Veltroni, the youngest of participation, to choose, build the Democratic Party Care
girls, my boys,the 14th of October is a date I'd like segnaste on your diary. It will be a special Sunday, it will come a new political force, born of the Democratic Party.
not think that it is an appointment that has to do with politics is something that concerns you, something far from your life, by your hopes, from your dreams.
Yes, I know, today the image of politics is very worn and I understand why the lack of desire and effort to get closer to it. But think for a minute: What's always been in human history, and what continues to be politics? Politics is a possibility. It 's the possibility of imagining a different world and try to build it. The policy is also shared intentions, the effort di una comunità di individui che ha voglia e la felicità di ritrovarsi assieme. Un agire comune, un pensare comune.
Per la prima volta un partito che nasce chiede alle nuove generazioni, a chi ha compiuto sedici anni, di partecipare alla sua costruzione, a questa nuova avventura. Il Partito democratico non vuole rappresentare i giovani, vuole che i giovani siano i primi rappresentanti dei nuovi bisogni e dei nuovi ideali da costruire. Vuole che siano la vostra voce e le vostre idee a cambiare le cose. A fare in modo che la scuola diventi davvero un luogo dalle mille attività e opportunità, dove si incrociano i diversi saperi e dove crescere insieme. A moltiplicare le occasioni per fare sport, per aprire anche ai vostri gusti gli eventi culturali and create conditions for you to experience firsthand your qualities. To make you feel right now what are your aspirations, to help make it easier for you and close to the world of work because you are the opportunities and rights, when the time comes.
For the first time in the history of this country, on October 14 who is sixteen years old can go and vote. Hopefully soon to take place even for the local elections because it is right that a boy can decide who will take care of his city, his neighborhood, his school.
Meanwhile, in a few days, you will be voting to give life to a party, the Democratic Party. Take
quest’opportunità, partecipate, scegliete, costruitelo insieme a tanti altri e fatelo vostro.
Walter Veltroni
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