Thursday, January 31, 2008

Theme Music To The Apprentice

SUBJECT: Notice of meeting of Young Democrats enlarged provincial

The Assembly meets:

Friday, February 1st, 2008 at 18:00
at the Provincial Federation of the Left Democrats
11 New Market Street in Vicenza.

● Report from the coordination of the work of the Young Democrats in the first month of life
● Development of a common position of the Young Democrats on Dal Molin
● Presentation and discussion of the document "What we want" to be placed
● Presentation on the website of the day of the February 10 meetings with the circle of
● Organization of the six geographical areas and information on areas where there is already a coordination
  • Initiatives by scheduling
  • Any other

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lines On Birthday Wishes For Boss

GD Provincial Assembly Extended Memorial Day

Young Democrats of the Province of Vicenza want to remember the Holocaust with all those who have lived and fought and all those who, like us, have seen it from afar, from the rearview mirror. We want to remember looking for it in the eyes of those who were there and listening to the words of one who is not afraid to tell it. We want to know the story because "if understanding is impossible, you need to know '. It is necessary to know why the biggest mistake would be to stay indifferent to the facts that the past tells us not to forget. The Holocaust is a fact, not a fantasy, as some still maintain, and we young people we also want to keep alive the memory because only the memory of the Holocaust in the minds of all, can avoid that one day all this will happen again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Clip For A G36c Airsoft Gun

E 'started a global recession ... what is happening and what will happen? I answer I!

La caduta odierna dei mercati segna necessariamente l'inizio della recessione in america e un periodo di rallentamento per l'intera economia mondiale.
Cosa sta succedendo? Cosa succederà?
Provo a rispondere!
Innanzitutto è successo che gli USA sono stati fino ad ora il principale motore della crescita mondiale, ovvero assorbivano coi loro consumi l'aumento di produzione mondiale. Gli USA importavano sempre di più e pagavano in dollari, i quali essendo moneta di riserva mondiale venivano 'assorbiti' dal sistema economico mondiale e venivano reinvestiti sempre negli Stati Uniti finanziandone la crescita ulteriore. Così gli americani non avevano bisogno di risparmiare to grow because they could get back and spend their dollars to finance investment. Americans spend to import and abroad send back dollars in investments in government securities or other assets. In particular, China currently has an awful lot of debt in the U.S. state. Of course such a system is strongly unbalanced in the 'balance of trade' can not go on forever. When it becomes more risky or less profitable to invest in the U.S., foreigners get tired of holding all this cash in U.S. dollars and begin, as some Arabs and even the famous model Giselle Bundken, to require payments in euro. In short, is the first sign Crunch the dollar for several years now, constantly loses against the euro. First indication we had that something was changing. In addition, this continuous investment, the continuous influx of dollars to invest in the U.S., this flood of cheap money, created by a side access to credit is too easy to overestimate the effect of other major investments. American citizens are in debt as collateral giving overestimated values \u200b\u200bof their homes, using them as an ATM through the system of equity. Result, the bomb explodes, the real estate market is a big 'bubble', secured credit received is overstated and find people who can not repay the installments the mortgage is in fact insolvent. Result HOLE outcry. The banks, moreover, were convinced of being able to eliminate the risk of diluting the world through debt securitization, in practice they were selling them as bonds, thinking that this would cover any hole, but the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to eliminate the risk in this way is proved totally false! In short, the economic system is now forced to Rivered their beliefs, those who had the motto Greenspan era never before essersela bandage his head broken and that an economic system and further away from 'real' but instead increasingly indecipherable always based on more complicated financial instruments such as uncontrollable! The complexity del sistema è tale che nessuno è più in grado di stimarne la solidità con sicurezza. Ora la patata bollente passa alle banche centrali che devono salvare il salvabile, ma è giusto salvare i banchieri che hanno messo il mondo in questa situazione? Ogni crisi porta con se una lezione e sicuramente questa crisi che si preannuncia la peggiore degli ultimi 20 anni, porterà con se la necessità di riconsiderare molte cose in campo economico. Alcune crisi nascono in seguito alle bolle derivate da una innovazione tecnologica che è stata presa con troppo entusissmo, come fu in passato per le ferrovie o in un passato più recente per internet, ma queste crisi lasciavano alla fine di questo processo di distruzione creativa l'innovazione tecnologica same, then a more modern world. What to leave this crisis rather than the idea that this system should be gatantito with a very much larger dose of seriousness? That's why this crisis is shaping up much worse, but leaves no real damage brings innovations!
However the United States need to import less and export more. They must start to save money, have to finance their own growth. The dollar, which has lost and is losing ground, helped in this process of improving the trade balance but the loss of the role of world reserve currency is likely to trigger a process leading to inflationary cost increases, the contraction in domestic consumption, reduction of power purchase wages, which in truth is currently too high. Now the reader may wonder: what has this to do with the collapse of Asian markets? Of course, if America ends up buying something like this to slow down and stop those that American consumers are the engine of its growth in China should read! China slows and together with the slowdown in China will slow the demand for raw materials that these countries have been growing lately. Result, these prices will fall as oil prices come down! Together with the reduction in oil and commodity prices should eventually be brought under control in Europe the rate of inflation so much concerned about our central bank and hence possibly a reduction discount rates will be possible for Europeans to support the crisis. The gold instead of in a situation like the current instability will continue to play its role as a safe investment and will not suffer setbacks. At the moment America is likely to enter into a phase like that unusual in Japan, with an economy that goes on for inertia. In all this it is interesting to note that, despite the fall of Wall Street today, American companies do not accuse the shot too, because this is convenient for those who do so many dollars 'shopping' in America by acquiring shares at a good price and also because corporate America, at the forefront of innovation and technology, are still very competitive in the world and it is often multi-distribute their interests around the globe, linking their growth and profitability not only to the U.S. market. Of course, if it shrank too will suffer heavy losses, but this should surely 'take' fairly satisfactory. At this juncture the great investor Warren Buffer, the oracle of Omaha, investing in the less modern and more robust, indicating clearly the new trend. Less Chiecchio, less instruments 'derivatives' and more concrete! In Asia, the decline in corporate profitability is likely to be heavy. But if U.S. consumers who fall absorb this slice of the global consumption? Who will be the new engine of growth world? Certainly China itself now has to grow in terms of domestic consumption. Countries such as Brazil or India do not seem ready yet, in fact, this role even though they represent the best hope for the future. Where then will these higher consumption? I think so in Europe, which despite being 'too' reluctant savers and increased consumption will be left with an increasingly strong currency in a position to enable it to play this role in spite of himself. The economic situation certainly much more stable core as the rest of the world makes it an attractive place to place all that savings in foreign currency which was the first in the U.S. and now no longer knows where to go. I think it will be us that from now on will end up with all the petrodollars that this has resulted in the past for America and that in the future will be for us.
How is Italy in all of this ... not good but with a hope, our production quality is less 'price sensitive' than the rest of the world and if we keep our export good hope to straighten a situazine but it must be observed carefully. Even now a battle we Italians play important and vital to maintaining our position as the country's first division and not to slip into the abyss. But this is all another story.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How To Trade Pokemon Vba On A Mac

Where does

The columns of the New York Times talk of an Italy sadder, poorer and ultimately declining and we can swear if a major international journal allows you to make certain considerations because it is not afraid to be denied.
But we Italians do not want the Times to understand that the moment we are experiencing is a special moment because it is one of those moments where the chickens are coming home to roost and when it happens so they come out all together.
The economic situation is especially serious because the truth unfair, because the current system is not Italian at all but rather is based on merit positions of power, the friendship and patronage (a mechanism known as, inter alia, to lose ' Italy the best minds).
Italy is no research, no investment in the future, is likely to remain behind. Young 'big babies' now no hope of becoming independent and 'men' as our ambitious ministers. The large Italian companies, our so-called 'pride' as Alitalia, which have no credibility, which are managed cheerfully at risk as the crack and other Parmalat crack rather have done so already. The small and medium businesses strangled.
policy, the victim of a system of small parties intent only to ensure its survival, unable to deal with and decide, plan and act, stuck in a perverse mechanism that prevents it from and reform of government, leaving the country without a guide.
The judiciary, full of problems, a situation that is really the third world (in Italy a civil trial lasts at least 20 years), which very often gives the impression of 'fight' to change the political class, do that first not for it and that risks being strongly anti-democratic, a real coup.
What happened yesterday, the minister of justice who resigned because he says 'persecuted' by hatched a plan to discredit the judiciary is a matter whose gravity has gone unnoticed by many, now accustomed to the worst, but the significance of the happened is in fact a 'war' between the powers state. It is not entirely relevant if the reason is the side of the Keeper or the magistrate, the scandal and the judge is the Keeper of that fight each other. And even this is not a new problem for Italy and for the umpteenth time again today.
Then there are the Italians, who have learned to live with all this, those who have learned to think that it is useless to be honest if all the others are not, in a world of thieves who steal is more virtuous. They have learned to accept a system which seek to make personal gain. But the way of personal gain is to lose sight of the overall framework and eventually the chickens come home to roost. You can administer a nation ill for decades, but not forever. The Campania, badly managed and with a people that knows how to travel the world, suddenly found itself in an emergency. 'Emergency' at least one word to describe a particular phenomenon that has lasted for decades, that has not been answered by the policy, had no answers from the judiciary, had no response even prior to the indignation of many that have profited on the problem. They closed one eye and looked each one to its interest. But in the end the problems are not solved, only postponed. It's called 'emergency' but it is the final act which is reached when the evils are not treated in time, the metaphor is clear bell, sooner or later it all ends in the shit!
I once again are 'happy' because of all this to really change things we have to wait for the whole of Italy is submerged by rubbish. All this must reflect a country and bring it to change before other issues are afloat, before tensions become violence before violence becomes a civil war.
Italians, 'liberated' from the moralizing gaze of the church, you can off the floor to the pope. Surely not all Italians, but no one should feel above criticism, no one should think more of that guilt is 'other'.
Too many wrong things were done thinking that the fault was 'the other'. So enough challenge, just pontificating on abstract that do not serve to anyone. We must talk less and roll up their sleeves. Italy is our country and we are Italian, the blame lies with us all. The conflicts must end, must end the conflict, must end the dualism, because there is no conflict on the adjustment path that Italy faces. Enough of this penelope canvas in which one party to disassemble the night what he did the other. The truth is that we should address the problems again in a united call us Italians and regain a minimum of national identity which, though little now, however, the only thing we have left to cling to.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Maxine Cartoons Vacation

Cagliari Italy: the problem of waste Campani moves in Sardinia

The problem related the serious situation of waste in Campania, until yesterday so far away from Sardinia, has now become a problem of Sargegna call from the national government to help dispose of waste. And so comes a cave full of 'aliga' and there's the protests of the Sardinians. Strong protests, with clashes and stone-throwing. Surely at pseudo-violent play for love throwing stones and smashing benches and who have not actually anything to do with this affair, but the opportunity to give a renewed and unexpected force at a public power which receives orders over the use of punch hard against any party that obstructs operations. We in Italy we are special, why do not we use the iron fist where there would be a great need and we use where it would be important to avoid. And our policy has accustomed us to see this and other things as quite normal in our country because our politicians are always the opposite of what should be done. Maybe it's just helping out by using our facilities to burn some trash, infuse what we change? The problem is that we Italians have learned to doubt by reason of anything on which politicians tend to minimize. If we say that this is just some ordinary trash immediately we have a reasonable suspicion that in the midst of these wastes there is something wrong and that once the ship returns box will have learned the road from us, two hundred a thousand times. A wonderful proverb says that one should not give a fish to a poor but teach him to fish, so will be able to take care of himself. The bell does not need temporary help, but need a solution now! Citizens have no reason to doubt and in the absence of clear evidence that things are not so they also have reason to show their profound disagreement and their legitimate concerns. We are talking about a very important principle that is the principle of solidarity ... but there is also another important principle guaranteed by our system and this is the 'self defense', in Campania, the cancer rate has increased dramatically and we have the right to protect our health. What comes out without a minimum of credibility from all this is politics, policy and prevention program is unable to manage and solve problems, a policy away from the territory but also a far from feeling that politics should be continuous, however, refer to the administration of public affairs. A policy that after ruining one part turns to ruin the other. In the end, but one side is positive and that is that people begin to be truly stove, bread and circuses is what the owners have always used the power to ward off people, not to anger her too, because when people is really angry then it becomes an unstoppable force, but now that the bread is too expensive and there is not so have fun and be happy, the people began to rumble and maybe it is better that many people really start to get angry because we have so maybe the hope that sooner or later something will change or at least we have something really count on to keep going because as we know it is the hope that is the last to die.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Cervix Low And Little Firm

CONSIDERATIONS moratorium on abortion

E 'these days the news of the proposal for a moratorium on abortion, which he later found in 'idea, by representatives of the center-right parties, in Parliament to revise those that are le linee guida della legge 194.

Il delicato tema dell’aborto non deve essere usato come un argomento qualsiasi, sul quale esprimere giudizi che derivano da idee precostituite, fatte sulla base dell’appartenenza a determinate aree ideologiche.

Per affrontare quindi il tema è consigliabile ricordarsi che l’aborto è una decisione delicata. Essa, in entrambi i casi, ossia sia che una donna decida o meno di optare per l’interruzione della gravidanza, lascia pesanti conseguenze, anche psicologiche.

E’ quindi questo il punto fondamentale: la scelta di abortire o meno appartiene alla sensibilità del singolo. La possibilità to act in one way or another should not be mined.

Without going in matters that belong to the field of bioethics and religion, it would be essential in a democracy such as Italy, the individual would have the right to choose according to their conscience, not having to follow a all costs to the dictates of other sources.

would also be appropriate that the issue of abortion ceases to be used as something to be used to foment political confrontation and would rather start thinking on the one hand to create the conditions for possibly avoid being forced to choose what to do; the other as a help those who decide to embark on the difficult path of the interruption of pregnancy, perhaps by offering psychological support to women.

Elena Mauro

Sunday, January 6, 2008

How To Reduce Swelling Around Knuckles

Press Release in response to the attack of Achilles Variati newspaper of January 6, 2008 Vicenza

For months, our daily commitment is to build, as young, a political party that knows how to interpret the needs of citizens and be of genuine renewal and change.

We have built a group of young people who are striving to implement a project and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe city that go beyond the old patterns and old logic. A dynamic city, European and attentive to social change in the country. A city that respects its natural, cultural and social havoc while avoiding unnecessary and harmful as the construction of a military base above the water table in the only remaining green area in the municipality. So we've actively participated in the demonstrations against Dal Molin as did all the Democratic Party at the provincial and municipal agencies with the approval of the old leaders of the DS and the Margherita and how they have supported the vast majority of local leaders of the party. The position is clearly different from those of national leaders, does not necessarily mean an exit from the party as it battles for a change of policy positions within the parties and we do not emerge. We do not see why we should be the nth to cultivate the Italian tradition of party staff.

do not understand, therefore, not free to conduct attacks all over the Democratic Party but to a single person and we rise to reasonable doubt that these attacks are to watch and born of the fear that a strong candidate could cast doubt on the election of someone very dear to the strong powers of this city.

Enrico Peroni - member of the Regional Coordinating Young Democrats

James Poss - provincial co-spokesman of the Young Democrats

Stefano Poggi - member of the coordination Provincial

Giulia Turra - a member of the provincial coordination

Elisa Carollo - member of the provincial coordination

Alex Zaffiro - member of the provincial coordination

To read the editorial by Julie Antonacci which is criticized in the position of Achilles varied in relation to each other Molin and you can comment here .