Monday, January 31, 2011

Cookware Galeries Lafayette Maison Paris




Lanciano (CH)
Thursday 3 and Friday, February 4 10:30
Teatro Comunale Fedele Fenaroli

Of Gigi Bertoni
By Monica Camporesi, Maria Regosa, Andrea Valdinocci
Musical advice Antonio Talamonti
Sets and costumes Lucia Baldini collaboration with Angela Pezzi
Project lights Marcello D'Agostino
Photo Stefano Tedioli
Graphics Marilena Benini
Directed by Alberto Grilli

Per quanto il titolo lo evochi in maniera inequivocabile  Al Gran Teatro di Mangiafuoco  non è uno spettacolo su Pinocchio. Di Pinocchio questo spettacolo ne ripercorre una traccia, in particolare quella lasciata dall’emozione provata dal burattino davanti al teatro di Mangiafuoco e da un abbecedario venduto in cambio di un biglietto.
Il Gran Teatro sono gli attori stessi, come nel Teatro Orientale sono i personaggi e la scenografia, le maschere e i costumi, i narratori e i danzatori; racchiudono nella loro tecnica tutta la magia, l'arte.
The theater-in theater to life; Eater and his actors tell a story, inspired textures famous Peking Opera, set in a distant and fabulous East. A young girl, through various adventures, defeat the powerful and violent oppressors.
Small Pinocchios in the audience, through free choice, will be active partners of the protagonist, I share the anxieties and fears, but also the firmness of the decision.
The final story will be a moment of collective participation, excitement and knowledge that becomes a shared identity.

The show is recommended for the age group 6-11 years was inolte suitable for the mixed audience of the afternoon.

we'd love to have you among our viewers

To learn more about our activities please visit

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Review Yonex Nanospeed 9900


GROUP Alhena
30 April to 1 May 2011

30 April at 18-20
May 1 hours from 10.30 to 12.30
at DANCE WORKSHOP Via Tiburtina 149 Pescara
€ 90
advance € 30
€ 100
with only one reservation
payable on postepay
No 4023 6004 4903 6716
payable to Maria Luisa Di Ciano
INFO: 380 3322179 Anouscka
; Louise 333 3819157

What Do I Wear With High Waisted Skinny Jeans


2-3-4 febbraio ore 22:30 

Teatro Cometa Off - L.E.T. 2011- Liberi Esperimenti Teatrali

Tutto si svolge in una stanza dove pendono, impiccati, oggetti dalla forma di donna; 
un letto assume la forma di un sepolcro e fiori, 
many flowers sprout from the walls.
Everything is deformed, expanded, even the sounds and noises creep forcefully.
We are in the room of the lady, mistress.
Clare and Solange are two sisters, two maids. We
in their nightmare, and we see reality through the eyes of their anger.
Their hatred towards the mistress, who is transformed over time into contempt for themselves,
as inferior beings, without hope nor elegance,
the door and crashed into a world where victims of themselves,
writhe and fight.
grotesque, infantile, violent and paranoid do you need crave a riot, "the revolt of the servants,"
crave a life that can be found serving.
A fire will inevitably lead to the desperate madness
as the worst nightmares, but without finding the comfort of waking up, she needs
spend their last hours ... be used.


Directed by Greta Agresti Agresti

With Greta

Lori Anna Flavia Germana de Lipsis

Davide Severi

Assistant Director She

Carlo Stella Novari


Roberto Silvestri, Prenestino Theatre Forte, Peter Dattilo, Luca Cusell, Anjan Di Leonardo, Sikic Lara, Claudia Coppola.


7.50, 5.00 Reduced - two shows a night

Teatro Cometa Off

Via Luca della Robbia, 47 - Roma - Zona Testaccio - 0657284637

Friday, January 28, 2011

7 Month Old With A Dru Cough


freely adapted from "Anarchy in Bavaria 'Rainer Werner Fassbinder

director Werner Waas

Lea Barletti, Franco Simone, Anna Lisa Gaudet, Cecilia Maffei, Otto Marco Mercante, Giuseppe Semeraro

Thursday 3 and Friday, February 4, 2011 - Teatro Kismet Opera - Bari

W anarchy! uses the theater as illusory escape from a series of prisons. E 'confession, revolution, provocation, dream, experiment, and joke. This is not censorship and it is uncertain programmatically on ... its final form. Its shape and polyphonic choir narrates through short scenes, almost like a kind of modern magazine, behind the scenes of a temporary array anarchist revolution in Bavaria. It 's the story of a bankruptcy, and bankruptcy are her beauty, reality and needs. Freedom is the word that recurs more and at the same time the least known and practiced by all, and not revolutionary. W
anarchy! offers no solutions to this and see with the eye of those who use the game play to understand more, asking for this include the active collaboration of the viewer. Any reference to this is quite liked. W
anarchy! will not participate in a serious discussion about the meaning that the theater, but today, in Italy but prefers doing theater, today, in Italy. It 'an experiment. What to do?
facebook: indumateatro

How To Attach A Soap Dish


This is a publishing initiative that addresses the world of contemporary theater and research at national level. Having reached a considerable number of members, interests and contacts, we decided to realize this idea, especially after the experience gained from running a blog and a dedicated group called Theatre ITALY and numerous theatrical activities of the association culturale ART LAB (produzione di spettacoli, realizzazione di laboratori in Italia e all'estero e organizzazione di eventi culturali).
Si tratterà - inizialmente - di un sito di informazione ed approfondimento sul mondo del teatro contemporaneo, una webzine culturale, un nuovo punto di vista dal quale si potrà osservare con attenzione la scena contemporanea italiana. L'obiettivo immediato e concreto è reperire risorse e collaboratori per realizzare subito il sito web ed in futuro (prossimo) una rivista cartacea semestrale. Il titolo è semplice e diretto, "Teatro Contemporaneo" e a tal fine abbiamo già acquisito il dominio

We are currently working on the logo, the structure and contents of the site, which will consist - to big lines - a forum, a page "ABOUT U.S.", "Contact" and "NEWSLETTER" and above 5 subjects or "categories" which are:

"VISAS FOR YOU" (reviews of shows and photo reports from all over Italy)

"ON STAGE" (posters and theater performances in programming)

"TEATROFEST" (indicating the festival and exhibitions of contemporary theater in all of Italy)

"TEATROLAB (band signal, casting, training and guidance for all types of theater operators, laboratories, workshops, residencies and educational activities, etc.).

"foyer" (articles and interviews, reports on conferences and seminars, meetings, debates and discussions on research and cultural policies in the context of contemporary theater in Italy)

In Annex press releases (draft), to achieve the stage dedicated to young writers and photographers, potential future employees. I hope I have been exhaustive, it is still available for any clarification.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Does A Fever Cause Mottled Skin

History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 33

After recovering from the hangover, the latest in a long line over the past two months, Tania took refuge in the waiting room of the station in the suburbs few hundred meters from the laboratory. "Cracks James and all those like him who let themselves be fooled by the beautiful women and stupid!" She repeated to herself trying to get to sleep lying on an uncomfortable seat with wooden staves. The environment was not the most advisable, even the shadow of the police, and when the fumes of alcohol gave way to almost sober, really began to worry. Seeing several ugly mugs turn around at any moment imagined that he could jump out even if someone willing to rape this possibility, after all, would have afforded an experience that, although in a different context, the tickled.

Yeah, she was thin as a nail and one as a cactus survived a drought in decades. Often, looking in the mirror, she was taken by anxiety: had no form, her face resembled that of an embalmed body and legs were two sticks strung under ass flat like a cemetery headstone. It was almost impossible to imagine that a male simple, not mental affection of defects and with a view could simply have an interest in her. Reflecting on the tragic fate was a parallel with Naomi, with her exuberant vitality, with the sensuality of the sister who could afford to use her body to enslave men. Yet he felt no envy for her because she knew what was hidden behind the bravado to be a deeply unhappy that he had suffered the pains of hell and was still suffering.

had met several times before and after the research done per rintracciare figli e figliastri del loro padre snaturato ed erano subito entrate in sintonia. La madre di Noemi era una signora di mezz'età ormai sfiorita e senza stimoli che le facessero apprezzare quel poco di buono che ancora aveva a disposizione. Educò la figlia passando dalla più rigorosa disciplina, ma questo solo nei primissimi anni, al più sfrenato lassismo che divenne menefreghismo quando si convinse che l'uomo che amava, il padre della ragazza, si era ricavato una sorta di harem in cui si muoveva a proprio piacimento senza curarsi nemmeno di salvare le apparenze. Per una sorta di rivalsa verso quell'essere tanto meschino ed egoista allevò Noemi, dopo i primi anni di vita in cui ancora sperava in un ravvedimento di suo padre, nella absolute permissiveness and urged them to take revenge, because she was not capable of the whole universe of men. She collected a series of flirtations of short duration only for the whim of those who seduce the most annoying was, or seemed more sure of himself, but left with empty-handed. It goes well with bullies and country unsavory individuals using them to your liking, learning to cheat others and refining the art of deception.

Despite this, and having lived in opposite ways, Tania do not blame her, she felt even more connected to her that the other sisters and other siblings because I imagine that, for a single joke of fate, Naomi was MP for both inbred and the other to take revenge against men. Often
had reached the night in which he worked and had tried the same pleasure that she was in no doubt try to show off and to catalyze the lustful glances of men: it was like, desire, desire, too.
Despite these acquaintances had never met Paul, nor imagined that you could know Naomi and James. On the other hand, after the very first time they met, it did not like to talk about their past, neither she ventured to many questions that would have certainly annoyed if not angry.

So after sleeping a few nights in the waiting room of the station and the suburbs have wandered around there during the day Tania decided to visit his sister to ask her hospitality. He would not return to their home, imagining that his partner, James, was already a prey to remorse soaking in expectation of his return and will also meet great difficulties in work. Now completely sober, it was refreshing ideas the fountain of the gardens and had bought the train ticket to travel to visit the joint. Arriving at the home of the latter noticed some movement and the presence of a police car. He hid behind a banner ad and saw that Naomi was loaded on the vehicle: do not take much imagination, knowing subject, to imagine that the girl had committed some unforgivable lightness, it was suffering the consequences. He wandered for a long time for the town, they tried a small hotel of the lowest class and spent the last coins left to spend a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, he meditated on his own experiences and get information on the destination of half-sister.

After a fortnight he decided to go visit him in prison: "I caught six months, told her that Naomi was pretty high spirits having just received the visit of a handsome military-pass in any case I can hurry and be revenged on those who kicked me in this ugly mess. And 'the only time I do not do crime, rather subisco of wrongs, and I go to jail: it is very strange life, "the chief told her to leaders what had happened, he said of Paul and how he, after having sworn eternal love, had disappeared from circulation in time of need. He pointed where he found the keys and asked to use very much that he needed. He also added some details about where he kept hidden a small amount of money and put it to him.

Tania found it greatly changed, perhaps the misadventures dell'ultimo periodo l'avevano fatta rinsavire o forse iniziava a stancarsi di quella vita così squallida che stava purtroppo vivendo. Per una singolare coincidenza la toelettatrice si insediò nell'appartamento di Noemi la sera stessa in cui Paolo decise di uscirne: i due quindi non ebbero l'opportunità di incrociarsi anche se, il giorno seguente, capitò lì quel funzionario del recupero crediti che avrebbe pedinato l'ex garzone di Bianca sino all'allevamento di Anselmo e del suocero assistendo in diretta al loro litigio ed al tragico epilogo.

Quando la polizia raggiunse l'allevamento di Anselmo, Paolo era stato immobilizzato da alcuni inservienti e si guardava intorno Lost noting with distress that he should undergo an urgent interrogation because the circumstances were all against him. The friend who had hosted the convent and on which he placed so much hope was now accusing him of murder while the men present and the mother-in-law gave him a hand. Lorella arrived almost together with the military did not display particularly upset and taken apart after his mother threw a fleeting glance at the sheet covering the corpse of his father, began to chatter with her.
'E' was-he shouted while pointing Paolo Anselmo-I witnessed the scene from behind the wall and I assure you that does not fit all. " All those present were, however, a different view and, while not avendo visto ciò che era successo, iniziarono ad accusare il ragazzo che stava versando tutte le proprie lacrime. Fu caricato su un'auto della polizia che prese la via della città. Dall'alto della collina il funzionario della finanziaria assisteva alla scena: intuiva che da quella tragedia cui aveva assistito avrebbe potuto realizzare un bel po' di quattrini, molti più di quelli che si sarebbe procurato intascando le provvigioni per il recupero del credito.

Ritornò tranquillo verso la vettura posteggiata a lato della carrereccia e si avviò, senza fretta, verso la città. Qui, come prima mossa, cercò di incastrare i vari tasselli di quel puzzle che stava man mano prendendo una forma compiuta, then decided to return to the home of Naomi as she could, meanwhile, came home to be. The
agreed to test the ground to understand what role did the groomer and the whole affair which could provide help to continue the plan was developing. He had taken the information and know for a fact that between Paul and the girl things were not going well. He knew the bad name of Naomi and her propensity to cheat others for which expectations as he spoke with the woman who came to the door, that she was to come out. Tania in front of him, but I think I speak with Noemi and you also asked, without suggesting nothing, as he could get a nice guy like Paul with a kind of ugly.

Hatch in outline the plan he had devised implying that, for its realization, he needed a trusted partner. "I could fit Anselmo blackmailing him because of what I saw from the hill. I also took the photos that outline the situation created. Later, when the farmer will have shelled out a lot of money not to be Paul was imprisoned and will be done only a few months in prison, will deliver the material at my disposal anonymously to the Police by allowing justice to be done. But I need someone to give me a hand making my accomplice. "Tania listened with interest, he realized the misunderstanding, but did not consider it appropriate to appear. If he had understood, that man wanted Anselmo blackmail by threatening to tell all that he saw the police, pour a large amount of money and then after a few months to make sure that Paul was released from prison because of the photos anonymously. At that point, if the farmer had pulled into the case, Noemi (Tania) could become a witness key to clear him of any wrongdoing.
was clearly a plan that did not take into account the fact that while the tragic events took place, the girl was in prison, but the poor man ignored him.

Tania held the game playing its part: "You would, if I understand correctly, that I would provide an alibi stating that you would never have been able to blackmail Anselmo as the hour of the tragic events, we were together, and then in 'inability to take pictures that might trap the guy. " The puzzled by the fact that the man wanted to cheat first, but then did not allow this scam is completely ruined Paul, depriving him for who knows how many decades of their liberty. "Divide the profits fifty-fifty, Paul will do a couple of months that in jail, from what I understand it and to the point where you find your relationship, she wants to do for you punizione, poi se dovessi essere tirato in causa da Anselmo, lei sarà la mia ancora di salvezza. Io potrò sempre affermare di non aver assistito alla scena, essendo in sua compagnia, magari avendola visitata per chiedere a lei quella somma che il suo fidanzato deve alla finanziaria, così le foto che anonimamente farò pervenire alla Polizia non potranno essermi attribuite. -Si fermò un istante cercando di interpretare l'incertezza disegnatasi sul viso di Tania come un'anticipazione dell'assenso che stava per accordargli.

La ragazza aveva ancora molti dubbi, ma decise di mostrarsi convinta che la cosa potesse funzionare e concordò con l'uomo un appuntamento per la serata the following day when, after a night reflection and a deeper appreciation of the facts, they would have jointly developed a plan of action.

Paul was indicted for the murder of the farmer, Anselmo blackmailed by the official of the agency, passed a couple of months, he delivered anonymously to the police that the photos clearly exonerate the former White boy . The murderer, on the advice of their lawyer, decided not to bring up because no one in this case, their position before the law would have been further aggravated: in the meantime had dried up, without being entitled to the accounts in Joint account with bank mother-in-law and her deceased husband. He confided that the magistrates would not have too much calcium your hand to a tragic fatality occurred after an argument: what, in legal terms is called murder manslaughter. The process was for summary, and before Naomi finished serving their sentences , Tania put them available to a substantial sum so that he could rebuild his life in the company of his new love. Anselmo
not fared rather cheap because, in addition to the death of her father, even if caused by accident, he was charged false testimony against Paul. The wife and mother-in-law threatened to sue for the shortfall of money which, as assessed circumstances and that it would bring little benefit, then abstained from performing.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Najlepsze Darmowe Strony I Serwery

History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 32

Virginia, after each exhausting day at the service of White came home from her husband that made her a quick guide on business in the shop. The situation was worsened as they had already received several requests of the bailiff, and imagining their future, noted that he had slipped into a tunnel at the end of which could only be a chasm.
The girl must of necessity work in black otherwise meager wages would have been foreclosed and tried, those with little money to deal with more pressing commitments by purchasing the necessary food, paying bills and rent. Trusting in the company of Mrs. Agosti had committed the amount saved for the purchase of their future home and were now reduced to poverty and lack of resources with the moral ground.

the night, unable to fall asleep, his mind retraced the last months of his life and hoped to soon be able to avenge.
work in the laboratory had become exhausting and commitment from deep in the many activities which had been assigned was not granting a breather. Early reached the house of the teacher and, after having carried out the cleaning, ran into the shop to start a busy day of work in the service of clients and students. Officially, the board should have followed only for cats, but since it was dismantled by playing a much more demanding job with a salary from a cleaning woman. White was often intractable, is becoming more demanding, but the claim would have meant dismissal and that if Virginia could not quite afford. While
therefore undertook the laboratory tirelessly brooding his revenge, which would have enabled it to take the revenge he sought months. It was to be his exemplary punishment that leaves its mark, and possibly could to stop the career of one member who had cursed reduced in a pitiful state.

One evening, returning home, found her husband napping on the sofa in front of the television on: transmitting an old documentary about exotic animals in the National Geographic. Virginia, looking at those pictures, he had a sort of shock. Immediately woke the man and shouted at him at point-blank: "On Sunday we go to Modena! Andrew rubbed his eyes still pasted to sleep: "Ehhh, but are you by chance your mind?" "On Sunday I absolutely have to bring in Modena! He reiterated The girl took off her coat and preparing to table for dinner. He finally devised a plan to avenge Agosti: just had to make a trip to the circus to get some information would then organized a sortie to the smallest details that, if he managed to perfection, would remain in the annals of history.

He worked hard all day Saturday to assess the various aspects of what was preparing to make then came home late at night that he was thrilled by the project came from his brilliant brain. The next morning, at dawn, reached the circus that was still mired in a kind of swamp on the edge the town. He did not want their parents to review, rather sought to minimize the possibility of meeting them, but just had to talk to his cousin, the one that was once a trapeze artist, and now, if the appearances had not cheated, practice a profession, say thus, most folk. The caravan, semi-submerged in mud, was composed of five media circus, including a rusty trailer for the transport of animals and by some caravan of gypsies. Between half and the other had been set of wooden boards supported by bricks, which allows you to walk above the pulp until you reach the asphalt road that surrounded the camp.

was just after six in the morning when Virginia began to knock on the door of a trailer. From inside came a clatter, then a man appeared at the window, "Clelia is not ready, you take the rut early today!" Then, seeing the girl, stood in silence for a moment trying to focus her face still immersed in the semi darkness and continued: "Virginia! But it's you! What are you doing here at this stupid?" You came to visit your parents? "I'm not here because the crew has split a few months ago after a disastrous season." He made her go inside the trailer. Clelia had not yet awakened, despite the noise, and was lying naked on the bed on his stomach. The man covered her with a blanket that had slipped on the floor and took a stool from a corner to accommodate the guest. "How are you? - Went on-I think you're really good! You went away you made the right decision because we are here we are reduced to despair."

Virginia made a brief summary of what had happened to her after school enrollment grooming without a reminder of the last times of trouble and that she and her husband were going through. Meanwhile Clelia had taken to stir in his sleep: he was the next morning. Finally he opened his eyes, sat up in bed by dropping the blanket at his feet and, when he realized who that person before him, he showed all his amazement: "Virgiiiiniaaaaaaaa, what a nice surprise! Did you finally remembered your family and you come to visit! your father and your mother are no longer with us, but cousins \u200b\u200band Aunt Mafalda still live in the trailer next to ours. " Between the two girls had never been a great intimacy, but the groomer gladly accepted the hospitality which might not expect.

While talking he watched the cousin was always a beautiful woman, perhaps a little fatter, but the body was still firm and voluptuous. Mentally observed, not without a touch of malice, which with a body like that could have made interesting gains in new business that was chosen. Perhaps a friend gave her the cash disappear or Gypsies, placed there at your side, within the control of revenue? There was, however, in its expression, a false note, something different, a bit of wildness in his eyes, which makes it now very similar to his new neighbors. Clelia while wearing a light sweater and pulled the boxer removed from a drawer Virginia faced the argument that he had traced back to the caravan: "What happened to Hasdrubal?" The two guests looked at each other wondering: "Hasdrubal who?" asked the man still expressing their disbelief in the face of a request so unusual. "Hasdrubal the Indian rhinoceros, who but he? "Write as if Virginia had made the request more obvious in the world.

Clelia was spending the cream on the long and beautiful legs:" Even before your parents wind up the company had shuffled animals. Could no longer keep them, and apart from the dogs, the poor animals ended up at the hospice of Modena. It 's been a bit' of time, I can not tell who survived, were all Vecchiotti, but if you have news you have to put them there. "

The Hospice of Modena was nothing but a big makeshift shelters where ended virtually all animals, circuses, for various reasons, no longer able to maintain o che risultavano inservibili nell'ambito degli spettacoli. L'istituzione, fondata da un ex domatore, aveva conosciuto tempi prosperi e felici poi, con la crisi circense e con i pochi soldi che giravano, si era man mano ridotta in condizioni di mera sopravvivenza. Al presente, immaginava Virginia, avrebbe potuto somigliare ad un lazzaretto in cui le povere bestie venivano lasciate morire d'inedia. "Va bene, andrò lì a cercare Asdrubale. Potete prestarmi il rimorchio per gli animali?" Rispose l'amico di Clelia: "se riesci a toglierlo da quella melma in cui è sprofondato te lo possiamo anche regalare."

Virginia si trattenne ancora per una mezz'oretta nella roulotte mentre l'accampamento si stava lentamente animando, the children began to splash about in puddles and the dogs to chase them. Further away from bus went out of strangers, with the facial features that certainly did not belong to the circus people: mothers with olive color with new born baby in her lap, toothless old with long skirts and young girls from exotic features. From their temporary shelters night on their way, walking over the boards, to the state and then disperse in different directions. Clelia meanwhile was preparing to settle in roadside having worn their skimpy work clothes.

Virginia sent back home, quickly tracked down her husband who was fiddling in the garage, and together they reached the gypsy camp trying to remove the trailer from the clutches of animals which was mired in mud. Clelia's friend, the high wear rubber boots, hooked the car to Virginia and the means to own, then the two men at the wheel and the trailer began to slowly emerge from the quagmire. The ropes were removed and the means coupled to the old family of two boys who immediately took the road to Modena.

As Virginia was expected, the hospice had become a dilapidated hospital. Survived with the help of some animal welfare groups, but in precarious conditions, without even a fence that surround it fixed or a guardian who supervises him. The poor animals survive in desperate conditions in makeshift shelters exposed to the elements. If the food was never a problem, the volunteers had always been busy, hygiene conditions were poor, nor those people of good will know how to juggle with unusual animals for our latitudes. If was quite easy to care for dogs and horses, geese and maybe teach monkeys home was more difficult to care for elephants, lions, seals and, in fact, the rhinoceros.

Hasdrubal lay dozing in the quagmire resigned apparently in good physical condition: when glimpsed Virginia raised a few inches of the horn e si voltò dall'altra parte. Non è che la ragazza gli fosse particolarmente simpatica, anzi si ricordava di aver ricevuto, da lei, qualche botta non meritata. Comunque preferiva rimanere in quella sorta di bolgia dantesca piuttosto che fare la fame ritornando nel circo. Se i volontari che lo accudivano ci avevano messo un pochino per comprendere che lui, pur essendo un bestione enorme,  non era un animale carnivoro, ora gli portavano cardi, ginestre, canne e rami d'alberi con attaccate le foglie in quantità industriali. Quando notò, dietro l'auto di Virginia, il rimorchio con cui era arrivato all'ospizio iniziò ad agitarsi preoccupandosi per il proprio futuro.

In not a soul was around, "upload it to the middle" - Virginia rebuked her husband as if it were easier operation in the world. "You're a crazy unleashed! - The man replied in awe of that mass of flesh their ostentatiously turned his back.
The girl, however, knew his business: he back off the trailer, after it filled with every type of plant stored on site until the edge of the swamp with a pole and began to goad the beast until he turned on himself. Hasdrubal, like all rhinos, was short-sighted, but he could smell the food miles away. He took a large carriera la via del rimorchio superando in scioltezza il corto scivolo e si ritrovò rinchiuso tra quattro robuste pareti metalliche.

Viaggiare in auto con un rinoceronte al seguito non fu un'impresa facile: spesso il mezzo sbandava vistosamente ed allora Virginia ed il marito erano costretti a fermarsi a bordo strada sperando che il grosso erbivoro si tranquillizzasse. Se apparivano delle pattuglie della stradale all'orizzonte i due deviavano prontamente verso un'area di sosta attendendo che il pericolo si allontanasse. Riuscirono comunque a raggiungere la cittadina da cui erano partiti quando ormai stavano calando le tenebre. Invece di prendere la via di casa si diressero verso l'abitazione della signora Agosti perchè dovevano mettere in implement the second part of the plan.

arrived near the gate that enclosed a large garden with a view of the building where the woman had just moved to the first blocked the supply of gas, the counter was on the wall then, pretending to the telephone company workers to donor, invited her to open the gate for inspection. The woman, not suspecting anything, azionò the remote and saw the first break in the garden and even inside the then Asdrubal tickled by the scent of plants that grow in every corner. She fled upstairs terrified, but the phone line with which he could seek help had been interrupted: the elephant was then as long as necessary to destroy the house and yard littered with excrement, in proportion to its size, the places from which transited. The

Agosti remained barricaded in the bedroom for a long time waiting for his young friend, who was away from home, returned to rescue her. The man came back late at night, perhaps recovering from an escapade, and when he saw what he thought had happened to a cataclysm or something very similar. Then, in the dim light, he saw a huge mass that moved rhythmically emettedo a sort of low whistle: Hasdrubal was resting happy dreaming other thistles and other brooms. The
Agosti should have explained to the police, firefighters and animal protection as ever in the park della sua villa era detenuto un rinoceronte adulto e non sarebbe stata un'impresa tanto facile perchè, il giorno precedente, i Carabinieri avevano ricevuto delle denunce anonime. Ci fu chi, dopo l'irruzione dei militari e l'intervento di alcuni esperti che ricondussero il pachiderma a Modena, ebbe il coraggio di affermare, in totale buona fede, di aver notato l'animale già da diverse settimane presso la casa della donna: probabilmente aveva visto l'Agosti stessa che stava passeggiando all'interno del proprio giardino.

Virginia si accordò con Clelia affinchè denunciasse, anche se in ritardo, la scomparsa dell'animale dal circo ed attese fiduciosa che la Giustizia compisse il proprio corso.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mission O Custom Snow

History of an anonymous, shallot Grooming-Chapter 31

 I genitori di Denise decisero di mandarla, per un po' di tempo, dai parenti di Ginevra. Il padre sopratutto era molto preoccupato perchè, dopo la morte di Flora ed il quasi contemporaneo scioglimento della società che stava realizzando la clinica veterinaria e le sue dipendenze, lei non gli aveva più rivolto la parola. Non poteva certo immaginare che la ragazza gli attribuisse la maggiore responsabilità per il misero fallimento di quel sogno che tutti, in origine, avevano vagheggiato. In effetti per lo stravolgimento dei piani iniziali e per il loro successivo abbandono should mainly blame the father of Flora, but also a veterinarian, who had lost after the arrival on the scene of property speculation, all the initial excitement. The doctor had then decided to remove his livestock and Mirko of where they had settled thus putting the tombstone on the initiative. If it had been the father of Denise things would have turned out differently: in fact he hoped to persuade James to stay because, he was certain the boy would surpass the most critical period for thrown back with renewed force, if the enterprise only to keep alive the memory of Flora and achieve what was the great dream of both.

But Denise is not giving peace was always nervous, did not want to go to the farm even when friends, before it was all upset, please do so. His father was puzzled: the girl visibly emaciated and showed no signs of recovering, even if he tries to stimulate or at least to make sure it opened to study a possible remedy. Everyone had noticed how be held away from James, it was impossible not to notice, and this attitude puzzling friends and relatives who wondered if there was some secret aspect, in the recent tragedy, of which they were not aware of. The sudden departure of Mirko, the too hasty exit from the company of the father of Flora and the almost simultaneous resignation of James in the project gave rise to several common gossip that were woven, as often happens, with assumptions more or less close to reality .

is simply made up of disagreements between the groomer and its non-in-law and even a secret affair, when Flora was still alive, between the boy and Denise. James was rather upset about the conduct of 'friend and began to think of it, in Somehow, without realizing it, offended. Then he took the decision to leave and, overwhelmed by far more serious problems, he stopped worrying about trying to recover at the same time that he had lost the psychological equilibrium with the loved one. Never could have imagined the feelings that agitated the poor girl just back from a double disappointment for them that James preferred Flora or perhaps it was not her own feelings sufficiently early in the exterior and sleazy behavior that caused by Anselmo was chosen as an antidote, he was absolutely convinced that the thing to work, to their frustration. However

Denise, but unconvinced, he left for Switzerland where the expected second-degree cousins, his father was convinced, would try to raise it again in any way materially and morally. She had stayed several times in the great Lake House, the parties to Vesenaz, and the area she loved so much. His parents, owners of a transport company, owned a herd of dogs Nordic heritage stretching back through generations, more for passion than for profit. The last time he had visited with Flora, about three years ago, and was a pleasant and interesting. The family was composed by a cousin suo padre, dalla moglie, una grigionese autoritaria ma molto simpatica, da due figli maschi ed una femmina oltre all'anziano nonno che sapeva farsi benvolere da tutti per la sua cordialità ed il suo buonumore. Il figlio più grande Denise non l'aveva praticamente mai conosciuto perchè ogni volta che lei si recava in Svizzera o che i parenti scendevano in Italia egli era sempre impegnato con la scuola: prima in collegio a Neuchatel e poi all'Università di Zurigo. Studiava, non avrebbe potuto essere diversamente, Veterinaria e si stava specializzando in animali da reddito.

La ragazza prese possesso della stanza più bella dell'intera casa, quella che aveva condiviso con Flora tre estati prima. La pace della campagna, the relaxing rhythms that led the family, marked by the constant presence of her aunt, and welcomed by his grandfather's jokes, they managed somehow to pacify. Rarely emerged from the confines of the vast property, but the farm dogs entertained happy chatting with the elderly caretaker of those animals lucky: they indeed have a large area of \u200b\u200badmissions and kept clean and, in winter, ; conveniently heated.
One day, coming back from the fence towards the house came across Dominic, who had just returned from Zurich to enjoy a family summer vacation. Denise remembered him vaguely as a kid a little 'silent, magrissimo e brufoloso, ma ora aveva dinanzi un giovane robusto, alto, dinoccolato e di bell'aspetto che l'accolse con un accattivante sorriso. Si salutarono baciandosi sulle guance ed il ragazzo le offrì uno dei croissant che teneva in un sacchetto. "Ti avrò vista forse una volta quando avevi circa dieci anni con tua madre e tuo padre- esordì in francese per poi passare all' italiano- e devo riconoscere che l'aria delle tue montagne ti ha fatto crescere bene". Le sorrise porgendole un tovagliolo di carta perchè, nel frattempo, si era sporcata la bocca con la marmellata. "Anche l'aria di Zurigo fa crescere sani e forti, da quello che vedo-  replicò Denise accennando anch'essa un mezzo sorriso- arrivo ora dall'allevamento I accept that you keep it in perfect condition. "The boy frowned slightly:" I do not know how long we can handle it: my father never wanted to trade in dogs, on the other hand would not even have time to monitor such activity, but expenses have risen considerably and the new regulations will rise to the municipal lot next year. You may have noticed that once we had even two employees, now we have only the old man to take care of the animals of the same name Dominic. Did you see the improvements we've made? But it is not enough. "In fact, the small farm was one of the best that Denise had visited, but not producing any income perchè i cani rimanevano in famiglia sino alla morte naturale od al massimo venivano regalati a qualche amico, gravava pesantemente sul bilancio familiare. "Mio padre dovrebbe prendere una decisione in merito, ne abbiamo discusso spesso, ma egli -ribadì Dominic- non vuole rinunciare a questo costosissimo hobby."

Si fermarono un attimo ammirando il bellissimo panorama che si godeva da quella zona privilegiata e per gustarsi un altro croissant poi il ragazzo prese Denise sottobraccio e la ricondusse verso i recinti dove il vecchio guardiano stava preparando il cibo per i cani. "Abbiamo speso l'anno scorso quasi venticinquemila franchi per rinnovare i box e per dotarli di riscaldamento- proseguì il ragazzo- but now there are informed that we will have to tile the entire living area and renovate shelters by providing the structure of an area for washing and for veterinary visits. The only solution would be to dismantle all, get rid of about three-quarters of the dogs and keep the other free to use land as individuals. But my family has always wanted to do the big things: not enough to have one or two animals, like ordinary mortals: they want to keep a vast multitude to not break a tradition dating back to the great-grandparents. On the other hand we are bred for profit or to simple passion authorities do not care a damn: the rules are the same as for all tali vanno rispettati." Mentre parlava i cani gli venivano incontro festosi e lui li accarezzava amorevolmente: sbarazzarsene doveva essere una decisione molto difficile da prendere non solo per suo padre, ma anche per lui.

Effettuata una lunga ricognizione dell'intera struttura i due cugini tornarono verso la casa che distava qualche centinaio di metri. Dominic aveva abbandonato l'argomento dei cani per inventarsi tutta una serie di spiritosaggini che divertirono Denise per tutto il resto della mattinata: in questo egli era molto simile al nonno! "Ci andiamo a fare un giro in barca nel pomeriggio?" chiese il ragazzo alla sua compagna quando già stavano apparecchiando per il pranzo. La ragazza agreed immediately because I imagine a pleasant afternoon cradled by the waves of the lake and warmed by the sun began to beat louder.

those ended up boating became a pleasant habit of following days to become the main occupation of the day and when the two boys did not come out on the lake they went together to the city for shopping or going to the cinema or restaurant.
Denise was now in Switzerland for more than two months, would soon be started in the autumn with its rains and Dominic would return to Zurich to support the latest exams and to discuss the thesis. The two young men carry on a day which tended to the ugly, their last excursion on the lake. The boy was silent for much of the route that would take them, as at other times, near a tiny beach where we stopped often to get a tan. Dominic ran the boat ashore, and when the landing was a few meters, dropping a life jacket and invited the girl to perform the same operation helps to loosen the straps. His hands were shaking visibly, however, so he stopped fiddling with Denise laces and girded for life with an awkward and sudden move that made her smile: it looked intently into her eyes, she was finally looking to take the initiative to his lips. Not to mention they took off their costumes happy indulging in the bottom of the boat as the sun had managed to penetrate the clouds.

Denise, from the first trip by boat, he sensed that things would turn out. Dominic, quite explicitly, was showing a great interest in her and remained stuck like a leech on all day without losing sight of. His attentions flattered her, but she wanted to enjoy a period of reflection before deciding. It was still quite upset by the feelings he had experienced in recent months after the death of dear friend and decided to mention something boy, then became convinced that one thing to explain to others that she could not understand was a mistake. He was afraid to contradict itself with too convoluted arguments that would have certainly appalled Dominic a kind, how she managed to intuit rather pragmatic and not prone to flights of fancy.

Speaking likely to give a classic in the foot, but was silent in the future plagued by guilt. Reconsidered the whole matter without finding the key to the problem: if the person who had been really interested in the past should not have put James with Anselm and even to the present and after such a short time, have an interest in Dominic. Their considerations ed i propri ragionamenti finivano, come sempre, per provocarle delle forti emicranie e non raggiungeva mai dei punti fermi, ma si ritrovava persa nei meandri di una mente troppo contorta senza cavare un ragno dal buco. Correva appresso a delle supposizioni cervellotiche che lei stessa, alla fine, finiva per scartare. Temeva che la faccenda, complicandosi troppo, riuscisse a rovinare quella bellissima storia che era appena iniziata proprio nell'ultimo giorno di vacanza perciò tacque e si lasciò condurre per mano.

Comunque fossero andate le cose avrebbe dovuto confessare a se stessa, le sarebbe bastato a hint of sincerity, that the focus of his interests were not there, nor the figure of James, nor that of Anselm, but the friendship that developed during the fanciulezza Flora and cemented in adolescence. This bond, which indestructible she believed, would be continued over the years, if the accident had not happened, because the two girls would live in harmony even after the marriage of either. This was what was expected and therefore was willing to make any sacrifice. But now things had changed.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's The Purpose For Face Masks In Basketball

History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer

Virginia was then employed by Bianca Maria returned. The new cohabitation is presented immediately problematic: even if every night you come home from her husband and whether the early morning hours went by fast and quiet at the house vacated early by the teacher, when she crossed the threshold of laboratory started the trouble. So as not to miss anything Bianca, after two years of abstinence, had begun to organize courses enrolling sixteen students. It was just crazy to imagine that a similar amount of work would not lead to the failure of the normal activity of grooming, but the teacher evidently wanted to recover lost time and money, especially the latter, and after the arrival of Virginia seemed even inclined to increase the number of members. She imagined what she had planned, but was not in a position to oppose the decisions that would have rained down from above.

As feared, after a morning dedicated to cleaning the cages of the pseudo-board basted in a hurry to reverse the loss of income of the school, the teacher began to call the owners of the cats because it anticipates the withdrawal of the animals. Not that that activity had made it a lot, perhaps even had not yet amortized the cost of gabions, but now it was necessary to clear the back room and allow students free access to the shower and services. In the head a couple of days the cages, but two were removed, the local and repainting the old cabinets of enrolled returned in their original position. On some of them still camped during the last names of the participants: James Furlanis, Denise Girault, Flora Virginia Blasiutti .... winced reading this last name and began to wipe the floor in anger for not yielding to a crying.

A couple of hours and, as expected, was convened by the White grooming: "For a few days give me a hand with the students. My sister could not reach us and I have to somehow get by." "But the boy is not here so bravo e solerte di cui mi parlavi?" repilcò Virginia con una punta di sarcasmo. La maestra fece un gesto con la mano che la ragazza non seppe come interpretare fatto sta che fu catapultata in mezzo agli iscritti al corso e, facendo buon viso a cattivo gioco, iniziò ad addestrarli sui lavaggi. Sapeva per certo come sarebbe andata a finire: avrebbe svolto i medesimi lavori del passato, ma con una considerazione ed una paga dimezzate. D'altra parte, come continuava a ripetersi, non era questo il momento più adatto per recriminare: chinò la testa sopra la vasca ed iniziò a sfacchinare senza risparniarsi, come ai vecchi tempi. Gli allievi, almeno quelli in prima fila, seguivano i suoi rapid movements with great attention and in silence, others, those more in the background, trying to imagine the work that was done in the sink and got up on his toes but could improve their vision. Bianca and the new boy, Hyacinth, a tall and lanky, they were busy with customers and seemed to live in another dimension so far and looked indifferent. Sixteen students were absurd: the laboratory contained them in trouble, go to the bathroom needed to be done for a gymkhana in backpacks placed on the floor of the back room and then take the numerino as in a public office. Take a shower in those conditions was an almost impossible. Virginia, with a turn of phrase, he tried to reason with the teacher, "is not helpful to break the course in two sessions?". Bianca glared at him: "In two months I have twelve more, and I use this to make my blessing from heaven that some of the losses-and-I stress the word has caused. I am a beginner and kids will adapt to what is the convent. " In fact the average age, compared to the previous edition, it was definitely down and subject to a preliminary survey, it seems pretty harmless and accommodating: chicks wet and scared and did not know which way to turn.

Virginia noticed that now there was a drain can dispose of the water and breathed a sigh of relief: at least no incidents have occurred two years earlier! This novelty aside, is not that the laboratory was improved: it appeared to be dirtier, perhaps more somber, while a pungent smell of wet fur and sweat hung in the air. Bianca but certainly seemed at ease ' more satisfied with the substantial advances for a few hours earlier he had received from young students: this was enough for the time and would address any problems as they were presented. But the complications were already in the air and were circling around the tank. Paola, one of the students, he was toying with a mower bouncing from hand to hand in next to Virginia followed, with listless air, the tips. At one point inadvertently pressed the switch on a machine that immediately set in motion by starting to vibrate. Frightened give up and take the clipper, still working, he fell to the bottom of the tank which contained a few inches of water. The dog and Virginia gets a tremendous blow, and if the fuse had not intervened, at least that worked properly, would have risked electrocution. The poor animal, after the beginning of a daze, darted out from the washing, crossed as a lightning laboratory, and put half the main entrance to sling the street. Dodged a number of cars that were slowing down due to a traffic light and disappeared from view of astonished audiences in the bushes of a garden.

Virginia sank at the bathroom door while the teacher started screaming like a possessed: "You want me dead! Wicked wretches motherfuckers, good for nothing, unable to father children, go the fuck out. Fuoriiiiiiiiiiiii." The students, shaking like leaves, gathered outside the laboratory without having the courage to respond. Hyacinth White tried to reassure her, but she reacted screaming even more: he had completely lost control and all the stress accumulated in recent months, the anger at the behavior of Virginia, the concerns for the debts accumulated tensions for the sad story of her sister, the finding that even the farmer Mirko she was grateful, everything and more manifested in the form of a terrible scene of hysteria. He left the dog and he was shearing, while the students looked at from the outside and in front of customers, he seized the tools of the trade who were on a low table and began to hurl against the wall. The animals began to howl and terrified the people present were silent banned.

It took over half an hour for recovering a dignified calm. But the writer of that morning had not yet finished: just reached a relatively quiet as the students were returning from the entrance of the laboratory service, the one located in the back, joined Anna Maria's sister Bianca. Red face, disheveled and staggering walked to the teacher points against the index to accusatory: "Why did not you first asked to summarize Virginia? - Shouted pointing to the girl who was turned around from the ground and was still half-dazed come to me only when you need it! If you lack the money your sister makes you more comfortable, then discharges as if you did suddenly sucks. "He was obviously angry, stood in front of students who had regained their positions and tried to shove Virginia. unconvinced It reacts while looking at the teacher to decide, perhaps by the expression on his face, how to behave. The two customers If the melt remained on the sly while carrying around their animals from the open door of the back room could be heard clearly amplified the meows of the last two remaining cats in the cages of the board.

Anna Maria, in the troubled period that followed the last During grooming, was visibly aged: the first face was almost free of wrinkles and parchment hair, already well-manicured, has showy white spots. The death of the father-ruler of the elderly, the final departure of his daughter and the admission of what she still called "the poor Henry" had finally prostrate. Alone in the big manor house, no home could handle it, began to drink and live in the wild in a sort of narrow prison that had built inside the large building. The saliva from her sister only to ask for financial aid, which will not were never denied, but took care not to solicit aid in the laboratory: it had become even more violent and untrustworthy, and his hands trembled visibly incapable of committing at any time of the disaster on the dogs, or worse, the rash.

If Anna had dried up so to speak aging dramatically, but White had been enlarged so that resembled a squat rectangular lower and supported by two massive pillars: his legs. If you looked in the mirror was a cold sweat and finally understand why Mirko defiladed after they had been promised eternal gratitude for how he had helped in times of need.
The teacher made a quick movement in Virginia, she immediately understood and began to tug Anna to the door of the back room. The woman was so light that she was not throwing hard shove in the room opened, almost weight over a chair. He protested mildly, but were not the screams of the first few minutes but a faint cry, then sank exhausted on the pillow. Virginia, returning to the lab, locked the door of the back room and handed the keys to the White.
awkward minutes of silence followed, until the teacher, her face distraught, took up the situation: "Sorry for these small setbacks-tended as usual to minimize-but in recent times we are all a bit 'distressed because of work and the exhibition that has just ended. In fact, my laboratory is that, overall, works harder in the region and is the second or third in Italy. Agree that sometimes we can miss the note of nervousness, but you will see that, over time, here as nowhere else you will be afforded the opportunity to mature professionally. The work of grooming-shoot-inspired an attitude is very complex and requires manual skills, quick reflexes, knowledge paraveterinarians and diplomacy in his dealings with customers. I army for many years and consider him one of the best jobs in the world. When I enter the lab each morning, I get emotional thinking about the appointments and the creatures that I will be entrusted with confidence. Mine, yours, is a mission because we make a service insostituibile agli animali e gratifichiamo così i loro padroni che, da questa amicizia, traggono giovamento psicologico e sostegno morale”.

Virginia sorrise, un po' rinfrancata, ricordandosi di aver già sentito un discorso simile in analoghe circostanze: evidentemente la maestra se l'era imparato a memoria e lo ripeteva a pappagallo in caso di necessità.
Giacinto si rimise all'opera, Bianca si rasserenò e gli allievi ritornarono definitivamente presso la vasca. Anna sembrava svenuta sulla poltrona e nessuno osò avvicinarsi temendo le sue reazioni.
Un allievo uscì però dal gruppo e si avvicinò alla maestra: "Io non intendo proseguire i corsi in questa bolgia e sopratutto non I think that you will be able to follow me as I expected. "He, a distinct type, had always kept a bit 'in the background without tying up with other colleagues. The teacher turned white and almost was not a cuddly," The advances will return! "merely sentencing and foaming with rage." This is not the problem "replied the boy quietly, my goal was not to save money coming to her, but to obtain adequate preparation to win, in a foreseeable future, competition. I have already got an idea of \u200b\u200bhow things will proceed in the future and if others have decided to accept this disruption, this is not for me .- He moved for a moment the teacher's table and reached a small cabinet where they were laid some of the course-illustrated brochures Read here please: comfortable and sanitary facilities up to standard. I speak the truth coming here I felt a terrible stench and saw a dilapidated shower. The gabions are part of the furniture in the back or we will be locked up in there every night at the end of the course? - Was now also the spiritual-Read here: assistance on a personal basis by the holder, if as I suppose she is the holder of the workshop explains why it stands apart to serve customers and there worth a look? And 'this assistance on a personal basis? "The teacher had turned white like a candle and she dared not reply. "Read also here: a few students are accepted for the course in order to facilitate their training continued, the quiet boy-sixteen students are few? How many of them would fit in here?" Fifty? " The other students listened embarrassed, so someone made a sign of assent and chatting with the neighbor. White finally blurted out: "Today is a special day and you should not take this into account. If your partner believes this here that I and my staff are not up to the situation remove the noise and talk to others. As me talking to me the many awards that I got at home and abroad, the others are just talk, "Virginia felt compelled to act:" It was in our programs giustappunto the formation of two separate groups. As you can see there are two pools, two Fohn, two blowers , several tables, clippers and even seven was our intention, as I said a moment ago, split up so that each of you could receive adequate training to their expectations. I'll take care of the group to and the teacher, assisted by Giacinto, group b. The students looked at each other pulling sighs of relief mixed with signs of approval. White attended the silent face is flushed noting that his once favorite student had learned, on this occasion, fumbling at best and that, at this juncture, did not like at all.

Meanwhile, one of the students had managed to recover just in time, the dog ran away who was in a pitiful state by the end of the street was coming because his master. Bianca is flung outside the laboratory after having whispered something to Giacinto, then turned to the man who was coming, "Mr. John, is a bit 'that we do not have the opportunity to chat! I have just a few minutes available and I want to offer a cup of coffee. No, here the corner, which sucks, but on the other side of the gardens where they have just opened a coffee shop with all the trimmings. "The man looked at her to ask: between them there had never been all that confidence.
While teacher calmly and clients with the intersection and Virginia took care Hyacinth the poor animal's heart was still in turmoil.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lucky Strike Phila Admission & Bowling Fee

Chapter 30 History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer

If only James had looked more closely at the photos collected in albums by Tania, not sure what it portrayed, but the other, and if he had scroll all the names listed on notebook skin would come across a face and a name he knew.

Noemi failed this time to dodge prison. Despite the assurances of the young police officer and although the magistrate had no intention to punish him, his criminal record was too compromised and his voluminous dossier as Treccani. The were therefore sentenced to six months in prison to be served at a home district a few hundred kilometers from the city in which he lived. He did not even have time to return to their homes: it was loaded on a cell phone that took the road towards what, for some 'time, would become his new home. The young police officer, until his superiors recalled him not to conduct more appropriate to their condition, then visited regularly he wrote and telephoned often waiting to be able to meet again. The discreet presence and attitudes sometimes embarrassed that reveals a character so sweet and sensitive they were making inroads into the heart of the girl.

All the men who had attended, including even Paul, were to remain subjugated by her explosive sensuality but wondered if she, as part of the report, he felt gratified: it was only a beautiful object from exhibit, boasting to friends and acquaintances, and on which to vent their impulses without any real emotional involvement. The aide to White, in particular, was deeply disappointed because they had not bothered, as expected, to seek to reconcile with her, assuming there was a possibility, after what had happened. He felt abandoned even if they had left, after that shocking fight, so unfriendly. It is expected that the boy give the soul while to find her, after all he had sworn eternal love, but this did not happen and Naomi felt strong yet another disappointment.
relations that had woven over the years, and they were many, had not met since then intimately never demanded love, or at least an affection sincere and received only a pale substitute. The men wanted her body, but no one cared about her feelings: a blow then passed to the next seamlessly. Many thought it was a clever manipulator able to seduce at your own convenience, but she felt rather manipulated and exploited by equally skilled deceivers, once you got that to which they aspired, they lost all interest in their concquista. Noting
then, with the practicality that distinguished her, as men were intended solely to exploit it without caring about his deepest feelings, si era ormai rassegnata ad usare l'arma della seduzione ed i propri attributi naturali per procurarsi dei benefici immediati perchè sapeva che l'infatuazione sarebbe svanita molto velocemente: doveva quindi approfittare del momento propizio senza lasciarsi sfuggire l'arrapato di turno.
Quando conobbe il giovane agente cominciò a riconsiderare azioni ed aspirazioni e si rese conto di dover correggere il proprio atteggiamento: ora non si sentiva più minacciata e le due traumatiche esperienze, quella della villetta rosa appena conclusa e quella del carcere che stava vivendo, avevano profondamente modificato le sue più intime convinzioni. Perse la propria aggressività and became sweet and submissive leaving to become the leading role, with complete satisfaction, an appearance that was meekly led by the hand.

If only James had then looked more closely at some of the photographs collected by Tania would have certainly noticed that Naomi was in all likelihood, a sister of his partner. Among the groomer and she had established a strong bond of affection, much closer than with other blood relatives who had gradually recovered to unite against their parent. They share the certainty that it suffered more pronounced the other sisters and brothers, the negative consequences of that situation so distressing, they were in fact the older and therefore had to endure as long as the bullying father of that master. By Naomi, when she presented the need, Tania got encouragement, a kind of moral food for the journey, along the road that had taken his sick father deprived of necessary treatment. And more and Naomi, had previously helped the groomer to find the courage to get in touch with the unfortunate relatives, you can easily imagine, often did everything possible not to be identified. Too had suffered for pity for a man who made havoc of their feelings by depriving them of the minimum necessary per condurre una vita scellerata, ma immaginavano che egli potesse ancora infierire complicando ulteriormente la loro esistenza già di per sè sufficientemente grama e raminga.

Il padre di Tania e Noemi nel corso della sua non lunghissima esistenza aveva costituito, oltre alla famiglia diciamo così ufficiale, una mezza dozzina di focolari domestici in una zona molto vasta. Il proprio lavoro in giro per il mondo e le iniziali buone disponibilità economiche glielo consentivano ed egli approfittava a piene mani di situazioni particolari scegliendo con cura donne senza un nucleo famigliare alle spalle o che comunque non gli potessero creare problemi futuri. Procedeva così in un crescendo di iniziative mirate a soddisfare le voglie del time and abandoned the victims when his interests took him elsewhere. Despite these poor women had common characteristics in the same manner and were submissive, sweet and naive, the mothers and Tania Noemi educated their daughters in a different way. The first fact received a 'type of education Calvinist moral ethics in strict compliance with the second, spurred on by this mother who had developed a sort of rebellion to the inner world, became a small-caliber delinquentella aggressive and restless. This did not prevent the two half-sisters feel for each other sympathy one for another, and shall endeavor to make each other of favori. Mai Tania avrebbe sospettato che Giacomo conoscesse Noemi: non c'era apparentemente alcun motivo per pensare che le loro vite si fossero intrecciate in quei mesi del corso di toelettatura. La toelettatrice non amava parlare della propria vita privata, che giudicava troppo complessa e squallida per diventare oggetto di conversazione; allo stesso modo il ragazzo soffriva nel solo ripercorrere con la memoria i meravigliosi momenti passati con Flora e le aspettative di vita in comune che si erano tragicamente infrante dopo la tragedia: affrontava quindi con difficoltà l'argomento.
I due soci, per una serie di coincidenze e per interposta persona, si erano comunque già incrociati in a not too distant past.

Tania had been to take the initiative: he wanted those who had been influenced in some way harmful to his father suffering the same abuses that she had suffered was, as far as possible, according to a strict plan of action, compensated at least economically. At the time the financial position of the felon father was prosperous enough even if you went with gradually deteriorating over the years with the disease. When he decided to return, so to speak, in the family weakened in body and no longer able to lead that life is so unruly that the years had been a feature of youth and the maturity she decided it was imperative to shorten the existence to take advantage of that part of his heritage that still had not dissipated. He did this not for herself but for the multitude of children and stepchildren, his wife and concubines with whom he had cynically discarded as if they were returnable bottles. By what was nothing and no one had ever put across to stop the triumphal march and she had to be ensured even if it were the last of their actions. Therefore welcomed the father at home, not placed in conflict with her mother who had assumed an attitude for the umpteenth time docile, servile and resigned and proceeded to implement its plan. Replace every kind of medicine that was prescribed and was able to dramatically extend the life of a spouse, his was a degenerative disease that could also be resolved over a decade, cough tablets, drops of pure water and vials without no active ingredient. Everyone was now aware of the fate of their father even if only Tania, Noemi and her brother George knew why he regressed so quickly.

Paul had occupied the apartment for about a month Noemi hoping for you to reappear, in another, thank God every day that passed, it failed due to address. Therefore remained inerte senza decidersi ad intraprendere qualche iniziativa più sostanziosa per svelare il mistero legato alla sua scomparsa dopo qualche timido tentativo presso alcuni comuni conoscenti che non aveva dato i risultati attesi e dopo aver contattato, non senza esitazione, Bianca Maria. La maestra, come si aspettava, lo accolse in malo modo e lo congedò senza naturalmente rivelargli nulla di ciò che sapeva.
Dopo circa un mese egli dovette tuttavia lasciare l'abitazione dell'amica perchè i creditori avevano preso l'abitudine di venirlo a cercare proprio lì, d'altra parte era il suo domicilio abituale, reclamando i pagamenti arretrati.

Disperato e confuso decise a quel punto di ricorrere ancora all'aiuto di Anselmo che credeva ormai felicemente accasato presso l'allevamento del suocero. All'oscuro dei retroscena non immaginava che, nel volgere di così poco tempo, i rapporti tra lui e l'anziano parente si fossero tanto deteriorati da ipotizzare un'imminente resa dei conti. Pensava anzi di trovare una sistemazione temporanea e forse un lavoro definitivo grazie all'interessamento dell'amico.
Per evitare altri guai, ne aveva già troppi, decise di non usare l'auto di Noemi e, con il poco denaro che gli era rimasto, raggiunse in treno ed in autobus un paesino prossimo all'allevamento in cui lavorava Anselmo. Da lì avrebbe had to travel about four miles on foot in the direction of a low hill and up again for a short distance before falling back, cutting through the woods, until the entry of the company. A flat dirt path, as he had indicated some people near a petrol kiosk, began to climb a narrow path leaving the road. He began to glimpse a few feet below, the shapes of some warehouses, a fence and what he believed was the home of the owners. Some poplars partially precluded the sight but soon, he was sure, would have popped out near the main entrance of the farm. From below came

cries excited: it seemed that someone was fighting. Quickened the pace and found his way barred by a dry stone wall leaning against a building of a plan beyond what some people, it was now certain, if they were giving a thrashing. He leaned over the wall trying to stay hidden, but acknowledged Anselmo and his stepfather, he knew the latter having met at the convent, who were squabbling. Now he could clearly distinguish their cries: "Rogue, good for nothing, I picked up while you were in the shit and now you want to be master," shouted the older person. "I am the servant of anyone, much less than that airhead of your daughter" replied Anselmo.
Reproached the boy to his father looked forward to having deceived the direction of a job-that-then he looked good reliance. "The master in here I am," replied the old man showing how it not been for his family, Anselmo at that time he would be still in the orphanage. "We've risen from the squalid environment through the good auspices of a priest friend of ours-the-now reproached not raise too much of the ridge. I do not know how my daughter was able to fall in love with someone like you who do not know from where comes wasteland: go to the kennel and resize your goal. " "If I had not had the confidence to lead this company shit your damn daughter today it is still an old maid, "said Anselmo-VE are always guarded you and your fucking wife, at least I hoped that things would improve after the wedding, but you caught me!" Paul did not dare

; intervene for fear of getting involved in that dispute took a turn as the most worrying. He tried to hide even better return on their steps. The situation quickly degenerated and Anselm, with a push well established, he sent his father-in with banging head against the curb of a small platform. Del blood spilled on the ground while the boy tried to raise this now lifeless body. Paul would voluto darsela a gambe per evitare ogni fastidio presente e futuro, ma in quel preciso istante Anselmo alzò gli occhi e lo vide. Fu questione di un attimo: "Come hai potuto fare questo?" chiese all'ex garzone di Bianca che ancora non aveva capito la sciagura che gli stava rotolando addosso ed il significato che assumevano, in quella circostanza, le parole dell'amico. Paolo rimase inebetito e non ebbe la prontezza di replicare: aveva proprio udito bene? Anselmo gli si stava avvicinando dopo aver constatato che per il suocero non c'era ormai più nulla da fare. "Come hai potuto compiere un atto così efferato?" ripetè accorgendosi che da dietro il magazzino stavano sopraggiungendo la suocera ed alcuni inservienti allarmati per le grida che avevano hearing. Paul slipped the bag he carried over the shoulder, jumped down from the dry stone wall on which was perched and rushed like a fury against Anselmo. "I want to fit-in anger-but I repeat I will not allow". As the woman approached the corpse of her husband at the sidewalk pour the attendants tried to divide the two boys who had rolled on the ground at the height of the quarrel. Nobody noticed at that turmoil, a person who, from the hill was looking forward to the scene.

One of the creditors of Paul, after a few rounds to empty at the home of Naomi, was convinced that the girl had disappeared from circulation by removing the young from the clutches of those who had granted the loans carry with them cash and other valuables. If Paul was not able to meet its obligations she had to intervene and the financial agent's task was to convince her, by hook or by crook, to pocket his commission. He thus decided to stalk the guy figuring that he, sooner or later, would betray making a misstep. When she saw him from a great career with a big shoulder bag she had decided to follow him thinking that they could finally get to the solution of that problem that the company he worked for had loaded on his shoulders. She assisted
then the whole scene, he saw Paul coming down the slope, he heard the excited voices without understanding why the two individuals inside the fence if the reason they were playing as holy, he saw the older man succumbed in a pool blood and watched the next fight between Paul and Anselmo. Not that he completely grasped the sense of what had happened in such a short space of time, but imagined that those events and possibly by those who could benefit would be derived.