We have also actively supported the campaign for the change of time and against the shameful public mobility service management Cicero councilor.
success of studenti davvero importante, per difendere il diritto allo studio, alla mobilità e alla possibilità di dormire.
Nuovi orari in due istituti «La protesta ha vinto»
di Anna Madron
Dopo l’istituto Rossi, anche il liceo artistico di via Calvi e il Boscardin modificheranno l’orario: il primo dalle 8 alle 13 e 40; il secondo dalle 7,45 alle 13,25.
La decisione è stata presa ieri, al termine di Consigli d’istituto più che mai movimentati dai quali alla fine è emerso il verdetto che tutti gli studenti si aspettavano.
Per quanto riguarda Martini time in force since 10 September, with input and output to 8.10 to 14.05, will be thrown in the trash. The Board resolved that next Monday the first bell will ring at 8 am and the last at 13.40, the suggested solution a month ago from the vice of the artistic, Sergio Bozzo, referred to at the meeting yesterday was read and approved the proposal . Satisfied
children and their parents who had left at noon walk in procession from Via Calvi, direct citadel with the intention to kick off a "strong actions" if the outcome of the Council had been unfavorable to their expectations. But the 'time indicted, put on the Index because it was considered a rock too heavy to lead to six days a week, has been cut and removed the handful of minutes will not be recovered even by teachers through additional activities.
Reason: force majeure. In other words, the fact that buses and coaches would force the boys to get home in the afternoon or starting too early in the morning the school was considered "force majeure" under which you can reduce the time without this leading to the recovery .
Although the principal of Boscardin, Mauro Maria Perrot, yesterday insisted that the agreement was added at the bottom of a note. And that is that this new timetable will apply until the transport problems are not resolved. Until, then, that complaints and reports of the guys on the missed connections of buses and coaches will not be soothed by the adjustments, and Aim Ftv promised in meetings that took place between principals and advisors Cicero and Martini. Meanwhile
among students is claiming victory. "This shows - says Federico Fanin, on behalf of all students of the artistic component - that the mobilization was used to achieve a good result, the result of cohesion among students and genitori.La hope is that in other institutions, such as Fogazzaro The Lioy, the Fusinieri, approved hours are tailored to the student and the school continues without pause. "
Comment to giovanipervicenza@gmail.com.
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