Thursday, December 20, 2007

Retail Stores That Sell Revereware

E 'was born in Vicenza, Italy in the first , the provisional provincial coordination of Young Democrats

Yesterday evening, December 19, 2007, met in Vicenza for the first time and on the first throughout the country on the provisional provincial coordination of the Democratic Party made up of young from 11 young, 4 girls and 7 boys, aged between 14 and 30 from all over the province.

At the first meeting several issues were discussed and the first thing has initiated the organization of the "core of young people" to be held March 21 and with whom you elect the positions of youth.

components of coordination are provisional: elisa horses (21), giulia turra (19), Elena Mauri (19), Elisa Valentina Carollo (), James Poss (17), alberto drills (17), Stefano Poggi ( 17), Enrico Peroni (20), Mark Buse (24), Alex Zaffiro (23).

E 'was created to promote discussion with those who are interested in participating in this process a group reached at: / group / giovanidemvicentini

For more information click here

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Watch Master Len Free

born provisional coordination of Young Democrats Veneti Municipal

The Young Democrats have created of Veneto, Saturday, December 15, a provisional coordination consists of 12 members (five girls and seven boys), who will be responsible for organizing the Spring primaries which will be structured with the youth movement of the Venetian PD . At the constitutional process are also participating in a dozen cultural and political associations.

Here are the names of the twelve regional leaders, all very young:

Alessia Mingardi (24 years), Elena Spolaore (23), Marco Taietta (22), Matteo Corbo (23), Zeno Toffailini (21), Chiara Zampieri (22), Nicholas live them (22), Lucia Menozzi (19), Enrico Peroni (20) , Filippo Silvestri (25), Maria Luisa Zanocco (24), Leonardo Ebner (21).

Friday, December 14, 2007

Were Microwaves Invented

2008, the challenge begins! The document

Several girls and several boys have been actively engaged in the city to campaign for the Oct. 14 primary, and that extraordinary day of political passion was born the desire to build our space, of Young Democrats and Democrats , in which to confront the future of our city.

A tre mesi di distanza, Venerdì 14 Dicembre, abbiamo iniziato un processo che mira a costruire un progetto concreto per le elezioni comunali della prossima primavera.

Un processo che sia aperto e libero, un processo che si nutra delle esperienze del maggior numero di giovani vicentini. Per questo motivo abbiamo pensato a lanciare una serie di iniziative: la creazione di una mailing list a cui ci si può iscrivere scrivendo alla mail , la riattivazione del blog e soprattutto una giornata di confronto e proposta delle giovani e dei giovani per la città di Vicenza, Mercoledì 9 Gennaio 2008.

a date to be able to offer space for what are our needs to make a different city, to make a change after years of youth policies exist. There are so many issues dear to us young people that will be discussed: from the public space, mobility in a city that knows how to be open, dynamic, modern, European Union.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Chow Chow E Poodle Mix

of Young Democrats of the Province of Vicenza

Friday, December 7, 2007, more than 20 young people aged 14 to 30 years from different parts of the province
met to discuss the important contribution they are called to give the baby
Democratic Party.

E 'born from this mix of planning and common goals
a path that follows the adventurous and innovative features of the Democratic Party, but that
proposed to overcome any limitations and barriers that have the most extensive and wide-ranging

Young Democrats are born in the province of Vicenza.

By a unanimous vote of those present, were chosen the eleven boys who
ferried the Young Democrats to the "Primary Youth" provided by Veltroni
for March 21, 2008.

First day of spring, the first day of new hope for young people to make their voices
and decide to be there.

The challenge now Young Democrats us we will face will be just
this: make the "make politics" more attractive to our peers, but also to fill this large container
content we've created the other night, first of all

hope that the Assembly met here grasp the importance of this event and
work with us to achieve this great fresh design and unified.