Our time is this
We are a new generation.
We have grown over the years in which the aftermath of the Second Republic was born a Tangentopoli that still has not solved many of the problems assigned to the first: the inability to decide, and closed the old ruling class, a country locked and still while all around the world is changing.
We have grown over the years in which the collapse of ideology has given way, in politics, not visions of the world's most ambitious and concrete, but the little matter of a political spectacle in which everything is fiction and is nothing serious .
We have grown over the years where the collapse of bipolarity did not mark the end of the story, but rather the radical return to the comparison also between the military power, until the nightmare of new wars of religion.
We grew up. And we are prepared to do. Why do not we wait any longer. We do not want to wait for someone to solve problems for us, we do not want to wait for someone to tell us when it's our turn. This is the time to act. This is the right time to leave our schools, our universities, our workplaces, our homes, going out, as we speak to young people, involve them in our challenge. This is the right time to stir the conscience. This is the time to listen to people's questions. This is the right time to give new answers. This is the right moment to go and start along the path towards the future.
The country we want. More opportunities for the company
We want a country that opens up equal opportunities for everyone, but rewards the merit of those who undertake more and more of who is capable of. We want a country that makes room for innovation and thus to spare. We want a country that declares war on caste, closed corporations, the permanent co-optation.
We want a country that makes room for merit, not only in parts of the ruling classes. We want meritocracy prevails in labor contracts, in academia, still dominated by imbolsiti barons of the chair. Starting from the university, calling for the abolition of public competitions for the recruitment of teachers and contractual increases related to the research produced and not simply old age. We want to enter the merit principle in public administration.
We want a country able to look to the future without fear. E 'so that gives incentives for young people who want build an independent life through rentals or soft loans, a country that supports the emergence of new families, offering services and practical help to mothers and working fathers.
We want a country that fosters social mobility, without uncertainty. We say yes to the proposal of a single contract with levels of social protection increasing over time. We say yes to the abolition of Article 18 for the first three years of employment, if this stabilizes the younger over time. We say yes to the protocol on welfare, now endangered by a left maximalist windbag, but that is a first step towards un nuovo patto tra le generazioni.
Vogliamo un paese che educhi i giovani a perseguire tenacemente le proprie passioni ed a lottare per la realizzazione dei propri sogni, attraverso la dedizione allo studio e al lavoro. Applicando ad esempio il prestito d’onore. Un sostegno a chi studia con profitto, con la condizione di restituirlo una volta che il giovane ha trovato un’occupazione. Vogliamo abolire il valore legale del titolo di studio.
Vogliamo un paese che qualifichi meglio la spesa pubblica pagata dalle nostre tasse. Indirizzandola maggiormente verso la ricerca, l’innovazione, gli investimenti nelle reti materiali e immateriali.
We want a country that makes her the principle of safeguarding the environment and health protection of individuals, promoting sustainable development, the use of renewable energy and energy saving policies.
The Pd we want. More opportunities for a new ruling class
We want a Democratic Party that is not governed by a senate of sixty oligarchs. We want a Democratic Party that promotes really, in the field, the role of a young leadership. We do not care the protected reserve of a federation of youth, but the chance to gain experience in the fields of real action of a political party. A party that really work to build a new ruling class, must give itself adequate training. We need high school level, accessible free of charge membership.
We want a Democratic Party that makes an effort to innovate their methods and their own language. For example by promoting the use of the network, not only as a means of political communication, but also as a channel for ongoing consultation of its members, so they can participate effectively in political choices with an impact on lora life. We want to open our doors so the possibility to register via the Internet at the party.
We want a Democratic Party in the territory which has recourse and therefore always the primary instrument for the selection of its candidates in elections and especially when you can not express a preference when voting. We say no, however, the simultaneous pursuit of elective office. Each of us one thing and well.
really want a federal Pd, in which regional parties, to the national federation, may decide for themselves political choices and electoral alliances.
We want a party with a horizontal structure, in which clubs are not only linked to the territory, but also to specific areas of intervention. We want both types of club, regional and thematic, have equal representation in the party.
PD We want a policy that returns its highest sense, to return to the citizens that trust and respect that the policy has come from time to miss. We want a PD who is not afraid of criticism and protests of the people but who is able to build consensus through a constant debate with its own electorate.
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