Author: Editorial
goals between the European calls are often very complex. Even more complicated if the desire is to try and find even small ones - but often more accessible - opportunities that come from non-ministerial organizations. We should know at least one Internet address, but where to find it? In that, frequently, search engines are inconclusive.
Help can come from the websites of international organizations or from the European Community, provided you have a lot of patience and good knowledge of English or French.
a glance, to begin to orient themselves, we still recommend you give it and spending even more than a few hours to read what it is and what are the requirements of peak demand from Europe for part of the programming and especially in funding. The guidelines and information on the functioning of tenders can be found here . The advantage is that this section is completely in Italian even though, once you choose to enter in the section on real calls, you are redirected the official website of the Culture Programme of the European Community ( ) that you can choose to display only in English, French or German.
However, as we said, the opportunity to see a good project funded rightly do not stop here.
We did a search and here, below, some of best opportunities for 2011.
- MINTFEST 2011: The Mintfest International Summer School for Arts Street again this year. The Summer School takes ten days and will be held from August 27 to September 5. It 'an opportunity for emerging street artists to work with an already established street artist in a production International to be presented to its Mintfest 2011. For more information you need to write an email (in English) jenny @ kendalartsinternational.
- FIRA MEDITERRANEAN MANRESA: Mediterrania La Fira de Manresa (Spain) opened its call for 2011 to companies wishing to present their work the 14th edition of the fair that will take on 3 November. The deadline for submitting applications is March 18, 2011. More information can be read on the site (in catalano, castigliano, inglese e francese). La natura delle proposte può essere varia (sono accettate proposte che riguardano arti visive, danza, teatro, circo, musica, storytelling), l'importante è che siano inedite. C'è possibilità di sviluppare progetti pensati per spazi aperti o per strutture al chiuso.
- BUNKER: Andiamo a Lubjana, in Slovenia, per scovare questo bando che fa parte della rete "Imagine 2020. Arte e cambiamenti climatici". I temi affrontati dal bando ruotano, com'è facile intendere, attorno alle cosiddette "sfide ambientali" si richiede ai partecipanti di interpretarle passandole sotto la lente dell' azione artistica . Bunker 2011 cerca infatti opere di giovani artisti provenienti dall'ampio mondo delle performing arts e che in un modo o nell'altro affrontino temi legati alla tutela dell'ambiente, nel senso più ampio possibile. Bunker sceglierà uno o più progetti che saranno sostenuti e finanziati (in termini di produzione e promozione) spingendo soprattutto residenze artistiche e inserimenti nella sfera internazionale. La scadenza per l'invio delle domande è il 28 febbraio 2011. Maggori informazioni possono essere richieste a Il sito internet è ed è visualizzabile in sloveno ed inglese.
- STOFF 2011 - STOCKHOLM FRINGE FEST: Stoff is a festival that aims to support and promote contemporary and avant-garde theater. The mission Stockholm Fringe Fest is to form a platform creative hosting artists from around the world . Stoff welcomes Artists without limits of age . This that differentiates Stoff a traditional (and well known) Fringe Festival is that attention is directed exclusively to the theater and performing arts innovative and cutting-edge . The ban expires March 20. For more information (in English and Swedish).
- FAIAR - ADVANCED LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR TOURING STREET ARTS: Faiar's purpose is to gather 15 young artists and authors of all nationalities and disciplines, because can study in order to improve their authorial skills. The project will run from October 2011 to March 2013. For more opportunities you can take part in a selection of days and information that will take place around Europe. For us Italians choice is no longer tied to our willingness to fly abroad because opportunities to meet with the working group are geographically distant Faiar: February 11, Home of Revilla Valladolid in partnership with the Festival International de Teatro y Artes de Calle de Valladolid (Spain) , Feb. 12, Civic Can Felipa Centre in Barcelona in partnership with the company and Escena PopleNou Kamchatka (Spain) February 23, TNT Via Rue Bordeaux (FR), February 25, Cité des Arts de la Rue in Marseilles (FR ), March 7, Institut International de la Marionnette in Charleville-Mézières (FR), a session will be held in England later date.
careful, though, the deadline for apply expires March 31, 2011 and all the info can be found at (in French only)
Good luck!
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