Sunday, March 21, 2010

Average Cupsizes Per Country

Where does the political battle? The Financial Crisis ...

After the recent protests and counter-demonstrations of the two political spectrum in Italy I decided to write a short post on the politics of today. Although I often enjoy doing some friendly debate with friends and acquaintances on the issues of politics, more for fun than for frown, in Actually when I try to be seriously attempted to deal with caution and handled with care. That's because politics, as on all matters relating to the convictions of people do not always possible to establish a clear line between right and wrong, more often they are instead of points of view different but equally valid because they arise from different sensitivities or different estimates. It would be nice that people with different ideas could also be respected despite this diversity of views but unfortunately is not what is happening in Italy. It would be nice that you consider to be an asset to the difference of opinions, a diversity that would allow a constructive debate for everyone! The political confrontation è diventato una battaglia senza esclusione di colpi, un combattimento senza regole, un gioco al massacro dal quale l'unico soggetto che rimane duramente offeso è la democrazia. Credo che si dovrebbe fare molta attenzione alla degenerazione della battaglia politica perchè la storia ci ricorda come questa sia una strada di sola andata verso il disastro. Il rischio è di non avere più un centro-destra e un centro-sinistra ma una destra e una sinistra radicali e contrapposte, uno scenario che riporta a tristi immagini della più recente storia italiana, a ferite non ancora rimarginate che rischiano di infettarsi.
Inutile domandarsi di chi sia la colpa, chiedersi chi abbia per primo intrapreso questo cammino portando l'avversario su questo terreno would demand a hypocrite, all they have done and no one seems willing to stop.
I think it is of paramount importance and must stop now this process, the interests of all!