Friday, February 29, 2008

Does Mercedes Use Special Steering Fluid

Primary Candidate for Mayor

Sunday, March 2 will be voted on around the town of Vicenza, the mayoral candidate of the center-left coalition (Vicenza Capital-Democratic-Socialist-Green Party-Democratic Left). Presented themselves as candidates and John Achille Variati Giuliari. We will vote in each constituency from 8.30 to 20.00.

Where to vote on Sunday?

District 1: Reed auditorium, leveraged the Angels.
District 2: District seat "Berica Riviera", in E. De Nicola, 8.
District 3: Civic Center, "La Rondine", on a Calvi.
District 4: District seat "Postojna" being Turra, 70.
District 5: District headquarters in Via Lago di Fogliano, 7.
District 6: District seat "Villa Lattes" is, in Thaon de Revel, 44.
District 7: District seat "Railwaymen", in Rismondo, 2 (corner of Via Vaccari).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back Pain After Ice Skating

Call On February 29, 2008

The election campaign started, and we can not stand still. We get together and then Friday, February 29th at 18:30 in the former home of Margaret contrĂ  in Santa Caterina 10 to talk about:
-> Primary for the mayoral candidate of the center-left Sunday, March 2.
-> Initiatives and ideas for the campaign of the Democratic Party, nationally and Municipal.
-> Any other business.
Given the importance of the agenda, it is important to your presence. You can do it!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Can You Be In The Army With Exma

part of it!

Saturday, February 23, the square of Monte Berico
Variati Achilles speaks to Vicenza
An address to the city to explain, publicly, what path he chose to take. Achilles Variati speak Saturday, February 23, 12:00 pm, in the square in Mount Berico in Vicenza. After that, in recent weeks, his name was mentioned both as a possible candidate in the primaries for mayor and as a possible leader of the Democratic Party policies, now is the time when the reserve will be dissolved.
not miss it!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Why Toothache Worse In Evening

Kate Playground Free Access

Forum Ideas

Vicenza again by young

It is called Imagine. E 'initiative promoted by the political forces that play in the last ten years, did not participate in city government: Democratic Party, Vicenza capital, the Left - the Rainbow, Socialists and Italy of Values.

ten years Vicenza is a city stuck sitting in on itself, immersed in smog, unable to innovate and renew itself. We must react, we must leave the energy Hidden us Vicenza. It 's a duty because it is our task to imagine the city of tomorrow, the city where we live.

few months Vicenza vote on a new mayor and a new City Council and this is an opportunity to express their ideas, their proposals for the city of tomorrow.

That is why we are launching young a forum for new generations , a space for open debate in which all young people and young people can express their idea of \u200b\u200bcities, their own proposals for change.

opportunity to imagine, together, the future of Vicenza.

Friday, February 8, at 16.00, at Villa Lattes

at the District 6 - Via Thaon de Ravel 44