third day began to worry and decided instead to go and look at his home. She had lived in the back for a few years later, when he formed the company with James, had decided to rent a tiny studio in a few hundred meters from the laboratory. On a small hall and a kitchen was converted into a loft bed and wardrobe. The space was reduced to its essentials, but the environment after all seemed nice and bright thanks to the presenza di una grande finestra affacciata su un giardinetto e di un enorme lucernario. Per accedere all'appartamento bisognava passare proprio dinanzi alla villetta dei genitori di Chiara, imboccare un vicolo cieco che la contornava e salire una rampa esterna di scale da cui si poteva scorgere una parte del giardino dell'ex fidanzata di Giacomo.
Tania teneva sempre una chiave di scorta in bottega per cui il ragazzo entrò senza difficoltà nell'appartamento convinto di trovarvi la socia: magari avrebbero litigato, ma aveva il dovere di assisterla qualora se ne fosse presentata la necessità. D'altra parte momenti di crisi profonda capitano a tutti, lui ne sapeva qualcosa, ma con la buona volontà si può porre rimedio anche alle situazioni peggiori e risalire la china. Uscì dal laboratorio, svoltò a destra per il corso alberato ed in breve raggiunse prima una via più stretta, poi il vicoletto che contornava il muro di cinta dell'abitazione di Chiara. Era entrato una sola volta nell'appartamento di Tania, ma conosceva benissimo quella zona che aveva fatto da sfondo alla sua gioventù. Quei luoghi ora lo mettevano leggermente a disagio ricordandogli l'ultima visita effettuata presso i genitori della sua ex ragazza e la soddisfazione che si era preso saldando loro, mentre lo guardavano inebetiti, l'intero debito contratto.
Bussò all'entrata poi si decided to use the bunch of keys he had taken in the workshop: "Tania, are you there?" yelled crossing the threshold. Absolute silence. "Are you asleep?" He cried before deciding to get on the mezzanine. No response. The unmade bed appeared, the small closet was ajar and some clothes littered a chair under the skylight. Pushed aside the thick curtain that prevented roller to distinguish objects clearly and looked around to reveal a big mess: Tania was just changed! He recalled the first and only visit all'appartamentino: the environment was not a hair out of place and everything smells good and now that little accommodation was more like the mansion of a cabin that the house of a woman ordered and mature. Went downstairs and walked to the sink cluttered with dirty dishes and a small table on which were piled up different folders red, some old letters and yellowed newspaper. In front of the table there was a cupboard with light wood floor flooded with other collectors and a couple of photo albums. Only then he noticed that a little 'aside, leaned a sealed envelope addressed to him: a James Furlanis. He opened with the help of a kitchen knife, one of the few clean, and immediately started reading.
A parte gli errori grammaticali Giacomo si accorse che quella lettera aveva le o tutte consunte per cui assomigliavano praticamente a delle c: questo era il difetto di una macchina da scrivere portatile che aveva usato una volta presso il laboratorio di Tania e che poi era sparita. Non c'era need to become Sherlock Holmes to assume that the message he had just written his partner then setting up a pathetic melodrama. He put the letter in his pocket and began to inspect the folders and albums that were piled nearby. In the most massive of the latter, as in the first collector discovered a series of photographs in which he was portrayed as he worked, while entertaining clients, and even when he was shaving in the narrow service grooming. There are also some snapshots more daring attitudes that portrayed in intimate contact with some regulars of the laboratory. How did Tania have those pictures or when he had captured, admitted that she had been to take it back, remained a mystery. What
still put in a good mood even though, deep down, was beginning to feel a slight remorse for what, by its conduct, had caused. He decided to put that and other folders in a large shoulder bag found in the loft and prepared to leave carry this heavy content.
Before crossing the threshold, we ascertained that the other side, towards the garden of Clare, no one was lurking and then inserted the key from the outside to close. But as he descended the stairs past the non-law who was drawing the attention planted on our doorstep. "Hello James, how are you? - Said the old man going out into the garden, and snapping to the grid-partition between the two properties is that we've seen and am in good shape. I'm sorry to bother you but I have seen she has the keys to Tania. It gave the job to take care of the dog during her absence? We throw something edible to the desperate poor beast barking day and night, but can not continue like that! " Yes, the dog ... how could we forget? Tania And how he could leave the chain on the back of the apartment? It was a circumstance truly inexplicable. "You are no longer the friend did not even see his partner-continued the non-relative and I think you should take care of the animal. "James came down the stairs, headed for the small garden at the back of Penelope and untied. The dog greeted him joyful because you already knew and loneliness began to weigh them. "What is a friend of Tania? - asked the groomer to the non-law-I thought you lead a solitary life and I never heard mention that it was a friendship or relationship." "A type high forties, very distinguished, "replied the old man-is here a few times a week comes around seventeen, when Tania is still at work, and exit from the apartment the next morning about nine o'clock, when the groomer if they have already left. "absolute mystery. James greeted the man and took his leave carrying around Penelope, wagging his tail happily.
back home The boy ordered the folders on a table, deciding that it would examine carefully the contents starting from the next day, Sunday. An object immediately attracted his attention: a small notebook with a dark leather wallets secured through a large yellow rubber band. He began to leaf through the pages and found it full of addresses each of the which followed by a brief comment: good, reliable, low, attention or anything like that. He had never heard of any of persons listed in: they were not certain customers of their laboratory. Puzzled returned to the store to see if, meanwhile, occurred during the news. Calm on all fronts: no news of Tania and nothing significant to report. He filled the bowl of Penelope and, after having carried out at the park, left it in the back also make available a large bowl of fresh water.
The next morning he woke up early, putting himself at once to inspect the contents of folders that had not yet opened. He immediately made the idea that Tania, parallel to the squalid life that he and others imagined, to lead a life more enjoyable with an important matter of amicizie o per lo meno di conoscenze. A ben pensarci dopo un certo orario lei era sempre irreperibile e questo valeva anche per i giorni di festa. Non si barricava dunque esausta in casa dopo il lavoro ma conduceva, con ogni probabilità, una vita molto più interessante. Centinaia di foto, all'apparenza anche recenti, con persone di ogni età ed in luoghi per lo più sconosciuti avvaloravano questa ipotesi. Che razza di persona era la sua socia? Forse l'aveva sottovalutata. Tra i vari documenti trovò anche la copia di una denuncia che sua madre aveva evidentemente sporto contro il marito per violenza e percosse: di questo però aveva già sentito parlare. Vagliò attentamente il contenuto two folders and another left open for the afternoon. He decided to take another turn at the apartment to find that they had not escaped the details since the matter began to get interesting. While turning point in the alley he saw the man described by the non-law quickly climb the ladder and open the outer door of Tania. He waited a few minutes, then decided to knock on the door to solve the mystery visitor linked to that secret.
"You can get in? - Shouted hitting their knuckles on the door are the socio-Tania." The opening was a man very tall, distinguished, handsome and elegantly dressed. They exchanged a handshake, "I am the brother of the groomer," said the annoyed expression without hiding forty-some papers are here to fix my sister and to take away from Penelope. " "How's Tanya?" Said James uneasy about the attitude of his own party-friendly does not know he had a brother. He always made you believe to be alone in the world. "" Actually I'm just a brother and we recently brought together after the death of his mother Tania. She asked for help and I felt obliged to intervene. Our father was never a saint for which both hated it, I would say that we hated, and this feeling, anche se le potrà apparire inconsueto, ci ha ricongiunti e ricompattati. Entrambi abbiamo sopportato la sua presenza deleteria e subìto delle vere e proprie angherie. Noi come le nostre madri siamo stati vittime della sua brutalità ed alla fine era scritto nel destino che ci coalizzassimo.- La sua espressione si addolcì mentre faceva accomodare Giacomo all'interno dell'abitazione- mio padre, il padre di Tania, ha condotto una vita estremamente sregolata. I tradimenti verso le donne che frequentava in contemporanea erano il cardine intorno a cui ruotava la sua vita. Non si faceva scrupoli e non aveva alcun rispetto per nessuna di quelle sventurate. Accanto a tre relazioni diciamo così semi ufficiali or at least tolerated brought forward a variety of additional flirts: a real piece of crap! - James wondered why not a little man, skipping over any prembolo, fervor in that story was gradually aggiundendovi new details: it was just hating His father - ended up there among us poor helpless aggregate sons and stepsons, they represent a true partnership .- He cleared his throat, perhaps noticing a kind of disbelief on the face of James emergence .- You do not know what it means- was changed to a more confidential tone, feel a bastard and we were all bastards but Tania could boast-stressed smiling-word to be the sole repository of the last name of our father, but perhaps what bothered her more than satisfied and it was she who initiated moves so that we knew. "
James was aghast: the Tania seemed impossible that entertain relations with a group of people so diverse and unusual. And that crowd! If the photos had not misled it was among dozens of individuals, assumed, official wife, lovers cornificate, legitimate children and as well as illegitimate children of the children until some kind of generation. A sort of huge extended family!
"I'm sorry for the interference, ma io ero molto preoccupato per la scomparsa di sua sorella- intervenne Giacomo rivolgendosi al fratello della sua socia- non avrei mai immaginato però una situazione come questa". L'uomo alla fine si lasciò andare ad una sonora risata: "Anch'io non avrei mai immaginato che fossimo così tanti!"
In effetti la situazione era un pochino diversa ed i rapporti tra i discendenti di quell'incallito seduttore non erano stati, in origine, così idilliaci.
Qualcuno lo difendeva ancora a spada tratta pensando di essere un figlio privilegiato o prediletto. L'uomo cercò infatti, sopratutto nei suoi ultimi anni di vita, di mettere gli uni contro gli altri perchè immaginava che altrimenti gli si sarebbero coalizzati However, as some had already happened. Tania lived in a difficult environment in which it originally allies against each other for gaining the favor of a player who led the orchestra, however, at your own advantage. The mothers pretended not to see, for the sake of the children were silent, but were just extras. The groomer also underwent a pass by the elderly parent, sick now, but he could never know this was down a thick smoke screen, even if his sisters had to endure such an indignity. In the last months of his life his father he retired with his wife Journal, Tania's mother, per farsi assistere durante la malattia che, in capo a pochi mesi, lo portò alla morte.
Egli aveva una buona disponibiltà economica che dilapidò nel corso degli anni con le amanti e, in seguito, per curarsi a dovere. Tania e sua madre vissero nelle ristrettezze mentre il congiunto spendeva a piene mani.
"Dov'è ora sua sorella?" chiese Giacomo. "Anche se ti sembrerà strano lo ignoro. Mi ha lasciato uno scritto con alcune istruzioni che oggi volevo eseguire- rispose l'uomo- prima tra tutte il prelievo di certi raccoglitori che lei custodisce in questo appartamento". Giacomo non sapeva come comportarsi: confessare che egli aveva sottratto ciò che molto probabilmente Man sought would have brought only trouble. Opted to remain silent because the sequel to that story, allegedly contained within the bag he had brought home, I was intrigued. It therefore dismissed the man eager to return to their homes to go in search of new twists that would surely have stumbled.
It did not take him long to find, within the most massive bin, a sealed letter addressed to "my brother George" which tore the envelope immediately immersed in reading.
When Tania's father became ill he was diagnosed with a degenerative disease in the long course that would then stored alive for several years but with serious shortcomings. The man decided to return to family after a long break for a walk around the world that had made her comfortable with her many lovers. The wife did not dare to reject it because of their nature mild and condescending, in fact he did so to comply scrupulously with the provisions of the doctors. Tania, who had already passed the thirty and still remembered the harassment suffered because of the parent and the numerous attempts made in the past to block unhealthy appetites already decided to hasten its end by replacing every type of medicine that was prescribed by the false drugs. It replaced
the tablets of the tablets of sugar, the drops fell into the toilet with clean water and medicines mistaking intramuscular vials with no other active ingredient. The man began to deteriorate so rapidly and reached its final goal in twelve months. The wife was not aware of these tricks and actually was surprised that so little care avessereo effect. Tania rejoiced instead waiting for any deterioration in his father's death as a liberation. The groomer wanted his brother to inform other relatives, who had recently reconciled and closed ranks in a kind of community, of what he had done and the reasons which had led him to work that way. But the letter also contained some considerations as to who was reading: he was deeply impressed and it was immediately beset by heavy feelings of guilt. The groomer performed a parallel between the dissolute life of his father and that little different, of James. Concquiste compared the latter's betrayal of the parent to the detriment of his wife too compliant.
Because of what he considered real betrayal by his partner to give their Tania slowly descended into paranoia clinging to the bottle, drawing only comfort and trying to photograph, in secret, the most reprehensible conduct of James for poterglieli then reproach. He built a voluminous dossier as other snapshots, more compromising, were added to those that James had found during the first, fast reconnaissance.
The groomer closed the collector is what he had learned that day was enough. He was very upset because she realized that her life after the death of Flora, had become one of unimaginable squalor. If cost was a bit 'relieved and no longer had to tighten their belts before and after each payment, his relationships with women were, unfortunately, the closer to what, joke about it, called the method of Anselmo a shot well established and on, without emotional involvement.
For the first time in many years, tried to clear as much nostalgia for that phase of innocent sentimentality that she embodied in days gone by. The fact that he remembered at that moment more the relationship with the first girlfriend who testified to the great love for Flora as you would hold on, not to succumb to something alive and tangible rather than the sad memories that had already paralyzed for a long period.
The brief conversation with the non-in-law, the courtesy that he had expressed, made him re-emerge a few pleasant memories and these pleasing images that ran in his mind he fell asleep.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Public Racquetball Courts 63146
Chapter 28 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 27
Virginia lived for some years with his teacher, then went to live with a guy who had begun to court since the early months of the course. It was completely transformed to become a beautiful girl, taller than the average, care and appearance of good character. He had become familiar with the work of transforming the White laboratory in a well organized that we fail to satisfy a wide range of customers. Always available and extremely friendly and courteous, especially the owner was often preferred to those people, the most demanding, Bianca was sometimes rudely if not with rudeness. He had learned the best professional techniques, but if there was to work hard, never looked the clock giving the best of herself from six in the morning to night.
Her boyfriend, a hard worker, nice guy like you, sometimes scolded, fearing that they scrambled too, but not overplayed his hand seeing her happy and fulfilled. The son of a merchant in the area, the classic seven shirts struggled to convince her to come and live with him because Virginia does not definitely decided to leave the attic of the White simply spend with the boy some rare weekends and summer vacations, even these reduced the bone, again because of heavy work commitments. So he is not tormented her to it right now, hoping that she first decided o poi a recidere quel cordone ombelicale che la legava, troppo saldamente, alla maestra. Poteva comprendere la grande devozione di Virginia per Bianca, ma non quell’attaccamento morboso che, nel primo periodo della loro amicizia, aveva immaginato avesse dei risvolti inconfessabili. In realtà la ragazza era normalissima e normalissimi erano i rapporti con Bianca: semplicemente Virginia considerava la maestra come una sorta di essere superiore che era intervenuto nella sua vita per riscattarla dall’abbrutimento e dalla miseria. Anche se lo stipendio era ai minimi contrattuali e le ore di straordinario non venivano retribuite, lei non avrebbe mai preso in considerazione altre opportunità né aspirava a migliorare il proprio stato. La ragazza riusciva ad arrotondare un po’ grazie a qualche lavoretto extra nei rari momenti di libertà e ciò le bastava per sentirsi pienamente realizzata. Italo, al contrario, guadagnava molto bene quindi la coppia non aveva problemi economici e questo, per il momento, gli poteva bastare. Ma qualche piccola recriminazione a volte affiorava perché non era accettabile che Virginia si desse così tanto da fare senza che l’impegno profuso venisse riconosciuto. Anche la ragazza però, ascoltando casualmente alcuni discorsi tra la maestra e sua sorella, iniziò ad avere qualche perplessità: Bianca apprezzava infatti il lavoro svolto dalla propria dipendente, ma non avrebbe mai allentato the purse strings in a period considered critical. For her, he imagined a future black and bleak even when the business is progressing very well, it was unthinkable that an employee could earn more than an apprentice although he had achieved a remarkable professionalism. A customer of the laboratory
understood the situation, became a close friend of Virginia started to do so until the strange talk, away from prying ears, the proposed opening of a new and luxurious beauty salon for dogs in a big city nearby. The lady was very persuasive and she began to consider this opportunity lost, in part, their carelessness. For White would have to play yet another wake-up call, but on that occasion she was not particularly intuitive and it was decided to make only a few steps out of time lost, at once, an invaluable employee and a sincere friend.
Within four months of Virginia and his friend, hypothetical lender, had already designed a plan of action also involving Italian enterprise. The two young men blindly trusted that person and, without putting up barriers, they found themselves embroiled in a situation that could ruin their finances, their serenity and a relationship that, at that time was the best you could wish for. Mrs. Agosti was made In fact, believing it promised wealthy, false pretenses and important knowledge, of things that never could have been retained. Involved in the project a number of professionals and companies that allowed themselves to be duped some not so much by his good looks, which really was not so beautiful, how very loose-talking ways and sliced. If you put into your head to make a certain project would pass on the corpse of his mother just to bring it to term. Money and finance is no problem because he was always able to find some naive ready to go along with borrowing excessively in his stead. He had been so from twenty years old then continuously in a crescendo of action, spesso estemporanee, che avevano ridotto sul lastrico parecchie persone, ma da cui lei era sempre uscita immacolata come la neve. Nel corso degli anni aveva quindi disseminato il territorio di cadaveri: ditte fallite, fornitori non pagati, imbrogli di ogni genere per cui molti l’avevano denunciata, ma in nessun caso lei risultò formalmente responsabile dei danni causati perché trafficava dietro le quinte badando di realizzare i migliori profitti possibili senza che il proprio nome fosse in alcun modo compromesso.
La maggior parte delle volte attirava nella propria rete degli uomini divorziati, separati o vedovi che avessero un minimo di disponibilità economica e riusciva a rovinarli in poco tempo facendo in modo che si intestassero dei pet shops, farms or pensions which quickly failed. Playing the part of innocent and defenseless woman so that the unfortunates were put at his disposal as the champions to defend their queen. It is a little person posing as a 'dizzy and helpless so that the men involved off guard, without hesitation, slipping in the tunnel of death. Established a company, Agosti began to buy goods without trade policy, promising that he could not offer services or sell the paper behind and advance, animals of each gender and race not having the availability nor things present, nor future. Within a short time the house of cards collapsed and many people who had trusted were found involved in an endless series of troubles, ruining lives. He knew how to move and used the technique of snakes caster so the unlucky danced while she directed the orchestra. Many have vowed to take revenge, but none was successful until now because, after the devastating experience, the injured preferring to retreat and lick their wounds in the shade ashamed of their gullibility and cursing the moment they had crossed. Woman had been a crash of the accounts would also be returned, but it was a pretty ordinary person, rather stocky and with eyes as round as a cold fish. When the years began to become too many and ripetuti e pesanti restauri, l’eleganza del portamento, gli atteggiamenti ambigui e gli ammiccamenti non sortirono più l’effetto desiderato, compì un salto di qualità spostando le proprie attenzioni dagli uomini soli e potenzialmente vulnerabili, ad altri soggetti, maschi o femmine che fossero, purchè sufficientemente sprovveduti e con buone potenzialità economiche. Italo e Virginia, lo aveva saputo da quest’ultima, avevano a disposizione un piccolo patrimonio destinato all’acquisto della loro nuova casa: per lei fu un invito a cena! Per farla breve suggerì ai due ragazzi di rilevare un’impresa, grande negozio di animali con annessa toelettatura, carica di debiti, con spese fisse esorbitanti e con reputation in the constantly decreasing. To take care of purchases and increase turnover by leveraging, suggests, on their important insights.
The two boys committed the unforgivable mistake out of debts and falling farm in question, in just a few months, in a sea of \u200b\u200btroubles. If only Virginia had not asked for advice to Bianca would have been in that situation, but she did not dare to reveal to the teacher what he regarded as a dirty traitor. The scams were studied scientifically at a table by August, which, in just a short time, he managed to set aside a substantial sum on the backs of unwary investors. Appena subentrati nella conduzione dell’azienda i due fidanzati si trovarono le banche ed i creditori alle calcagna: dovettero quindi mettere mano all’intero capitale a disposizione per non essere coinvolti nella bancarotta che si stava profilando all’orizzonte. “E’ un ottimo investimento!- continuava ad insistere la Agosti negando l’evidenza dei fatti- i vecchi titolari hanno lavorato senza cervello, ma riusciremo a recuperare nel giro di pochi mesi.” I pochi mesi diventarono un biennio ed in questo lasso di tempo la donna, trafficando dietro le quinte come era sua abitudine, riuscì a dirottare parte dei materiali acquistati verso un magazzino di proprietà e ad eseguire operazioni finanziarie dissennate per l’azienda, but advantageous for itself. The two guys just start to seriously worry about having left the excellent Italian job not only to help Virginia, but also to pocket the liquidation was immediately thrown into that bottomless bag that had been loaded on the rump.
They began to quarrel among themselves and the girl fell into a dangerous depression that brought her to swallow the food at any time of day or night, as in the days of the circus. He was afraid of finding themselves in the same situation of deprivation of the past and let himself be overcome by repeated panic attacks. Still hopeful and confident, Italo dared not, however, give the sack to Agosti so that the two are now deprived of the indispensable to allow the woman to take on a regular basis, dall'esangue account, your monthly stipend. She always seemed happy and relaxed, but it could not be otherwise, as they sank into the darkest despair. They opened their eyes when they came to visit them a senior representative of items for the animals: "Do not you realize that you are delinquent in attending? - Said, without preamble, I have known for over twenty years and I can assure you that left in its path a trail of dead and wounded uninterrupted. Live by their wits and has built a solid economic position behind the naive like you. Sorry if I speak well, but age of retirement and can afford to use the utmost sincerity. What I can not understand is how such people can continue with their deception over the years, and no obstacles in their way. Evidently the world is so big that they can not spread the news with the necessary speed, or there is always some movement in gonzo who still believes in miracles. "The representative had some unfinished business with the lady met a lot of years before when she ran in a provincial center, a large pet store. He, too, despite not want to recognize, was a dupe and that the wound still burned he never completely healed. Bragging connections in high places, a degree in Veterinary and collaboration with the State University, the August was able to obtain large supplies of which, of course, was well guarded by welding. In this case the ownership of your business was his companion, a Valtellina as high as naive, she gave up, as expected, while the ship was sinking. After a couple of years re-awakening was out in a village a few miles away and was made to open a small shop, always of the same genus, a traffic policeman who left his wife and children to follow, ruining lives. Here he had given his best at the same time opening a branch activity at the local vet and buy the material, which was then made to disappear in the name and on behalf of the study. Again, the responsibilities and debts had fallen on the shoulders of the local policeman who had lost his own home and health.
past few years, lively and ringalluzzita other minor successes achieved in the meantime, had crossed the road again the representative making the call by his turn: an insurer separated from his wife with several years of work behind it and a good economic position. Pivoting on his knowledge and his reputation was able to obtain a large bank loan planting activity trade, breeding dogs, grooming and training in a shed without usability and in an area totally unsuitable for such an exercise. Initiated activity without waiting for the necessary permits were issued, it was enlarged by contacting some foreign suppliers, to making significant advances for courses never would have realized that grooming and paying a large sum, deducted from the account of his companion, for the purchase of a piece of land next year, but burdened by environmental restrictions and mortgages in a crescendo of initiatives without rhyme or reason.
not exposed himself never personally making sure that the negotiations with suppliers were carried out by the insurer, who had a reputation, and appeared to deal only concluded as the surprise that is extracted from the egg of Easter. Striking patchy carefully selecting the unwary who rushed in increasing numbers, in its network. Left on the pavement, the insurer, wanted to make yet another leap and started to take care of church property because of some news that had reached his ear. In those years the episcopal diocese was an important by assigning some abandoned farmhouses, had inherited a noblewoman, to needy families so that there is planted under semi free, secure the property and taking care of the surrounding farms. The Agosti became an instant baciapile writing to all the volunteers that somehow did head to the Church and its dependencies. He reached the skirts, which had always carried well above the knee, participated assiduously for any type of religious service, including the funerals of strangers, took behaviors consonant with the new environment that was also stopped attending and make-up like an old whore of periphery. With these devices could be assigned a large farm in a horseshoe, with all its appliances and use of surrounding lands, now fallow, but they had known better times. The hidden purpose was to establish a farm of luxury, but more relevant to the stated purpose of the generous owners expectations: the establishment of a family home to comfort the dispossessed in the area. On that occasion, came out slightly from the sown into a relationship with a guy much younger than her, a penniless in the province, but not omit to sign inguaiarlo making millions of orders for the restoration of the farms and selling or renting apartments, in restructuring, which had no availability.
supplier firms is trusted by granting large credit since there's half the Curia, but when the chips are also the Bishop came to be involved in a lot of trouble while the woman if she was already melting on the sly, this time with the young friend who was then placed in an apartment not far from its new luxury housing as a work of art is preserved with care and then expose it in the hall representative, at the most important occasions.
leave for some time to calm the waters, crops up out brighter and smoother than ever to set up a new activity to several kilometers away. His young companion had remained loyal even after the storm and, although in some creditor at his heels, he could juggle with skills in critical situations having made the lessons received.
This time took over, with checks and bills of course did not go well, a pet store and a farm planted some years earlier by a young entrepreneur. Discarded clothing punished and taken the old provocative behavior shortened day by day their skirts and squeezed their breasts, but massive falling in dizzying cleavage that could be strung together without problems, a bottle of Chianti. It was a return to free-range sources that invigorated by stimulating it to devise new tricks in a Rossini crescendo of initiatives that decreed the downfall of other unfortunates. If the young fellow was now a fixture and an irreplaceable presence in his life, so we had taken care di addestrarlo nell’ arte del raggiro e della menzogna impartendogli quotidiane lezioni teoriche ed esercitazioni sul campo, altri sprovveduti le furono nel frattempo vicini permettendole di affinare le proprie tecniche.
Mentre ascoltavano questo racconto Virginia ed Italo erano seduti su un divanetto, all’interno del loro negozio, in preda ad un’agitazione che montava insieme ai nuovi particolari con cui l’anziano rappresentante infarciva il proprio racconto. Il ragazzo si prese la testa tra le mani: “Io ti ho avvisata, ma tu correvi dietro ai tuoi sogni di gloria ed ora ci siamo dentro entrambi sino al collo!” In effetti Virginia non aveva voluto ascoltare le perplessità del ragazzo, ma si trattava solo di small notes and no real criticism frasettine laid quietly in the middle of a conversation with the hesitation and the reluctance of those who fear to offend a famous person or a deity to curse. At this point they realized they both fell into a trap, victims of a colossal deception which would have gone completely destroyed.
"You can not making accusations that are not mine alone so that you too have always shared and any decision but you have pushed ahead of me nell'assecondare that bitch" taunted Virginia to Italy. When some alarm bells would have suggested a more prudent and cautious behavior In fact, the boy continued to blindly trust the woman giving background to the latest financial resources that were sacrificed in the expectation that things would improve and intravvedesse a glimmer of light. Virginia began to suspect that her boyfriend and the woman had entered into a relationship: she took then to monitor unobtrusively stalking during the rare moments when he was away from the store. Proven by the difficulties of the moment, and fearing to find himself in a situation of extreme poverty that had marked his childhood and adolescence, while repeatedly altering old habits, in just a few months, his physical appearance. Fattening of all proportion and, noticing that he was suffering from the metamorphosis, he became sloppy and arrogant increasingly denying her boyfriend who still wanted. Italy was let go at once with the August, was almost forced, but he never wanted to repeat that experience absolutely negativa.La woman had deeply wounded by suggesting that just do not know when the boy felt only repulsed by his body ravaged by cellulite and worn with age, but especially a great remorse in regard to Virginia. "You look great, but you give little to do" I teased as he cursed the moment when they decided apartments. Other approaches and other opportunities not presented themselves, but also in that situation is was let go because he feared, with a refusal to offend his refined and authoritative business partner for too long as it was pointing a hunting dog. Meanwhile, Virginia had frequent nightmares and twice she had gone with the caravan of their parents and then not have the courage to join them. Was considering whether it was more convenient or more bearable to face the fall in the company of the boy, who now had become a stranger, or return, like the prodigal son, which had escaped from the circus full of hope.
There was the grandmother to inspire courage and Italy seems so distant and immersed in their thoughts and their concerns that it was almost impossible talk to him. One day, taking care not to show up, made a wide turn around the caravan and understood the situation, since the course was even worse. I could see only people brutalized by poverty and animals and their cages were inexplicably disappeared. The tent was implanted and a second caravan of gypsies, was standing next to a circus in an uninterrupted succession of old cars, clothes hung out to dry as best and household goods stacked piles of garbage smoldering in the mud.
imagined that his former colleagues and relatives were aggregated to the nomads not to die of starvation becoming thieves and beggars. Without giving too much attention is stationed presso un distributore di benzina, in posizione strategica, per meglio osservare l’accampamento e le persone che lo occupavano. Il vastissimo spiazzo a lato della statale era ridotto ad un pantano in cui si rincorrevano alcuni ragazzini e scorazzavano alcuni cani sporchi e denutriti. Le roulottes del circo erano riconoscibili perché recavano sul fianco, molto sbiadito, il nome dell’equipe mentre i mezzi degli zingari, in miglior stato di conservazione, occupavano il lato più esterno dello sterrato. Un occhio inesperto non avrebbe rilevato alcuna differenza tra gli uni e gli altri, ma Virginia considerava preoccupante quella convivenza inusuale ipotizzando che i propri parenti avessero cessato l’attività e raggiunto un accordo with the gypsies. Many of the cars that ran along the highway slowed down near the camp while others stopped along the side of the road remains on hold.
To his amazement, she saw a trailer out of two of his cousins, already beautiful and talented trapeze artist, both in skimpy clothes that came in two cars driven by older people. It did not take much to realize that the circus had become a place of illegal appointments and her cousins, who had so envied for their beauty, prostitutes livelihood, he imagined, for the entire community. The attacked a sense of anguish, then began to sob desperately crouching in the shadow of a pillar of supply. His family lived in poverty and she soon would be found in the same condition! Desperately began to assess whether there were ways out, but was the only viable one that would have given his old teacher groped for a reconciliation.
White had never accepted the treachery of his favorite pupil and, when she left, did nothing but hatred and resentment smolder studying the possibility to be able to finally avenge. Abandoned in the worst period of the season, when the work reached its peak, she had to decide in the next two years, the organization courses. Neither was a great help her sister who spent a nervous breakdown by now to the next without interruption. Her husband had left the house, finding temporary accommodation rose more appropriate at an institution of Turin, the old housekeeper and her daughter-in-law had died and, after making a fleeting visit to the family home and has taken action to admit the parent, had returned in Venezuela from its companion.
When she knocked, with his tail between his legs, the door of Bianca, she had solved its problems in part because, after repeated attempts, she came to hand a really good guy and resourceful that she had been hired gratified, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, with a salary much higher than those applying to Virginia. This does not mean his thirst for vengeance was diminished or the desire for revenge diminished: one rode the other day by day as the lava that pushes on the cone of a volcano. White had never had a good character: feeling rejected by the boys she liked, and more painful after the parenthesis Dino had found great comfort in the friendship of Virginia pouring out upon her the same affection and the same attention that, in normal situations, could bestow upon a hypothetical boyfriend or life partner. In Mirko had not found the support he expected: he would prefer to isolate themselves at his farm and did not want his company.
Bianca hated the girl as you might hate a faithless husband, but the greatest resentment arose from the fact that had caused considerable economic damage boycotting them just as the work proceeded on a roll. Stress and disappointment they had suffered and left their mark so that his body had been considerably weakened, suffered from recurring headaches, his back was broken and had lost weight considerably from person taking on a sofferente.Virginia was received with coldness, but not expect a better deal: there were no kisses or hugs, but a handshake unconvinced that does not bode well.
"You could at least inform me of what you were plotting the teacher-debuted with an altered voice with anger and emotion, and you'd have the chance to run for cover. This happens when you treat people very well and are granted too much confidence. "Virginia blushed visibly," I should not have to go like that and I regret it, but I am Italian and we were putting away money for the home and the salary you gave not allow us to look to the future with serenity. "falsely asserted that White would be a simple enough request from the girl to make them loosen their purse strings. It was not and so the two women were aware, but both decided not to continue on that minefield: the teacher may not enter into contradiction and Virginia to prevent her from taking further innervosisse is, therefore, a more hostile attitude. White, however, waited too long and the hour of revenge was not the guy who relented from a desperate situation: he spoke with Virginia already enjoying the punishment that he inflicted on the traitor and liar, his former employee. The deeply resented the fact that it could not arrange for two years in a row, giving courses in grooming a gain that had recently allowed a good standard of life removing concerns that stemmed from a meager budget with which she could barely cover the rate of mortgage contracts. The defection of Virginia had come at the least suitable and she had to borrow further to cover the lost profits that gave her students . These considerations aside, the girl had always been paid properly, so he reasoned White, having to add up the salary with a range of "benefits", the first of the free accommodation, which she enjoyed. If Paul had been properly punished, Virginia deserved worse treatment because she had been welcomed as a friend, even housed in the house, filled with care until to revolutionize the existence of the teacher. "Unfortunately I have found your replacement for some time he began-White-is a smart guy and willing to whom I could not deny. : Life as they say, if he makes another, and no one is indispensable in this world. The only thing that I propose is a part-time job for house cleaning, laboratory and cattery that I planted in the back. " When the teacher was forced to abstain for two consecutive years, the organization of courses invent, to supplement the income from the principal, a cattery clogging the already unbelievably cramped back room with an infinite number of cages stacked in three parallel rows. All this, of course, without permission and without those technical details that would have ensured that the poor animals a better living.
Virginia lived for some years with his teacher, then went to live with a guy who had begun to court since the early months of the course. It was completely transformed to become a beautiful girl, taller than the average, care and appearance of good character. He had become familiar with the work of transforming the White laboratory in a well organized that we fail to satisfy a wide range of customers. Always available and extremely friendly and courteous, especially the owner was often preferred to those people, the most demanding, Bianca was sometimes rudely if not with rudeness. He had learned the best professional techniques, but if there was to work hard, never looked the clock giving the best of herself from six in the morning to night.
Her boyfriend, a hard worker, nice guy like you, sometimes scolded, fearing that they scrambled too, but not overplayed his hand seeing her happy and fulfilled. The son of a merchant in the area, the classic seven shirts struggled to convince her to come and live with him because Virginia does not definitely decided to leave the attic of the White simply spend with the boy some rare weekends and summer vacations, even these reduced the bone, again because of heavy work commitments. So he is not tormented her to it right now, hoping that she first decided o poi a recidere quel cordone ombelicale che la legava, troppo saldamente, alla maestra. Poteva comprendere la grande devozione di Virginia per Bianca, ma non quell’attaccamento morboso che, nel primo periodo della loro amicizia, aveva immaginato avesse dei risvolti inconfessabili. In realtà la ragazza era normalissima e normalissimi erano i rapporti con Bianca: semplicemente Virginia considerava la maestra come una sorta di essere superiore che era intervenuto nella sua vita per riscattarla dall’abbrutimento e dalla miseria. Anche se lo stipendio era ai minimi contrattuali e le ore di straordinario non venivano retribuite, lei non avrebbe mai preso in considerazione altre opportunità né aspirava a migliorare il proprio stato. La ragazza riusciva ad arrotondare un po’ grazie a qualche lavoretto extra nei rari momenti di libertà e ciò le bastava per sentirsi pienamente realizzata. Italo, al contrario, guadagnava molto bene quindi la coppia non aveva problemi economici e questo, per il momento, gli poteva bastare. Ma qualche piccola recriminazione a volte affiorava perché non era accettabile che Virginia si desse così tanto da fare senza che l’impegno profuso venisse riconosciuto. Anche la ragazza però, ascoltando casualmente alcuni discorsi tra la maestra e sua sorella, iniziò ad avere qualche perplessità: Bianca apprezzava infatti il lavoro svolto dalla propria dipendente, ma non avrebbe mai allentato the purse strings in a period considered critical. For her, he imagined a future black and bleak even when the business is progressing very well, it was unthinkable that an employee could earn more than an apprentice although he had achieved a remarkable professionalism. A customer of the laboratory
understood the situation, became a close friend of Virginia started to do so until the strange talk, away from prying ears, the proposed opening of a new and luxurious beauty salon for dogs in a big city nearby. The lady was very persuasive and she began to consider this opportunity lost, in part, their carelessness. For White would have to play yet another wake-up call, but on that occasion she was not particularly intuitive and it was decided to make only a few steps out of time lost, at once, an invaluable employee and a sincere friend.
Within four months of Virginia and his friend, hypothetical lender, had already designed a plan of action also involving Italian enterprise. The two young men blindly trusted that person and, without putting up barriers, they found themselves embroiled in a situation that could ruin their finances, their serenity and a relationship that, at that time was the best you could wish for. Mrs. Agosti was made In fact, believing it promised wealthy, false pretenses and important knowledge, of things that never could have been retained. Involved in the project a number of professionals and companies that allowed themselves to be duped some not so much by his good looks, which really was not so beautiful, how very loose-talking ways and sliced. If you put into your head to make a certain project would pass on the corpse of his mother just to bring it to term. Money and finance is no problem because he was always able to find some naive ready to go along with borrowing excessively in his stead. He had been so from twenty years old then continuously in a crescendo of action, spesso estemporanee, che avevano ridotto sul lastrico parecchie persone, ma da cui lei era sempre uscita immacolata come la neve. Nel corso degli anni aveva quindi disseminato il territorio di cadaveri: ditte fallite, fornitori non pagati, imbrogli di ogni genere per cui molti l’avevano denunciata, ma in nessun caso lei risultò formalmente responsabile dei danni causati perché trafficava dietro le quinte badando di realizzare i migliori profitti possibili senza che il proprio nome fosse in alcun modo compromesso.
La maggior parte delle volte attirava nella propria rete degli uomini divorziati, separati o vedovi che avessero un minimo di disponibilità economica e riusciva a rovinarli in poco tempo facendo in modo che si intestassero dei pet shops, farms or pensions which quickly failed. Playing the part of innocent and defenseless woman so that the unfortunates were put at his disposal as the champions to defend their queen. It is a little person posing as a 'dizzy and helpless so that the men involved off guard, without hesitation, slipping in the tunnel of death. Established a company, Agosti began to buy goods without trade policy, promising that he could not offer services or sell the paper behind and advance, animals of each gender and race not having the availability nor things present, nor future. Within a short time the house of cards collapsed and many people who had trusted were found involved in an endless series of troubles, ruining lives. He knew how to move and used the technique of snakes caster so the unlucky danced while she directed the orchestra. Many have vowed to take revenge, but none was successful until now because, after the devastating experience, the injured preferring to retreat and lick their wounds in the shade ashamed of their gullibility and cursing the moment they had crossed. Woman had been a crash of the accounts would also be returned, but it was a pretty ordinary person, rather stocky and with eyes as round as a cold fish. When the years began to become too many and ripetuti e pesanti restauri, l’eleganza del portamento, gli atteggiamenti ambigui e gli ammiccamenti non sortirono più l’effetto desiderato, compì un salto di qualità spostando le proprie attenzioni dagli uomini soli e potenzialmente vulnerabili, ad altri soggetti, maschi o femmine che fossero, purchè sufficientemente sprovveduti e con buone potenzialità economiche. Italo e Virginia, lo aveva saputo da quest’ultima, avevano a disposizione un piccolo patrimonio destinato all’acquisto della loro nuova casa: per lei fu un invito a cena! Per farla breve suggerì ai due ragazzi di rilevare un’impresa, grande negozio di animali con annessa toelettatura, carica di debiti, con spese fisse esorbitanti e con reputation in the constantly decreasing. To take care of purchases and increase turnover by leveraging, suggests, on their important insights.
The two boys committed the unforgivable mistake out of debts and falling farm in question, in just a few months, in a sea of \u200b\u200btroubles. If only Virginia had not asked for advice to Bianca would have been in that situation, but she did not dare to reveal to the teacher what he regarded as a dirty traitor. The scams were studied scientifically at a table by August, which, in just a short time, he managed to set aside a substantial sum on the backs of unwary investors. Appena subentrati nella conduzione dell’azienda i due fidanzati si trovarono le banche ed i creditori alle calcagna: dovettero quindi mettere mano all’intero capitale a disposizione per non essere coinvolti nella bancarotta che si stava profilando all’orizzonte. “E’ un ottimo investimento!- continuava ad insistere la Agosti negando l’evidenza dei fatti- i vecchi titolari hanno lavorato senza cervello, ma riusciremo a recuperare nel giro di pochi mesi.” I pochi mesi diventarono un biennio ed in questo lasso di tempo la donna, trafficando dietro le quinte come era sua abitudine, riuscì a dirottare parte dei materiali acquistati verso un magazzino di proprietà e ad eseguire operazioni finanziarie dissennate per l’azienda, but advantageous for itself. The two guys just start to seriously worry about having left the excellent Italian job not only to help Virginia, but also to pocket the liquidation was immediately thrown into that bottomless bag that had been loaded on the rump.
They began to quarrel among themselves and the girl fell into a dangerous depression that brought her to swallow the food at any time of day or night, as in the days of the circus. He was afraid of finding themselves in the same situation of deprivation of the past and let himself be overcome by repeated panic attacks. Still hopeful and confident, Italo dared not, however, give the sack to Agosti so that the two are now deprived of the indispensable to allow the woman to take on a regular basis, dall'esangue account, your monthly stipend. She always seemed happy and relaxed, but it could not be otherwise, as they sank into the darkest despair. They opened their eyes when they came to visit them a senior representative of items for the animals: "Do not you realize that you are delinquent in attending? - Said, without preamble, I have known for over twenty years and I can assure you that left in its path a trail of dead and wounded uninterrupted. Live by their wits and has built a solid economic position behind the naive like you. Sorry if I speak well, but age of retirement and can afford to use the utmost sincerity. What I can not understand is how such people can continue with their deception over the years, and no obstacles in their way. Evidently the world is so big that they can not spread the news with the necessary speed, or there is always some movement in gonzo who still believes in miracles. "The representative had some unfinished business with the lady met a lot of years before when she ran in a provincial center, a large pet store. He, too, despite not want to recognize, was a dupe and that the wound still burned he never completely healed. Bragging connections in high places, a degree in Veterinary and collaboration with the State University, the August was able to obtain large supplies of which, of course, was well guarded by welding. In this case the ownership of your business was his companion, a Valtellina as high as naive, she gave up, as expected, while the ship was sinking. After a couple of years re-awakening was out in a village a few miles away and was made to open a small shop, always of the same genus, a traffic policeman who left his wife and children to follow, ruining lives. Here he had given his best at the same time opening a branch activity at the local vet and buy the material, which was then made to disappear in the name and on behalf of the study. Again, the responsibilities and debts had fallen on the shoulders of the local policeman who had lost his own home and health.
past few years, lively and ringalluzzita other minor successes achieved in the meantime, had crossed the road again the representative making the call by his turn: an insurer separated from his wife with several years of work behind it and a good economic position. Pivoting on his knowledge and his reputation was able to obtain a large bank loan planting activity trade, breeding dogs, grooming and training in a shed without usability and in an area totally unsuitable for such an exercise. Initiated activity without waiting for the necessary permits were issued, it was enlarged by contacting some foreign suppliers, to making significant advances for courses never would have realized that grooming and paying a large sum, deducted from the account of his companion, for the purchase of a piece of land next year, but burdened by environmental restrictions and mortgages in a crescendo of initiatives without rhyme or reason.
not exposed himself never personally making sure that the negotiations with suppliers were carried out by the insurer, who had a reputation, and appeared to deal only concluded as the surprise that is extracted from the egg of Easter. Striking patchy carefully selecting the unwary who rushed in increasing numbers, in its network. Left on the pavement, the insurer, wanted to make yet another leap and started to take care of church property because of some news that had reached his ear. In those years the episcopal diocese was an important by assigning some abandoned farmhouses, had inherited a noblewoman, to needy families so that there is planted under semi free, secure the property and taking care of the surrounding farms. The Agosti became an instant baciapile writing to all the volunteers that somehow did head to the Church and its dependencies. He reached the skirts, which had always carried well above the knee, participated assiduously for any type of religious service, including the funerals of strangers, took behaviors consonant with the new environment that was also stopped attending and make-up like an old whore of periphery. With these devices could be assigned a large farm in a horseshoe, with all its appliances and use of surrounding lands, now fallow, but they had known better times. The hidden purpose was to establish a farm of luxury, but more relevant to the stated purpose of the generous owners expectations: the establishment of a family home to comfort the dispossessed in the area. On that occasion, came out slightly from the sown into a relationship with a guy much younger than her, a penniless in the province, but not omit to sign inguaiarlo making millions of orders for the restoration of the farms and selling or renting apartments, in restructuring, which had no availability.
supplier firms is trusted by granting large credit since there's half the Curia, but when the chips are also the Bishop came to be involved in a lot of trouble while the woman if she was already melting on the sly, this time with the young friend who was then placed in an apartment not far from its new luxury housing as a work of art is preserved with care and then expose it in the hall representative, at the most important occasions.
leave for some time to calm the waters, crops up out brighter and smoother than ever to set up a new activity to several kilometers away. His young companion had remained loyal even after the storm and, although in some creditor at his heels, he could juggle with skills in critical situations having made the lessons received.
This time took over, with checks and bills of course did not go well, a pet store and a farm planted some years earlier by a young entrepreneur. Discarded clothing punished and taken the old provocative behavior shortened day by day their skirts and squeezed their breasts, but massive falling in dizzying cleavage that could be strung together without problems, a bottle of Chianti. It was a return to free-range sources that invigorated by stimulating it to devise new tricks in a Rossini crescendo of initiatives that decreed the downfall of other unfortunates. If the young fellow was now a fixture and an irreplaceable presence in his life, so we had taken care di addestrarlo nell’ arte del raggiro e della menzogna impartendogli quotidiane lezioni teoriche ed esercitazioni sul campo, altri sprovveduti le furono nel frattempo vicini permettendole di affinare le proprie tecniche.
Mentre ascoltavano questo racconto Virginia ed Italo erano seduti su un divanetto, all’interno del loro negozio, in preda ad un’agitazione che montava insieme ai nuovi particolari con cui l’anziano rappresentante infarciva il proprio racconto. Il ragazzo si prese la testa tra le mani: “Io ti ho avvisata, ma tu correvi dietro ai tuoi sogni di gloria ed ora ci siamo dentro entrambi sino al collo!” In effetti Virginia non aveva voluto ascoltare le perplessità del ragazzo, ma si trattava solo di small notes and no real criticism frasettine laid quietly in the middle of a conversation with the hesitation and the reluctance of those who fear to offend a famous person or a deity to curse. At this point they realized they both fell into a trap, victims of a colossal deception which would have gone completely destroyed.
"You can not making accusations that are not mine alone so that you too have always shared and any decision but you have pushed ahead of me nell'assecondare that bitch" taunted Virginia to Italy. When some alarm bells would have suggested a more prudent and cautious behavior In fact, the boy continued to blindly trust the woman giving background to the latest financial resources that were sacrificed in the expectation that things would improve and intravvedesse a glimmer of light. Virginia began to suspect that her boyfriend and the woman had entered into a relationship: she took then to monitor unobtrusively stalking during the rare moments when he was away from the store. Proven by the difficulties of the moment, and fearing to find himself in a situation of extreme poverty that had marked his childhood and adolescence, while repeatedly altering old habits, in just a few months, his physical appearance. Fattening of all proportion and, noticing that he was suffering from the metamorphosis, he became sloppy and arrogant increasingly denying her boyfriend who still wanted. Italy was let go at once with the August, was almost forced, but he never wanted to repeat that experience absolutely negativa.La woman had deeply wounded by suggesting that just do not know when the boy felt only repulsed by his body ravaged by cellulite and worn with age, but especially a great remorse in regard to Virginia. "You look great, but you give little to do" I teased as he cursed the moment when they decided apartments. Other approaches and other opportunities not presented themselves, but also in that situation is was let go because he feared, with a refusal to offend his refined and authoritative business partner for too long as it was pointing a hunting dog. Meanwhile, Virginia had frequent nightmares and twice she had gone with the caravan of their parents and then not have the courage to join them. Was considering whether it was more convenient or more bearable to face the fall in the company of the boy, who now had become a stranger, or return, like the prodigal son, which had escaped from the circus full of hope.
There was the grandmother to inspire courage and Italy seems so distant and immersed in their thoughts and their concerns that it was almost impossible talk to him. One day, taking care not to show up, made a wide turn around the caravan and understood the situation, since the course was even worse. I could see only people brutalized by poverty and animals and their cages were inexplicably disappeared. The tent was implanted and a second caravan of gypsies, was standing next to a circus in an uninterrupted succession of old cars, clothes hung out to dry as best and household goods stacked piles of garbage smoldering in the mud.
imagined that his former colleagues and relatives were aggregated to the nomads not to die of starvation becoming thieves and beggars. Without giving too much attention is stationed presso un distributore di benzina, in posizione strategica, per meglio osservare l’accampamento e le persone che lo occupavano. Il vastissimo spiazzo a lato della statale era ridotto ad un pantano in cui si rincorrevano alcuni ragazzini e scorazzavano alcuni cani sporchi e denutriti. Le roulottes del circo erano riconoscibili perché recavano sul fianco, molto sbiadito, il nome dell’equipe mentre i mezzi degli zingari, in miglior stato di conservazione, occupavano il lato più esterno dello sterrato. Un occhio inesperto non avrebbe rilevato alcuna differenza tra gli uni e gli altri, ma Virginia considerava preoccupante quella convivenza inusuale ipotizzando che i propri parenti avessero cessato l’attività e raggiunto un accordo with the gypsies. Many of the cars that ran along the highway slowed down near the camp while others stopped along the side of the road remains on hold.
To his amazement, she saw a trailer out of two of his cousins, already beautiful and talented trapeze artist, both in skimpy clothes that came in two cars driven by older people. It did not take much to realize that the circus had become a place of illegal appointments and her cousins, who had so envied for their beauty, prostitutes livelihood, he imagined, for the entire community. The attacked a sense of anguish, then began to sob desperately crouching in the shadow of a pillar of supply. His family lived in poverty and she soon would be found in the same condition! Desperately began to assess whether there were ways out, but was the only viable one that would have given his old teacher groped for a reconciliation.
White had never accepted the treachery of his favorite pupil and, when she left, did nothing but hatred and resentment smolder studying the possibility to be able to finally avenge. Abandoned in the worst period of the season, when the work reached its peak, she had to decide in the next two years, the organization courses. Neither was a great help her sister who spent a nervous breakdown by now to the next without interruption. Her husband had left the house, finding temporary accommodation rose more appropriate at an institution of Turin, the old housekeeper and her daughter-in-law had died and, after making a fleeting visit to the family home and has taken action to admit the parent, had returned in Venezuela from its companion.
When she knocked, with his tail between his legs, the door of Bianca, she had solved its problems in part because, after repeated attempts, she came to hand a really good guy and resourceful that she had been hired gratified, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, with a salary much higher than those applying to Virginia. This does not mean his thirst for vengeance was diminished or the desire for revenge diminished: one rode the other day by day as the lava that pushes on the cone of a volcano. White had never had a good character: feeling rejected by the boys she liked, and more painful after the parenthesis Dino had found great comfort in the friendship of Virginia pouring out upon her the same affection and the same attention that, in normal situations, could bestow upon a hypothetical boyfriend or life partner. In Mirko had not found the support he expected: he would prefer to isolate themselves at his farm and did not want his company.
Bianca hated the girl as you might hate a faithless husband, but the greatest resentment arose from the fact that had caused considerable economic damage boycotting them just as the work proceeded on a roll. Stress and disappointment they had suffered and left their mark so that his body had been considerably weakened, suffered from recurring headaches, his back was broken and had lost weight considerably from person taking on a sofferente.Virginia was received with coldness, but not expect a better deal: there were no kisses or hugs, but a handshake unconvinced that does not bode well.
"You could at least inform me of what you were plotting the teacher-debuted with an altered voice with anger and emotion, and you'd have the chance to run for cover. This happens when you treat people very well and are granted too much confidence. "Virginia blushed visibly," I should not have to go like that and I regret it, but I am Italian and we were putting away money for the home and the salary you gave not allow us to look to the future with serenity. "falsely asserted that White would be a simple enough request from the girl to make them loosen their purse strings. It was not and so the two women were aware, but both decided not to continue on that minefield: the teacher may not enter into contradiction and Virginia to prevent her from taking further innervosisse is, therefore, a more hostile attitude. White, however, waited too long and the hour of revenge was not the guy who relented from a desperate situation: he spoke with Virginia already enjoying the punishment that he inflicted on the traitor and liar, his former employee. The deeply resented the fact that it could not arrange for two years in a row, giving courses in grooming a gain that had recently allowed a good standard of life removing concerns that stemmed from a meager budget with which she could barely cover the rate of mortgage contracts. The defection of Virginia had come at the least suitable and she had to borrow further to cover the lost profits that gave her students . These considerations aside, the girl had always been paid properly, so he reasoned White, having to add up the salary with a range of "benefits", the first of the free accommodation, which she enjoyed. If Paul had been properly punished, Virginia deserved worse treatment because she had been welcomed as a friend, even housed in the house, filled with care until to revolutionize the existence of the teacher. "Unfortunately I have found your replacement for some time he began-White-is a smart guy and willing to whom I could not deny. : Life as they say, if he makes another, and no one is indispensable in this world. The only thing that I propose is a part-time job for house cleaning, laboratory and cattery that I planted in the back. " When the teacher was forced to abstain for two consecutive years, the organization of courses invent, to supplement the income from the principal, a cattery clogging the already unbelievably cramped back room with an infinite number of cages stacked in three parallel rows. All this, of course, without permission and without those technical details that would have ensured that the poor animals a better living.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Creative Ways Of Male Masterba
History an anonymous, shallot-groomer
Werner had meanwhile moved to Brixen and there had established their own grooming. Business, considering the recent inauguration of the year, could not do better, thanks to the knowledge of his uncle and fierce competition is not exactly the work was never missed. The rooms were spacious, located in the center and served by a large parking lot. He had made a small apartment at the rear of the structure, but often by the elderly relative who was staying, after years of near solitude, joyfully welcomed the presence of his nephew.
Biborka's husband was dead and in the meantime the woman had even sought to renew ties with her lover without making any mention of course the money disappeared and killed on the road to reconciliation which, knowing Werner and his weaknesses, he considered imminent. He believed it to be able to dupe again with the same arguments as in other times and had used that had never failed. But on this occasion Werner took the bait and not the woman had no choice but to remain in Hungary to lick their wounds after a life spent in managing their own interests with too much open-mindedness trampling, with sadistic cynicism, the feelings of those who had the misfortune to cross. Thanks to his uncle, who managed to thwart the attempt to reunite patched, Werner finally severed the bond that had perverted too long influenced his life. He began to attend new people to become friends of the very important and useful in the workplace and especially to look to the future with renewed optimism.
early from school grooming he was planning to organize courses in the area where he decided to open up the business. As fate had brought in the big city hub for the surrounding valleys and place of intense tourist passage, he wheeled out the old idea and spoke by phone with Bianca. The space was really great and the chances of success right guaranteed by the logistical support and careful organization. The teacher is enthusiastic about, but to ensure its presence in selected public holidays it clearly could not close his lab during the week and have not yet abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bopening a branch in the hills near the house of the poor Flora. James, however, suggested that you contact, such as skills, had almost overcome in order to assess its intentions.
At that time the boy Mirko and occasionally worked with, attending his farm, he met Tania the groomer that for about three years was active a few hundred meters from his laboratory. She had struggled to create a small circle of loyal customers at both removing them from grooming in the historic city: the profession still does not provide an adequate income, but we put all the goodwill to divert a portion of the work of the two older competitors into their shop. Be a massive hit on the organization, punctuality, cleanliness, love for animals by applying lower rates of course dell'agguerrita competition. Even about her began to circulate rumors are absolutely unfounded, spread to art, which depicted the time as an amateur in jeopardy now as a person reduced to despair at the absence of financial resources would soon be thrown in the towel. Despite this, the turnover grew slowly and never had a customer had found fault with the methods used or the organization: who came there for the first time never lost his way back. Tania was still very worried, and vents with James, the excessive rise in overhead costs and the inability to increase tariffs beyond a certain limit the risk of losing a whole range of customers.
"We are the last to arrive and we must be content with the crumbs," said the boy-I am suffering the torments of hell, and I try hard to make my way. " Tania's inspired confidence and he had no difficulty in telling her the situation she had and what hardships she faced recently.
She was not the kind of woman who attracts the male gaze: older than James, had to endure before the oppression of a tyrannical father and then treat the long-aged mother who had left her alone in the world for a few months after a long illness. Tall and rail thin, her face was the suffering of those who do not expect anything good the days to come, but it was a good person and he could dispense helpful advice at the appropriate time without becoming too intrusive. In his company, James was well and was opened as it used to do with Flora at the best of their happy union. The two met often now is that on-farm in the town of origin in the laboratory on the premises of one or the other. The long talks were of great comfort to the boy and helped to make it less drab life of the woman who, in addition to the work, he had other interests and basically lived segregated in its own shop. One day Tania said to James: "I know something about the disaster that surely you ignore. Do not you have wanted to speak first because I had great confidence in you, but now I feel like it and it is right that you know some details of the tragedy that you have so heavily marked and decide accordingly whether or not to take action against a person who, rightly or wrongly, is now distressed by heavy guilt. " The boy immediately thought Mirko: I suspect that the farmer hiding something about the tragic death of Flora and her last hours. In fact, he seemed unwilling to address the topic and his silence seemed to want to cover the darker sides of a story too quickly stored as a disgrace. Between him and the farmer does not c'era mai stata eccessiva confidenza per cui l'aveva oltremodo meravigliato il suo bel gesto di offrirgli un lavoro nel momento del bisogno: aveva pensato, per un istante, che egli volesse scaricarsi la coscienza senza però comprenderne i motivi. “Mirko era molto attratto da Flora– proseguì Tania– ma la sua presenza lo metteva a disagio perché la considerava al di fuori della propria portata. La idealizzò a tal punto da ritenerla un’intoccabile ed inavvicinabile icona della femminilità. Gli bastava soltanto scorgerla per andare completamente in confusione e temeva di far trasparire questo suo stato d’animo attraverso gli atteggiamenti impacciati o l’espressione del viso. Provava envy of your idyllic relationship, he had never been able to build a similar one with several companions visited. His contacts with women were, I do not know how to define them better, quite rudimentary: he did not want emotional involvement failing perhaps never found the right person ".- He cleared his throat by a long pause. She had never met a man who understand and know the value but, unlike Mirko, the failure was unfortunately also the raw material: absolute zero on all fronts, no close encounter adolescence today! He felt a sense of self-pity, the often happened in recent times , but recovered quickly in the continuing story-"For you and Mirko were Flora diventati un autentico tormento! La vostra serenità lo infastidiva perchè era costretto a paragonarla ogni giorno con la propria tristissima solitudine. Per questo cercava in ogni modo di evitarvi, vi girava alla larga per non sorprendervi in qualche atteggiamento affettuoso: la vostra gioia lo rattristava e contemporaneamente lo irritava. Quando Flora decise di far addestrare il proprio cucciolo giù in pianura senza consultarlo egli se la legò al dito offendendosi. Forse cercava il pretesto per detestarvi ancora di più e voi glielo forniste su un piatto d'argento. Iniziò a cambiare strada quando vi scorgeva, a nascondersi presso i recinti dei cani per evitare ogni contatto. Anche la mattina della tragedia, avvistando Flora che, dietro al proprio dog, running toward the area cursed, he decided to leave to reach the opposite end of the farm. Of course he did not think that that day would be consumed a tragedy, but he detested that animal disobedient and daredevil that for sure, sooner or later, would combine some trouble. Rejoiced for his pranks that had his revenge for the wrongs they have suffered. If only he had taken in the neighborhood, doing away with those attitudes childish, maybe he would have heard the calls of Flora and avoided the tragedy. "Giacomo had heard the story with interest, however, judging it a bit 'invented: what could accuse Mirko? , was clearly a crabby, a primitive, but it belonged to his private life and nothing could be linked. They had a long discussion, he and Flora, the possibility of entrusting the training of the puppy, but she did not want to listen to reason: "That man is scary-I-had responded often tried to speak to him, but answered in monosyllables as if annoyed by my presence, then I prefer to keep up as large as possible." If only he understood what was causing frustration in Mirko certainly would have changed his mind, but did not have the sensitivity to do so. He began to think that in fact the two neighbors snubbed him, trying to keep my distance and went into seclusion, if possible, even more.
There was a nexus between the conduct of the breeder, the puppy's flight and the accident occurred? James thought about how to react after this story, but everything seemed so absurd a story focusing mostly on assumptions odd result, he thought, the fanciful imagination of Tania, a mixture of reality and insights put together by a woman who certainly 'Another had stuffed a story lean and simple, you could not expect more from Mirko, with personal notes that had come to misrepresent the facts. Dazed and disoriented James asked his friend: "You How would you behave? "" I let go for not spending more months of hell-she-said there is nothing on which to blame the farmer, and he should not have, unfortunately, all the wheels in place. E 'was he who insist that you bring these facts and is ready to accept your every decision. I would ignore it because nothing concrete has happened that could accelerate an event already planned by fate. "James was increasingly perplexed:" Explain to me then because I've told this story? If you yourself are convinced that nothing added to what we already know you could spare me This continuous pain. "Tania, looking distraught gaze of his friend, he realized that it disturbed unnecessarily and regretted it. He wanted to establish a link between them is deeper, the result of greater intimacy, but that was a move undoubtedly inappropriate. He had slightly fictionalized, this is the confidences of Mirko by adding their thoughts maybe not very relevant without losing the thread of the story, but James did not think it came out so upset.
Boy , did not address the topic more, but from next week to attend the camp stopped breeding them immediately available to decide on courses of Werner.
Bressanone everything was ready to welcome the new teacher who managed to get away for a long period from their city with the help of Tania why the two decided to merge their grooming on the premises of the woman and the boy canceled the contract ' rent of own workshop retaining only the use of premises for habitation. The partnership between the two individuals continued for some time with mutual satisfaction, because they divided the tasks in an optimal manner for which James was able to give their best in the shearing while Tania specializes in bathrooms, in less demanding jobs, and general organization.
From time to time with old friends and know they were affected by the boy several times received the visit of missing-in-law, for Anselm it was already at loggerheads with Lorella and demanded all the time, but always lacked, inexplicably, the visit Denise. I had become very close relationship with Werner and often organized the events with great audience participation and economic return. Bianca Maria was also a day in the company of Virginia, to visit old student: he's a lot of compliments on how organized the work, but ran into a colossal gaffe Tania exchange for the mother of James.
Indeed she was a few years older than the boy, but the expression on her face, sad and suffering, made her look even older. He wanted to be something better than just a business partner for James, but realized, in time, could not aspire to anything different. He tried clumsily to declare his feelings, but then, looking in the mirror, she was less than the courage and continued to soak in the shadows. After a period of a couple of years in which James was let go, and even his appearance had been affected, he had returned to being the brilliant young man, nice and good looks of better times. The customers were doting on him and Tania had to be content to assist him, as a mere servant, senza poter recriminare perché si era cacciata da sola in quella situazione ed era giusto che ne pagasse le conseguenze. Egli approfittava delle circostanze, per lui vantaggiose, intuendo che la dedizione e l’attaccamento della donna non erano soltanto un attestato di amicizia: gli conveniva però fare orecchie da mercante troncando sul nascere ogni discorso che avrebbe potuto condurlo su un terreno che considerava insidioso ed in cui gli sarebbe stato difficile destreggiarsi senza mortificare quella che era, e doveva rimanere, solo una socia in affari. Le offriva una grande e sincera amicizia, questo si, ma spesso l’eccessiva confidenza sconfinava in un cameratismo troppo spinto per cui non si faceva scrupolo di raccontarle, compiacendosene, tutti details, even the most gory, their amorous encounters. They were short stories, interspersed with long periods of reflection and reconsideration, which did not lead to ever engaging in relationships, or definitive links. If he had engaged in something more serious maybe Tania would have resigned retired forever in the shadows, but the right person for he seemed never to arrive at each break and she was beginning to hope to be finally taken into consideration and macerated in these repeated and lengthy waits.
Humiliated in 'women's pride and rassegnatasi to live without the possibility of expressing their feelings, the groomer a few years after he began drinking and soon becomes a slave to alcohol. James held out for some time, then was forced to put the member of its responsibilities: they were rapidly losing their best customers and organization of work was leaking from all sides. The premises were frequently dirty and the events overlapped in the same time much to the chagrin of those who were accustomed to a prompt and efficient service.
"I do not know what's going on, but it is not going anywhere. You're an alcoholic no good! "He broke one day James. In fact, that morning was Tania made to work under more than usual indecent, filthy and still prey to the fumes now that he drank alcohol at any time of day.
"You do not have any regard for me .- He simply replicate the mixed groomer mouth - so I go and I shall never see you anymore." He picked up a few things in a big bag and left the laboratory without adding another .
Werner had meanwhile moved to Brixen and there had established their own grooming. Business, considering the recent inauguration of the year, could not do better, thanks to the knowledge of his uncle and fierce competition is not exactly the work was never missed. The rooms were spacious, located in the center and served by a large parking lot. He had made a small apartment at the rear of the structure, but often by the elderly relative who was staying, after years of near solitude, joyfully welcomed the presence of his nephew.
Biborka's husband was dead and in the meantime the woman had even sought to renew ties with her lover without making any mention of course the money disappeared and killed on the road to reconciliation which, knowing Werner and his weaknesses, he considered imminent. He believed it to be able to dupe again with the same arguments as in other times and had used that had never failed. But on this occasion Werner took the bait and not the woman had no choice but to remain in Hungary to lick their wounds after a life spent in managing their own interests with too much open-mindedness trampling, with sadistic cynicism, the feelings of those who had the misfortune to cross. Thanks to his uncle, who managed to thwart the attempt to reunite patched, Werner finally severed the bond that had perverted too long influenced his life. He began to attend new people to become friends of the very important and useful in the workplace and especially to look to the future with renewed optimism.
early from school grooming he was planning to organize courses in the area where he decided to open up the business. As fate had brought in the big city hub for the surrounding valleys and place of intense tourist passage, he wheeled out the old idea and spoke by phone with Bianca. The space was really great and the chances of success right guaranteed by the logistical support and careful organization. The teacher is enthusiastic about, but to ensure its presence in selected public holidays it clearly could not close his lab during the week and have not yet abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bopening a branch in the hills near the house of the poor Flora. James, however, suggested that you contact, such as skills, had almost overcome in order to assess its intentions.
At that time the boy Mirko and occasionally worked with, attending his farm, he met Tania the groomer that for about three years was active a few hundred meters from his laboratory. She had struggled to create a small circle of loyal customers at both removing them from grooming in the historic city: the profession still does not provide an adequate income, but we put all the goodwill to divert a portion of the work of the two older competitors into their shop. Be a massive hit on the organization, punctuality, cleanliness, love for animals by applying lower rates of course dell'agguerrita competition. Even about her began to circulate rumors are absolutely unfounded, spread to art, which depicted the time as an amateur in jeopardy now as a person reduced to despair at the absence of financial resources would soon be thrown in the towel. Despite this, the turnover grew slowly and never had a customer had found fault with the methods used or the organization: who came there for the first time never lost his way back. Tania was still very worried, and vents with James, the excessive rise in overhead costs and the inability to increase tariffs beyond a certain limit the risk of losing a whole range of customers.
"We are the last to arrive and we must be content with the crumbs," said the boy-I am suffering the torments of hell, and I try hard to make my way. " Tania's inspired confidence and he had no difficulty in telling her the situation she had and what hardships she faced recently.
She was not the kind of woman who attracts the male gaze: older than James, had to endure before the oppression of a tyrannical father and then treat the long-aged mother who had left her alone in the world for a few months after a long illness. Tall and rail thin, her face was the suffering of those who do not expect anything good the days to come, but it was a good person and he could dispense helpful advice at the appropriate time without becoming too intrusive. In his company, James was well and was opened as it used to do with Flora at the best of their happy union. The two met often now is that on-farm in the town of origin in the laboratory on the premises of one or the other. The long talks were of great comfort to the boy and helped to make it less drab life of the woman who, in addition to the work, he had other interests and basically lived segregated in its own shop. One day Tania said to James: "I know something about the disaster that surely you ignore. Do not you have wanted to speak first because I had great confidence in you, but now I feel like it and it is right that you know some details of the tragedy that you have so heavily marked and decide accordingly whether or not to take action against a person who, rightly or wrongly, is now distressed by heavy guilt. " The boy immediately thought Mirko: I suspect that the farmer hiding something about the tragic death of Flora and her last hours. In fact, he seemed unwilling to address the topic and his silence seemed to want to cover the darker sides of a story too quickly stored as a disgrace. Between him and the farmer does not c'era mai stata eccessiva confidenza per cui l'aveva oltremodo meravigliato il suo bel gesto di offrirgli un lavoro nel momento del bisogno: aveva pensato, per un istante, che egli volesse scaricarsi la coscienza senza però comprenderne i motivi. “Mirko era molto attratto da Flora– proseguì Tania– ma la sua presenza lo metteva a disagio perché la considerava al di fuori della propria portata. La idealizzò a tal punto da ritenerla un’intoccabile ed inavvicinabile icona della femminilità. Gli bastava soltanto scorgerla per andare completamente in confusione e temeva di far trasparire questo suo stato d’animo attraverso gli atteggiamenti impacciati o l’espressione del viso. Provava envy of your idyllic relationship, he had never been able to build a similar one with several companions visited. His contacts with women were, I do not know how to define them better, quite rudimentary: he did not want emotional involvement failing perhaps never found the right person ".- He cleared his throat by a long pause. She had never met a man who understand and know the value but, unlike Mirko, the failure was unfortunately also the raw material: absolute zero on all fronts, no close encounter adolescence today! He felt a sense of self-pity, the often happened in recent times , but recovered quickly in the continuing story-"For you and Mirko were Flora diventati un autentico tormento! La vostra serenità lo infastidiva perchè era costretto a paragonarla ogni giorno con la propria tristissima solitudine. Per questo cercava in ogni modo di evitarvi, vi girava alla larga per non sorprendervi in qualche atteggiamento affettuoso: la vostra gioia lo rattristava e contemporaneamente lo irritava. Quando Flora decise di far addestrare il proprio cucciolo giù in pianura senza consultarlo egli se la legò al dito offendendosi. Forse cercava il pretesto per detestarvi ancora di più e voi glielo forniste su un piatto d'argento. Iniziò a cambiare strada quando vi scorgeva, a nascondersi presso i recinti dei cani per evitare ogni contatto. Anche la mattina della tragedia, avvistando Flora che, dietro al proprio dog, running toward the area cursed, he decided to leave to reach the opposite end of the farm. Of course he did not think that that day would be consumed a tragedy, but he detested that animal disobedient and daredevil that for sure, sooner or later, would combine some trouble. Rejoiced for his pranks that had his revenge for the wrongs they have suffered. If only he had taken in the neighborhood, doing away with those attitudes childish, maybe he would have heard the calls of Flora and avoided the tragedy. "Giacomo had heard the story with interest, however, judging it a bit 'invented: what could accuse Mirko? , was clearly a crabby, a primitive, but it belonged to his private life and nothing could be linked. They had a long discussion, he and Flora, the possibility of entrusting the training of the puppy, but she did not want to listen to reason: "That man is scary-I-had responded often tried to speak to him, but answered in monosyllables as if annoyed by my presence, then I prefer to keep up as large as possible." If only he understood what was causing frustration in Mirko certainly would have changed his mind, but did not have the sensitivity to do so. He began to think that in fact the two neighbors snubbed him, trying to keep my distance and went into seclusion, if possible, even more.
There was a nexus between the conduct of the breeder, the puppy's flight and the accident occurred? James thought about how to react after this story, but everything seemed so absurd a story focusing mostly on assumptions odd result, he thought, the fanciful imagination of Tania, a mixture of reality and insights put together by a woman who certainly 'Another had stuffed a story lean and simple, you could not expect more from Mirko, with personal notes that had come to misrepresent the facts. Dazed and disoriented James asked his friend: "You How would you behave? "" I let go for not spending more months of hell-she-said there is nothing on which to blame the farmer, and he should not have, unfortunately, all the wheels in place. E 'was he who insist that you bring these facts and is ready to accept your every decision. I would ignore it because nothing concrete has happened that could accelerate an event already planned by fate. "James was increasingly perplexed:" Explain to me then because I've told this story? If you yourself are convinced that nothing added to what we already know you could spare me This continuous pain. "Tania, looking distraught gaze of his friend, he realized that it disturbed unnecessarily and regretted it. He wanted to establish a link between them is deeper, the result of greater intimacy, but that was a move undoubtedly inappropriate. He had slightly fictionalized, this is the confidences of Mirko by adding their thoughts maybe not very relevant without losing the thread of the story, but James did not think it came out so upset.
Boy , did not address the topic more, but from next week to attend the camp stopped breeding them immediately available to decide on courses of Werner.
Bressanone everything was ready to welcome the new teacher who managed to get away for a long period from their city with the help of Tania why the two decided to merge their grooming on the premises of the woman and the boy canceled the contract ' rent of own workshop retaining only the use of premises for habitation. The partnership between the two individuals continued for some time with mutual satisfaction, because they divided the tasks in an optimal manner for which James was able to give their best in the shearing while Tania specializes in bathrooms, in less demanding jobs, and general organization.
From time to time with old friends and know they were affected by the boy several times received the visit of missing-in-law, for Anselm it was already at loggerheads with Lorella and demanded all the time, but always lacked, inexplicably, the visit Denise. I had become very close relationship with Werner and often organized the events with great audience participation and economic return. Bianca Maria was also a day in the company of Virginia, to visit old student: he's a lot of compliments on how organized the work, but ran into a colossal gaffe Tania exchange for the mother of James.
Indeed she was a few years older than the boy, but the expression on her face, sad and suffering, made her look even older. He wanted to be something better than just a business partner for James, but realized, in time, could not aspire to anything different. He tried clumsily to declare his feelings, but then, looking in the mirror, she was less than the courage and continued to soak in the shadows. After a period of a couple of years in which James was let go, and even his appearance had been affected, he had returned to being the brilliant young man, nice and good looks of better times. The customers were doting on him and Tania had to be content to assist him, as a mere servant, senza poter recriminare perché si era cacciata da sola in quella situazione ed era giusto che ne pagasse le conseguenze. Egli approfittava delle circostanze, per lui vantaggiose, intuendo che la dedizione e l’attaccamento della donna non erano soltanto un attestato di amicizia: gli conveniva però fare orecchie da mercante troncando sul nascere ogni discorso che avrebbe potuto condurlo su un terreno che considerava insidioso ed in cui gli sarebbe stato difficile destreggiarsi senza mortificare quella che era, e doveva rimanere, solo una socia in affari. Le offriva una grande e sincera amicizia, questo si, ma spesso l’eccessiva confidenza sconfinava in un cameratismo troppo spinto per cui non si faceva scrupolo di raccontarle, compiacendosene, tutti details, even the most gory, their amorous encounters. They were short stories, interspersed with long periods of reflection and reconsideration, which did not lead to ever engaging in relationships, or definitive links. If he had engaged in something more serious maybe Tania would have resigned retired forever in the shadows, but the right person for he seemed never to arrive at each break and she was beginning to hope to be finally taken into consideration and macerated in these repeated and lengthy waits.
Humiliated in 'women's pride and rassegnatasi to live without the possibility of expressing their feelings, the groomer a few years after he began drinking and soon becomes a slave to alcohol. James held out for some time, then was forced to put the member of its responsibilities: they were rapidly losing their best customers and organization of work was leaking from all sides. The premises were frequently dirty and the events overlapped in the same time much to the chagrin of those who were accustomed to a prompt and efficient service.
"I do not know what's going on, but it is not going anywhere. You're an alcoholic no good! "He broke one day James. In fact, that morning was Tania made to work under more than usual indecent, filthy and still prey to the fumes now that he drank alcohol at any time of day.
"You do not have any regard for me .- He simply replicate the mixed groomer mouth - so I go and I shall never see you anymore." He picked up a few things in a big bag and left the laboratory without adding another .
Sunday, December 26, 2010
25 Weeks Pregnancy Nausea
Chapter 26 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer
James then returned to the city where he started and here he set up his grooming. The parents hoped that he returned to live with them, but the boy would not listen to reason and settled in that apartment, adjacent to the laboratory, which had rented and sparsely furnished. The activity e l’abitazione erano situate a poche decine di metri dalla casa di Chiara, la sua ex ragazza, ma per lui questa coincidenza non rappresentava alcun problema essendo quella storia finita e dimenticata; altre erano le difficoltà che non gli permettevano di concentrarsi sul lavoro come avrebbe voluto: lo strazio seguito alla morte di Flora gli paralizzava le forze e gli annebbiava il cervello facendogli spesso detestare quella professione che avrebbero dovuto esercitare insieme. Non riusciva ad applicarsi mettendo a frutto gli insegnamenti ricevuti e l’esperienza acquisita perciò portava avanti stancamente l’attività alternando periodi abbastanza sereni e rassegnati con giornate in cui, preso dallo sconforto, arrivava a disdire all appointments. This created a reputation as someone who is strict and unreliable even if the work performed, when you're feeling, they were absolutely flawless and certainly excellent compared to poor competition. The town already operated three grooming, two of which are planted at least fifteen years, so the craftsmen tried to grab the available work using all lawful means and unlawful. On behalf of James were scattered entries most unlikely that the painted now as a cynical play boy that he would kill himself for his future wife too many escapades, now as a person moody, irritable and not very fond of animals. For the first two months had to be content an average of two dogs per day, then the numbers began to rise slowly along with the confidence of customers. Every now and Clare, less conspicuously, he passed the laboratory of her former boyfriend, but dared not enter Recalling the coolness with which they had left, and believing that that story lasted for many years, was now a closed chapter in it was necessary to erase any lingering nostalgia. After a brief and unhappy life with a rich contemporary he was in a situation where, because of negative experiences in the recent past is going to rinvangare the best episodes of a more distant past. The long history with James had obviously left his mark in his heart, and while not wanting to recognize, with his selfishness had thrown to the winds stay with a sincere affection for absolutely nothing in his hand. James, meanwhile, was too tied to the memory of Flora to suggest a reconciliation with his ex-girlfriend whom he remembered only the evil and malignity of the last period having removed all memory of the peaceful moments spent together. They were not so distant memories, although enlivened by the return in their city, to ruin their existence, but the heartbreaking separation from loved one remembered in the face every day and sweetness of spirit. Meanwhile, the economic situation began to deteriorate, as it was close between the need to cope with many commitments and the limited gains that the activities offered. In addition to the considerable costs of the rents and the current installment was to pay off the loan obtained by the father of Flora and the members and the details of which were agreed to return with the builder. Too proud to ask for more money to their parents, or perhaps in fear that they reminded him of the debt earlier, James was forced to save on every purchase, even on food, hoping that luck and support him the job increases. He spent entire days without leaving the lab to go outside just to go in the apartment where he spent his free time from work commitments thinking Flora and his fate that he had deceived the first glimpse of making a life free of difficulty and then so heavily mocked. At night he could not fall asleep and paraded before the main episodes of a union that was really strong and happy as he could never imagine. He did not care more about their appearance and often slept suit jumping on a chair without dinner after a day of monotonous, tiring and disappointing. She sensed that it could not continue to live in those conditions, but could not find a foothold to cling to and exit from the discomfort plan for the future. His parents, and especially the mother, they realized that worrying situation, but if they tried to intervene were often driven in the wrong way. Slightly improved the intervention of the things that Mirko, aided by White, had found a new place for themselves and their dogs in a town a hundred kilometers from the laboratory of James. Fortunately the farmer was able to maintain most of its customers and also to increase the activity of the board and training. Undergoing an arduous journey to reach the groomer twice a week, the farm here and Mirko could shear a dozen dogs sitting accrescendondo significantly its revenue: it was a big help in a time of financial crisis, but also un'opportunità per rifiondarsi, con rinnovato vigore, in quella professione che tante soddisfazioni gli aveva già dato e tante altre gliene poteva concedere in futuro. Questo diversivo rasserenò notevolmente il ragazzo che prese a lavorare con rinnovato impegno per non deludere l’amico e per rimettersi lentamente in carreggiata. L'aiuto gli giunse quindi, insperato e graditissimo, da una persona quasi estranea ma che, evidentemente, aveva molto a cuore il suo avvenire.
Dopo un periodo iniziale in cui sia Anselmo, che Denise, che Bianca e Werner ed il mancato suocero lo contattavano con una certa assiduità, gli amici si erano man mano eclissati e con loro i continui and references to a painful past and a love gone along with luck.
This departure was in some respects a veritable panacea for he began to get out of a deadlock facing the big problems with greater determination as it was against his will involved and devoting himself with renewed enthusiasm to his profession, he was certainly would have recovered to life. If
James, undoubtedly in trouble, as he was recovering the lost positions, Anselmo was within a few weeks, slid down a slope that was sinking into abject despair: he had finally realized that their own greed and the claim lead a life in which lies and deception la facevano da padroni lo avrebbero psicologicamente annientato. Si era unito in matrimonio con Lorella il mese successivo alla fine dei corsi, ma gli erano bastati un paio di mesi per capire di essersi infilato in un vicolo cieco in balìa di una famiglia troppo invadente ed abituata a comandare, quella dei suoceri, e di una moglie che la notte stessa del matrimonio cessò di essere accondiscendente ed abulica per trasformarsi in una sorta di guardia carceraria: era come succhiare un chiodo pensando ad un cioccolatino! Iniziò ad odiare la moglie, i suoceri, ma sopratutto la propria dabbenaggine: era cascato nella trappola e non sapeva proprio come uscirne.
Se Giacomo doveva solo maledire la propria sfortuna, Anselmo i guai se li era andati a cercare alone now was to lead the herd, he had always wanted, but the price was too high. With the marriage, things had changed and the interference of in-laws become unbearable. Practically the two newlyweds lived in a kind of extended family whose father was the patriarch of Loren and her mother almost supervise police. The daughter, as usual, gave no sign of wanting to rebel against this situation, which seemed rather to his liking and asked her husband for you to promptly come into compliance with the decisions that rained down from above. Anselmo had dreamed of becoming the owner of the livestock and to organize work by modern standards, but found that, following the marriage, instead of increasing its autonomy was significantly decreased. If before the interference was acceptable, but not had the semblance of order categorical, now in-laws criticize every decision openly claiming their decision-making power and often coming to humiliate him. They certainly knew something about the relationship with Denise that had characterized the period of training and watching over him fearing that his daughter could be other betrayals. Nor did they care to attend too closely to the home of the couple was a few hundred meters from their home. The girl was always openly sided with their parents, even those issues of work for which he had always expressed an utter lack of interest. Anselmo then began to imagine that he had fallen into a trap built in art over the years by the two-in-law who refused to let his daughter grow up to selfishly keep her tied with a double umbilical cord. The sense of frustration and the certainty that he stuck in a dead-end tunnel increased day by day the resentment that the boy had been against the elderly relatives and their insipid daughter while growing up in his mind a strong stimulus to rebellion, something of great concern that the boy would not be able to manage its own strengths and that, not to lead to some rash act, required external assistance.
James then returned to the city where he started and here he set up his grooming. The parents hoped that he returned to live with them, but the boy would not listen to reason and settled in that apartment, adjacent to the laboratory, which had rented and sparsely furnished. The activity e l’abitazione erano situate a poche decine di metri dalla casa di Chiara, la sua ex ragazza, ma per lui questa coincidenza non rappresentava alcun problema essendo quella storia finita e dimenticata; altre erano le difficoltà che non gli permettevano di concentrarsi sul lavoro come avrebbe voluto: lo strazio seguito alla morte di Flora gli paralizzava le forze e gli annebbiava il cervello facendogli spesso detestare quella professione che avrebbero dovuto esercitare insieme. Non riusciva ad applicarsi mettendo a frutto gli insegnamenti ricevuti e l’esperienza acquisita perciò portava avanti stancamente l’attività alternando periodi abbastanza sereni e rassegnati con giornate in cui, preso dallo sconforto, arrivava a disdire all appointments. This created a reputation as someone who is strict and unreliable even if the work performed, when you're feeling, they were absolutely flawless and certainly excellent compared to poor competition. The town already operated three grooming, two of which are planted at least fifteen years, so the craftsmen tried to grab the available work using all lawful means and unlawful. On behalf of James were scattered entries most unlikely that the painted now as a cynical play boy that he would kill himself for his future wife too many escapades, now as a person moody, irritable and not very fond of animals. For the first two months had to be content an average of two dogs per day, then the numbers began to rise slowly along with the confidence of customers. Every now and Clare, less conspicuously, he passed the laboratory of her former boyfriend, but dared not enter Recalling the coolness with which they had left, and believing that that story lasted for many years, was now a closed chapter in it was necessary to erase any lingering nostalgia. After a brief and unhappy life with a rich contemporary he was in a situation where, because of negative experiences in the recent past is going to rinvangare the best episodes of a more distant past. The long history with James had obviously left his mark in his heart, and while not wanting to recognize, with his selfishness had thrown to the winds stay with a sincere affection for absolutely nothing in his hand. James, meanwhile, was too tied to the memory of Flora to suggest a reconciliation with his ex-girlfriend whom he remembered only the evil and malignity of the last period having removed all memory of the peaceful moments spent together. They were not so distant memories, although enlivened by the return in their city, to ruin their existence, but the heartbreaking separation from loved one remembered in the face every day and sweetness of spirit. Meanwhile, the economic situation began to deteriorate, as it was close between the need to cope with many commitments and the limited gains that the activities offered. In addition to the considerable costs of the rents and the current installment was to pay off the loan obtained by the father of Flora and the members and the details of which were agreed to return with the builder. Too proud to ask for more money to their parents, or perhaps in fear that they reminded him of the debt earlier, James was forced to save on every purchase, even on food, hoping that luck and support him the job increases. He spent entire days without leaving the lab to go outside just to go in the apartment where he spent his free time from work commitments thinking Flora and his fate that he had deceived the first glimpse of making a life free of difficulty and then so heavily mocked. At night he could not fall asleep and paraded before the main episodes of a union that was really strong and happy as he could never imagine. He did not care more about their appearance and often slept suit jumping on a chair without dinner after a day of monotonous, tiring and disappointing. She sensed that it could not continue to live in those conditions, but could not find a foothold to cling to and exit from the discomfort plan for the future. His parents, and especially the mother, they realized that worrying situation, but if they tried to intervene were often driven in the wrong way. Slightly improved the intervention of the things that Mirko, aided by White, had found a new place for themselves and their dogs in a town a hundred kilometers from the laboratory of James. Fortunately the farmer was able to maintain most of its customers and also to increase the activity of the board and training. Undergoing an arduous journey to reach the groomer twice a week, the farm here and Mirko could shear a dozen dogs sitting accrescendondo significantly its revenue: it was a big help in a time of financial crisis, but also un'opportunità per rifiondarsi, con rinnovato vigore, in quella professione che tante soddisfazioni gli aveva già dato e tante altre gliene poteva concedere in futuro. Questo diversivo rasserenò notevolmente il ragazzo che prese a lavorare con rinnovato impegno per non deludere l’amico e per rimettersi lentamente in carreggiata. L'aiuto gli giunse quindi, insperato e graditissimo, da una persona quasi estranea ma che, evidentemente, aveva molto a cuore il suo avvenire.
Dopo un periodo iniziale in cui sia Anselmo, che Denise, che Bianca e Werner ed il mancato suocero lo contattavano con una certa assiduità, gli amici si erano man mano eclissati e con loro i continui and references to a painful past and a love gone along with luck.
This departure was in some respects a veritable panacea for he began to get out of a deadlock facing the big problems with greater determination as it was against his will involved and devoting himself with renewed enthusiasm to his profession, he was certainly would have recovered to life. If
James, undoubtedly in trouble, as he was recovering the lost positions, Anselmo was within a few weeks, slid down a slope that was sinking into abject despair: he had finally realized that their own greed and the claim lead a life in which lies and deception la facevano da padroni lo avrebbero psicologicamente annientato. Si era unito in matrimonio con Lorella il mese successivo alla fine dei corsi, ma gli erano bastati un paio di mesi per capire di essersi infilato in un vicolo cieco in balìa di una famiglia troppo invadente ed abituata a comandare, quella dei suoceri, e di una moglie che la notte stessa del matrimonio cessò di essere accondiscendente ed abulica per trasformarsi in una sorta di guardia carceraria: era come succhiare un chiodo pensando ad un cioccolatino! Iniziò ad odiare la moglie, i suoceri, ma sopratutto la propria dabbenaggine: era cascato nella trappola e non sapeva proprio come uscirne.
Se Giacomo doveva solo maledire la propria sfortuna, Anselmo i guai se li era andati a cercare alone now was to lead the herd, he had always wanted, but the price was too high. With the marriage, things had changed and the interference of in-laws become unbearable. Practically the two newlyweds lived in a kind of extended family whose father was the patriarch of Loren and her mother almost supervise police. The daughter, as usual, gave no sign of wanting to rebel against this situation, which seemed rather to his liking and asked her husband for you to promptly come into compliance with the decisions that rained down from above. Anselmo had dreamed of becoming the owner of the livestock and to organize work by modern standards, but found that, following the marriage, instead of increasing its autonomy was significantly decreased. If before the interference was acceptable, but not had the semblance of order categorical, now in-laws criticize every decision openly claiming their decision-making power and often coming to humiliate him. They certainly knew something about the relationship with Denise that had characterized the period of training and watching over him fearing that his daughter could be other betrayals. Nor did they care to attend too closely to the home of the couple was a few hundred meters from their home. The girl was always openly sided with their parents, even those issues of work for which he had always expressed an utter lack of interest. Anselmo then began to imagine that he had fallen into a trap built in art over the years by the two-in-law who refused to let his daughter grow up to selfishly keep her tied with a double umbilical cord. The sense of frustration and the certainty that he stuck in a dead-end tunnel increased day by day the resentment that the boy had been against the elderly relatives and their insipid daughter while growing up in his mind a strong stimulus to rebellion, something of great concern that the boy would not be able to manage its own strengths and that, not to lead to some rash act, required external assistance.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Game Where U Can Get Preg
Chapter 25 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 24
The changes started immediately after the funeral of Flora which was postponed twice to allow the processing of legal documents, including an autopsy. It was promptly rebuilt alive, like a condor waiting time, a large builder in the area who years earlier had tried to purchase both the land annexed to the veterinary facility adjacent to the lake which was the scene of the tragic event. He intended to transform the area, panoramic and easily accessible from the city, land for wealthy clients. In reality there were close links between landscape, but they could be bypassed with a few tricks recovering and increasing the volume of four cottages located at strategic points. The three initial partners in the meantime had obtained permission to incorporate in the project include the construction of a restaurant and expansion of the access road and parking, but conveniently exploiting the loopholes in legislation that are open to different interpretations could be obtained very more. Flora's father then decided to sell its share and the manufacturer, stating, immediately began to exert strong pressure to the other two members had converted to his project. For a few weeks James was able to do their jobs without interference, then was summoned by the non-law who informed him about news that occurred: "I sold all my part-told-you do not jumping the preambles to worry because you will be in charge the company paying the small monthly sum on which we agreed when we gave you the loan. The breeding, the study veterinary and grooming as well as remain active will be brought to an end, slightly lowered, the work for the board and the restaurant. As for the apartment that you now deal with you directly to make arrangements with those who have found my share. I think you will retain the favorable conditions that we have given you, I was on this point irremovible demanding the inclusion of a clause in the contract that I signed. "
James replied:" My intention is to pack up to leave as soon as possible. After the death of Flora I can no longer live in this house that reminds me too much and I always shut the windows looking towards the pond not to give in to despair. If the new owner's objections will not propose to return directly from the debt to the monthly installments that are now being withheld from the salary because I'm going to fire me. "Flora's father was long in silence and then replied: "You will certainly evaluate all aspects of the issue and understand your state of mind. I'll try to put a good word so that your proposal is accepted. Do you consider yourself as a child and you'll always be grateful that you have made me happy Flora in the short period you have spent together so I have a great debt of gratitude about you. I also had a long talk with your parents and together we will pave the way for at least that you can make those projects that I shared with my daughter. "
In the days after James met several times with the new owner defining the terms of the agreement, often returned from their parents and found suitable premises to set up a grooming parlor in the city where he started. With the money received for the sale of equipment, which originally were intended to organize their marriage and with a help of Flora's father managed to buy some second hand equipment and furnishing the new premises of decent work with a small adjacent apartment. The debt was open with his father, but this would have done so quietly having received no stress about it and trusting that, after the tragedy, he had decided to cancel all claims or at least of patients leave time to collect ideas and back on track. At that time
Denise si era tenuta alla larga sia dalla casa di Giacomo che dalla toelettatura di Bianca Maria. Non accettava le novità che stavano stravolgendo il progetto iniziale della clinica e delle sue pertinenze considerandole un grave affronto alla memoria dell’amica defunta. Non essendo ben informata sui fatti, immaginava che Giacomo stesse traslocando contro la propria volontà e covava un forte risentimento nei riguardi dei tre soci, ma in particolar modo del padre, che non avevano saputo o voluto intervenire. Ma sopratutto si rammaricava per essersi lasciata andare a delle considerazioni tanto squallide immaginando di poter trarre un ipotetico vantaggio dalla morte della sua amica. Che la delusione d'amore le avesse offuscato il cervello lo poteva anche conceive, but what she had imagined, that would possibly ensue quell'accomodamento altruism disgrace, filled her with dismay. He hated how you could hate a bitter enemy, and while he tried to justify himself, he wanted to die as other Flora putting an end to their suffering. If only he had investigated more carefully the grounds of what was happening, without fear of uncovering the darker sides of his character and without closing like a clam, you would have realized he had committed a series of unforgivable mistakes repressing their instincts in the hope that, as they say, managed to nail drives out nail. She had behaved like an ostrich that hides our heads in the sand.
In reality she was in love with James, but his friend, without realizing it, of course, had preceded it in a move so swift as to remove all chance. Assuming that the boy had been some interest in her she was hopelessly ousted from the competition because the two young people are glued to each other since the first hours of their meeting and was evidently not that flash in the pan that she assumed . A Denise was left with no other choice but to take up with Anselmo confident that he could love and support by a surrogate love and support that he actually wanted to receive da Giacomo. Trovandosi la strada sbarrata, per non perdere l'amicizia di Flora e continuare a condividerne esperienze ed aspirazioni aveva scelto di adattarsi nell'ambito di quella che, come auspicava, sarebbe diventata una solidissima convivenza a quattro. In fin dei conti lei ed i suoi tre amici avevano i medesimi progetti e le medesime ambizioni ed aspirazioni: per questo si immaginava che dovessero trascorrere l'intera esistenza in una sorta di grande famiglia.
Quando Anselmo manifestò le proprie intenzioni lei si angosciò non tanto per aver perduto un amore, anche se di ripiego, quanto perchè constatava il fallimento di quella che era diventata ormai la sua ossessione.
Con la fine dei corsi di toelettatura, the death of Flora, the removal of her boyfriend and the new successor in the original design of the clinic and the land surrounding the fate of several people, who already seemed marked, have therefore undergone radical changes. The farmer, despite verbal assurances of the hours immediately following the death of the girl was almost evicted from her home and with him most of his dogs. It demolished the shelters as the home of James was later merged into the restaurant and the grooming deleted because the manufacturer, despite his word to the father of Flora, decided to reduce the old project to a minimum to make room for new needs and initiatives . At the end remained a small pension for dogs and cats, divided from the main body of the cottage, and a veterinary clinic housed in a prefabricated cabin, all at a considerable distance from the restaurant and the pergola: the dream of James, and Denise Flora, who was was also shared by their parents, they crash badly crushed by the overriding interests. The vet, a former member of Flora's father, he lost enthusiasm because it did not intend to share the dream of a life with the demands of a real estate speculator and contented himself with a branch to add a little 'out of the way to his own office for the city while his father Denise was associated with a symbolic fee taking on interim management the restaurant. Who suffered the worst consequences for this reversal of the original project, however, was the breeder. He had not yet signed a regular contract with the old property and had settled in the apartment for free while waiting for the work was completed and is better able to follow especially in housing dogs. It had to be a temporary solution which he himself had requested, but was now in a dramatic situation: under threat of eviction to be placed with several dogs and groom. Not pleaded the intervention of those who had reduced in those conditions, but rushed home to Bianca Maria because she had a debt of gratitude to him and had come time to have it welded. James
loaded his belongings in the car of Flora, turned for a moment toward the pond and took the dirt road leading to the state. Although he tried to trace Denise, even delaying his departure, there had been to find the girl who, after the death of her friend, had taken a very strange attitude and was almost expelled from those places that first time attending assiduously. James could not give an explanation why not imagine what were his feelings of guilt and what she was troubled. He had always considered a good friend and never had gone farther, had suffered with her and Flora for the conduct of Anselmo, and together they had consoled, but could not enter into the labyrinth of his twisted mind.
While James to take the highway that would have led him in his hometown Mirko, the farmer, was playing at the door of Bianca Maria. They found themselves alone in the large attic because Virginia had taken a couple of days of vacation and had reached the sea, a boy she was a ruthless court for several weeks. Mirko was not one to preambles: went without even saying goodbye to the heart of the debate. "I have thrown in the middle of a road wretches! They reneged on their promises and I have not a shred of contract to be assured that my rights. Now you that you support me as I've helped you at the time of Dino. "Mirko was in fact, several years earlier, took responsibility for the trafficking of prohibited animals that the teacher had started with his brother and continued after his death. He had a few weeks in prison, but White did not suffer any consequences rather enjoying the benefits of economic activity for some very profitable years. "I know, I know," replied the teacher-what do you think that I do not know how to be grateful? "She looked straight into my eyes: yes, I had to help her because he was always fair and then he did not want to go away as he had done some years before his brother at his age and his problems had absolute need of a strong male presence and determined.
James replied:" My intention is to pack up to leave as soon as possible. After the death of Flora I can no longer live in this house that reminds me too much and I always shut the windows looking towards the pond not to give in to despair. If the new owner's objections will not propose to return directly from the debt to the monthly installments that are now being withheld from the salary because I'm going to fire me. "Flora's father was long in silence and then replied: "You will certainly evaluate all aspects of the issue and understand your state of mind. I'll try to put a good word so that your proposal is accepted. Do you consider yourself as a child and you'll always be grateful that you have made me happy Flora in the short period you have spent together so I have a great debt of gratitude about you. I also had a long talk with your parents and together we will pave the way for at least that you can make those projects that I shared with my daughter. "
In the days after James met several times with the new owner defining the terms of the agreement, often returned from their parents and found suitable premises to set up a grooming parlor in the city where he started. With the money received for the sale of equipment, which originally were intended to organize their marriage and with a help of Flora's father managed to buy some second hand equipment and furnishing the new premises of decent work with a small adjacent apartment. The debt was open with his father, but this would have done so quietly having received no stress about it and trusting that, after the tragedy, he had decided to cancel all claims or at least of patients leave time to collect ideas and back on track. At that time
Denise si era tenuta alla larga sia dalla casa di Giacomo che dalla toelettatura di Bianca Maria. Non accettava le novità che stavano stravolgendo il progetto iniziale della clinica e delle sue pertinenze considerandole un grave affronto alla memoria dell’amica defunta. Non essendo ben informata sui fatti, immaginava che Giacomo stesse traslocando contro la propria volontà e covava un forte risentimento nei riguardi dei tre soci, ma in particolar modo del padre, che non avevano saputo o voluto intervenire. Ma sopratutto si rammaricava per essersi lasciata andare a delle considerazioni tanto squallide immaginando di poter trarre un ipotetico vantaggio dalla morte della sua amica. Che la delusione d'amore le avesse offuscato il cervello lo poteva anche conceive, but what she had imagined, that would possibly ensue quell'accomodamento altruism disgrace, filled her with dismay. He hated how you could hate a bitter enemy, and while he tried to justify himself, he wanted to die as other Flora putting an end to their suffering. If only he had investigated more carefully the grounds of what was happening, without fear of uncovering the darker sides of his character and without closing like a clam, you would have realized he had committed a series of unforgivable mistakes repressing their instincts in the hope that, as they say, managed to nail drives out nail. She had behaved like an ostrich that hides our heads in the sand.
In reality she was in love with James, but his friend, without realizing it, of course, had preceded it in a move so swift as to remove all chance. Assuming that the boy had been some interest in her she was hopelessly ousted from the competition because the two young people are glued to each other since the first hours of their meeting and was evidently not that flash in the pan that she assumed . A Denise was left with no other choice but to take up with Anselmo confident that he could love and support by a surrogate love and support that he actually wanted to receive da Giacomo. Trovandosi la strada sbarrata, per non perdere l'amicizia di Flora e continuare a condividerne esperienze ed aspirazioni aveva scelto di adattarsi nell'ambito di quella che, come auspicava, sarebbe diventata una solidissima convivenza a quattro. In fin dei conti lei ed i suoi tre amici avevano i medesimi progetti e le medesime ambizioni ed aspirazioni: per questo si immaginava che dovessero trascorrere l'intera esistenza in una sorta di grande famiglia.
Quando Anselmo manifestò le proprie intenzioni lei si angosciò non tanto per aver perduto un amore, anche se di ripiego, quanto perchè constatava il fallimento di quella che era diventata ormai la sua ossessione.
Con la fine dei corsi di toelettatura, the death of Flora, the removal of her boyfriend and the new successor in the original design of the clinic and the land surrounding the fate of several people, who already seemed marked, have therefore undergone radical changes. The farmer, despite verbal assurances of the hours immediately following the death of the girl was almost evicted from her home and with him most of his dogs. It demolished the shelters as the home of James was later merged into the restaurant and the grooming deleted because the manufacturer, despite his word to the father of Flora, decided to reduce the old project to a minimum to make room for new needs and initiatives . At the end remained a small pension for dogs and cats, divided from the main body of the cottage, and a veterinary clinic housed in a prefabricated cabin, all at a considerable distance from the restaurant and the pergola: the dream of James, and Denise Flora, who was was also shared by their parents, they crash badly crushed by the overriding interests. The vet, a former member of Flora's father, he lost enthusiasm because it did not intend to share the dream of a life with the demands of a real estate speculator and contented himself with a branch to add a little 'out of the way to his own office for the city while his father Denise was associated with a symbolic fee taking on interim management the restaurant. Who suffered the worst consequences for this reversal of the original project, however, was the breeder. He had not yet signed a regular contract with the old property and had settled in the apartment for free while waiting for the work was completed and is better able to follow especially in housing dogs. It had to be a temporary solution which he himself had requested, but was now in a dramatic situation: under threat of eviction to be placed with several dogs and groom. Not pleaded the intervention of those who had reduced in those conditions, but rushed home to Bianca Maria because she had a debt of gratitude to him and had come time to have it welded. James
loaded his belongings in the car of Flora, turned for a moment toward the pond and took the dirt road leading to the state. Although he tried to trace Denise, even delaying his departure, there had been to find the girl who, after the death of her friend, had taken a very strange attitude and was almost expelled from those places that first time attending assiduously. James could not give an explanation why not imagine what were his feelings of guilt and what she was troubled. He had always considered a good friend and never had gone farther, had suffered with her and Flora for the conduct of Anselmo, and together they had consoled, but could not enter into the labyrinth of his twisted mind.
While James to take the highway that would have led him in his hometown Mirko, the farmer, was playing at the door of Bianca Maria. They found themselves alone in the large attic because Virginia had taken a couple of days of vacation and had reached the sea, a boy she was a ruthless court for several weeks. Mirko was not one to preambles: went without even saying goodbye to the heart of the debate. "I have thrown in the middle of a road wretches! They reneged on their promises and I have not a shred of contract to be assured that my rights. Now you that you support me as I've helped you at the time of Dino. "Mirko was in fact, several years earlier, took responsibility for the trafficking of prohibited animals that the teacher had started with his brother and continued after his death. He had a few weeks in prison, but White did not suffer any consequences rather enjoying the benefits of economic activity for some very profitable years. "I know, I know," replied the teacher-what do you think that I do not know how to be grateful? "She looked straight into my eyes: yes, I had to help her because he was always fair and then he did not want to go away as he had done some years before his brother at his age and his problems had absolute need of a strong male presence and determined.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Mount And Blade Low Resolution
History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer
That Saturday morning, James woke up very late with a splitting headache: he had slept with the window wide open and the humidity of the night, rising from the lake, had been heard. Flora was not there, but he did not mind: often in the morning walking the Newfoundland puppy that the vet had given her to repay some of the favors that the two boys were answering the phone in his absence and a sort of tenendogli appointment book.
James sat under a hot shower, dried and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Flora's usually left the table laden with some biscuits, honey and the mug of coffee, but that morning he was obviously forgotten. He tried to remember if the night before had spoken of the urgent need was to attend to some errands, but he remembered nothing. Then imagine that this was the day of vaccination and reassured of Newfoundland: Flora was obviously out to go to the study of the veterinarian in the city. A few moments later he realized he had assumed an impossibility because there was no reason why his girlfriend he went to town avendo, tre volte la settimana, il veterinario a portata di mano: evidentemente l’emicrania gli stava scompigliando i pensieri.
Uscì verso il parcheggio e vide che l’auto di Flora non si era mossa dal solito posto per cui raggiunse l’allevatore suo vicino di casa e lo interrogò: “Hai visto Flora?” Il ragazzo fece cenno di no con la testa: “L’ho vista circa tre ore fa col cane sotto casa vostra, verso il laghetto, poi mi sono allontanato per pulire i recinti..”
Forse il futuro suocero era venuto a prenderla per portarla dalla madre, come spesso faceva il sabato mattina, e non avevano voluto svegliarlo. Egli smise di preoccuparsi ed iniziò a verniciare il cancello d'accesso the courtyard that had just been installed. The sun was hot, and agreed to take advantage of those quiet hours when, oddly, there were no bookings for the grooming. Among the other was thinking of a stroke of luck he had had knowledge of Flora and his misadventures as they come to a successful conclusion with the help of his girlfriend and her father had taken a liking to. Completed the work in the cottage and the surrounding area, started farming full time, retirement and grooming, they would have had time to plan their wedding and to organize a big party under the old pergola inviting relatives and friends. White had already booked to achieve some courses in the meeting room and a beautiful natural setting so the success was guaranteed.
James went in for a drink, looked out the kitchen window to watch the ducks splashing happily in the pond as soon ruffled by a light breeze and realized that something red lying on the grass about two feet from 'water: it was Flora who threw the ball often to Newfoundland to do this play. Climbed over the railing of the window and found himself on the lawn that slopes gently toward the lake. The ball was half immersed in a stagnant pool and rocked propelled by a faint breath of wind. James did not have time to approach the object, but stopped a few meters from the shore because the farmer was attracting his attention and waving on the other side, being the tiny pond, was only a hundred meters. He stopped, without having rearranged their thoughts, but with a feeling that was transmitted from the brain to the legs become as heavy as boulders. He stood rigid until someone assured him he was imagining what could not be true, but the cry of the farmer, who had become a kind of mournful lament, does not bode well. The man joined him and began pulling violently indicating a point on opposite side where a small stream before it joins s'impantanava in muddy waters. There was a small reed bed, the banks became unstable and the path that surrounds the body of water would stop to pick up some yards ahead. It was less crowded area of \u200b\u200bthat small oasis of peace, but was also the place where the puppy loved Newfoundland venture to the great disappointment of Flora. That morning, the dog must have gone on a little lawn chasing the red ball, then had lost all interest in the game and had ventured into the tiny reeds. No doubt the girl had followed him to scold him and to avoid getting bogged down, but had slipped in the one sinking in the reeds where the water reached a considerable depth. The straw hat that had been sheltering from the sun caught in an overhanging branch, and the mud appeared lined by some very deep ruts caused perhaps by the fingers of one hand trying desperately for a handhold. The farmer, using a long stick, was able to fully bring out the blouse she was wont to take, without buttoned shoulders. James grew up drag the reeds and when she saw the garment of the girl floating on troubled waters, he realized that his fears were justified. Do not even try to help the breeder who was almost able to grasp the blouse and slumped on the grass crying desperately. A few yards away, where the mud gave way to grass lawn, the Newfoundland was present at the scene, completely discredited, not daring to approach the two men.
were alerted firefighters and hospital emergency department, the police intervened and the owner of the land on which the pond, but they could not be assumed that, since the body is not yet resurfaced, the tragedy occurred. Flora was to be slipped into the pit, a couple of meters deep, in an attempt to save the puppy and was sunk in the mud, unable to engage in something substantial. The pond, several years earlier, had a wider area because there flowed two small streams and because he was fed by an underground spring, but later one of the streams, the one with the higher capacity, had been diverted for irrigation purposes and the source was fading for which the body of water was gradually reduced turbidity. The owner of the land, adjacent to Flora, lived in several miles away and had tried several times to sell or rent quell'appezzamento which was subjected to heavy landscape restrictions, but without concrete results. The police carry out some surveys, while firefighters worked at the bank. A firefighter was engaged in life with a rope and plunged into the waters mud trying to locate and draw the girl's body allegedly caught on the bottom. The nurses in the emergency room waiting for dumb little higher imagining that their intervention had become redundant. James attended the scene while they were petrified of oncoming cars to the parents of Flora. The three hugged and wept while Denise Anselmo ran down the grassy slope toward the scene of the tragedy. The farmer had come home to take a shower, but the police sergeant had reached to ask him some questions. Although the dynamics of the facts was easily conceivable, they would clarify the circumstances that had allowed the man to identify the place of the now certain drowning. The farmer said he saw the puppy from her home completely discredited, whining and scratching the ground with the cane and then something floating on the water. Ran towards the dog, fearing that some misfortune had happened and he immediately recognized her blouse that Flora held on his back when he had crossed in the early morning at the cottage. The magistrate, who spoke on the spot, and the soldiers to record the story reserving nevertheless to carry out further investigations.
Flora's mother was struck by an illness and he collapsed on the lawn. Mobilized to the ambulance workers who measured the pressure and they accommodate within the vehicle. James was upset and could not utter a word: stupid staring at the place of the accident obsessively hang around his head and passing a hand through his hair. Denise, a short distance, his face streaked with tears and whispered something in his ear to Anselmo.
Several people had gathered near the top of the farmhouse and all remained silent witnessing the recovery of remains. The firefighter was in fact able to identify the body and grasp it with his hands and was now trying to extricate itself from the tangle of roots and canes in which it was entangled. Meanwhile, her blouse was open like a fan nearby and floated slowly moving along the shore. The sun was obscured by thick clouds ed iniziava a cadere una leggera pioggerellina mentre il vigile del fuoco retrocedeva lentamente verso i propri compagni, che tiravano la corda dalla sponda, trascinando il corpo infangato ed irriconoscibile della povera ragazza. Era sopraggiunto il carro funebre e la salma fu caricata mentre i carabinieri tentavano di allontanare le persone che si stavano lentamente avvicinando al veicolo.
Giacomo andò a recuperare il terranova immaginando che fosse la causa di ciò che era successo, ma vedendo i suoi occhi tristi e le orecchie abbassate non ebbe il coraggio di infierire.
Nel giro di un’ora la zona si svuotò completamente ed i militari provvidero a recintare il perimetro del laghetto e ad allontanare i curiosi che si erano radunati più in alto nei pressi del pergolato.
Giacomo ed i genitori di Flora, Denise, Anselmo ed il veterinario si riunirono nella sala di toelettatura, ma nessuno riusciva a pronunciare le prime parole. L’allevatore si era chiuso nel suo appartamento senza fornire ulteriori dettagli su ciò che era accaduto perché già i carabinieri l’avevano torchiato a sufficienza e non voleva che quel tormento proseguisse.
Parlò per primo Anselmo: “E’ una tragedia inspiegabile, Flora era una ragazza molto accorta e non può non aver valutato il rischio cui si sarebbe sottoposta immergendosi in quella zona del laghetto”. Gli rispose Denise: “Era prudente, ma amava alla madness and your dog can be slipped in a last attempt to recover from those treacherous waters. Eventually he was rescued and she has suffered the consequences. "
James did not listen and was intent on Newfoundland to dry ourselves off the thick layer of mud. Flora's parents watched him with a dazed look that express their despair.
White came upon Mary, and his sister Virginia. The latter's eyes were red from crying and ran to embrace the boy who was hooking the dog to the wall.
The teacher wanted to see the scene of the tragedy then he flung himself, without a word, the house of the farmer, the brother of that Dino had an affair with whom in days gone by. All present were surprised by this behavior, but attributed to the strong emotional tension that had aroused in her as in others, the tragic episode.
Flora's father made the move to follow her because he wanted to know all the details about the discovery of the clothing first and then the body of her daughter, but his wife stopped him. James, who had recovered slightly to accommodate the guests in the living room he then asked Denise to serve strong coffee, he apologized to those present, rushed into the room and burst into tears. Began to occur a series of phone calls including one of Flora's brother who was abroad and was planned for a quick return home. The voice of what had rapidly spread and the procession of friends and relatives continued for several hours. James, recovered from crying, he warned his parents that they decided to quickly get on the road to reach the home of his son.
In these moments of great tension and despair, while some get overwhelmed by anxiety, others seek to benefit from the circumstances and in their subconscious, along with the pain, appear entirely inappropriate thoughts and considerations dictated by some perverse mechanism that obviously dwells in their brains. It 's the life that takes precedence, the reference to the reality of weakness and accommodation. Denise, immediately ashamed for a moment imagine to establish a relationship with James once the waters had subsided and he had metabolized the tragedy. Horrified by these cynical thoughts, but at the same time committed by assuming that the behavior of Anselm and the bitter disappointment felt in the recent past had dried up so as to make them imagine things and incattivita petty and utterly deplorable. From that day anyway, so it does not resurface over what he considers bad thoughts, took place away from James and from his home. For its part, Bianca Maria was almost certain that the boy was abandoned after the death of Flora, at work and already imagine being able to set up a profitable branch of their business so well organized at that center.
The girl's father but was already thinking of leaving the society in which they had come mainly to the wishes of her daughter.
That Saturday morning, James woke up very late with a splitting headache: he had slept with the window wide open and the humidity of the night, rising from the lake, had been heard. Flora was not there, but he did not mind: often in the morning walking the Newfoundland puppy that the vet had given her to repay some of the favors that the two boys were answering the phone in his absence and a sort of tenendogli appointment book.
James sat under a hot shower, dried and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Flora's usually left the table laden with some biscuits, honey and the mug of coffee, but that morning he was obviously forgotten. He tried to remember if the night before had spoken of the urgent need was to attend to some errands, but he remembered nothing. Then imagine that this was the day of vaccination and reassured of Newfoundland: Flora was obviously out to go to the study of the veterinarian in the city. A few moments later he realized he had assumed an impossibility because there was no reason why his girlfriend he went to town avendo, tre volte la settimana, il veterinario a portata di mano: evidentemente l’emicrania gli stava scompigliando i pensieri.
Uscì verso il parcheggio e vide che l’auto di Flora non si era mossa dal solito posto per cui raggiunse l’allevatore suo vicino di casa e lo interrogò: “Hai visto Flora?” Il ragazzo fece cenno di no con la testa: “L’ho vista circa tre ore fa col cane sotto casa vostra, verso il laghetto, poi mi sono allontanato per pulire i recinti..”
Forse il futuro suocero era venuto a prenderla per portarla dalla madre, come spesso faceva il sabato mattina, e non avevano voluto svegliarlo. Egli smise di preoccuparsi ed iniziò a verniciare il cancello d'accesso the courtyard that had just been installed. The sun was hot, and agreed to take advantage of those quiet hours when, oddly, there were no bookings for the grooming. Among the other was thinking of a stroke of luck he had had knowledge of Flora and his misadventures as they come to a successful conclusion with the help of his girlfriend and her father had taken a liking to. Completed the work in the cottage and the surrounding area, started farming full time, retirement and grooming, they would have had time to plan their wedding and to organize a big party under the old pergola inviting relatives and friends. White had already booked to achieve some courses in the meeting room and a beautiful natural setting so the success was guaranteed.
James went in for a drink, looked out the kitchen window to watch the ducks splashing happily in the pond as soon ruffled by a light breeze and realized that something red lying on the grass about two feet from 'water: it was Flora who threw the ball often to Newfoundland to do this play. Climbed over the railing of the window and found himself on the lawn that slopes gently toward the lake. The ball was half immersed in a stagnant pool and rocked propelled by a faint breath of wind. James did not have time to approach the object, but stopped a few meters from the shore because the farmer was attracting his attention and waving on the other side, being the tiny pond, was only a hundred meters. He stopped, without having rearranged their thoughts, but with a feeling that was transmitted from the brain to the legs become as heavy as boulders. He stood rigid until someone assured him he was imagining what could not be true, but the cry of the farmer, who had become a kind of mournful lament, does not bode well. The man joined him and began pulling violently indicating a point on opposite side where a small stream before it joins s'impantanava in muddy waters. There was a small reed bed, the banks became unstable and the path that surrounds the body of water would stop to pick up some yards ahead. It was less crowded area of \u200b\u200bthat small oasis of peace, but was also the place where the puppy loved Newfoundland venture to the great disappointment of Flora. That morning, the dog must have gone on a little lawn chasing the red ball, then had lost all interest in the game and had ventured into the tiny reeds. No doubt the girl had followed him to scold him and to avoid getting bogged down, but had slipped in the one sinking in the reeds where the water reached a considerable depth. The straw hat that had been sheltering from the sun caught in an overhanging branch, and the mud appeared lined by some very deep ruts caused perhaps by the fingers of one hand trying desperately for a handhold. The farmer, using a long stick, was able to fully bring out the blouse she was wont to take, without buttoned shoulders. James grew up drag the reeds and when she saw the garment of the girl floating on troubled waters, he realized that his fears were justified. Do not even try to help the breeder who was almost able to grasp the blouse and slumped on the grass crying desperately. A few yards away, where the mud gave way to grass lawn, the Newfoundland was present at the scene, completely discredited, not daring to approach the two men.
were alerted firefighters and hospital emergency department, the police intervened and the owner of the land on which the pond, but they could not be assumed that, since the body is not yet resurfaced, the tragedy occurred. Flora was to be slipped into the pit, a couple of meters deep, in an attempt to save the puppy and was sunk in the mud, unable to engage in something substantial. The pond, several years earlier, had a wider area because there flowed two small streams and because he was fed by an underground spring, but later one of the streams, the one with the higher capacity, had been diverted for irrigation purposes and the source was fading for which the body of water was gradually reduced turbidity. The owner of the land, adjacent to Flora, lived in several miles away and had tried several times to sell or rent quell'appezzamento which was subjected to heavy landscape restrictions, but without concrete results. The police carry out some surveys, while firefighters worked at the bank. A firefighter was engaged in life with a rope and plunged into the waters mud trying to locate and draw the girl's body allegedly caught on the bottom. The nurses in the emergency room waiting for dumb little higher imagining that their intervention had become redundant. James attended the scene while they were petrified of oncoming cars to the parents of Flora. The three hugged and wept while Denise Anselmo ran down the grassy slope toward the scene of the tragedy. The farmer had come home to take a shower, but the police sergeant had reached to ask him some questions. Although the dynamics of the facts was easily conceivable, they would clarify the circumstances that had allowed the man to identify the place of the now certain drowning. The farmer said he saw the puppy from her home completely discredited, whining and scratching the ground with the cane and then something floating on the water. Ran towards the dog, fearing that some misfortune had happened and he immediately recognized her blouse that Flora held on his back when he had crossed in the early morning at the cottage. The magistrate, who spoke on the spot, and the soldiers to record the story reserving nevertheless to carry out further investigations.
Flora's mother was struck by an illness and he collapsed on the lawn. Mobilized to the ambulance workers who measured the pressure and they accommodate within the vehicle. James was upset and could not utter a word: stupid staring at the place of the accident obsessively hang around his head and passing a hand through his hair. Denise, a short distance, his face streaked with tears and whispered something in his ear to Anselmo.
Several people had gathered near the top of the farmhouse and all remained silent witnessing the recovery of remains. The firefighter was in fact able to identify the body and grasp it with his hands and was now trying to extricate itself from the tangle of roots and canes in which it was entangled. Meanwhile, her blouse was open like a fan nearby and floated slowly moving along the shore. The sun was obscured by thick clouds ed iniziava a cadere una leggera pioggerellina mentre il vigile del fuoco retrocedeva lentamente verso i propri compagni, che tiravano la corda dalla sponda, trascinando il corpo infangato ed irriconoscibile della povera ragazza. Era sopraggiunto il carro funebre e la salma fu caricata mentre i carabinieri tentavano di allontanare le persone che si stavano lentamente avvicinando al veicolo.
Giacomo andò a recuperare il terranova immaginando che fosse la causa di ciò che era successo, ma vedendo i suoi occhi tristi e le orecchie abbassate non ebbe il coraggio di infierire.
Nel giro di un’ora la zona si svuotò completamente ed i militari provvidero a recintare il perimetro del laghetto e ad allontanare i curiosi che si erano radunati più in alto nei pressi del pergolato.
Giacomo ed i genitori di Flora, Denise, Anselmo ed il veterinario si riunirono nella sala di toelettatura, ma nessuno riusciva a pronunciare le prime parole. L’allevatore si era chiuso nel suo appartamento senza fornire ulteriori dettagli su ciò che era accaduto perché già i carabinieri l’avevano torchiato a sufficienza e non voleva che quel tormento proseguisse.
Parlò per primo Anselmo: “E’ una tragedia inspiegabile, Flora era una ragazza molto accorta e non può non aver valutato il rischio cui si sarebbe sottoposta immergendosi in quella zona del laghetto”. Gli rispose Denise: “Era prudente, ma amava alla madness and your dog can be slipped in a last attempt to recover from those treacherous waters. Eventually he was rescued and she has suffered the consequences. "
James did not listen and was intent on Newfoundland to dry ourselves off the thick layer of mud. Flora's parents watched him with a dazed look that express their despair.
White came upon Mary, and his sister Virginia. The latter's eyes were red from crying and ran to embrace the boy who was hooking the dog to the wall.
The teacher wanted to see the scene of the tragedy then he flung himself, without a word, the house of the farmer, the brother of that Dino had an affair with whom in days gone by. All present were surprised by this behavior, but attributed to the strong emotional tension that had aroused in her as in others, the tragic episode.
Flora's father made the move to follow her because he wanted to know all the details about the discovery of the clothing first and then the body of her daughter, but his wife stopped him. James, who had recovered slightly to accommodate the guests in the living room he then asked Denise to serve strong coffee, he apologized to those present, rushed into the room and burst into tears. Began to occur a series of phone calls including one of Flora's brother who was abroad and was planned for a quick return home. The voice of what had rapidly spread and the procession of friends and relatives continued for several hours. James, recovered from crying, he warned his parents that they decided to quickly get on the road to reach the home of his son.
In these moments of great tension and despair, while some get overwhelmed by anxiety, others seek to benefit from the circumstances and in their subconscious, along with the pain, appear entirely inappropriate thoughts and considerations dictated by some perverse mechanism that obviously dwells in their brains. It 's the life that takes precedence, the reference to the reality of weakness and accommodation. Denise, immediately ashamed for a moment imagine to establish a relationship with James once the waters had subsided and he had metabolized the tragedy. Horrified by these cynical thoughts, but at the same time committed by assuming that the behavior of Anselm and the bitter disappointment felt in the recent past had dried up so as to make them imagine things and incattivita petty and utterly deplorable. From that day anyway, so it does not resurface over what he considers bad thoughts, took place away from James and from his home. For its part, Bianca Maria was almost certain that the boy was abandoned after the death of Flora, at work and already imagine being able to set up a profitable branch of their business so well organized at that center.
The girl's father but was already thinking of leaving the society in which they had come mainly to the wishes of her daughter.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Eden Bridals Wedding Dresses Rn 75428
Chapter 23 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer
Since the courses were started grooming Anselmo had received three visits from his girlfriend. She was always accompanied by parents who kept her under close surveillance even if the guy was clearly annoyed by the suffocating presence and did not scruple to externalize the his disappointment. Loren was not a bad girl, though not certain level of Denise, but his behavior left a lot of puzzled. At first glance seem quite insignificant and could not be attributed either major flaws, nor particular virtues then gradually you realize that what was petulant and insecure. His interests and topics of conversation were superficial and more appropriate for a teenager to a young woman about to marry. Gossip peppered his speech any and all ideas were good to criticize people who may know only superficially. He had never concerned nor the work of Anselm, nor the conduct of the courses: evidently provvedesse expected that the boy alone for their future without involving them in issues that would have distracted from his quiet life and its frivolities. Had never even visited the farm of his father, nor expressed any interest in any of the ideas that Anselmo, with an exceptional spirit of initiative and outstanding qualities organization, intended to put to use. Lorella depended in every way by their parents that the plan every moment of the day. To carve out a moment of intimacy Anselmo, who lived in a house next to his, had to resort to a variety of tricks and even reach the hidden room, late at night, from a service port which holds the key. Perhaps the future in-laws were aware of it, or perhaps ignorant, but that family was recited every day and with great effort, a sort of comedy of errors for which reality and fiction overlaps with the two interpenetrating crossing and blending into one another: a smokescreen that enveloped everything. Anselmo was a simple pop-up because the small universe of the people revolved around the father of Loren, the protagonist in own play: he decided the plot changing it from time to time to suit you or the propri umori. La ragazza accettava questo andazzo ritenendolo normalissimo e non la sfiorava nemmeno l’idea di ribellarsi per ottenere una maggiore autonomia.
Giacomo aveva conosciuto Lorella e l’aveva giudicata immediatamente scialba ed antipatica: non riusciva a capire come il suo amico, una persona brillante ed intraprendente, riuscisse a stravedere per lei ed a sopportare i suoi discorsi di una disarmante banalità. A dire il vero aveva notato evidenti e ripetuti segnali di insofferenza da parte del ragazzo verso le continue intrusioni dei futuri suoceri, ma li considerava troppo blandi a fronte di vere e proprie prevaricazioni. L’aveva inoltre puzzled, if not shocked, the behavior of Anselm against Denise. He had lured the girl's got game for a long time, failing to clarify its position, saying and not saying, often playing on ambiguities like maybe he had learned from the future father in law.
"You're sure to be in love with her?-Day James asked a friend, referring to Loren-image that you liked and Denise, from what little I understood, certain attitudes you annoy your girlfriend as well as the continuing interference of his parents. "Anselmo remained in silence for a moment then replied," My relationship with Lorella goes back several years ago. His parents are owners of big farm where I work and when I took at their structure is as if I had signed a contract that also included the link with their daughter. I am attached to, but I could not tell if you love the most or the idea of \u200b\u200bone day inherit the business of my future in-laws. I have practically removed from the orphanage where I was allowing me to improve my without ever adopting. So I started to work with them before the age of sixteen years and still live in a kind of annexe adjoining farming. Then it is checked Lorella out of which the first did not know existed, like a rabbit out of the cylinder of a magician and I was attending with the blessing of her parents: it has given another turning point in my life. At first I did not understand which were my true aspirations and my deepest feelings, then I slowly inserted within the family and now I act already dominates. Lorella may seem superficial, but I have no problem and is content to live under the shadow accepting my every decision. I cheated on her often and I think it is even noticed, but probably okay and I should be even better. "James was increasingly puzzled:" But Denise thing is for you? I thought you went very well and I wanted something to perfection. "Anselmo smiled:" I appreciate Lorella because never has an opinion different from mine or not having an opinion, willingly accept to live in a trailer. Denise has been, let's call it a pleasant accident on the way: I would be obliged to confront her constantly and that in the long run, I would create a lot of problems. But there is another reason why I have no intention of separating from my girlfriend when she was little more than sixteen years I have made her pregnant and I managed to abort it by the intervention of his parents. She was the opposite for the only time I think, for my decision then was particularly persuaded by the intervention of his father and decided she had fallen into a long depression. After this has become even more fragile and therefore its not lose sight of controlling, therefore, me too. For some time we do not address the topic more, but between us was signed, as I said, a tacit agreement that I have joined the family, assuming all my responsibilities and my family has entrusted the management of the company as if we were already married. Will understand that at this point I can not sever the link, but if everything was less complicated equally decide to accept the situation. Among the advantages of running the acquired business is well established and profitable as if he were the owner, between the duties to protect Lorella supporting them morally and physically after the ordeal she has suffered and which I have the responsibility .
James noticed that it overestimated the determination and courage of the friend who unfortunately was digging the grave with their hands! He remembered the long ordeal and that he had spent sleepless nights before convinced that the history between him and Clare was water under the bridge and behavior so cynical just could not accept it. Probabilmente Anselmo era sicuro di poter conciliare un matrimonio di interesse con una serie di tradimenti che la futura moglie avrebbe tollerato per non creare problemi al prossimo, ma sopratutto a se stessa. Magari il mondo girava proprio in questa maniera, ma Giacomo aveva una visione totalmente diversa del matrimonio e della fedeltà di coppia specialmente dopo aver incontrato Flora.
L’unica a subirne le conseguenze era stata purtroppo Denise che attribuiva a se stessa il fallimento della relazione e scusava quasi il comportamento di Anselmo convinta di non aver saputo soddisfare le sue più intime aspirazioni. Giacomo avrebbe voluto intervenire per aprirle gli occhi ma poi, dietro suggerimento della sua ragazza e per non spargere altro sale su ferite non yet healed, he decided to postpone.
The course was coming to an end last week took place some evening meetings attended by two veterinarians and an accountant who illustrated the paperwork for the opening of a company making a wide detour on capital investment and time needed for his return.
Bianca Maria, while nell'accavallarsi of events that had turned what should have been a peaceful succession of lessons in a nightmare, he was very satisfied with the results. At least three students had excelled: James, Anselmo and Virginia, two other, Flora and Werner, had excellent performances having acquired a good preparation. Denise, having acquired a good manual, it was completely blocked after the disappointment of love and not willing to want to return despite the stresses of the teacher and the encouragement of Flora and James. Naomi had never had a serious interest in this course, too busy to show off and too busy to realize that plan, in its intentions, the teacher would have thrown on the pavement and the wind years of hard work. As the eighth student, who had called for the inspection of INAIL, he was not at all suited for that kind of work and the inspector, after having trod some 'hands on default of Bianca, was content with general assurances about the development in accordance with local filling out a report rosewater further "refined" than from a pair of hair clippers.
Virginia now living permanently with the teacher and some student, some 'mischievous too, had spread the rumor that if the two intended. Actually, some attitudes could support this hypothesis, but it was just too much confidence and a sort of complicity that had been established between the teacher and her favorite student. The girl of the circus was still completely lean transformation and softening while White assumed more and more of an attitude protection against him, filling it with care and saving the hard stuff. Werner was often shuttled between the Tyrol, where work on the transformation of the premises is in full swing. Some of the money that his uncle had cleverly stolen from Biborka had been engaged to compensate the company that had suffered the shortfall and in buildings while the largest share to the groomer would ensure a peaceful and prosperous life waiting for the activities undertaken took off. They had in fact planned the first three years of negative balances to break even, but maybe it was a prediction is too pessimistic. Uncle Werner was an old industrial and alert, an endless source of good advice, which carefully addressed the challenges of the market should have the same fortune the other white students who were already contemplating to go it would be unaware of the difficulties that have arisen.
James lived with Flora in the apartment that had expanded and embellished by monitoring the progress of work, after the removal of the breeder and veterinarian with the opening of the surgery three times a week, continue to be increasingly hard. The two boys are discovered more and more in love and had no other desire than to remain forever in that place, surrounded by lush vegetation and an everlasting peace. The grooming began to host the first customers and equipment provided by James had proved to the occasion: he had made in its time, good buy! Flora's father was very pleased with the progress of works and, eager as a kid, was eager that they terminate. Denise's father and his friend the vet was very good and willing, if it was presented the need to place more capital in a company that was rapidly taking off.
The farmer deceased's brother Dino, a friend of White, had moved there on business occupying the opposite side, compared to the apartment of James and Flora, the cottage being restored. He was a strange, a "primitive" man of few words who blushed to imagine that someone could speak to her. He held the admissions of dogs perfectly clean and tidy and the lawn in front of his house was passed and passed back with almost maniacal care. Often the two boys had invited into their home for a coffee or a drink, but he always declined invitations with more imaginative excuses why they had postponed the fear of putting it, with too much insistence, embarrassed. In his apartment there was no telephone or television, the lights were extinguished a few hours after sunset and from that moment, in that part of the building, everything fell nel silenzio più assoluto. Tra l’uscio dei due ragazzi e quello dell’allevatore c’erano solo una trentina di metri, ma quella distanza separava due mondi affatto diversi: i primi invitavano spesso amici e parenti facendo le ore piccole, il secondo viveva in simbiosi con i propri animali che, dopo il tramonto e caso più unico che raro, sembravano anch’essi precipitare in una sorta di letargo. Solo con il sorgere del sole si avvertivano i primi movimenti perchè i cani festeggiavano, a loro modo, l’arrivo del pasto mattutino.
Paolo, dopo aver chiesto per qualche notte ospitalità ad Anselmo, si era definitivamente trasferito nell’appartamento di Noemi in attesa che l’amica reappear. Began to worry seriously and there were several things he could not give an explanation. The girl had left all their clothes in the closets, even those who used more frequently, as the car had never moved from where they had parked near the laboratory of the teacher on the night of stormy meeting. He even imagined that Naomi was removed to mortify him, giving him a lesson, that boy his own age that made her a short and fierce as it had already granted the escapades, but now he was really overdoing it: there was no more than two weeks and concern had skyrocketed. On the other Part Paul did not know where to go and enjoy the comfort of the apartment without having to endure the tantrums had been the friend for a few days and at that moment, a real cure. Now he wanted to see Naomi, maybe suffer the wrath and resentments, to be sure that she was away with his suitor, but it's still there in his arms to receive perhaps forgiveness. He thought long about what to do, then decided it was appropriate to visit that location that he and his friends attend sporadically and Naomi had a night where he worked as a bartender and where everyone knew her.
You took a shower, dressed, went to retrieve the car and headed the other end of town. The
Tapeete was not a very elegant room divided into three sections: the first part was usually frequented by children who arrived there from the district taking advantage of low prices and the opportunity to make friends interesting in the second room, which was reached by a tiny red door guarded by two massive bouncers, crowded with men below the age they knew they could find, in any event, the company most suitable and girls no longer available. The third part, reached via a narrow wooden staircase, was the most elegant and less crowded and you might be held, among other things, gambling. Round on two stages and a dozen meters away from each other of strippers were performing and, sometimes, even men in random alternation and uninterrupted. Noemi often left his work behind the counter and climbed on the platform to mimic the movements of the girls were offered to the lustful eyes of customers. There Paul had seen the first outbreak in a sensual performance and then bring it closer, had signed his own ruin.
The boy quietly went upstairs through wooden stairs because the security men knew him well and he had also some friends. "Did you see Naomi?" Asked a guy with massive arms folded lurking beneath the first platform, one of three members of the local. "I have not seen more than a month," replied the man, holding out her hand to greet him. "I am concerned-Paul-shoot because it virtually disappeared from circulation. We had a violent quarrel and since then she's gone. "The burly man smiled: he knew the strange behavior of Naomi and knew that sometimes, after arguing with Paul, he was thrown into the arms of Marcello, the friend of critical moments. This apartment in the dressing room, she was consoling, then return home relaxed. "If I want to ask Marcello there it was"-he pointed to a thirty stationed before the bar, "and from what I understand at this time is not attending any".
Paul thanked the man and went downstairs where he met other people who might know something about Naomi, but failed to get any information. Disappointed and even more perplexed he returned to the house and, in the throes of a violent crisis of despair, he fell asleep on the bed clothes.
Since the courses were started grooming Anselmo had received three visits from his girlfriend. She was always accompanied by parents who kept her under close surveillance even if the guy was clearly annoyed by the suffocating presence and did not scruple to externalize the his disappointment. Loren was not a bad girl, though not certain level of Denise, but his behavior left a lot of puzzled. At first glance seem quite insignificant and could not be attributed either major flaws, nor particular virtues then gradually you realize that what was petulant and insecure. His interests and topics of conversation were superficial and more appropriate for a teenager to a young woman about to marry. Gossip peppered his speech any and all ideas were good to criticize people who may know only superficially. He had never concerned nor the work of Anselm, nor the conduct of the courses: evidently provvedesse expected that the boy alone for their future without involving them in issues that would have distracted from his quiet life and its frivolities. Had never even visited the farm of his father, nor expressed any interest in any of the ideas that Anselmo, with an exceptional spirit of initiative and outstanding qualities organization, intended to put to use. Lorella depended in every way by their parents that the plan every moment of the day. To carve out a moment of intimacy Anselmo, who lived in a house next to his, had to resort to a variety of tricks and even reach the hidden room, late at night, from a service port which holds the key. Perhaps the future in-laws were aware of it, or perhaps ignorant, but that family was recited every day and with great effort, a sort of comedy of errors for which reality and fiction overlaps with the two interpenetrating crossing and blending into one another: a smokescreen that enveloped everything. Anselmo was a simple pop-up because the small universe of the people revolved around the father of Loren, the protagonist in own play: he decided the plot changing it from time to time to suit you or the propri umori. La ragazza accettava questo andazzo ritenendolo normalissimo e non la sfiorava nemmeno l’idea di ribellarsi per ottenere una maggiore autonomia.
Giacomo aveva conosciuto Lorella e l’aveva giudicata immediatamente scialba ed antipatica: non riusciva a capire come il suo amico, una persona brillante ed intraprendente, riuscisse a stravedere per lei ed a sopportare i suoi discorsi di una disarmante banalità. A dire il vero aveva notato evidenti e ripetuti segnali di insofferenza da parte del ragazzo verso le continue intrusioni dei futuri suoceri, ma li considerava troppo blandi a fronte di vere e proprie prevaricazioni. L’aveva inoltre puzzled, if not shocked, the behavior of Anselm against Denise. He had lured the girl's got game for a long time, failing to clarify its position, saying and not saying, often playing on ambiguities like maybe he had learned from the future father in law.
"You're sure to be in love with her?-Day James asked a friend, referring to Loren-image that you liked and Denise, from what little I understood, certain attitudes you annoy your girlfriend as well as the continuing interference of his parents. "Anselmo remained in silence for a moment then replied," My relationship with Lorella goes back several years ago. His parents are owners of big farm where I work and when I took at their structure is as if I had signed a contract that also included the link with their daughter. I am attached to, but I could not tell if you love the most or the idea of \u200b\u200bone day inherit the business of my future in-laws. I have practically removed from the orphanage where I was allowing me to improve my without ever adopting. So I started to work with them before the age of sixteen years and still live in a kind of annexe adjoining farming. Then it is checked Lorella out of which the first did not know existed, like a rabbit out of the cylinder of a magician and I was attending with the blessing of her parents: it has given another turning point in my life. At first I did not understand which were my true aspirations and my deepest feelings, then I slowly inserted within the family and now I act already dominates. Lorella may seem superficial, but I have no problem and is content to live under the shadow accepting my every decision. I cheated on her often and I think it is even noticed, but probably okay and I should be even better. "James was increasingly puzzled:" But Denise thing is for you? I thought you went very well and I wanted something to perfection. "Anselmo smiled:" I appreciate Lorella because never has an opinion different from mine or not having an opinion, willingly accept to live in a trailer. Denise has been, let's call it a pleasant accident on the way: I would be obliged to confront her constantly and that in the long run, I would create a lot of problems. But there is another reason why I have no intention of separating from my girlfriend when she was little more than sixteen years I have made her pregnant and I managed to abort it by the intervention of his parents. She was the opposite for the only time I think, for my decision then was particularly persuaded by the intervention of his father and decided she had fallen into a long depression. After this has become even more fragile and therefore its not lose sight of controlling, therefore, me too. For some time we do not address the topic more, but between us was signed, as I said, a tacit agreement that I have joined the family, assuming all my responsibilities and my family has entrusted the management of the company as if we were already married. Will understand that at this point I can not sever the link, but if everything was less complicated equally decide to accept the situation. Among the advantages of running the acquired business is well established and profitable as if he were the owner, between the duties to protect Lorella supporting them morally and physically after the ordeal she has suffered and which I have the responsibility .
James noticed that it overestimated the determination and courage of the friend who unfortunately was digging the grave with their hands! He remembered the long ordeal and that he had spent sleepless nights before convinced that the history between him and Clare was water under the bridge and behavior so cynical just could not accept it. Probabilmente Anselmo era sicuro di poter conciliare un matrimonio di interesse con una serie di tradimenti che la futura moglie avrebbe tollerato per non creare problemi al prossimo, ma sopratutto a se stessa. Magari il mondo girava proprio in questa maniera, ma Giacomo aveva una visione totalmente diversa del matrimonio e della fedeltà di coppia specialmente dopo aver incontrato Flora.
L’unica a subirne le conseguenze era stata purtroppo Denise che attribuiva a se stessa il fallimento della relazione e scusava quasi il comportamento di Anselmo convinta di non aver saputo soddisfare le sue più intime aspirazioni. Giacomo avrebbe voluto intervenire per aprirle gli occhi ma poi, dietro suggerimento della sua ragazza e per non spargere altro sale su ferite non yet healed, he decided to postpone.
The course was coming to an end last week took place some evening meetings attended by two veterinarians and an accountant who illustrated the paperwork for the opening of a company making a wide detour on capital investment and time needed for his return.
Bianca Maria, while nell'accavallarsi of events that had turned what should have been a peaceful succession of lessons in a nightmare, he was very satisfied with the results. At least three students had excelled: James, Anselmo and Virginia, two other, Flora and Werner, had excellent performances having acquired a good preparation. Denise, having acquired a good manual, it was completely blocked after the disappointment of love and not willing to want to return despite the stresses of the teacher and the encouragement of Flora and James. Naomi had never had a serious interest in this course, too busy to show off and too busy to realize that plan, in its intentions, the teacher would have thrown on the pavement and the wind years of hard work. As the eighth student, who had called for the inspection of INAIL, he was not at all suited for that kind of work and the inspector, after having trod some 'hands on default of Bianca, was content with general assurances about the development in accordance with local filling out a report rosewater further "refined" than from a pair of hair clippers.
Virginia now living permanently with the teacher and some student, some 'mischievous too, had spread the rumor that if the two intended. Actually, some attitudes could support this hypothesis, but it was just too much confidence and a sort of complicity that had been established between the teacher and her favorite student. The girl of the circus was still completely lean transformation and softening while White assumed more and more of an attitude protection against him, filling it with care and saving the hard stuff. Werner was often shuttled between the Tyrol, where work on the transformation of the premises is in full swing. Some of the money that his uncle had cleverly stolen from Biborka had been engaged to compensate the company that had suffered the shortfall and in buildings while the largest share to the groomer would ensure a peaceful and prosperous life waiting for the activities undertaken took off. They had in fact planned the first three years of negative balances to break even, but maybe it was a prediction is too pessimistic. Uncle Werner was an old industrial and alert, an endless source of good advice, which carefully addressed the challenges of the market should have the same fortune the other white students who were already contemplating to go it would be unaware of the difficulties that have arisen.
James lived with Flora in the apartment that had expanded and embellished by monitoring the progress of work, after the removal of the breeder and veterinarian with the opening of the surgery three times a week, continue to be increasingly hard. The two boys are discovered more and more in love and had no other desire than to remain forever in that place, surrounded by lush vegetation and an everlasting peace. The grooming began to host the first customers and equipment provided by James had proved to the occasion: he had made in its time, good buy! Flora's father was very pleased with the progress of works and, eager as a kid, was eager that they terminate. Denise's father and his friend the vet was very good and willing, if it was presented the need to place more capital in a company that was rapidly taking off.
The farmer deceased's brother Dino, a friend of White, had moved there on business occupying the opposite side, compared to the apartment of James and Flora, the cottage being restored. He was a strange, a "primitive" man of few words who blushed to imagine that someone could speak to her. He held the admissions of dogs perfectly clean and tidy and the lawn in front of his house was passed and passed back with almost maniacal care. Often the two boys had invited into their home for a coffee or a drink, but he always declined invitations with more imaginative excuses why they had postponed the fear of putting it, with too much insistence, embarrassed. In his apartment there was no telephone or television, the lights were extinguished a few hours after sunset and from that moment, in that part of the building, everything fell nel silenzio più assoluto. Tra l’uscio dei due ragazzi e quello dell’allevatore c’erano solo una trentina di metri, ma quella distanza separava due mondi affatto diversi: i primi invitavano spesso amici e parenti facendo le ore piccole, il secondo viveva in simbiosi con i propri animali che, dopo il tramonto e caso più unico che raro, sembravano anch’essi precipitare in una sorta di letargo. Solo con il sorgere del sole si avvertivano i primi movimenti perchè i cani festeggiavano, a loro modo, l’arrivo del pasto mattutino.
Paolo, dopo aver chiesto per qualche notte ospitalità ad Anselmo, si era definitivamente trasferito nell’appartamento di Noemi in attesa che l’amica reappear. Began to worry seriously and there were several things he could not give an explanation. The girl had left all their clothes in the closets, even those who used more frequently, as the car had never moved from where they had parked near the laboratory of the teacher on the night of stormy meeting. He even imagined that Naomi was removed to mortify him, giving him a lesson, that boy his own age that made her a short and fierce as it had already granted the escapades, but now he was really overdoing it: there was no more than two weeks and concern had skyrocketed. On the other Part Paul did not know where to go and enjoy the comfort of the apartment without having to endure the tantrums had been the friend for a few days and at that moment, a real cure. Now he wanted to see Naomi, maybe suffer the wrath and resentments, to be sure that she was away with his suitor, but it's still there in his arms to receive perhaps forgiveness. He thought long about what to do, then decided it was appropriate to visit that location that he and his friends attend sporadically and Naomi had a night where he worked as a bartender and where everyone knew her.
You took a shower, dressed, went to retrieve the car and headed the other end of town. The
Tapeete was not a very elegant room divided into three sections: the first part was usually frequented by children who arrived there from the district taking advantage of low prices and the opportunity to make friends interesting in the second room, which was reached by a tiny red door guarded by two massive bouncers, crowded with men below the age they knew they could find, in any event, the company most suitable and girls no longer available. The third part, reached via a narrow wooden staircase, was the most elegant and less crowded and you might be held, among other things, gambling. Round on two stages and a dozen meters away from each other of strippers were performing and, sometimes, even men in random alternation and uninterrupted. Noemi often left his work behind the counter and climbed on the platform to mimic the movements of the girls were offered to the lustful eyes of customers. There Paul had seen the first outbreak in a sensual performance and then bring it closer, had signed his own ruin.
The boy quietly went upstairs through wooden stairs because the security men knew him well and he had also some friends. "Did you see Naomi?" Asked a guy with massive arms folded lurking beneath the first platform, one of three members of the local. "I have not seen more than a month," replied the man, holding out her hand to greet him. "I am concerned-Paul-shoot because it virtually disappeared from circulation. We had a violent quarrel and since then she's gone. "The burly man smiled: he knew the strange behavior of Naomi and knew that sometimes, after arguing with Paul, he was thrown into the arms of Marcello, the friend of critical moments. This apartment in the dressing room, she was consoling, then return home relaxed. "If I want to ask Marcello there it was"-he pointed to a thirty stationed before the bar, "and from what I understand at this time is not attending any".
Paul thanked the man and went downstairs where he met other people who might know something about Naomi, but failed to get any information. Disappointed and even more perplexed he returned to the house and, in the throes of a violent crisis of despair, he fell asleep on the bed clothes.
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