Sunday, November 23, 2008
How Much Does A Quinceanera Spend
"OBJECTIVE Degrowth"
'indefinite association for social promotion called "target Degrowth", hereinafter referred to as Association.
The Association pursues the purpose of social utility in relation to members or third parties, is of unlimited duration and is non-profit.
The Association is non-partisan, non-denominational and inspires the rules of its national principles of democracy and equal rights of all members.
The Association is governed by this Statute and is based on the principles of Law 383 of 12/07/2000 and Regional Law 7 of 7/2/2006.
Additional aspects of the internal organization of the Association are governed by any regulations, approved by the shareholders on the proposal of the Executive Council. SEE ART 2
The Association is headquartered in CARAGLIO - City BOTTONASCO No. 28 (CN) Cap12023 - Cascina Rosa.
The transfer of the registered office does not change in the statutes, if it occurs within the same municipality.
E 'be given the opportunity to the Executive Council to change its registered office, if he deems it necessary, upon resolution of the shareholders notify us immediately.
The Association is required to promptly notify any change of registered institutions to providers of public registers or registers in which it is registered.
The Association may, if he deems it necessary to set up branches or independent sections in terms of capital, and economic organization.
purpose is to spread the culture of decrease, focused on building a sober society, solidarity and justice in the relations between people and between them and the ecosystem. Therefore
PROPOSES rethinking of current conceptions of wealth and prosperity, based on growth unlimited production, consumption and profits, and undertakes to flip the imaginary economist who now colonizes minds and society.
promote the search for a new type of individual and common welfare increasing:
friendliness and mutual trust between people
the integration of culture as a (scientific technical) with that because of (humanistic)
the free flow of ideas and knowledge together with its transmission between generations
techniques and artisan knowledge
the self and non-commercial exchange of goods and services
use behaviors, practices and technologies in order to reduce the environmental impact The Association of human activities
to acknowledge the purpose, may use web site, blog and email. ARTICLE 4 ACTIVITIES
To further the purposes of Article. 3, the Association may perform the following activities:
organize seminars and public meetings;
project and ensure courses and training, information, education, research and documentation;
Disclosure of goods and services consistent with its objects;
Promote research programs and meetings and national and international exchange between scientists and citizens on issues related to the decrease;
follow and encourage experimentation with social practices, economic and political alternatives;
produce publications and reference materials such as books, magazines, pamphlets, paper documents, electronic, video, photo exhibitions;
Collaborate with public and private institutions;
speak out in public, political and cultural debate;
Provide support and mentoring in the development of research and study;
organize and promote opportunities for socializing and sharing;
promote opportunities to meet, and exchange knowledge with other companies in a perspective of solidarity and reciprocity;
promote initiatives for ' access to employment, social life, to the use of tools or services by those who now rule the market;
The promotion and management of mutual aid among members.
addition, the Association, by specific resolutions, may: •
administer food and beverages at events within the meaning of art. 31, paragraph 2 of Law 383/2000;
• make occasional public collections of funds;
• exercise in a purely marginal and non-profit, commercial activities such as promotional activities aimed at self-financing (such as parties and even subscriptions to premium income) for self-financing; in which case it must comply with administrative regulations and tax regulations;
• carry out all those other activities necessary or appropriate for the achievement of social goals.
In pursuit of these activities, the Association relies mostly free of the voluntary and free of its members. In the case of special need may also use self-employment or employee benefits, including the application to its members.
the Association may be admitted to Italian citizens and foreigners with proven morality which share the principles and purposes of the Association.
The number of members is unlimited. Association members can be individuals and institutions that share its goals, undertake to achieve and are motivated by a spirit of cooperation and solidarity.
There is no discrimination of gender, ethnic, racial, cultural, political or religious when assessing an application for entry in the Association, or between members of the Association.
members are distinguished: the founding members, namely those who participated in the constitution of the Association; ordinary members, namely those who have joined in later.
There shall be no difference in treatment between the partners as to the rights and obligations towards the Association.
Members have the right to: •
to participate in all activities sponsored Association, receiving information and having the right to verify the limits established by legislation, by this Charter and by any regulations of the Association;
• governing bodies to elect and be elected in the same;
Members are required:
• observance of the Statute, the Rules and the decisions taken by governing bodies;
• payment by the terms of the subscription, if established annually by the shareholders. The membership fee is intrasmissibile and have not been adjusted and in no case be returned.
The admission of a new member is decided by the Board of Directors following the submission of a written request containing the applicant's commitment to comply with this Charter and to comply with any regulations and resolutions adopted by organs of the Association. The possible rejection of application for admission must still be justified.
When issuing the membership card of the applicant, to all intents and acquires the status of partner, which is intrasmissibile inter vivos.
However, it excludes the temporary nature of participation in community life, except the right of withdrawal.
The application for admission of legal persons, entities and associations must be signed by the corresponding legal representative and must contain the appointment of a delegate to represent the same within the Association.
Membership status is lost by withdrawal, exclusion or cause of death.
The resignation by a member must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors.
The exclusion of a member is approved by the shareholders on the proposal of the Executive Council in respect of the member:
a) fails to comply with this statute, any regulations and resolutions legally adopted by organs of the Association;
b) without just cause, it becomes delinquent in paying the annual membership fee, approved by the shareholders;
c) performs activities contrary to the interests of the Association;
d) in any way causes serious harm, even moral, to the Association.
The exclusion becomes effective from the record in the shareholders.
The decisions taken as regards the termination, revocation and exclusion shall be communicated by letter addressed to the shareholders, except as provided in b), allowing right of reply.
The member ceased or excluded must meet its obligations until operations at the time of termination or exclusion, and to define in the Association, of the members of third parties, the legal relationship established as an associate of the Association.
The loss of status of associate involves the automatic disqualification from any office held both inside and outside of the Association for appointment or delegation.
In all cases of dissolution of a relationship limited to associate membership, they or their heirs are not entitled to reimbursement of the fee paid annually, nor have any rights to the assets.
members must pay the annual membership dues as are determined by the Assembly.
The membership of the Association does not involve financial obligations or expenditure other than the payment of the above, but it may make contributions of members more than the annual fee.
bodies are:
- The Assembly
- President
- Governing Council
The Assembly is the highest organ of the Association, regulates the activity of which it is composed of all members and is governed by the principle of the single vote.
have the right to participate in the meeting all members in good standing by paying the annual membership fee and who have not had or have no current disciplinary action.
Each member may be represented by another member, giving the same written proxy. No member can represent more than one member. The
both ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting is chaired by the President of the Board or in his absence, the Vice-President or the senior adviser.
If necessary the Assembly shall elect a secretary.
The Assembly shall be convened by the President, when it explicitly applies at least 1 / 10 (one tenth) of the members entitled to vote, or at the request of a majority of members of the Board of Directors. The call goes
branched writing and / or e-mail with 15 (fifteen) days in advance and must include the agenda, place, date and time of first call and the second call, which must take place with at least one hour after the first.
In the absence of formal summons or fails to observe the notice periods are equally valid meetings attended in person or by proxy all members.
The resolutions passed by also binding on all members absent or dissenting.
The Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary. And 'the extraordinary meeting called for the amendment of the statutes and the dissolution of the association. E 'ordinary in all other cases.
The discussions and deliberations of the Assembly are contained in a report prepared by a specially elected member of the Assembly and signed by himself and the President. ARTICLE 9
The Assembly is validly constituted on first call with the presence of half plus one of the associate members, with voting rights, and second call, whatever the number of members present or represented. The deliberations of the Assembly shall be valid unless approved by half plus one of the members present or represented.
The Ordinary General Meeting shall be called at least once a year to approve the budget within 3 (three) months from the end;
The Ordinary:
- approves the budget, the final account and Activity Report;
- discuss and approve the work programs;
- elect from among its members, an absolute majority of votes, the President, the Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary;
- among the members shall elect the members of the Board of Directors and approve number;
- appoints the Board of Auditors (optional), establishing any compensation if the auditors are outside the Association;
- elect the members of the Board of Arbitration (optional);
- ratification replacement members of the Board of Directors who have resigned, died or fallen approved by the Board of Directors by drawing on the classification of the non-elect
- approve any regulation and its variations;
- delibera sulla quota associativa annuale e sugli eventuali contributi straordinari;
- delibera sull’esclusione dei soci;
- delibera su tutti gli altri oggetti sottoposti al suo esame dal Consiglio Direttivo;
- approva i rimborsi massimi previsti per i membri del Consiglio Direttivo ed eventualmente per i soci, qualora svolgano funzioni di interesse generale per l’Associazione. Tali spese devono essere opportunamente documentate;
-approva l’ammontare dei compensi per le eventuali prestazioni d’opera che si rendano necessarie ai fini della realizzazione degli impegni dell’Associazione.
L’Assemblea delega il Consiglio Direttivo a compiere tutte le azioni necessarie a realizzare gli obiettivi defined by the association.
The shareholders' resolutions must be published by posting of a report enrollment on the site and included in the book minutes of meetings and resolutions of the meeting held by the Secretary. ARTICLE 10
The convening of the extraordinary is done in the manner provided by art. 8.
The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting:
- approve any amendments to the Statute with the presence, in person or by proxy, of two thirds of the members
and deliberate decision by a majority of those present
- dissolve the association and assets devolves with the favorable vote of 3 / 4 (three quarters) of the members participating. ARTICLE 11
can cover the officers all shareholders
- that they comply with the membership fee for the year in which the Meeting elected;
- which have not been subject to deportation or exclusion;
- which are also pending deportation or exclusion against them.
ARTICLE 12 GOVERNING COUNCIL The Executive Council is composed of a minimum of 3 (three) to a maximum of 7 (seven) members, who serve for 1 (one) year and if you do not introduce new applications for the total or partial renewal of the Directors, the Assembly may re-elect the members outgoing calls.
Assembly election, which will then determine in advance the number of Councillors within all'eligendo Board.
In case of death, resignation or expulsion of Directors before the expiry of the mandate, the Board of Directors shall provide for their replacement by using the list of non-elected: the replacement must be ratified by the next ordinary meeting and lasts until the expiry of terms of reference of surrogate . If
decade more than half of the members of the Executive Council, the Assembly must provide for election by the renewal of the entire organ.
The Board directs the activities of the Association implements the mandates and decisions of the Assembly and is invested with full powers for ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association, except those that the law and the Statute assign to the Assembly. All
associative positions are covered free of charge.
the Board may be reimbursed for actual costs and reporting on the performance of tasks and activities on behalf of the Association, within the maximum established by the Assembly.
The Board is responsible to the Assembly for the operational management. In particular, it performs the following activities:
- implementing all the resolutions of the Assembly;
- draw up and submit to the Assembly the budget, the final accounts and report of activities;
- decides on applications for new membership;
- submit proposals to the Assembly the exclusion of members;
- submit to the Assembly for the annual membership dues members;
- may constitute committees, involving associates or experts also non-members, for the definition and the practical implementation of specific programs and projects;
- make all the acts of ordinary administration that does not accrue to the General members.
The Board is chaired by the President or in his absence, the Vice President.
The Executive Council shall be convened by President at least twice a year, and all the times when there is material on which to act, or when a request is made by at least 2 / 3 (two thirds) of the components. The call goes
branched writing and / or e-mail with at least 7 (seven) days in advance and must include the agenda, place, date and time of the session. In the absence of formal summons or fails to observe the notice periods are equally valid meetings involving all members of the Board of Directors.
The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, drafted by the Secretary and signed by him and who presided over the meeting, they are kept on record. For the validity
deliberations should be the actual presence of a majority of members of the Board of Directors. The decisions shall be by vote of the majority of those present in the event of an equality of votes the resolution shall be deemed not approved.
There are no delegations to the Board of Directors. ARTICLE 13
PRESIDENT The President, elected by the Assembly is in charge 1 (one) year and is re-elected.
The President is the legal representative of the Association before third parties and in court, by the implementation of resolutions of the Board of Directors, oversees all activities of the Association shall convene and chair the Board of Directors, whose function is the guarantor of the Assembly; convenes and presides over the Shareholders' Meeting.
In case of absence or impediment of his duties the Vice President or, failing that, to the oldest member of the Board.
The President, in case of emergency, assumed the powers of the Board and shall take all measures necessary to summon the same time the Council for their approval: urgent measures must be examined by the President of the Board of Directors at the first meeting.
ARTICLE 14 SECRETARY The Secretary is responsible for preparing minutes of the shareholders, the minutes of the Executive Council, issue invitations to the meetings of the President, keep the letters and care documents of the Association, assist the President in all functions related to the implementation of the resolutions of the Assembly and the Executive Council.
The Treasurer revenue collection and payment of expenses of the Association, and in general any instrument containing an allocation or a decrease in the assets of the Association, by keeping the cash book and all documents that specifically relate to the service entrusted to him by the Board.
case if it considers it necessary or is required by law, proposed by the Assembly elects the Board of Directors the Board of Auditors. The Board of Auditors is composed of 3 (three) members and 2 (two) alternates and is in charge 1 (one) year and if you do not introduce new applications for total or partial renewal of the Board of Auditors , the Assembly may re-elect the retiring members.
The Board of Auditors monitors the administration of the Association, may attend meetings of the Assembly and the Board of Directors without voting rights, ensure the proper completion of records and certify the correspondence of the final budget to the accounting records .
The assembly, where it sees fit, elect a Board of Arbitrators, a maximum number of 3 (three), which is in charge 1 (one) year, which mandated criteria to be determined, monitoring the activities of the Association and the Settlement of Disputes which may arise between members. The resolutions of the Board of Arbitrators shall be final.
The Honorary President may be appointed by the Assembly for exceptional merits in favor of the acquired assets.
The Honorary President is a member, that has all the rights and obligations of other members of the Association.
the Honorary President may be assigned by the Executive positions of representation and contacts with agencies and external stakeholders.
The Association draws economic resources for the operation and conduct of its business by:
- Contributions of members and private
- contributions of international organizations, the State, institutions and also public institutions aimed at achieving objectives in accordance with its purposes;
- donations of members and third parties;
- revenue derived from the performance of agreed services;
- inheritance, donations and bequests;
- proceeds from the sale of goods and services to members, their families living with and to third parties, including through the development of economic activities of commercial, craft or agricultural activities in an auxiliary and subsidiary and not aimed at the achievement of institutional goals of the Association;
- revenue from promotional initiatives aimed at self-financing such as parties and even subscriptions to premium
- any other income allowed by law and accepted by the Association.
Contributions of members shall be the annual membership fees and any extraordinary contributions established by the Assembly, which will determine the amount.
The assets of the Association consists of movable and immovable property pervenuti all’associazione a qualsiasi titolo.
Il patrimonio dell'Associazione sotto qualsiasi forma deve essere destinato esclusivamente ai fini e per le attività istituzionali previste dallo Statuto.
Si può prevedere un fondo di riserva in bilancio: tale fondo accoglie gli avanzi di gestione eventualmente accumulati in attesa di essere reinvestiti nell’attività istituzionale.
E’ fatto divieto di dividere tra gli associati, anche in forme indirette, gli eventuali proventi derivanti dall’attività dell’Associazione.
E’ fatto obbligo di reinvestire l’eventuale avanzo di gestione a favore di attività istituzionali statutariamente previste.
L’anno social and financial terms begin on January 1 and ends December 31.
At the end of each year, the Board of Directors draws up the budget and final account and report of activities and submit them for approval.
These documents must be filed with the office of the Association within fifteen days prior to the meeting to be consulted by any member. The statement approved by
is deposited at the registered office: members are free to consult and obtain copies. In the case of special needs in the Ordinary General Meeting for approval of the accounts may be called, notwithstanding to Art. 9, within the deadline of April 30.
The Extraordinary General Meeting may decide to dissolve the association by the affirmative vote of at least 3 / 4 (three quarters) of the shareholders entitled to vote.
In case of dissolution of the Assembly shall appoint one or more liquidators and determine how the liquidation of assets and allocation.
are obliged to donate the assets of the Association, in the event of termination for any reason, to other associations with similar aims of promoting social or public purposes and destination unless otherwise required by law. ARTICLE 22 FINAL PROVISIONS
For all that is not expressly covered by this statute, the rules of the Civil Code, the National Law 383/2000, of Regional Law 7 / 2006.
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