Thursday, December 20, 2007

Retail Stores That Sell Revereware

E 'was born in Vicenza, Italy in the first , the provisional provincial coordination of Young Democrats

Yesterday evening, December 19, 2007, met in Vicenza for the first time and on the first throughout the country on the provisional provincial coordination of the Democratic Party made up of young from 11 young, 4 girls and 7 boys, aged between 14 and 30 from all over the province.

At the first meeting several issues were discussed and the first thing has initiated the organization of the "core of young people" to be held March 21 and with whom you elect the positions of youth.

components of coordination are provisional: elisa horses (21), giulia turra (19), Elena Mauri (19), Elisa Valentina Carollo (), James Poss (17), alberto drills (17), Stefano Poggi ( 17), Enrico Peroni (20), Mark Buse (24), Alex Zaffiro (23).

E 'was created to promote discussion with those who are interested in participating in this process a group reached at: / group / giovanidemvicentini

For more information click here

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Watch Master Len Free

born provisional coordination of Young Democrats Veneti Municipal

The Young Democrats have created of Veneto, Saturday, December 15, a provisional coordination consists of 12 members (five girls and seven boys), who will be responsible for organizing the Spring primaries which will be structured with the youth movement of the Venetian PD . At the constitutional process are also participating in a dozen cultural and political associations.

Here are the names of the twelve regional leaders, all very young:

Alessia Mingardi (24 years), Elena Spolaore (23), Marco Taietta (22), Matteo Corbo (23), Zeno Toffailini (21), Chiara Zampieri (22), Nicholas live them (22), Lucia Menozzi (19), Enrico Peroni (20) , Filippo Silvestri (25), Maria Luisa Zanocco (24), Leonardo Ebner (21).

Friday, December 14, 2007

Were Microwaves Invented

2008, the challenge begins! The document

Several girls and several boys have been actively engaged in the city to campaign for the Oct. 14 primary, and that extraordinary day of political passion was born the desire to build our space, of Young Democrats and Democrats , in which to confront the future of our city.

A tre mesi di distanza, Venerdì 14 Dicembre, abbiamo iniziato un processo che mira a costruire un progetto concreto per le elezioni comunali della prossima primavera.

Un processo che sia aperto e libero, un processo che si nutra delle esperienze del maggior numero di giovani vicentini. Per questo motivo abbiamo pensato a lanciare una serie di iniziative: la creazione di una mailing list a cui ci si può iscrivere scrivendo alla mail , la riattivazione del blog e soprattutto una giornata di confronto e proposta delle giovani e dei giovani per la città di Vicenza, Mercoledì 9 Gennaio 2008.

a date to be able to offer space for what are our needs to make a different city, to make a change after years of youth policies exist. There are so many issues dear to us young people that will be discussed: from the public space, mobility in a city that knows how to be open, dynamic, modern, European Union.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Chow Chow E Poodle Mix

of Young Democrats of the Province of Vicenza

Friday, December 7, 2007, more than 20 young people aged 14 to 30 years from different parts of the province
met to discuss the important contribution they are called to give the baby
Democratic Party.

E 'born from this mix of planning and common goals
a path that follows the adventurous and innovative features of the Democratic Party, but that
proposed to overcome any limitations and barriers that have the most extensive and wide-ranging

Young Democrats are born in the province of Vicenza.

By a unanimous vote of those present, were chosen the eleven boys who
ferried the Young Democrats to the "Primary Youth" provided by Veltroni
for March 21, 2008.

First day of spring, the first day of new hope for young people to make their voices
and decide to be there.

The challenge now Young Democrats us we will face will be just
this: make the "make politics" more attractive to our peers, but also to fill this large container
content we've created the other night, first of all

hope that the Assembly met here grasp the importance of this event and
work with us to achieve this great fresh design and unified.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Vietnam Boats For Sale

F1: The paranormal broadcast worldwide!

It happened just about anything in this world as never before the judges of the FIA \u200b\u200bhad to 'fix' many and such grief. The certainty is that one side in the F1 regulations are complex and difficult to enforce, the other is that decisions are rarely technical but political. The FIA \u200b\u200bhas always been Solomon, the decision against McLaren in the middle is an indication of the strong desire to fix things. In the end justice was done incredibly the track, with the commissioners of the FIA \u200b\u200bonce again sought a way to be reasonable in the face of poorly written rules. Would have been better for the FIA \u200b\u200bto give the right punishment suffered by everyone. McLaren would not have continued the world. The federation is yet another fool, McLaren's Ron Dennis and Hamilton have the nerve to want to propose as a 'victim'. Funny all except one: the Ferrari wins against everything and everyone, stronger than the controversy, making a one-two wins against opponents bungling and stressed, he won the coldness of dumb driver Raikkonen, unable to feel emotions but at the same time and unflappable equanimity in the face of everything, not wrong, go ahead and win. This is the finest example to be pursued for the future of F1, less words more action, and clear rules that apply to all and a fair justice and not 'political'. Many arguments to reason because after the fool of the Mercedes that comes out really bad it is the FIA.
remains an amazing feeling to have witnessed a paranormal event, a sporting miracle, the happy ending in spite of everything coming to the realization of the inevitable. The feeling that surrounded fans in these hours is that there is something beyond all the calculations and realizes the right, well then you: God does exist and has it proved Ferrari! The canonization of Jean Todt frankly at this point is inevitable and the fans ringaziano to have lived in the paranormal world vision

Sunday, October 7, 2007

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From Newspaper ... Students have won.

We have also actively supported the campaign for the change of time and against the shameful public mobility service management Cicero councilor.
success of studenti davvero importante, per difendere il diritto allo studio, alla mobilità e alla possibilità di dormire.

Nuovi orari in due istituti «La protesta ha vinto»
di Anna Madron

Dopo l’istituto Rossi, anche il liceo artistico di via Calvi e il Boscardin modificheranno l’orario: il primo dalle 8 alle 13 e 40; il secondo dalle 7,45 alle 13,25.
La decisione è stata presa ieri, al termine di Consigli d’istituto più che mai movimentati dai quali alla fine è emerso il verdetto che tutti gli studenti si aspettavano.
Per quanto riguarda Martini time in force since 10 September, with input and output to 8.10 to 14.05, will be thrown in the trash. The Board resolved that next Monday the first bell will ring at 8 am and the last at 13.40, the suggested solution a month ago from the vice of the artistic, Sergio Bozzo, referred to at the meeting yesterday was read and approved the proposal . Satisfied
children and their parents who had left at noon walk in procession from Via Calvi, direct citadel with the intention to kick off a "strong actions" if the outcome of the Council had been unfavorable to their expectations. But the 'time indicted, put on the Index because it was considered a rock too heavy to lead to six days a week, has been cut and removed the handful of minutes will not be recovered even by teachers through additional activities.
Reason: force majeure. In other words, the fact that buses and coaches would force the boys to get home in the afternoon or starting too early in the morning the school was considered "force majeure" under which you can reduce the time without this leading to the recovery .
Although the principal of Boscardin, Mauro Maria Perrot, yesterday insisted that the agreement was added at the bottom of a note. And that is that this new timetable will apply until the transport problems are not resolved. Until, then, that complaints and reports of the guys on the missed connections of buses and coaches will not be soothed by the adjustments, and Aim Ftv promised in meetings that took place between principals and advisors Cicero and Martini. Meanwhile
among students is claiming victory. "This shows - says Federico Fanin, on behalf of all students of the artistic component - that the mobilization was used to achieve a good result, the result of cohesion among students and genitori.La hope is that in other institutions, such as Fogazzaro The Lioy, the Fusinieri, approved hours are tailored to the student and the school continues without pause. "

Comment to

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repair tests are back - What do you think?

repair tests are back in school. Had been suspended 13 years ago.
a necessity ', says Minister of Education Giuseppe Fioroni, which today has signed a decree reintroducing examinations recovery in September but only' in secondary schools.
"Forty out of 100 Italian students - said Fioroni - are allowed in due to the next class, it retrieves only one out of four, the others go ahead anyway. It would be unforgivable to take note of this situation, and that 'serious culturally and socially, and not do nothing. This is why I decided to set a date, August 31, and before the start of the new school year, to ensure that you have filled the gaps. The schools organize courses and audits will also throughout the year, but the last call must 'be done before they restart the year: who has paid will go' forward, who needs to have more 'time will stop ' " .
"I do not know - said the Minister of Education - if you expect seriousness 'of the school and responsibility' from the boys either progressive or traditionalist: I only know that it was time to do . A serious school and demanding guarantees everyone, but especially the most 'at risk: children who have come from families and social conditions can help them do it anyway. The school must do so ".
Fioroni clearly critical terminology borrowed from the world economy and transplanted to the" system of debts "and notes that in any case" the debts are welded, while currently in school that does not happen more '.

And you, what do you think?

To comment: .

Saturday, October 6, 2007

International Hair Number Colour Chart

Young in the primary of the Democratic Party in Vicenza

October 14 to vote for the primary Democratic Party means investing a lot of guys, many of us.
in Vicenza, in the college of the city, there are several candidates and other candidates young people under 30, some of them in useful positions to be part of the great House that the Democratic Party officially merge in Rome and the Regional Assembly.
the list for Democrats Walter Veltroni is a candidate Elena Mauro, 19, 5th in the regional list. Enrico Letta
In support of the 2nd place in the list is Julia National Turra, 19, and 3rd place is Mastrotto Henry, a councilor of the Olive Costabissara, 26 years.
In the regional list, however, there are Balzi Luca, 28, former national secretary of the DS of Vicenza and Enrico Peroni, 20 years.

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October 14 - Primary

October 14

of the Democratic Party primary election

You have more than 16 years?

can vote

You can also choose TU


You can Be active

Search the seat nearest to your house, bring your ID card and you can choose the future leader between three candidates: Rosy Bindi, Enrico Letta, Walter Veltroni.

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Why choose Veltroni.

Il partito democratico nasce dall’esigenza di rinnovamento della scena politica e sociale. Questo è evidente già dalle modalità di scelta del segretario nazionale, che verrà deciso dai cittadini mediante le Primarie. Il cittadino diventa quindi protagonista attivo delle decisioni politiche.

Le persone che scelgono di andare a votare il 14 ottobre si chiederanno però i motivi per votare uno o l’altro candidato.

Si deve partire the assumption that all three, Bindi, Letta and Veltroni, are of major size and personality, as if they were not would not be able to mobilize such a large following of supporters.

With the click Veltroni might argue that since you want to renew the political landscape, he is not the most suitable because it has long been moving in the scene of parties.

It must be pointed out that the renewal is not based on years of militancy, but the freshness of ideas.

And that freshness is to be found in Walter Veltroni.

He argues for a party where the mixing of ideas and values, but mostly people from the world of voluntary associations and culture.

E 'key and then highlight the attention of young people Veltroni. He wants the Democratic Party gives voice to new generations and that is attentive to all aspects of youth.

He pressed for a school characterized by thousands of opportunities, thus becoming the place to grow and shape life, about the proliferation of sports and cultural activities in line with the tastes of young people. Highlights the importance of new generations and their participation in politics as a starting point to build a world different from today, where everyone has the opportunity to meet their own needs and aspirations.

Veltroni is the person who is open to all the forces that make up our society.

These, together with his experience, are good arguments for Oct. 14.

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's letter to Walter Veltroni sixteen

Veltroni, the youngest of participation, to choose, build the Democratic Party Care

girls, my boys,
the 14th of October is a date I'd like segnaste on your diary. It will be a special Sunday, it will come a new political force, born of the Democratic Party.

not think that it is an appointment that has to do with politics is something that concerns you, something far from your life, by your hopes, from your dreams.

Yes, I know, today the image of politics is very worn and I understand why the lack of desire and effort to get closer to it. But think for a minute: What's always been in human history, and what continues to be politics? Politics is a possibility. It 's the possibility of imagining a different world and try to build it. The policy is also shared intentions, the effort di una comunità di individui che ha voglia e la felicità di ritrovarsi assieme. Un agire comune, un pensare comune.

Per la prima volta un partito che nasce chiede alle nuove generazioni, a chi ha compiuto sedici anni, di partecipare alla sua costruzione, a questa nuova avventura. Il Partito democratico non vuole rappresentare i giovani, vuole che i giovani siano i primi rappresentanti dei nuovi bisogni e dei nuovi ideali da costruire. Vuole che siano la vostra voce e le vostre idee a cambiare le cose. A fare in modo che la scuola diventi davvero un luogo dalle mille attività e opportunità, dove si incrociano i diversi saperi e dove crescere insieme. A moltiplicare le occasioni per fare sport, per aprire anche ai vostri gusti gli eventi culturali and create conditions for you to experience firsthand your qualities. To make you feel right now what are your aspirations, to help make it easier for you and close to the world of work because you are the opportunities and rights, when the time comes.

For the first time in the history of this country, on October 14 who is sixteen years old can go and vote. Hopefully soon to take place even for the local elections because it is right that a boy can decide who will take care of his city, his neighborhood, his school.

Meanwhile, in a few days, you will be voting to give life to a party, the Democratic Party. Take
quest’opportunità, partecipate, scegliete, costruitelo insieme a tanti altri e fatelo vostro.

Walter Veltroni

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Youth Manifesto in support of Enrico Letta

Our time is this

We are a new generation.

We have grown over the years in which the aftermath of the Second Republic was born a Tangentopoli that still has not solved many of the problems assigned to the first: the inability to decide, and closed the old ruling class, a country locked and still while all around the world is changing.

We have grown over the years in which the collapse of ideology has given way, in politics, not visions of the world's most ambitious and concrete, but the little matter of a political spectacle in which everything is fiction and is nothing serious .

We have grown over the years where the collapse of bipolarity did not mark the end of the story, but rather the radical return to the comparison also between the military power, until the nightmare of new wars of religion.

We grew up. And we are prepared to do. Why do not we wait any longer. We do not want to wait for someone to solve problems for us, we do not want to wait for someone to tell us when it's our turn. This is the time to act. This is the right time to leave our schools, our universities, our workplaces, our homes, going out, as we speak to young people, involve them in our challenge. This is the right time to stir the conscience. This is the time to listen to people's questions. This is the right time to give new answers. This is the right moment to go and start along the path towards the future.

The country we want. More opportunities for the company

We want a country that opens up equal opportunities for everyone, but rewards the merit of those who undertake more and more of who is capable of. We want a country that makes room for innovation and thus to spare. We want a country that declares war on caste, closed corporations, the permanent co-optation.

We want a country that makes room for merit, not only in parts of the ruling classes. We want meritocracy prevails in labor contracts, in academia, still dominated by imbolsiti barons of the chair. Starting from the university, calling for the abolition of public competitions for the recruitment of teachers and contractual increases related to the research produced and not simply old age. We want to enter the merit principle in public administration.

We want a country able to look to the future without fear. E 'so that gives incentives for young people who want build an independent life through rentals or soft loans, a country that supports the emergence of new families, offering services and practical help to mothers and working fathers.

We want a country that fosters social mobility, without uncertainty. We say yes to the proposal of a single contract with levels of social protection increasing over time. We say yes to the abolition of Article 18 for the first three years of employment, if this stabilizes the younger over time. We say yes to the protocol on welfare, now endangered by a left maximalist windbag, but that is a first step towards un nuovo patto tra le generazioni.

Vogliamo un paese che educhi i giovani a perseguire tenacemente le proprie passioni ed a lottare per la realizzazione dei propri sogni, attraverso la dedizione allo studio e al lavoro. Applicando ad esempio il prestito d’onore. Un sostegno a chi studia con profitto, con la condizione di restituirlo una volta che il giovane ha trovato un’occupazione. Vogliamo abolire il valore legale del titolo di studio.

Vogliamo un paese che qualifichi meglio la spesa pubblica pagata dalle nostre tasse. Indirizzandola maggiormente verso la ricerca, l’innovazione, gli investimenti nelle reti materiali e immateriali.

We want a country that makes her the principle of safeguarding the environment and health protection of individuals, promoting sustainable development, the use of renewable energy and energy saving policies.

The Pd we want. More opportunities for a new ruling class

We want a Democratic Party that is not governed by a senate of sixty oligarchs. We want a Democratic Party that promotes really, in the field, the role of a young leadership. We do not care the protected reserve of a federation of youth, but the chance to gain experience in the fields of real action of a political party. A party that really work to build a new ruling class, must give itself adequate training. We need high school level, accessible free of charge membership.

We want a Democratic Party that makes an effort to innovate their methods and their own language. For example by promoting the use of the network, not only as a means of political communication, but also as a channel for ongoing consultation of its members, so they can participate effectively in political choices with an impact on lora life. We want to open our doors so the possibility to register via the Internet at the party.

We want a Democratic Party in the territory which has recourse and therefore always the primary instrument for the selection of its candidates in elections and especially when you can not express a preference when voting. We say no, however, the simultaneous pursuit of elective office. Each of us one thing and well.

really want a federal Pd, in which regional parties, to the national federation, may decide for themselves political choices and electoral alliances.

We want a party with a horizontal structure, in which clubs are not only linked to the territory, but also to specific areas of intervention. We want both types of club, regional and thematic, have equal representation in the party.

PD We want a policy that returns its highest sense, to return to the citizens that trust and respect that the policy has come from time to miss. We want a PD who is not afraid of criticism and protests of the people but who is able to build consensus through a constant debate with its own electorate.

Friday, October 5, 2007

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Muppets Manah Manah !!!!!!!!! ERGO

Just look what I fetch from the past:

Thursday, September 27, 2007

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dollar in free fall in oil leak!

For those who have not yet recognized the obvious, the dollar is going to peak oil and salt.
in fantastic graphics that can be carried out with the clear as the two things are completely connected.
Despite the minimum rise in the price of crude oil price end to our distributors immediately follows, however, the effect of increases in crude oil prices have dampened EDL bearing effect of the dollar dive! It 'is quite clear that the two things are connected!
One must ask: 'Which came first the chicken or the egg'? Or the oil goes down as a response to the dollar or the dollar falls in response to rising oil?
that the American economy alive is a 'special period' is evident. The world is watching with bated breath the effects of the subprime mortgage crisis. Then the U.S. has a deficit in its trade balance is also a known fact! But it seems also evident that there is no intention by the Federal Reserve to protect its currency from an impending devaluation and I say this because this write-down is in progress (except for some periods of inversion) as early as the 1999 date of birth of the Euro!
Could it be that our American buddies have decided to let the dollar devalue in order to keep that way at the same time controlling the oil with a type of reasoning: 'If you increase the price I devalues money 'and at the same time repair the trade balance by taking two birds with one stone? It will be their confidence that the U.S. economy is bound to double-locked with the economy Global crisis to make an event sconguirare at all costs not only by them but by all, to make sure that despite the devaluation on the whole are in a barrel of iron?
Or maybe it will be instead that the U.S. economy is very strong in crisis and forced to give up and devalue the currency in any South American country because they do not take it anymore? Will the Arabs broke to support the dollar and reinvest their profits in U.S. stocks and decided to make a change? Soon the price of petrol will no longer be determined in dollars and the dollar will suffer a serious questioning of its role as reserve currency?
Meditate people, meditate!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

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The housing bubble is not instill a surprise ...!!!! Ducati

I mention another fine article by economy taken from
The article deals with the housing bubble but can somehow adapt to speculation usually associated with cycles economici.Una easy reading for all would say that those who want to know more about the recent news may have the pleasure of reading.
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Schumpeter's lesson: real estate bubble, where are the economists?
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Well, it seems that the housing bubble about to burst. What is striking, however, is the absolute silence recorded among economists right now, in addition, also the comments of these days seem to completely ignore the fact that this was to be expected speculative crisis. The fact is that those who now occupies the economy does not know all the theories of the economic cycle, at least those models more attractive, dynamic and historically located, the current development theories (Harrod, Domar, Solow) appear to be overly influenced by the Walrasian paradigm, forcing algebraic with an explanatory power that are weak. Mathematical formalisms are not enough to confer authority to the analysis! Abstraction is only useful if it helps to understand the risk of sounding realtà.Correndo the topic, but I will have to redeem in the future, I summarize the theory of Schumpeter's business cycle: in it, drafted by the Austrian in 1911 and completed in 1939 (Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 1939, abridged edition edited by Rending Fels, New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 1939 of which a version Italian: The capitalist process. the economic cycle, Torino, Basic Books, 1977) is clearly stated that the development wave (cycle) is the form that economic development takes in the era of capitalism. But, assuming to start from any point of static equilibrium, what sets in motion the cyclical pattern? Schumpeter identifies internal causes and external causes to the economy, about the first (wars, earthquakes, etc.). The economist can not say anything, while the latter are technological innovations, which, since it is usually economic, sometimes end up the lens of economics. Schumpeter supposed to start from a situation of perfect static equilibrium, in which the assumptions of perfect competition apply, constancy of the population, lack of savings and everything you need to meet the requirements of a circular flow that repeats the same. We also assume that, in the model of capitalist society, there will always be the possibility of new combinations and people able and willing to implement them (the motivation is the prospect of profit). "Some people, therefore, designed and built, more or less rapidly, plans for innovation, anticipations of profit associated with different, and get ready to face obstacles related to both the new and unknown man are suppose [...] a new company, is a new installation and commission new equipment to existing firms. As for the necessary funds by the banks to lend them. Then withdraw money from cash balances so obtained, is to issue checks to those who provide goods and services, both have the necessary liquid to pay for these supplies. [...] He distracts from the previous destinations of the quantities of goods they need through its own demand for capital goods. Other entrepreneurs followed him, and still others after them in growing numbers, to innovate, which is becoming easier for those who come after, thanks to the accumulation of experience and the disappearance of obstacles' (p. 161). What we observe nell'esplicarsi of the above? First, Schumpeter assumes that entrepreneurs spend their deposits at once, except for a minimum reserve. Second, since there is no unused resources at the beginning (in the event of circular flow), the prices of factors of production will increase, and so did the money incomes and rates of interest. Third, the revenue increase, at the expense of entrepreneurs in investment goods, with those of workers temporarily employed at a higher salary, and those of all those who receive more payments. However, until this point, it is reasonable to assume that there is still an increase in production. This is what happens until the plant starts operating, the first contractor. "Then the picture changes. The new goods - that is, the new consumer goods - entering the market. If all goes as planned, are taken away immediately, just to those prices at which the entrepreneur expects to sell [...] A stream of revenue will flow into the account of the entrepreneur, a wise enough to repay during the life of the installation and equipment initially purchased, the total debt contract, plus interest, and leave a profit for the entrepreneur. [...] New businesses coming into operation one after the other and place their products in the market for consumer goods, increase the total production of consumer goods [...]» (pp. 163-164) . these new markets, according to Schumpeter, entering the market at a pace too claimed to be absorbed smoothly. In Specifically, the old business, pursuers, who have before them several possible scenarios, not raised according to a fixed rule: some are part of new scenarios, others are dying not being able to adapt, others are looking for a rationalization. However, even the competitive advantage of the driving force tends to fade, since, as they are products entering the market and the repayment of debts increase quantitatively important, entrepreneurial activity tends to decrease and eventually disappear altogether. Just push the business ceases to act, which moves the system from its previous area of \u200b\u200bbalance, the system embarks on a struggle towards a new equilibrium. Let's see then the first emergence of a cyclical pattern. Observables are "two different stages during the first of which the system moves away from a position of equilibrium under the pressure of business, while during the second approaches the equilibrium position to another. Each of these two phases is characterized by a particular sequence of events. It is enough that the reader think about what these phenomena, to find out exactly expressible by "prosperity" and "recession" (pp. 170-171). It is necessary to emphasize that nothing in the diagram indicates some kind of conclusion about the regularity of cycles and the duration depends mostly intensity of innovation, thus the cyclic process is structurally irregolare.Se innovations are embodied in new plant and equipment, consumer spending will increase at least as fast as spending on capital goods. Both will expand starting from the points of the system on which they had exercised the first impact and create the set of economic circumstances, which we give the name of prosperity. Hence the sign of two phenomena: first, the old companies will react to this situation and, secondly, many of them there "speculation." Those who want to take advantage of the situation, speculating, they will act on the assumption that the observed rates of change from their should continue indefinitely, and this attitude will advance the prosperity, causing a boom. In this way, the credit will not be limited to entrepreneurs and deposits will be created to finance the general expansion: each loan it raises another, as well as begin a series of price increases. Then come under those transactions that to become possible, involve an increase in actual or expected prices. Thus we have, in the cyclic process, the insinuation of the secondary wave, the effects of which overlap with the primary wave. The result of the new wave are the most visible of the first, since it is easier to see expanding the fire and the torch that has set it. Because of this difficulty, one often identifies the cause of speculation in the cycle, while neglecting the innovation that caused it, because more difficult individuazione.Anche prosperity secondary rupture is induced by a shift of the underlying process. Any state of prosperity, as ideally limited to essential primary processes, involves a period of failure that, in addition to the elimination of obsolete enterprises beyond any possibility of rehabilitation, results in a painful process of readjustment of prices, quantities and values, as they show the frame of a new balance system. Prosperity in the secondary are shaped rash actions, fraudulent, or otherwise unfortunate that not stand the test of the recession. The unsustainable speculative position involves many elements, including the deterioration of the minimum value of the other side elements will fall. So much of the current business and investment will suffer a loss when prices fall, as they will no doubt because the primary process. Also part of the debt structure will collapse. If you prevail in this case, panic and crisis, further adjustments become necessary, the values \u200b\u200bfall and every fall brings with it a further fall. For a time, the expectation pessimistic may play a decisive role, even though he does not hold up if not supported by objective evidence. It then outlines a cyclical pattern in four stages (note that in the first approximation, we found only prosperity and recession): prosperity, recession, depression, recovery. "Every time he plays a quantitatively significant meaning, this class of facts [the secondary wave] has a decisive effect on our scheme. Until we have taken into account, there were only two phases - "prosperity" and "recession" - in each unit of the cyclic process. But now we see that, under the pressure wave of speculation in the secondary and fall induced by it, our process, probably, but not necessarily, go beyond (in general, but can also remain below) the area which was moving towards balance. It crosses a new stage, that there was in the first approximation, and which will be defined by the term "abnormal liquidation" because of the fact that there is a downward revision of values \u200b\u200band a fall of operations, which are reduced - often random - below the equilibrium level. While during the recession there is a mechanism that seeks to bring the system toward equilibrium, now you develop a new imbalance: the system moves away again the area of \u200b\u200bbalance, as it did during the period of prosperity, but under the influence of a different thrust. Reserve at this stage, the term "depression". When the depression has followed its course, the system begins to resume its path towards a new area of \u200b\u200bbalance. This is our fourth phase, which we call "recovery" or "recovery". Then resumes the expansion up to the values \u200b\u200bof equilibrium "(pp. 181-182). Abandoning the assumption that innovation is the first reported the story, we must conclude that each phase of the cycle currently observable, and historically locatable, brings with whether the effects of previous waves and influence those later. Moreover, without loss of rigor and earning in realism, one must conclude that perfect competition is a phenomenon by no means frequent nell'ordinarietà the cyclical movement: the entrepreneurial drive is based on a world where imperfect competition, and innovation alter the same market, creating a situation for the innovator of competitive advantage which forces the others to adapt, in a first stage, the cost savings that allows the innovator's discretionary price is not observable in perfect competition. According to Schumpeter, the only real competition is established between the new emerging and old trying to survive, and this competition is neoclassical (host of the same companies that produce homogeneous goods) as a bombardment is the pressure to force a door chiusa.Schumpeter published in 1939 and these things seem to perfectly describe what happened in the housing market in recent years. Every economist should be careful to learn from theories so powerfully attached to the analysis of reality. It, however, the economics of our age prefer to overeat as mathematical formulas failed, leaving the economic system is overwhelmed and strangled by a financial system that has a short memory for ontological necessity: if market participants did capitalize on the past experience, warned by economists aware and not locked up in ivory towers, many disasters can be avoided. Instead, the speculative wave described by Schumpeter is emerging, the prospect of easy money and fast siren acts as a demon on the weak men, who hope to retire from the game on time and with pockets swollen. Someone there can. Others, more like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, they fall into the fire so as not to give up their treasure ...
Carmelo Ferlito

Best Stereo Receivers From The 1970's

there! The phenomenon

Only one line for the Ducati world champion in Japan, where Capirossi wins Voting for the third in a row and Stoner is consecrated champion at age 21. After 34 years an Italian bike is back on top the world. Truly a great company of small stable of talent against the giants of Japanese motorcycles. Congratulations!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

How Do Doctors Speed Up Your First Period

Beppe Grillo

phenomenon sweeping the nation Beppe Grillo, a phenomenon of protest in many ways certainly acceptable, he said, 'neoqualunquismo' and perhaps, in some ways it is but I think it can sometimes be liberating and almost cathartic create the opportunity because people posters and vent their problems and their discontents. I have seen many shows of Cricket and I have always loved a lot only after the last show that I attended, I realized that Grillo has easy game to make a kind of 'Creative destruction' but which lacks the inexorable process of creation. Well, a show of Grillo is inexorably out convinced that there is nothing left to do ... we're doomed ... that the world is shit ... that there are no certainties in life and perhaps commit suicide if we do ourselves a favor. Though this may have some very important cultural and philosophical implications I thought but not worth ending up in psychoanalysis only for the passion I had for the distinguished comedian referred to above. You're right or wrong, I repeat not later than on the merits, that I maybe wrong, it does not matter ... the important thing is that dear Grillo not want to spend my next year to use drugs as a contraindication of your shows! And I want to paraphrase, if I tell you that when I come to your show and I pay the ticket you are my friend to become one of my employees, so if I do go home with stomach acid and pissed like a beast that is me are fully entitled to send to V! Complaining is so greatly liberating if you do it once in a while otherwise you end up going to be part of a group of people sadly on the rise in our country that the 'nonmivamaibeneuncazzo', one of those people who complain on principle, I repeat that the complaint is right or wrong, yet end up being only carry out their personality comuque against something. It 'important efforts to improve the world we live in but there is a measure in things ... and when someone says that the class of Italian politicians is not very different from its citizens, let us say a bassavoce, tuttosommato all the wrongs he has not, because we are a people full of qualities is true that we are good people, like us after all we are a nice people ... but we are a mass of piglianculo to use a term figuratively! Wanting to disturb Winston Churchill who said: 'It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tested so far', we must recognize that democracy, so if we want to call, has led to incredible improvements in relation to forms of government previously experienced by mankind. To claim now that this form of government functions well it might be good too, especially when the demos come from which representatives are always above the sleeve pigliainculo ...! Do not believe, because it would sadly repeat the mistakes that Europe has made too recently to be able to forget that revolutions nowadays you can do with violence in the streets or because democracy has given them a vote if well spent is worth much more than a bullet. For this well is the political project of Cricket, as it should be provided and become aware not only bring protests and drugs but shared proposals are real, possible, feasible! Otherwise there will be only rumors, stomach acid and populism. Criticizing is easy, we're all good at criticizing, it is difficult to build. We'll see.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Price Of Lakhme Eye Shadow

What happens to the dollar?

I quote a very good article by Peter Schiff.
After the signs of the U.S. mortgage crisis is perhaps appropriate to ask some questions and more in this article are the considerations made absolutely shared as we all know that the dollar is losing consistently on the Euro.
Certainly the U.S. economy is a train at full speed and pushed the question for the future is how will exceed the long climbs that await the slopes related to the rehabilitation and stabilization of an economy that can not claim to live in an eternal period of growth.

Insights: the dollar's days as a reserve currency WORLD
Posted on Monday, April 24 @ 19:31:43 EDT by cdcnet


In the 20th century the dollar has become the reserve currency world as the currency of the world's largest economy. In the "strange" economy of the 21st century, this causality has reversed. The main reason for which, today, the U.S. economy is the first in the world is due to the fact that the dollar is still the world's reserve currency. However, if the basic principles of the market were finally able to impose themselves this reality may, indeed must, change as soon as possible.

In the past, foreign countries were trying to accumulate dollars in order to purchase goods manufactured in the USA. Today, however, the central banks of foreign countries accumulate dollars in order to allow Americans to buy foreign goods. In the past, the profits obtained from its exports have enabled America to become the world's largest creditor country. Today, to bridge the huge trade deficit, America has become the world's largest debtor. The "status" World allows the dollar to the "rich" Americans to borrow the savings of "poor" to buy their products. If the dollar did not enjoy the privilege of this condition the Americans would be forced to consume only their products, and borrow only from their domestic savings. If the reality was that the living standards of Americans would be much lower than what they enjoy today.

The price of the dollar, which in three years has dropped by 30% after five weeks of declines is a slight rise in the last week has not deviated more than 2% of the maximum fall of 1992 records. Because of the continued deterioration of the dollar, both a technical and fundamental, a review of the continuing declines is imminent. A significant disruption of the long support given to the dollar it can cause the landslide. Without a substantial and coordinated central bank intervention, the dollar may come to lose half its value. However, even if this massive effort, never happened before, will be successful, its effects may be only temporary. By now the imminent dollar crisis can not be avoided, but only delayed, but not with the effect of exacerbating the collapse.

At the dollar was accepted as a world reserve currency mainly because the world was flooded with American goods of low cost and high quality (also helped by the fact that it could be converted into gold). In America, the phrase "import" was synonymous with "it's expensive." If something did not work the comment was: "I should have done in Japan." In fact, the Japanese have had to sweat seven shirts in order to overcome this injury, so they called their town "USA," so they could put on their products: Made in USA ". Today the opposite is true. The import goods are cheap, while internal ones are expensive. Today the Japanese have a reputation for high quality which was the first of the Americans.

The main reason for the which the Americans were so competitive comparative advantage lay in their freedom. The U.S. industry was subject to low taxes and few regulations than the rest of the world. For more Americans were among the most frugal people, with high rates of savings in investment capital flowing back. The combination of little government interference with high rates of savings have allowed it to pay the highest in the world along with cheaper products. Today, America has high taxes and heavy regulations in the rest of the world, and even more, and its citizens are among the most profligate of all.

For a time, America was able to correct the its lack of exports to its trading partners by offering the promise of even higher revenues resulting from their investments in dollars. But since America now has the lowest interest rates in the world (in reality it is negative rates) together with the most overvalued stock market and real estate, foreign investors have more incentives to invest in dollars. It is no surprise that investors are the major central banks which, after all, commit taxpayers' money. There is no doubt that central banks now afraid, as acting for political reasons and not according to their interests, be buyers of last resort and that the days of the dollar as international currency exchange are about to end.

The main reason why the dollar continues to be regarded as the world's reserve currency is due to the fact that few people understood how the structure of the American economy has changed. In fact, the American economy works in a way that would be totally impossible if it were subject to market forces alone. Since this is the world's reserve currency the U.S. economy was able to ignore the laws of the market, however, evolved in a completely unnatural. The smoke signals recently launched by various Asian central banks, in respect of their intention to diversify the composition of their reserves, show now that the dollar's international standing is at risk. Once lost the privileged position the way back to a healthy and vibrant economy will be hard and painful, and will require a substantial austerity from the government and American citizens. If America will be equal to the task ahead is to be seen, however, remains optimistic even though I remain skeptical.

Peter Schiff,
CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, Inc.
22:03:05 for translation by Vichi
link to the original:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What Color Wood With Dark Brown Leather

McLaren guilty but pays half

Debated ruling against McLaren, in summary:
-100 million-dollar fine
deletion of points in the 2007 world
-evaluation of possible measures for 2008
-in If an appeal by McLaren chance to hit in the drivers points.


-McLaren and Ferrari had undoubtedly projects
access to critical information such as the use of rubber-
McLaren benefited from this
-ERGO, a punishment was just and inevitable
co-pilots were pardoned
-but the drivers themselves are taking the course benefit from a wrongful-
ERGO: the victory of these pilots, though 'legalized' in fact can not be right
from a sporting point of view

CONCLUSION: The federation does things by halves .... if they are not guilty are acquitted ... whether they are guilty, the punishment must be logical and recover the illegal act, the case is justice in half.

sports: I do not care at McLaren penalty, how many points the
fines or take away, I just want everybody to know
and is widely recognized because it is now indisputable that all
what McLaren has done this on track ' years is highly flawed and therefore ultimately

Monday, September 3, 2007

Weekend Cruises Around California

Valentino Rossi, drop style ... hope goes back in the saddle! The potato

A fall style for Vale Rossi and I am not referring to his issues with the tax authorities to instill that I do not care nothing but criticism of the statements with Ducati guilty of being 'too fast'!
That was not a great season for Rossi it was seen. That no sample can win even the great and always there had also taught the great Schumacker. Sometimes there are also the conditions and sometimes there are technical and chases. This is part of motor sport. That, however, we were not accustomed to see the great champion that is critical of the system which has hitherto supported. I think this is a cut-off style. The bike of Valentino This year is not competitive in comparison with red arrows Ducati is possible, though questionable, since Capirossi certainly can not fly like Stoner and sometimes it is the merit of a great athlete, in this case and Stoner in the past that Schumy, to make their vehicles performance. But it should also say that the champion wins in sports engine always does it with a technical means within a world still shows its superiority. Vale has won 7 world with a bike better than the other and suddenly does not feel right to run against opponents who have a bike than his own. Vale said that the world is not fun and entertainment without overtaking ... Stoner but probably simply a different technique from that of Vale, Vale Sperr preferred to stay behind and over the last while Stoner prefers to create a vacuum. It had in the past often given the impression of being able to create a vacuum, but it probably was not right in his strategy to do it! Worth talking about single tire ... as if the work of the tire was not part of the game of the championship! The world of Moto GP is a comparison of package sizes from manufacturers, chassis, transmissions, engine and tire manufacturers, a comparison of engineers and technicians and finally a comparison between pilots. This is the Moto GP. If you want to make a comparison between the pilots are the only global brand, where the drivers are compared on the same bike. Perhaps it is them that can Valentino decided to go if the comparison in a category like the Moto GP's has become close! I've always been a big fan of Vale and I still am just not that the legendary number 46 to become gradually more and more like her old rival and plaintive: Max Biaggi.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fibromyalgia Neuritis
