Il partito democratico nasce dall’esigenza di rinnovamento della scena politica e sociale. Questo è evidente già dalle modalità di scelta del segretario nazionale, che verrà deciso dai cittadini mediante le Primarie. Il cittadino diventa quindi protagonista attivo delle decisioni politiche.
Le persone che scelgono di andare a votare il 14 ottobre si chiederanno però i motivi per votare uno o l’altro candidato.
Si deve partire the assumption that all three, Bindi, Letta and Veltroni, are of major size and personality, as if they were not would not be able to mobilize such a large following of supporters.
With the click Veltroni might argue that since you want to renew the political landscape, he is not the most suitable because it has long been moving in the scene of parties.
It must be pointed out that the renewal is not based on years of militancy, but the freshness of ideas.
And that freshness is to be found in Walter Veltroni.
He argues for a party where the mixing of ideas and values, but mostly people from the world of voluntary associations and culture.
E 'key and then highlight the attention of young people Veltroni. He wants the Democratic Party gives voice to new generations and that is attentive to all aspects of youth.
He pressed for a school characterized by thousands of opportunities, thus becoming the place to grow and shape life, about the proliferation of sports and cultural activities in line with the tastes of young people. Highlights the importance of new generations and their participation in politics as a starting point to build a world different from today, where everyone has the opportunity to meet their own needs and aspirations.
Veltroni is the person who is open to all the forces that make up our society.
These, together with his experience, are good arguments for Oct. 14.
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