When she resigned to open the new activity with Mrs. Agosti Bianca Maria was taken by hardship: was now really in trouble! Paul had moved away, he could no longer count on the help of her sister, the father of the latter, if only he could give useful advice, had just died, his granddaughter, hurry in a hurry to fix the practices father at a hospital, had returned to Venezuela .... a disaster on all fronts!
But what weighed more than the teacher's behavior was the keeper Mirko. He was deluded that they can count on his presence and his help pulled him out of trouble after wandering in despair from a friend asking another hospitality for themselves and their animals. He had hoped that, like his brother in days gone by, harbored a bit 'affection for her, but he, after the aid is kept well away from the teacher and to avoid any possible contact by phone. At first he imagined that he was still shocked by the tragic death of Flora and of course without having the evidence, he was involved, perhaps indirectly, in the tragic event. But the months passed and the farmer was always more distant: Bianca then relived the anguish that had accompanied her to the time that Dino had left without explanation throwing into turmoil.
launched every type of bait and even resorted to every expedient di accalappiare Mirko, ma egli, come un pesce ormai esperto e molto accorto, schivava senza alcuna apparente difficoltà ogni trabocchetto. Un paio di volte, con i pretesti più fantasiosi, lo raggiunse nella sua nuova dimora, ma l'allevatore si mostrò molto distaccato se non addirittura infastidito per quella, con ogni evidenza, sgradita visita. Poichè appostamenti e pedinamenti continuavano, un giorno egli affrontò Bianca: "Forse mi stai scambiando per mio fratello, ma io sono di tutt'altra pasta. Non ho alcun interesse per te: ti ringrazio per avermi aiutato, ma senza alcun dubbio me lo dovevi. Gira quindi alla larga da me e dal mio allevamento!" Come al solito non aveva avuto peli sulla lingua ed era was very direct in presenting his point of view.
For White was a terrible blow: she was now certain that his life was spent in solitude among the laboratory and home, alone and wandering back and forth until old age. Never resign themselves to this situation and, in a sort of revenge, began to harass women who, rightly or wrongly, believed they enjoyed a satisfying emotional situation. His thirst for revenge touched the grotesque and often fire on everyone blaming people, unable to interpret some of his behaviors, were a little 'crazy. She had become perpetual as acidosis and, having no bone suck, envied women more fortunate, but at the same time denigrated by comparison to the bleak and prostitutes standing up to another's moral guardian.
also was a very vindictive type who could not forget the wrongs, big or small they were: he had avenged his sister first, when he thought that there was an ongoing affair with Dino, then Paul, reducing it almost on the pavement, then to Virginia, relegating the role of a kitchen maid, now she would take revenge even in respect of Mirko.
He asked, even took on the might of the people informed of what happening at the farm, brigades and investigated to reach an absolute certainty: the farmer had a mistress! Things were actually a bit different, but White was already blinded by jealousy.
Saliva sometimes serving as a young farmer, with his own laboratory, from a collection point for animals that would then be housed in the board of Mirko. It worked very well for at least two seasons and customers preferred to leave their pets in the city rather than go up the narrow winding dirt road that led breeding. Miriam, the groomer, we earn something and had the exclusive of the grooming end of the stay; Mirko you save some 'street and the hassle of continually having to house people. Existed between the two young men therefore, a simple business relationship, without any implication. Miriam it was engaged for many years with a young man in the area and Mirko had never expressed an interest in the girl shy and timid at first sight it might seem too nasty. He appreciated beauty more provocative and less introverted women to notice quell'esserino minute and delicate, like a rag doll, which seemed to sip the words limited to the essentials.
Owning an angular and taciturn character he was fascinated by the exuberance Miriam and certainly did not possess this virtue. Saliva often breeding and lingered for a short time as if the presence of Mirko annoyed. The boy always felt a sense of unease trovandosela before, became much too hasty and could not wait that the girl took his leave. They were in some ways similar to the sensations he had felt in regard to Flora, but she could not wait to escape, but in this case did not feel any attraction, you certainly showed quell'incontrollabile desire to possess it, renewing and repressing suddenly at each meeting, was the basis of his frustrations. More simply, the boy remained puzzled by the behavior of a person so silent, it was necessary cavarle the words of mouth, which looked him from head to foot without expressing any opinion as if to investigate, form opinions, and then jealously hide their conclusions were not for nothing to be flattering.
In a rather confused young girl discovered in attitudes that looked familiar, he almost always well behaved towards one's neighbor, and perhaps because of it bothered him. It was like seeing a reflection in a mirror without wanting to recognize.
But, blinded by jealousy, had made quite different idea.
He thought long about what to do, then decided to involve her sister in the plan, as had happened to Paul and Denise, had carefully studied at the table. Invent a story according to which Mirko absolutely incredible, already determined to enlist the help of Anna Maria to set up a grooming at their farm, he now prefers to agree with Miriam that, despite being selected, was resorted to defamation and slander in respect of the older colleague. A story completely invented for the sole purpose of spreading weeds increasing tensions.
Miriam actually era una ragazza semplice e generosa che si teneva alla larga dai propri colleghi toelettatori badando più ad impegnarsi nel proprio lavoro che a contrastare l'invidia e le maldicenze altrui. Figlia di un maestro elementare ed orfana di madre di giorno seguiva la toelettatura e di notte, a settimane alterne, assisteva un'anziana inferma della sua zona. Tempo per divertirsi gliene rimaneva pochissimo e voglia di polemizzare con l'agguerrita concorrenza ancora meno. Considerava Mirko come un essere piuttosto primitivo per cui i loro rapporti erano ridotti all'essenziale con, da quanto si poteva constatare, reciproca soddisfazione. Il fidanzato, agente di viaggi, non aveva alcun interesse per il lavoro della ragazza but this does not fail to help in time of need. He claimed however, that Miriam does not leave too involved in those initiatives, often impromptu, breeders and groomers who plan to continue more in order to denigrate each other for obtaining the practical benefits. Competitions, courses, workshops and anything else not thrilled Miriam and her boyfriend left indifferent to which, by mutual agreement, they would spend the few days of freedom in some tourist site nearby instead attend to the numerous events organized in every period of ' year.
Some saw it as too snobbish for this, but his was an apt decision that allowed her to deal with greater commitment and renewed optimism days of hard work.
Bianca was convinced then that Mirko had affair with Miriam, and this certainty sent her into a rage. Brig Anna worked in the shadows until he decided to get the much insulted grooming.
"What the hell spreading of rumors going around?" cried the girl going into the laboratory and trying to jump over the railing that enclosed working area.
Miriam fled to cower in a corner of the room behind a heavy table grooming: did not know that person that had come screaming into their store nor could imagine what he was talking about.
"I am the best groomer in the region and will not tolerate being put about the unsubstantiated rumors that I paint like crazy hysterical. Work on farm Mirko must be entrusted to any cost!" So saying, he undermines his poor saloon door that separated the waiting room from the lab itself, moved the heavy table and rushed him to Miriam trying to strangle her. Luckily inside the room were two tough customers, father and son, who managed to stop Anna and steal the girl from his clutches. Everything happened in the interval a few minutes, but the screams were so high that many people rushed on the spot from the street and from the restaurants nearby.
Miriam, white as a sheet and wound at various points even though not seriously, he went back in and phoned the boyfriend for you to come to the rescue: still could not explain the dynamics of the event and tried to imagine what had triggered such an explosion of anger.
the Police who arrived on the spot, after a brief reconnaissance, dragging Anna took over by force in the barracks. The woman was completely out of himself and continued to inveigh against Miriam also rebounded in the car the military. On the way he calmed down for a few minutes and began to cry invoking the name of husband and daughter who had left to escape, according to his ravings, in South America with a being disreputable.
White had reached , which set itself the goal, but do not imagine the trouble that would have rained down on him for what he had masterminded. Randomly hitting the target and blatantly wrong without getting any concrete results Mirko had forewarned that something was beginning to suspect. When these assumptions turned into certainties, and the boy had evidence of involvement in the tragic incident caused by Bianca by his sister in the house and waited for the teacher, on a foggy autumn evening, stopped her, was recognized and filled the barrel. Raged so beastly as if he were facing not a woman, even if strong and masculine, but a man in full fitness. From that tragic episode, the teacher, who never wanted denumciare his assailant, went lame and with a visible scar on her right cheek.
Anna instead was finally admitted to a nursing home for nervous diseases from which they came, if not at your funeral. Her husband survived her a lot and, after a long period of hospitalization at a rehabilitation clinic, he took the way of Venezuela where he spent several years near his daughter in the meantime she had married that friend that had come to the rescue in times of need.
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