Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Many Matches Did Jeff Hardy Win


speak of "creative finance" in a vortex communicational that more and more resembles a gigantic project of "psy-op" sounds like a provocation.
Yet the real finance, one that always moves "stay behind" every day that God sends to earth, build, create new worlds.
What the public exchange to finance the latter is the abuse by soldiers of the metastasis-state, corrupt and corrupting Hardly ideological, sorcerer's apprentice, upstart left, hungry and without basis.
The so-called crisis "financial" crisis of growth is, in fact, crisis control and secularization of sector which by its nature is discrete and elitist.
The supporters of "democratic" USA, part of a never dead, "Communist International", have used the drift of the process of "financial activities", a process that allows virtually anyone to use the property for money is not reinvest (or when negative debt) and raise its projection immaterial in this planet, creating new value and new reality for themselves and others.
Abusing the "financial activities" ideological madmen have praised the "home for all", but without questioning the responsibility and the risk that the transaction, can always entails.
They then speculated wildly on their knees currencies entire countries, where grand old men of finance, too soon put to the index, saving the same countries with Masonic lobby, and not only extended to the whole planet.
Other sorcerer's apprentice, novice usurers, have, by the swaps, in effect lent money with real compensatory wear, putting on his knees Italian local governments, provided that the infamous communist-leaguers have autonomy but with no brain.
CDOs managed by greedy upstarts have done the rest.
But behind all this there is the long arm of Islamic and Chinese have had and have an interest in bring down the prices to buy at as low and thus impose their dominance of the Middle Ages, this supported by Western dumbed down by drugs, by ideology, relativism and slavery also supported by low-cost, parasitism of oil, money and wear and tear incurred halawas brought by migrants to their misery by these oligarchies.
And who can believe that Madoff has a multi-level set that lasted over 20 years?
an escape from this resurgence of the Middle Ages is the living tradition, not the hypostasized and kept alive by the secret services diverted and what I call the "Fake Right" ("False Right"), which compares the tradition and horizon that has the freedom and the free market, which looks to the West and ahead, not back towards the East and that goes against the history and the laws of logic and physics.
and tradition of the Maritime Republics take the use of letters of credit, not more and not only used as a means of payment, but as a means of credit and commercial or financial leverage (use of loaned instruments, in joint venture or other similar forms).
And just as in the New Physics "infinite cakes are created in the Universe", continuing the action of the Marshall Plan and the creation of the MTN (Medium Term Notes) and BG (Bank Guarantees, Bank Guarantees treated as zero coupon bond with maturity deferred money and having a less than face value), authoring tools, we can build a new world.
This is the "creative finance, finance construction of the lever and the New Reality, a reality competition, the value of Liberty.


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