Sunday, November 23, 2008

How Much Does A Quinceanera Spend


"OBJECTIVE Degrowth"

'indefinite association for social promotion called "target Degrowth", hereinafter referred to as Association.
The Association pursues the purpose of social utility in relation to members or third parties, is of unlimited duration and is non-profit.
The Association is non-partisan, non-denominational and inspires the rules of its national principles of democracy and equal rights of all members.
The Association is governed by this Statute and is based on the principles of Law 383 of 12/07/2000 and Regional Law 7 of 7/2/2006.
Additional aspects of the internal organization of the Association are governed by any regulations, approved by the shareholders on the proposal of the Executive Council. SEE ART 2

The Association is headquartered in CARAGLIO - City BOTTONASCO No. 28 (CN) Cap12023 - Cascina Rosa.
The transfer of the registered office does not change in the statutes, if it occurs within the same municipality.
E 'be given the opportunity to the Executive Council to change its registered office, if he deems it necessary, upon resolution of the shareholders notify us immediately.
The Association is required to promptly notify any change of registered institutions to providers of public registers or registers in which it is registered.
The Association may, if he deems it necessary to set up branches or independent sections in terms of capital, and economic organization.
purpose is to spread the culture of decrease, focused on building a sober society, solidarity and justice in the relations between people and between them and the ecosystem. Therefore
PROPOSES rethinking of current conceptions of wealth and prosperity, based on growth unlimited production, consumption and profits, and undertakes to flip the imaginary economist who now colonizes minds and society.
promote the search for a new type of individual and common welfare increasing:
friendliness and mutual trust between people
the integration of culture as a (scientific technical) with that because of (humanistic)
the free flow of ideas and knowledge together with its transmission between generations
techniques and artisan knowledge
the self and non-commercial exchange of goods and services
use behaviors, practices and technologies in order to reduce the environmental impact The Association of human activities
to acknowledge the purpose, may use web site, blog and email. ARTICLE 4 ACTIVITIES

To further the purposes of Article. 3, the Association may perform the following activities:
organize seminars and public meetings;
project and ensure courses and training, information, education, research and documentation;
Disclosure of goods and services consistent with its objects;
Promote research programs and meetings and national and international exchange between scientists and citizens on issues related to the decrease;
follow and encourage experimentation with social practices, economic and political alternatives;
produce publications and reference materials such as books, magazines, pamphlets, paper documents, electronic, video, photo exhibitions;
Collaborate with public and private institutions;
speak out in public, political and cultural debate;
Provide support and mentoring in the development of research and study;
organize and promote opportunities for socializing and sharing;
promote opportunities to meet, and exchange knowledge with other companies in a perspective of solidarity and reciprocity;
promote initiatives for ' access to employment, social life, to the use of tools or services by those who now rule the market;
The promotion and management of mutual aid among members.
addition, the Association, by specific resolutions, may: •
administer food and beverages at events within the meaning of art. 31, paragraph 2 of Law 383/2000;
• make occasional public collections of funds;
• exercise in a purely marginal and non-profit, commercial activities such as promotional activities aimed at self-financing (such as parties and even subscriptions to premium income) for self-financing; in which case it must comply with administrative regulations and tax regulations;
• carry out all those other activities necessary or appropriate for the achievement of social goals.
In pursuit of these activities, the Association relies mostly free of the voluntary and free of its members. In the case of special need may also use self-employment or employee benefits, including the application to its members.
the Association may be admitted to Italian citizens and foreigners with proven morality which share the principles and purposes of the Association.
The number of members is unlimited. Association members can be individuals and institutions that share its goals, undertake to achieve and are motivated by a spirit of cooperation and solidarity.
There is no discrimination of gender, ethnic, racial, cultural, political or religious when assessing an application for entry in the Association, or between members of the Association.
members are distinguished: the founding members, namely those who participated in the constitution of the Association; ordinary members, namely those who have joined in later.
There shall be no difference in treatment between the partners as to the rights and obligations towards the Association.
Members have the right to: •
to participate in all activities sponsored Association, receiving information and having the right to verify the limits established by legislation, by this Charter and by any regulations of the Association;
• governing bodies to elect and be elected in the same;
Members are required:
• observance of the Statute, the Rules and the decisions taken by governing bodies;
• payment by the terms of the subscription, if established annually by the shareholders. The membership fee is intrasmissibile and have not been adjusted and in no case be returned.
The admission of a new member is decided by the Board of Directors following the submission of a written request containing the applicant's commitment to comply with this Charter and to comply with any regulations and resolutions adopted by organs of the Association. The possible rejection of application for admission must still be justified.
When issuing the membership card of the applicant, to all intents and acquires the status of partner, which is intrasmissibile inter vivos.
However, it excludes the temporary nature of participation in community life, except the right of withdrawal.
The application for admission of legal persons, entities and associations must be signed by the corresponding legal representative and must contain the appointment of a delegate to represent the same within the Association.
Membership status is lost by withdrawal, exclusion or cause of death.
The resignation by a member must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors.
The exclusion of a member is approved by the shareholders on the proposal of the Executive Council in respect of the member:
a) fails to comply with this statute, any regulations and resolutions legally adopted by organs of the Association;
b) without just cause, it becomes delinquent in paying the annual membership fee, approved by the shareholders;
c) performs activities contrary to the interests of the Association;
d) in any way causes serious harm, even moral, to the Association.
The exclusion becomes effective from the record in the shareholders.
The decisions taken as regards the termination, revocation and exclusion shall be communicated by letter addressed to the shareholders, except as provided in b), allowing right of reply.
The member ceased or excluded must meet its obligations until operations at the time of termination or exclusion, and to define in the Association, of the members of third parties, the legal relationship established as an associate of the Association.
The loss of status of associate involves the automatic disqualification from any office held both inside and outside of the Association for appointment or delegation.
In all cases of dissolution of a relationship limited to associate membership, they or their heirs are not entitled to reimbursement of the fee paid annually, nor have any rights to the assets.
members must pay the annual membership dues as are determined by the Assembly.
The membership of the Association does not involve financial obligations or expenditure other than the payment of the above, but it may make contributions of members more than the annual fee.
bodies are:
- The Assembly
- President
- Governing Council
The Assembly is the highest organ of the Association, regulates the activity of which it is composed of all members and is governed by the principle of the single vote.
have the right to participate in the meeting all members in good standing by paying the annual membership fee and who have not had or have no current disciplinary action.
Each member may be represented by another member, giving the same written proxy. No member can represent more than one member. The
both ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting is chaired by the President of the Board or in his absence, the Vice-President or the senior adviser.
If necessary the Assembly shall elect a secretary.
The Assembly shall be convened by the President, when it explicitly applies at least 1 / 10 (one tenth) of the members entitled to vote, or at the request of a majority of members of the Board of Directors. The call goes
branched writing and / or e-mail with 15 (fifteen) days in advance and must include the agenda, place, date and time of first call and the second call, which must take place with at least one hour after the first.
In the absence of formal summons or fails to observe the notice periods are equally valid meetings attended in person or by proxy all members.
The resolutions passed by also binding on all members absent or dissenting.
The Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary. And 'the extraordinary meeting called for the amendment of the statutes and the dissolution of the association. E 'ordinary in all other cases.
The discussions and deliberations of the Assembly are contained in a report prepared by a specially elected member of the Assembly and signed by himself and the President. ARTICLE 9
The Assembly is validly constituted on first call with the presence of half plus one of the associate members, with voting rights, and second call, whatever the number of members present or represented. The deliberations of the Assembly shall be valid unless approved by half plus one of the members present or represented.
The Ordinary General Meeting shall be called at least once a year to approve the budget within 3 (three) months from the end;
The Ordinary:
- approves the budget, the final account and Activity Report;
- discuss and approve the work programs;
- elect from among its members, an absolute majority of votes, the President, the Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary;
- among the members shall elect the members of the Board of Directors and approve number;
- appoints the Board of Auditors (optional), establishing any compensation if the auditors are outside the Association;
- elect the members of the Board of Arbitration (optional);
- ratification replacement members of the Board of Directors who have resigned, died or fallen approved by the Board of Directors by drawing on the classification of the non-elect
- approve any regulation and its variations;
- delibera sulla quota associativa annuale e sugli eventuali contributi straordinari;
- delibera sull’esclusione dei soci;
- delibera su tutti gli altri oggetti sottoposti al suo esame dal Consiglio Direttivo;
- approva i rimborsi massimi previsti per i membri del Consiglio Direttivo ed eventualmente per i soci, qualora svolgano funzioni di interesse generale per l’Associazione. Tali spese devono essere opportunamente documentate;
-approva l’ammontare dei compensi per le eventuali prestazioni d’opera che si rendano necessarie ai fini della realizzazione degli impegni dell’Associazione.
L’Assemblea delega il Consiglio Direttivo a compiere tutte le azioni necessarie a realizzare gli obiettivi defined by the association.
The shareholders' resolutions must be published by posting of a report enrollment on the site and included in the book minutes of meetings and resolutions of the meeting held by the Secretary. ARTICLE 10
The convening of the extraordinary is done in the manner provided by art. 8.
The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting:
- approve any amendments to the Statute with the presence, in person or by proxy, of two thirds of the members
and deliberate decision by a majority of those present
- dissolve the association and assets devolves with the favorable vote of 3 / 4 (three quarters) of the members participating. ARTICLE 11
can cover the officers all shareholders
- that they comply with the membership fee for the year in which the Meeting elected;
- which have not been subject to deportation or exclusion;
- which are also pending deportation or exclusion against them.

ARTICLE 12 GOVERNING COUNCIL The Executive Council is composed of a minimum of 3 (three) to a maximum of 7 (seven) members, who serve for 1 (one) year and if you do not introduce new applications for the total or partial renewal of the Directors, the Assembly may re-elect the members outgoing calls.
Assembly election, which will then determine in advance the number of Councillors within all'eligendo Board.
In case of death, resignation or expulsion of Directors before the expiry of the mandate, the Board of Directors shall provide for their replacement by using the list of non-elected: the replacement must be ratified by the next ordinary meeting and lasts until the expiry of terms of reference of surrogate . If
decade more than half of the members of the Executive Council, the Assembly must provide for election by the renewal of the entire organ.
The Board directs the activities of the Association implements the mandates and decisions of the Assembly and is invested with full powers for ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association, except those that the law and the Statute assign to the Assembly. All
associative positions are covered free of charge.
the Board may be reimbursed for actual costs and reporting on the performance of tasks and activities on behalf of the Association, within the maximum established by the Assembly.
The Board is responsible to the Assembly for the operational management. In particular, it performs the following activities:
- implementing all the resolutions of the Assembly;
- draw up and submit to the Assembly the budget, the final accounts and report of activities;
- decides on applications for new membership;
- submit proposals to the Assembly the exclusion of members;
- submit to the Assembly for the annual membership dues members;
- may constitute committees, involving associates or experts also non-members, for the definition and the practical implementation of specific programs and projects;
- make all the acts of ordinary administration that does not accrue to the General members.
The Board is chaired by the President or in his absence, the Vice President.
The Executive Council shall be convened by President at least twice a year, and all the times when there is material on which to act, or when a request is made by at least 2 / 3 (two thirds) of the components. The call goes
branched writing and / or e-mail with at least 7 (seven) days in advance and must include the agenda, place, date and time of the session. In the absence of formal summons or fails to observe the notice periods are equally valid meetings involving all members of the Board of Directors.
The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, drafted by the Secretary and signed by him and who presided over the meeting, they are kept on record. For the validity
deliberations should be the actual presence of a majority of members of the Board of Directors. The decisions shall be by vote of the majority of those present in the event of an equality of votes the resolution shall be deemed not approved.
There are no delegations to the Board of Directors. ARTICLE 13

PRESIDENT The President, elected by the Assembly is in charge 1 (one) year and is re-elected.
The President is the legal representative of the Association before third parties and in court, by the implementation of resolutions of the Board of Directors, oversees all activities of the Association shall convene and chair the Board of Directors, whose function is the guarantor of the Assembly; convenes and presides over the Shareholders' Meeting.
In case of absence or impediment of his duties the Vice President or, failing that, to the oldest member of the Board.
The President, in case of emergency, assumed the powers of the Board and shall take all measures necessary to summon the same time the Council for their approval: urgent measures must be examined by the President of the Board of Directors at the first meeting.

ARTICLE 14 SECRETARY The Secretary is responsible for preparing minutes of the shareholders, the minutes of the Executive Council, issue invitations to the meetings of the President, keep the letters and care documents of the Association, assist the President in all functions related to the implementation of the resolutions of the Assembly and the Executive Council.
The Treasurer revenue collection and payment of expenses of the Association, and in general any instrument containing an allocation or a decrease in the assets of the Association, by keeping the cash book and all documents that specifically relate to the service entrusted to him by the Board.
case if it considers it necessary or is required by law, proposed by the Assembly elects the Board of Directors the Board of Auditors. The Board of Auditors is composed of 3 (three) members and 2 (two) alternates and is in charge 1 (one) year and if you do not introduce new applications for total or partial renewal of the Board of Auditors , the Assembly may re-elect the retiring members.
The Board of Auditors monitors the administration of the Association, may attend meetings of the Assembly and the Board of Directors without voting rights, ensure the proper completion of records and certify the correspondence of the final budget to the accounting records .
The assembly, where it sees fit, elect a Board of Arbitrators, a maximum number of 3 (three), which is in charge 1 (one) year, which mandated criteria to be determined, monitoring the activities of the Association and the Settlement of Disputes which may arise between members. The resolutions of the Board of Arbitrators shall be final.
The Honorary President may be appointed by the Assembly for exceptional merits in favor of the acquired assets.
The Honorary President is a member, that has all the rights and obligations of other members of the Association.
the Honorary President may be assigned by the Executive positions of representation and contacts with agencies and external stakeholders.
The Association draws economic resources for the operation and conduct of its business by:
- Contributions of members and private
- contributions of international organizations, the State, institutions and also public institutions aimed at achieving objectives in accordance with its purposes;
- donations of members and third parties;
- revenue derived from the performance of agreed services;
- inheritance, donations and bequests;
- proceeds from the sale of goods and services to members, their families living with and to third parties, including through the development of economic activities of commercial, craft or agricultural activities in an auxiliary and subsidiary and not aimed at the achievement of institutional goals of the Association;
- revenue from promotional initiatives aimed at self-financing such as parties and even subscriptions to premium
- any other income allowed by law and accepted by the Association.
Contributions of members shall be the annual membership fees and any extraordinary contributions established by the Assembly, which will determine the amount.
The assets of the Association consists of movable and immovable property pervenuti all’associazione a qualsiasi titolo.
Il patrimonio dell'Associazione sotto qualsiasi forma deve essere destinato esclusivamente ai fini e per le attività istituzionali previste dallo Statuto.
Si può prevedere un fondo di riserva in bilancio: tale fondo accoglie gli avanzi di gestione eventualmente accumulati in attesa di essere reinvestiti nell’attività istituzionale.
E’ fatto divieto di dividere tra gli associati, anche in forme indirette, gli eventuali proventi derivanti dall’attività dell’Associazione.
E’ fatto obbligo di reinvestire l’eventuale avanzo di gestione a favore di attività istituzionali statutariamente previste.
L’anno social and financial terms begin on January 1 and ends December 31.
At the end of each year, the Board of Directors draws up the budget and final account and report of activities and submit them for approval.
These documents must be filed with the office of the Association within fifteen days prior to the meeting to be consulted by any member. The statement approved by
is deposited at the registered office: members are free to consult and obtain copies. In the case of special needs in the Ordinary General Meeting for approval of the accounts may be called, notwithstanding to Art. 9, within the deadline of April 30.
The Extraordinary General Meeting may decide to dissolve the association by the affirmative vote of at least 3 / 4 (three quarters) of the shareholders entitled to vote.
In case of dissolution of the Assembly shall appoint one or more liquidators and determine how the liquidation of assets and allocation.
are obliged to donate the assets of the Association, in the event of termination for any reason, to other associations with similar aims of promoting social or public purposes and destination unless otherwise required by law. ARTICLE 22 FINAL PROVISIONS

For all that is not expressly covered by this statute, the rules of the Civil Code, the National Law 383/2000, of Regional Law 7 / 2006.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Average Clothes Size By Country

"Is there anyone who asks for help." "Yes - replied the other - this is required for all mankind." "But right now - says the first - the human race is you and me"
(from Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How To Draft Treehouse Blueprints

Association of Social Promotion "OBJECTIVE Degrowth"

Social Promotion Association
"OBJECTIVE Degrowth"
Head Office
CARAGLIO - City BOTTONASCO No. 28 (CN) Cap12023
Cascina Rosa
purpose is to spread the culture of decrease, focused on building a sober society, solidarity and justice in relations between people and between them and the ecosystem.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nadine Jansen Prgnant

The revolution is taking place, a time of change is coming: between Wall Street and climate change, the hope of moving forward

A period of upheaval in terms of economic Financial is distinguishing these days in mid-September 2008. The American banking crisis brought down with him one of the largest banks in the world, Lehman Brothers. The events of recent days are known to all. But the real significance of what has happened, this is reflected in the statements of the candidates today at the White House, Obama, who said to us that these events are: "Nothing Less Than The final verdict on an Economic That philosophy has failed Completely." or "nothing less than the final verdict of an economic philosophy that has completely failed." It certainly was not necessary to fish out Obama, we just look at our house to Tremonti, in his book that announced something similar. Even Alan Greenspan, in one way or another responsible for the disaster, has now become one of the critics of the system that has helped to build. In fact it is easy criticize a system that has already arrived at the collapse, the difficulty is to understand first and act first against anything that might lead to a crisis. Scholars generally rely on objective data and objective data is always current, which is the result of events that have occurred. Understanding the future is the task instead of the estimates but the estimates are always questionable. The numbers do not help us to make estimates, the statistics can only tell us that numerically each side of a coin has a 50% chance to get out, the understanding is therefore entrusted to the sensitivity and capacity analysis of man but for every person who carries out a proper analysis at least another it has a very correct, so the management of 'projects future 'is really complicated and you end up waiting for the events make choices for us when it is too late.
But when the error is on the 'system' which is interpreted and managed the global economy, this error is likely to change the lives of people all over the planet. However, global changes are happening in other areas. The news that the melting of ice at the Pole is now advancing ever more rapidly, is becoming less shy in the media but still the news is not vital, because it still does not work in our lives, but probably will do soon, maybe then everyone will ride those events to be defined who announced the disaster. Personally, I am among those who believe that the head of climate change is not man, or rather, not just the man. I believe that the Earth's climate is not stable, in fact it never was during our geological ages, man has certainly played a role, but I do not think the sole author of what is happening. Establish the guilt of those who are of this and other distortions that we will meet after all is not as important now for us who live these changes, perhaps even more important and would seek to restore a form of political management more visionary than the world has in recent years. A policy that is more capable to understand, predict, plan. In parallel a form of government that empowers decision makers only for the limited period in which it takes, but for much longer period in which these decisions will take effect in terms of programming. Perhaps more seriously simply enough.
That said (and it was not my goal to make the moralizing even though I got there) the point is that the world is changing under our feet. The years ahead will bring major disruption in terms of economic, environmental and will bring radical changes in the 'system' is based on which our economy and our way of life. The increases in oil this year then we have shown in our pockets as the dependence on this fuel runs out to act in our lives so heavy, with increases and inflation rates not only themselves but fuel for every good thing: The same age as the only source of oil today should be put seriously in question. We face a different world, with enormous upheaval and challenges. But this world is coming, is not and will not be in the hands of those who can read well the events of today but those who can foresee today's events tomorrow, those who know how to plan and imagine our future and the future of the world.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Swim Wild Dolphins Cuba

Achieve your dreams: the last great lesson Randy Pausha

I recently came across a video that has become famous: the last lecture of Randy Pausha. The last lesson because Randy had cancer, talk to the past because Randy has recently passed away but not without 'fulfill his destiny' of the father and teacher, and leaving a 'testament' that I find truly enlightening. If you were near your death and you did, what would you say to those who remain? If you find the meaning of your life as you do this? Randy's response in this video that strongly recommend it to everyone!

PS: Everything is in English here you will find the PDF to help: Pausch ~ / Randy / pauschlastlecturetranscript.pdf

Friday, May 2, 2008

Join Army With Lazy Eye

I end up on the net income of Italians and the dignity of people end up in a list

The tax office recently, seems to warrant Visco, placed online tax returns of all Italians. In practice
linked to your tax office could access the data of all citizens, full name, birth date, taxable income and taxes paid. Needless to say, what has sparked the ire of many and the approval of many others.
But let us ask ourselves, is just what happened? The idea that so many have made of this story is that the rich have suffered the shame to let everyone know how much their fortunes, and ordinary people she found herself giggling happy and pleased to be able to comment on the revenue of the VIP or the most important people of their cities, getting the satisfaction of being able to finally say, 'eheh seen as earned guy? Now we know! '. The second source of satisfaction was the one to finally expose the usual vain, those who run with the big car or simulating a nabob lifestyle without having a real possibility, people exaggerated, excessive, but still well off. The third reaction, that which comes after the euphoria, is to discover these celebrities compared to the same list and finally become aware that the rich, those who are truly at the end does not suffer so much that people can find out exactly what their income, their tuttosommato can no longer rejoice that complain of being wealthy, they can at least console themselves in the wrong now with a touch of vanity, but rather removed the minority of people, the real wrong has been done to the vast majority of Italians. To those who have it normal income, or even lower, to those persons whose sober lifestyle does not let on exactly which category of income would be associated, perhaps because they did not like to flaunt their wealth, or perhaps because they lived very dignity of a life full of hardships. They have been deprived of the dignity to live anonymously their way of life 'normal' or to live in their condition as 'poor', without which this could perhaps something to be ashamed to worry. It was not removing the anonymity of the rich, we all know that Vieri is not poor, we all know that Armani is not poor, she was taken to the dignity of poor Mr. Rossi, who has three children and € 0 in 2005 said of the tax. Poor bastard. Poor failed. Like when a school was the listing of the prettiest girls we can now finally have the list of Italians richer and therefore more important, those who are successful and who is not, those who won and who lost. Italian, we were a nation of saints, poets, sailors, we were, when excel meant to leave an important trace in the life of the people and not simply a form of taxes.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Redrock Bowling Prices

New Website! Gd

After weeks of gestation, by Democrats and Peronato Poggi, is on the new site:

This site will be left to himself for the rest of his life and will no longer be updated.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Deductible College Application Expenses 2010

Program - Local elections 2008

1. Thinking about the implementation of a system of bike paths integrated into the urban fabric, giving priority to major traffic junctions and major highways out of the city; ICI relief to the citizens to invest in energy conservation and publicizing the incentives at the national level;
2. Encouraging a culture of energy conservation and recycling in schools and with specific initiatives such as M'illumino less and Festambiente;
improved maintenance of public parks of neighborhoods;

1. Construction of a tram that links the rod to High Bridge and on which engages a different structure of bus lines, not only radial but also more circular
abatement of the price of tickets and passes, the improvement is compatible with AIM, so enable the use of public transport users to a greater and more general;
2. She ran as often and timetables agreed with the needs of students and workers, reflecting the method of the bands;
3. Promote the alternative use of some facilities such as an indoor stadium for activities cultural
4. Rethinking the whole area of \u200b\u200bViale Ferrarin to make it the true sports center built in the city;
5. Strengthening of service centrobus lunch break from 5 to 23;

1. Support and finance organizations that organize rock festivals and celebrations of the neighborhood, imagining the possibility of creating a great party town rock;
2. Arrange events throughout the year to revitalize the cultural and social life of the city (White Night, Day at the walls, etc.);
3. Ensure free entry to the tests of the Teatro Comunale,
4. Arrange events in which talents are promoted youth and the cultural offerings of the citizens of Vicenza, not forgetting any competitions

YOUTH POLICY 1. Creation of a youth center run by the municipality in which both promoted the culture and artistic talent;
2. Financial and logistical support activation of socio-political movements of training for citizenship;
3. Expand the opportunities of the youth card and information centers

The Young Democrats are opposed to the decision to build a second base in Vicenza in dell'areoporto Dal Molin, and for the impact that the environmental and urban new settlement would be for the function of war the same.
While respecting international treaties concluded between the Italian government and the United States of America, claim that the local population is consulted to find an alternative solution.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Let's Play Tabletop Warhammer

Convocation Dual Active Listings

The Gd of Vicenza and Hinterland are convened Tuesday, March 18 at 17:30 the site ex-Ds in 11 New Market Street to be updated on new organizational developments and to comment on the election campaign and (hopefully) approving the be submitted to the mayoral candidate Achille Variati drafted by Democrats and Peroni Peronato on the basis of proposals received.
Since we are a serious youth, we also have to attend provincial assets, then the above mentioned are also called Wednesday, March 19 at 18:00 , always in the same place, and I quote the call, "discuss together the campaign's political and administrative, that awaits us." (All together) You can do it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Does Staples Laminate Things

Two young people in the Democratic Party! On March 11, 2008 Convocation

As you know, on 13-14 April will go to vote, as well as for the restoration of Parliament, including the renewal of the city council. This year the party has shown great attention to the nominations of young people, and this attention has led to the nominations of friends and fellow Nicholas Race, a student of Communication Science at Padua and active organization in the world of cultural and sporting events, and Enrico Peroni the same university student of the Faculty of Political Science and president of Aletheia (local organizing committee Arcigay). We both hope to successfully pass the elections of 13-14 April. Of course, as Young Democrats of the city of Vicenza and Hinterland will support both actions with propaganda on the ground and among friends. Yes, (also) They can.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Whippets And Skin Cancer

After the excellent experience of "having dinner with Achilles' last Thursday, we find ourselves in the former home of Margaret (now the Committee Variati Mayor") against Santa Caterina 10 to discuss the organization of the next events related to the campaign, but also of this and that.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Does Mercedes Use Special Steering Fluid

Primary Candidate for Mayor

Sunday, March 2 will be voted on around the town of Vicenza, the mayoral candidate of the center-left coalition (Vicenza Capital-Democratic-Socialist-Green Party-Democratic Left). Presented themselves as candidates and John Achille Variati Giuliari. We will vote in each constituency from 8.30 to 20.00.

Where to vote on Sunday?

District 1: Reed auditorium, leveraged the Angels.
District 2: District seat "Berica Riviera", in E. De Nicola, 8.
District 3: Civic Center, "La Rondine", on a Calvi.
District 4: District seat "Postojna" being Turra, 70.
District 5: District headquarters in Via Lago di Fogliano, 7.
District 6: District seat "Villa Lattes" is, in Thaon de Revel, 44.
District 7: District seat "Railwaymen", in Rismondo, 2 (corner of Via Vaccari).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back Pain After Ice Skating

Call On February 29, 2008

The election campaign started, and we can not stand still. We get together and then Friday, February 29th at 18:30 in the former home of Margaret contrà in Santa Caterina 10 to talk about:
-> Primary for the mayoral candidate of the center-left Sunday, March 2.
-> Initiatives and ideas for the campaign of the Democratic Party, nationally and Municipal.
-> Any other business.
Given the importance of the agenda, it is important to your presence. You can do it!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Can You Be In The Army With Exma

part of it!

Saturday, February 23, the square of Monte Berico
Variati Achilles speaks to Vicenza
An address to the city to explain, publicly, what path he chose to take. Achilles Variati speak Saturday, February 23, 12:00 pm, in the square in Mount Berico in Vicenza. After that, in recent weeks, his name was mentioned both as a possible candidate in the primaries for mayor and as a possible leader of the Democratic Party policies, now is the time when the reserve will be dissolved.
not miss it!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Why Toothache Worse In Evening

Kate Playground Free Access

Forum Ideas

Vicenza again by young

It is called Imagine. E 'initiative promoted by the political forces that play in the last ten years, did not participate in city government: Democratic Party, Vicenza capital, the Left - the Rainbow, Socialists and Italy of Values.

ten years Vicenza is a city stuck sitting in on itself, immersed in smog, unable to innovate and renew itself. We must react, we must leave the energy Hidden us Vicenza. It 's a duty because it is our task to imagine the city of tomorrow, the city where we live.

few months Vicenza vote on a new mayor and a new City Council and this is an opportunity to express their ideas, their proposals for the city of tomorrow.

That is why we are launching young a forum for new generations , a space for open debate in which all young people and young people can express their idea of \u200b\u200bcities, their own proposals for change.

opportunity to imagine, together, the future of Vicenza.

Friday, February 8, at 16.00, at Villa Lattes

at the District 6 - Via Thaon de Ravel 44

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Theme Music To The Apprentice

SUBJECT: Notice of meeting of Young Democrats enlarged provincial

The Assembly meets:

Friday, February 1st, 2008 at 18:00
at the Provincial Federation of the Left Democrats
11 New Market Street in Vicenza.

● Report from the coordination of the work of the Young Democrats in the first month of life
● Development of a common position of the Young Democrats on Dal Molin
● Presentation and discussion of the document "What we want" to be placed
● Presentation on the website of the day of the February 10 meetings with the circle of
● Organization of the six geographical areas and information on areas where there is already a coordination
  • Initiatives by scheduling
  • Any other

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lines On Birthday Wishes For Boss

GD Provincial Assembly Extended Memorial Day

Young Democrats of the Province of Vicenza want to remember the Holocaust with all those who have lived and fought and all those who, like us, have seen it from afar, from the rearview mirror. We want to remember looking for it in the eyes of those who were there and listening to the words of one who is not afraid to tell it. We want to know the story because "if understanding is impossible, you need to know '. It is necessary to know why the biggest mistake would be to stay indifferent to the facts that the past tells us not to forget. The Holocaust is a fact, not a fantasy, as some still maintain, and we young people we also want to keep alive the memory because only the memory of the Holocaust in the minds of all, can avoid that one day all this will happen again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Clip For A G36c Airsoft Gun

E 'started a global recession ... what is happening and what will happen? I answer I!

La caduta odierna dei mercati segna necessariamente l'inizio della recessione in america e un periodo di rallentamento per l'intera economia mondiale.
Cosa sta succedendo? Cosa succederà?
Provo a rispondere!
Innanzitutto è successo che gli USA sono stati fino ad ora il principale motore della crescita mondiale, ovvero assorbivano coi loro consumi l'aumento di produzione mondiale. Gli USA importavano sempre di più e pagavano in dollari, i quali essendo moneta di riserva mondiale venivano 'assorbiti' dal sistema economico mondiale e venivano reinvestiti sempre negli Stati Uniti finanziandone la crescita ulteriore. Così gli americani non avevano bisogno di risparmiare to grow because they could get back and spend their dollars to finance investment. Americans spend to import and abroad send back dollars in investments in government securities or other assets. In particular, China currently has an awful lot of debt in the U.S. state. Of course such a system is strongly unbalanced in the 'balance of trade' can not go on forever. When it becomes more risky or less profitable to invest in the U.S., foreigners get tired of holding all this cash in U.S. dollars and begin, as some Arabs and even the famous model Giselle Bundken, to require payments in euro. In short, is the first sign Crunch the dollar for several years now, constantly loses against the euro. First indication we had that something was changing. In addition, this continuous investment, the continuous influx of dollars to invest in the U.S., this flood of cheap money, created by a side access to credit is too easy to overestimate the effect of other major investments. American citizens are in debt as collateral giving overestimated values \u200b\u200bof their homes, using them as an ATM through the system of equity. Result, the bomb explodes, the real estate market is a big 'bubble', secured credit received is overstated and find people who can not repay the installments the mortgage is in fact insolvent. Result HOLE outcry. The banks, moreover, were convinced of being able to eliminate the risk of diluting the world through debt securitization, in practice they were selling them as bonds, thinking that this would cover any hole, but the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to eliminate the risk in this way is proved totally false! In short, the economic system is now forced to Rivered their beliefs, those who had the motto Greenspan era never before essersela bandage his head broken and that an economic system and further away from 'real' but instead increasingly indecipherable always based on more complicated financial instruments such as uncontrollable! The complexity del sistema è tale che nessuno è più in grado di stimarne la solidità con sicurezza. Ora la patata bollente passa alle banche centrali che devono salvare il salvabile, ma è giusto salvare i banchieri che hanno messo il mondo in questa situazione? Ogni crisi porta con se una lezione e sicuramente questa crisi che si preannuncia la peggiore degli ultimi 20 anni, porterà con se la necessità di riconsiderare molte cose in campo economico. Alcune crisi nascono in seguito alle bolle derivate da una innovazione tecnologica che è stata presa con troppo entusissmo, come fu in passato per le ferrovie o in un passato più recente per internet, ma queste crisi lasciavano alla fine di questo processo di distruzione creativa l'innovazione tecnologica same, then a more modern world. What to leave this crisis rather than the idea that this system should be gatantito with a very much larger dose of seriousness? That's why this crisis is shaping up much worse, but leaves no real damage brings innovations!
However the United States need to import less and export more. They must start to save money, have to finance their own growth. The dollar, which has lost and is losing ground, helped in this process of improving the trade balance but the loss of the role of world reserve currency is likely to trigger a process leading to inflationary cost increases, the contraction in domestic consumption, reduction of power purchase wages, which in truth is currently too high. Now the reader may wonder: what has this to do with the collapse of Asian markets? Of course, if America ends up buying something like this to slow down and stop those that American consumers are the engine of its growth in China should read! China slows and together with the slowdown in China will slow the demand for raw materials that these countries have been growing lately. Result, these prices will fall as oil prices come down! Together with the reduction in oil and commodity prices should eventually be brought under control in Europe the rate of inflation so much concerned about our central bank and hence possibly a reduction discount rates will be possible for Europeans to support the crisis. The gold instead of in a situation like the current instability will continue to play its role as a safe investment and will not suffer setbacks. At the moment America is likely to enter into a phase like that unusual in Japan, with an economy that goes on for inertia. In all this it is interesting to note that, despite the fall of Wall Street today, American companies do not accuse the shot too, because this is convenient for those who do so many dollars 'shopping' in America by acquiring shares at a good price and also because corporate America, at the forefront of innovation and technology, are still very competitive in the world and it is often multi-distribute their interests around the globe, linking their growth and profitability not only to the U.S. market. Of course, if it shrank too will suffer heavy losses, but this should surely 'take' fairly satisfactory. At this juncture the great investor Warren Buffer, the oracle of Omaha, investing in the less modern and more robust, indicating clearly the new trend. Less Chiecchio, less instruments 'derivatives' and more concrete! In Asia, the decline in corporate profitability is likely to be heavy. But if U.S. consumers who fall absorb this slice of the global consumption? Who will be the new engine of growth world? Certainly China itself now has to grow in terms of domestic consumption. Countries such as Brazil or India do not seem ready yet, in fact, this role even though they represent the best hope for the future. Where then will these higher consumption? I think so in Europe, which despite being 'too' reluctant savers and increased consumption will be left with an increasingly strong currency in a position to enable it to play this role in spite of himself. The economic situation certainly much more stable core as the rest of the world makes it an attractive place to place all that savings in foreign currency which was the first in the U.S. and now no longer knows where to go. I think it will be us that from now on will end up with all the petrodollars that this has resulted in the past for America and that in the future will be for us.
How is Italy in all of this ... not good but with a hope, our production quality is less 'price sensitive' than the rest of the world and if we keep our export good hope to straighten a situazine but it must be observed carefully. Even now a battle we Italians play important and vital to maintaining our position as the country's first division and not to slip into the abyss. But this is all another story.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How To Trade Pokemon Vba On A Mac

Where does

The columns of the New York Times talk of an Italy sadder, poorer and ultimately declining and we can swear if a major international journal allows you to make certain considerations because it is not afraid to be denied.
But we Italians do not want the Times to understand that the moment we are experiencing is a special moment because it is one of those moments where the chickens are coming home to roost and when it happens so they come out all together.
The economic situation is especially serious because the truth unfair, because the current system is not Italian at all but rather is based on merit positions of power, the friendship and patronage (a mechanism known as, inter alia, to lose ' Italy the best minds).
Italy is no research, no investment in the future, is likely to remain behind. Young 'big babies' now no hope of becoming independent and 'men' as our ambitious ministers. The large Italian companies, our so-called 'pride' as Alitalia, which have no credibility, which are managed cheerfully at risk as the crack and other Parmalat crack rather have done so already. The small and medium businesses strangled.
policy, the victim of a system of small parties intent only to ensure its survival, unable to deal with and decide, plan and act, stuck in a perverse mechanism that prevents it from and reform of government, leaving the country without a guide.
The judiciary, full of problems, a situation that is really the third world (in Italy a civil trial lasts at least 20 years), which very often gives the impression of 'fight' to change the political class, do that first not for it and that risks being strongly anti-democratic, a real coup.
What happened yesterday, the minister of justice who resigned because he says 'persecuted' by hatched a plan to discredit the judiciary is a matter whose gravity has gone unnoticed by many, now accustomed to the worst, but the significance of the happened is in fact a 'war' between the powers state. It is not entirely relevant if the reason is the side of the Keeper or the magistrate, the scandal and the judge is the Keeper of that fight each other. And even this is not a new problem for Italy and for the umpteenth time again today.
Then there are the Italians, who have learned to live with all this, those who have learned to think that it is useless to be honest if all the others are not, in a world of thieves who steal is more virtuous. They have learned to accept a system which seek to make personal gain. But the way of personal gain is to lose sight of the overall framework and eventually the chickens come home to roost. You can administer a nation ill for decades, but not forever. The Campania, badly managed and with a people that knows how to travel the world, suddenly found itself in an emergency. 'Emergency' at least one word to describe a particular phenomenon that has lasted for decades, that has not been answered by the policy, had no answers from the judiciary, had no response even prior to the indignation of many that have profited on the problem. They closed one eye and looked each one to its interest. But in the end the problems are not solved, only postponed. It's called 'emergency' but it is the final act which is reached when the evils are not treated in time, the metaphor is clear bell, sooner or later it all ends in the shit!
I once again are 'happy' because of all this to really change things we have to wait for the whole of Italy is submerged by rubbish. All this must reflect a country and bring it to change before other issues are afloat, before tensions become violence before violence becomes a civil war.
Italians, 'liberated' from the moralizing gaze of the church, you can off the floor to the pope. Surely not all Italians, but no one should feel above criticism, no one should think more of that guilt is 'other'.
Too many wrong things were done thinking that the fault was 'the other'. So enough challenge, just pontificating on abstract that do not serve to anyone. We must talk less and roll up their sleeves. Italy is our country and we are Italian, the blame lies with us all. The conflicts must end, must end the conflict, must end the dualism, because there is no conflict on the adjustment path that Italy faces. Enough of this penelope canvas in which one party to disassemble the night what he did the other. The truth is that we should address the problems again in a united call us Italians and regain a minimum of national identity which, though little now, however, the only thing we have left to cling to.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Maxine Cartoons Vacation

Cagliari Italy: the problem of waste Campani moves in Sardinia

The problem related the serious situation of waste in Campania, until yesterday so far away from Sardinia, has now become a problem of Sargegna call from the national government to help dispose of waste. And so comes a cave full of 'aliga' and there's the protests of the Sardinians. Strong protests, with clashes and stone-throwing. Surely at pseudo-violent play for love throwing stones and smashing benches and who have not actually anything to do with this affair, but the opportunity to give a renewed and unexpected force at a public power which receives orders over the use of punch hard against any party that obstructs operations. We in Italy we are special, why do not we use the iron fist where there would be a great need and we use where it would be important to avoid. And our policy has accustomed us to see this and other things as quite normal in our country because our politicians are always the opposite of what should be done. Maybe it's just helping out by using our facilities to burn some trash, infuse what we change? The problem is that we Italians have learned to doubt by reason of anything on which politicians tend to minimize. If we say that this is just some ordinary trash immediately we have a reasonable suspicion that in the midst of these wastes there is something wrong and that once the ship returns box will have learned the road from us, two hundred a thousand times. A wonderful proverb says that one should not give a fish to a poor but teach him to fish, so will be able to take care of himself. The bell does not need temporary help, but need a solution now! Citizens have no reason to doubt and in the absence of clear evidence that things are not so they also have reason to show their profound disagreement and their legitimate concerns. We are talking about a very important principle that is the principle of solidarity ... but there is also another important principle guaranteed by our system and this is the 'self defense', in Campania, the cancer rate has increased dramatically and we have the right to protect our health. What comes out without a minimum of credibility from all this is politics, policy and prevention program is unable to manage and solve problems, a policy away from the territory but also a far from feeling that politics should be continuous, however, refer to the administration of public affairs. A policy that after ruining one part turns to ruin the other. In the end, but one side is positive and that is that people begin to be truly stove, bread and circuses is what the owners have always used the power to ward off people, not to anger her too, because when people is really angry then it becomes an unstoppable force, but now that the bread is too expensive and there is not so have fun and be happy, the people began to rumble and maybe it is better that many people really start to get angry because we have so maybe the hope that sooner or later something will change or at least we have something really count on to keep going because as we know it is the hope that is the last to die.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Cervix Low And Little Firm

CONSIDERATIONS moratorium on abortion

E 'these days the news of the proposal for a moratorium on abortion, which he later found in 'idea, by representatives of the center-right parties, in Parliament to revise those that are le linee guida della legge 194.

Il delicato tema dell’aborto non deve essere usato come un argomento qualsiasi, sul quale esprimere giudizi che derivano da idee precostituite, fatte sulla base dell’appartenenza a determinate aree ideologiche.

Per affrontare quindi il tema è consigliabile ricordarsi che l’aborto è una decisione delicata. Essa, in entrambi i casi, ossia sia che una donna decida o meno di optare per l’interruzione della gravidanza, lascia pesanti conseguenze, anche psicologiche.

E’ quindi questo il punto fondamentale: la scelta di abortire o meno appartiene alla sensibilità del singolo. La possibilità to act in one way or another should not be mined.

Without going in matters that belong to the field of bioethics and religion, it would be essential in a democracy such as Italy, the individual would have the right to choose according to their conscience, not having to follow a all costs to the dictates of other sources.

would also be appropriate that the issue of abortion ceases to be used as something to be used to foment political confrontation and would rather start thinking on the one hand to create the conditions for possibly avoid being forced to choose what to do; the other as a help those who decide to embark on the difficult path of the interruption of pregnancy, perhaps by offering psychological support to women.

Elena Mauro

Sunday, January 6, 2008

How To Reduce Swelling Around Knuckles

Press Release in response to the attack of Achilles Variati newspaper of January 6, 2008 Vicenza

For months, our daily commitment is to build, as young, a political party that knows how to interpret the needs of citizens and be of genuine renewal and change.

We have built a group of young people who are striving to implement a project and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe city that go beyond the old patterns and old logic. A dynamic city, European and attentive to social change in the country. A city that respects its natural, cultural and social havoc while avoiding unnecessary and harmful as the construction of a military base above the water table in the only remaining green area in the municipality. So we've actively participated in the demonstrations against Dal Molin as did all the Democratic Party at the provincial and municipal agencies with the approval of the old leaders of the DS and the Margherita and how they have supported the vast majority of local leaders of the party. The position is clearly different from those of national leaders, does not necessarily mean an exit from the party as it battles for a change of policy positions within the parties and we do not emerge. We do not see why we should be the nth to cultivate the Italian tradition of party staff.

do not understand, therefore, not free to conduct attacks all over the Democratic Party but to a single person and we rise to reasonable doubt that these attacks are to watch and born of the fear that a strong candidate could cast doubt on the election of someone very dear to the strong powers of this city.

Enrico Peroni - member of the Regional Coordinating Young Democrats

James Poss - provincial co-spokesman of the Young Democrats

Stefano Poggi - member of the coordination Provincial

Giulia Turra - a member of the provincial coordination

Elisa Carollo - member of the provincial coordination

Alex Zaffiro - member of the provincial coordination

To read the editorial by Julie Antonacci which is criticized in the position of Achilles varied in relation to each other Molin and you can comment here .