Viva Italy!
And you are proud to be Italian? There is an entire continent, Africa, who dreams of Italy. Desperate people who see our land as a dream of life and freedom. Risk their lives on overcrowded boats of fleeing because of hunger, tyranny and inhuman conditions. Then there are us, are not easily satisfied. Those who do not feel Italian at all why things are not going well and could be better. Why are not rich enough and it's hard to find a job well-paid, low skilled jobs because I honestly do not satisfy us (but we import the Ukrainian carers and send the laborers to pick the color of tomatoes), because we la rata della golf (perchè non compriamo più le fiat dal momento che non sono chic) e perchè la benzina costa troppo. Perchè le ferie sono troppo poche e perchè i biglietti ryanair sono aumentati! Ci sentiamo tutti singolarmente più grandi della nostra terra e prendiamo la scorciatoia più facile, la critica. Ma l'Italia siamo noi! Tutti noi! Se certe cose non ci piacciono forse dovremmo impegnarci per cambiarle! La critica disfattista è solo il modo più inutile e perdente di affrontare le cose! Forse se le cose non vanno come vorremmo è per l'atteggiamento di chi fa prima a criticare invece che impegnarsi, perchè, lo ripeto ancora, l'Italia siamo noi! Vorrei chiedere ai soliti disfattisti:"se non vi sentite Italians feel perhaps Libya? "I bet not! No one chooses a place most unlucky to represent himself. I'm just like the fans a little disappointed with his team's poor results, because all are identified in the team that wins and never in that who loses. But you are able to throw the ball in the net? Come forward then! A bit comfortable to fans. In the world there are 201 states and we are one of the wealthiest, many will want to identify with those richer but no is identified with the countries most unlucky Well I have news for friends critical of Italy: he could go there a lot worse! We are not rich? "At least we are not poor! Democracy works badly? At least we have one! I posti di lavoro sono pochi? Almeno i nostri figli non devono passare la giornata a cucire palloni da calcio da rivendere all'estero! Gli ospedali sono sporchi? Perlomeno non si muore più di poliomielite! Insomma, siamo tutti capaci a fare i critici e gli incontentabili ma forse dovremmo iniziare a pensare che ci poteva realmente andare molto peggio! Dovremmo veramente iniziare a pensare che l'Italia siamo noi! Sta a noi cambiarla, sta a noi amarla e migliorarla, non solo criticarla come se la causa dei mali dell'Italia non fossero gli Italiani e quindi NOI! Questo atteggiamento misto di disprezzo e superiorità è solamente la causa dei problemi degli Italiani e non la soluzione. Quindi, per cortesia, cerchiamo di non essere i soliti stronzi ingrati! Long live Italy!
Young Democrats - Vicenza And Hinterland
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Zone-archive Naruto Online
Debt / GDP
As you all know the criteria used to assess the impact of public debt in an economy is generally given its report on gross domestic product. Simplistically it is a bit like comparing an individual's debt to his annual salary. But if the individual is fired what happens? Since her income is suddenly clear, the only way to assess the solvency of the subject is to relate his debt to his heritage.
The GDP is not fixed, can vary in both positive and negative and may have collapsed!
This means that the debt ratio does not grow only if the debt is growing but it is shrinking GDP and GDP highly unstable because it is a measure also subject to sudden collapses!
So the debt ratio is a measure really reliable?
Who guarantees the solvency of the state if not the citizens? It is therefore not the solvency of citizens should always refer to obtain reliable estimates of?
All this to say that although the debt ratio is the Italian twice that of the United States, you might be surprised to find that the debt per capita is almost equal!
All this without considering the level of indebtedness of private citizens is much lower in the Italian case! Meditate
people ...
As you all know the criteria used to assess the impact of public debt in an economy is generally given its report on gross domestic product. Simplistically it is a bit like comparing an individual's debt to his annual salary. But if the individual is fired what happens? Since her income is suddenly clear, the only way to assess the solvency of the subject is to relate his debt to his heritage.
The GDP is not fixed, can vary in both positive and negative and may have collapsed!
This means that the debt ratio does not grow only if the debt is growing but it is shrinking GDP and GDP highly unstable because it is a measure also subject to sudden collapses!
So the debt ratio is a measure really reliable?
Who guarantees the solvency of the state if not the citizens? It is therefore not the solvency of citizens should always refer to obtain reliable estimates of?
All this to say that although the debt ratio is the Italian twice that of the United States, you might be surprised to find that the debt per capita is almost equal!
All this without considering the level of indebtedness of private citizens is much lower in the Italian case! Meditate
people ...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Why Is My Tummy So Hard And Bloated
History of an anonymous, shallot-groomer Chapter 35
James was already quite depressed before Tania distance himself: after his disappearance came at a time even blacker losing all interest in the work as already had happened to him following the tragic death of Flora. If you could give yourself a diversion from becoming the first in the laboratory to replace the member during the periods of relative calm, now the situation had clearly deteriorated and was no longer able to organize as he wanted. But tormented him a sense of remorse for having exploited Tania always pretended not to notice that she, more than friendship, he aspired to something more engaging. You may want to pose the a victim of a cynical cheat fate, and with this pretext, to play the part of the poor forlorn battered by the doom and misfortune. To balance the bad that had happened was not in fact better than to take his occasional lovers in the laboratory and as soon as the job allowed it, have a good time in the back shop merrily ignoring, not without a touch of malice, the look of disapproval, but also of anxiety, which Tania's launched. He certainly pulled the rope too and eventually it was broken.
just had to find his partner, maybe grovel before her, give her some small sop to do it sober, but absolutely restore many benefits that cooperation which had caused.
Owning a bunch of keys Tania often went to check she was not coming up in the meantime, though, approaching his home, ran the risk of hitting former girlfriend or missed in-laws. It is not that what upset him most of that time or better, to tell it right, some day I hope to meet the girl, while others would have walked willingly into the walls so as not to be recognized. Depended very much on his mood, as he had spent the night and what memories were rekindled in his mind as he tried to take sleep. In a few moments and then strove to stand out, climbed the stairs and loudly slammed the door, others remembered the bitterness of the past history of that troubled period for when anger took over the desire to embrace his first love confusing huge ideas. In these circumstances, the figure of Flora stood out as sharp as a real presence and seemed to want to blame for the turn that took his life and for the last shred of dignity they had lost to racing following of people who did not deserve it . He was convinced, in the circumstances, having now passed the stage of their lives better and having expect from the future, only difficulties and sufferings.
arrived in the apartment of a member each time they explore in detail a small part out of curiosity than hoping to find some information that allowed him to trace the woman. It was nevertheless prepared for any kind of surprise because Tania, it was quite certain now, had a split personality and therefore acted and behaved quite different in two ways: one side with him and with the score of the laboratory, the 'contact with other persons of high rank with whom she most interesting relationships and friendships of high caliber. It was not like that, but James was certainly fooled by Tania exchanged extensive correspondence with many of the brothers who, after passing the primary difficulty, had achieved professional positions of great prestige.
During his meticulous inspections was difficult for him navigate an enormous amount of photographs, manuscripts, documents that show how his partner had not only resigned quell'esserino and frightened him first and that many had believed, but a and determined person, one could infer from that that even very resourceful: he wanted to pose, for whatever reason, to humble and ignorant groomer, but instead proved to have a solid education and a vast culture.
The ticket that she had left, written in shaky handwriting and full of spelling mistakes, was not in fact the last hoax concocted to appear in his eyes, like a poor ignorant while the reality was very different. He could not guess the purpose of the staging, but perhaps it would come to a conclusion by continuing to investigate and catalog the material that came to hand. If he had looked more closely at the many photographs in several folders acknowledged in addition to the snapshots that portrayed in poses and different circumstances, even the face of Naomi and other familiar faces. But if it was methodical and orderly when any other document's created a certain discomfort hundreds of pictures in which he was often depicted in rough or very specific situations: for example, sitting on the toilet or while they gazed attributes before welcoming the mirror. He could not grasp the meaning of that collection and, figuring that most of the photos related to him, had lost all interest in that kind of research.
James, after returning home in the town and have opened their own business, went through several months of complete confusion. Formed as a result of the company Tania just trying to get back on track supported by a person who believed honest, enterprising and hard worker. At the same time tried to live together, which lasted only a few weeks later, with a client of the laboratory, a certain John, a little older than himself, and recently by her husband's breakaway. It was, to tirarsela at home, a decision which was immediately sorry but without the clarity necessary to return immediately to where they started dismissing the woman, and ended by declaring that experience so much trouble that would have caused. Joan, as well as being very beautiful, was also very demanding and was also in tight economic after her husband had put her at the door having discovered her yet another betrayal. Among lawyers, health centers, wealthy friends, theater, bar, attached and connected to grind money like crazy un'idrovora and was expected to remain within the James as luxury ex-husband. The boy was easily sucked into spirals of that wily seductress and equally rashly sought solutions that would allow you to navigate to their level meeting their demands. It was not in a position to make rash spending, rather it was arrabattare with the little that passed the convent, even though he had waived his laboratory to settle in to Tania and was able to be reduced, but only slightly, the monthly rate of reimbursement which he made to the father of Flora and its members. At that moment, certainly not happy then Joan broke into his life settling in the small apartment that the boy had to rent a sudden maneuver, a sort of coup, he could not oppose. He knew the men and was conscious of her beauty that he was playing hide and seek ways in which James, in the throes of infatuation stunning lightning, he could satisfy every point of view. For the boy ran after near bankruptcy by the usurers, the only ones who, in a situation where si trovava, gli avrebbero potuto concedere dei prestiti.
Ad una manciata di giornate relativamente tranquille seguirono settimane terribili in cui il ricordo della tragedia che l'aveva mandato in depressione si accompagnava alla certezza di essersi cacciato in un grosso guaio, ad un lavoro che stentava a decollare ed alle preoccupazioni che ogni notte riaffioravano durante un sonno perennemente agitato. A tutto ciò si era aggiunta la presenza costante di alcuni loschi figuri che gli stavano sempre con il fiato sul collo e lo minacciavano di terribili ritorsioni qualora egli non fosse stato puntuale nei rimborsi. Erano pretese sempre più cospicue e se riusciva a restituire una somma, gliene rimaneva sempre fuori un'altra altrettanto heavy, which had previously acquired: the accumulated interest to other interests so that the debt, instead of declining, increased because of delayed payments forever. Subtracted something from the common fund of the laboratory, he had immediately noticed Tania, but earnings were still insufficient to stem the hole that was forming as a result of his foolishness. Then took refuge in the arms of Joan, taking advantage of those rare moments that he could carve away from work and thugs, as others would appeal to a drug or alcohol. Thus became increasingly dependent on women and could not stay away for hours even when it was forced, reluctantly, to send on the laboratory.
arrived very early time when lenders confronted him brutally, until then had been quite formal in their requests, notifying a final ultimatum. He had meanwhile signed a package of bills a foot high and did not know how to meet its commitments. He thought of suicide, but did not have the courage to implement this regard. One evening, while John was in the office of his lawyer and was deciding on the separation from her husband, two thugs burst nell'appartamentino, pinned the boy on the couch and a knife to the throat ordering him to pay the outstanding amount within three days . That night James, prey on terror, but without having had the courage to tell his wife what had happened, took refuge in his arms and held her alarm clock trying to live these moments as if they were the last of his life: delayed , believed to have the right, the passing of time and the sunrise. Joan was surprised to quell'irruenza that he had never shown in the same manner, the last time was in fact very distracted, but unrelated to the vicissitudes of being young and too insensitive to capture the mood, not that he was pleased with itself for having finally found the man of her dreams. Compared him outside his astonishment, a tireless stud quadruped not imagine any way that the boy, the more stunned that horny, I just want to clear your mind. And if in the physical and what it could at that time to give James might look like a fiery animal, his soul was miserably pulping as a piece of lard in a mortar.
passed the three days that had been granted by the lenders, but they never did anything: calm on all fronts! The boy went out early in the morning and came home late at night taking care to make as little noise as possible. She had thought to leave the job and Joan to escape from that place that had become his prison, or to take refuge at the home of his parents, but his father, in those days, had suffered a bad stroke. Imagined to ask for help from his ex-girlfriend involving also the lack of laws, but did not have the courage to face them after they had found in intimate behavior with Giovanna throwing, so at least it seemed to him, unmistakable looks of disapproval. However
had passed the three-day ultimatum and irreparable nothing had happened.
went fourth and fifth day he received no news from his captors, came the end of the month that was pretty close, and what he feared did not happen.
and began to resume his old habits, to return home as soon as possible, discreetly inquired as to whether the police had made some round-by-case basis, but to no avail.
After a fortnight gave marching orders to John which was really bad as he was now convinced he has finally found a classic chicken plucking and the male fiery long sought and began to imagine that his persecutors had taken the disorder for some mysterious divine plan: his luck was still seeing!
With your hands in the most secret drawer of the sideboard Tania was extracting a bin of plastic smaller than the ones that had occurred so far at hand. He opened it and immediately recognized the pile of bills that he signed the loan sharks. Apparently his partner was time to withdraw before they could happen, something irreparable and had always been silent this detail.
He put the effects in the wallet, he collapsed on the couch littered with photos and burst into tears. Figures of Flora and Tania's overlapped in the mind first then disappeared and the emaciated face of severe social stands and clear-cut on the wall in front of him: he was mumbling something, but he was still pretending not to understand. ; He jumped up from the couch felt very weak and confused, he closed his eyes because that vision bothered him, but Tania's face began to bounce in his mind like a spinning top gone crazy. Then went out running towards the road, down the stairs three at a time, almost overwhelmed his former girlfriend who had decided on that day and after long hesitation to lurk along the path, like a sprinter overcame the long straight of the course that began to come alive and flung himself upset at home.
James was already quite depressed before Tania distance himself: after his disappearance came at a time even blacker losing all interest in the work as already had happened to him following the tragic death of Flora. If you could give yourself a diversion from becoming the first in the laboratory to replace the member during the periods of relative calm, now the situation had clearly deteriorated and was no longer able to organize as he wanted. But tormented him a sense of remorse for having exploited Tania always pretended not to notice that she, more than friendship, he aspired to something more engaging. You may want to pose the a victim of a cynical cheat fate, and with this pretext, to play the part of the poor forlorn battered by the doom and misfortune. To balance the bad that had happened was not in fact better than to take his occasional lovers in the laboratory and as soon as the job allowed it, have a good time in the back shop merrily ignoring, not without a touch of malice, the look of disapproval, but also of anxiety, which Tania's launched. He certainly pulled the rope too and eventually it was broken.
just had to find his partner, maybe grovel before her, give her some small sop to do it sober, but absolutely restore many benefits that cooperation which had caused.
Owning a bunch of keys Tania often went to check she was not coming up in the meantime, though, approaching his home, ran the risk of hitting former girlfriend or missed in-laws. It is not that what upset him most of that time or better, to tell it right, some day I hope to meet the girl, while others would have walked willingly into the walls so as not to be recognized. Depended very much on his mood, as he had spent the night and what memories were rekindled in his mind as he tried to take sleep. In a few moments and then strove to stand out, climbed the stairs and loudly slammed the door, others remembered the bitterness of the past history of that troubled period for when anger took over the desire to embrace his first love confusing huge ideas. In these circumstances, the figure of Flora stood out as sharp as a real presence and seemed to want to blame for the turn that took his life and for the last shred of dignity they had lost to racing following of people who did not deserve it . He was convinced, in the circumstances, having now passed the stage of their lives better and having expect from the future, only difficulties and sufferings.
arrived in the apartment of a member each time they explore in detail a small part out of curiosity than hoping to find some information that allowed him to trace the woman. It was nevertheless prepared for any kind of surprise because Tania, it was quite certain now, had a split personality and therefore acted and behaved quite different in two ways: one side with him and with the score of the laboratory, the 'contact with other persons of high rank with whom she most interesting relationships and friendships of high caliber. It was not like that, but James was certainly fooled by Tania exchanged extensive correspondence with many of the brothers who, after passing the primary difficulty, had achieved professional positions of great prestige.
During his meticulous inspections was difficult for him navigate an enormous amount of photographs, manuscripts, documents that show how his partner had not only resigned quell'esserino and frightened him first and that many had believed, but a and determined person, one could infer from that that even very resourceful: he wanted to pose, for whatever reason, to humble and ignorant groomer, but instead proved to have a solid education and a vast culture.
The ticket that she had left, written in shaky handwriting and full of spelling mistakes, was not in fact the last hoax concocted to appear in his eyes, like a poor ignorant while the reality was very different. He could not guess the purpose of the staging, but perhaps it would come to a conclusion by continuing to investigate and catalog the material that came to hand. If he had looked more closely at the many photographs in several folders acknowledged in addition to the snapshots that portrayed in poses and different circumstances, even the face of Naomi and other familiar faces. But if it was methodical and orderly when any other document's created a certain discomfort hundreds of pictures in which he was often depicted in rough or very specific situations: for example, sitting on the toilet or while they gazed attributes before welcoming the mirror. He could not grasp the meaning of that collection and, figuring that most of the photos related to him, had lost all interest in that kind of research.
James, after returning home in the town and have opened their own business, went through several months of complete confusion. Formed as a result of the company Tania just trying to get back on track supported by a person who believed honest, enterprising and hard worker. At the same time tried to live together, which lasted only a few weeks later, with a client of the laboratory, a certain John, a little older than himself, and recently by her husband's breakaway. It was, to tirarsela at home, a decision which was immediately sorry but without the clarity necessary to return immediately to where they started dismissing the woman, and ended by declaring that experience so much trouble that would have caused. Joan, as well as being very beautiful, was also very demanding and was also in tight economic after her husband had put her at the door having discovered her yet another betrayal. Among lawyers, health centers, wealthy friends, theater, bar, attached and connected to grind money like crazy un'idrovora and was expected to remain within the James as luxury ex-husband. The boy was easily sucked into spirals of that wily seductress and equally rashly sought solutions that would allow you to navigate to their level meeting their demands. It was not in a position to make rash spending, rather it was arrabattare with the little that passed the convent, even though he had waived his laboratory to settle in to Tania and was able to be reduced, but only slightly, the monthly rate of reimbursement which he made to the father of Flora and its members. At that moment, certainly not happy then Joan broke into his life settling in the small apartment that the boy had to rent a sudden maneuver, a sort of coup, he could not oppose. He knew the men and was conscious of her beauty that he was playing hide and seek ways in which James, in the throes of infatuation stunning lightning, he could satisfy every point of view. For the boy ran after near bankruptcy by the usurers, the only ones who, in a situation where si trovava, gli avrebbero potuto concedere dei prestiti.
Ad una manciata di giornate relativamente tranquille seguirono settimane terribili in cui il ricordo della tragedia che l'aveva mandato in depressione si accompagnava alla certezza di essersi cacciato in un grosso guaio, ad un lavoro che stentava a decollare ed alle preoccupazioni che ogni notte riaffioravano durante un sonno perennemente agitato. A tutto ciò si era aggiunta la presenza costante di alcuni loschi figuri che gli stavano sempre con il fiato sul collo e lo minacciavano di terribili ritorsioni qualora egli non fosse stato puntuale nei rimborsi. Erano pretese sempre più cospicue e se riusciva a restituire una somma, gliene rimaneva sempre fuori un'altra altrettanto heavy, which had previously acquired: the accumulated interest to other interests so that the debt, instead of declining, increased because of delayed payments forever. Subtracted something from the common fund of the laboratory, he had immediately noticed Tania, but earnings were still insufficient to stem the hole that was forming as a result of his foolishness. Then took refuge in the arms of Joan, taking advantage of those rare moments that he could carve away from work and thugs, as others would appeal to a drug or alcohol. Thus became increasingly dependent on women and could not stay away for hours even when it was forced, reluctantly, to send on the laboratory.
arrived very early time when lenders confronted him brutally, until then had been quite formal in their requests, notifying a final ultimatum. He had meanwhile signed a package of bills a foot high and did not know how to meet its commitments. He thought of suicide, but did not have the courage to implement this regard. One evening, while John was in the office of his lawyer and was deciding on the separation from her husband, two thugs burst nell'appartamentino, pinned the boy on the couch and a knife to the throat ordering him to pay the outstanding amount within three days . That night James, prey on terror, but without having had the courage to tell his wife what had happened, took refuge in his arms and held her alarm clock trying to live these moments as if they were the last of his life: delayed , believed to have the right, the passing of time and the sunrise. Joan was surprised to quell'irruenza that he had never shown in the same manner, the last time was in fact very distracted, but unrelated to the vicissitudes of being young and too insensitive to capture the mood, not that he was pleased with itself for having finally found the man of her dreams. Compared him outside his astonishment, a tireless stud quadruped not imagine any way that the boy, the more stunned that horny, I just want to clear your mind. And if in the physical and what it could at that time to give James might look like a fiery animal, his soul was miserably pulping as a piece of lard in a mortar.
passed the three days that had been granted by the lenders, but they never did anything: calm on all fronts! The boy went out early in the morning and came home late at night taking care to make as little noise as possible. She had thought to leave the job and Joan to escape from that place that had become his prison, or to take refuge at the home of his parents, but his father, in those days, had suffered a bad stroke. Imagined to ask for help from his ex-girlfriend involving also the lack of laws, but did not have the courage to face them after they had found in intimate behavior with Giovanna throwing, so at least it seemed to him, unmistakable looks of disapproval. However
had passed the three-day ultimatum and irreparable nothing had happened.
went fourth and fifth day he received no news from his captors, came the end of the month that was pretty close, and what he feared did not happen.
and began to resume his old habits, to return home as soon as possible, discreetly inquired as to whether the police had made some round-by-case basis, but to no avail.
After a fortnight gave marching orders to John which was really bad as he was now convinced he has finally found a classic chicken plucking and the male fiery long sought and began to imagine that his persecutors had taken the disorder for some mysterious divine plan: his luck was still seeing!
With your hands in the most secret drawer of the sideboard Tania was extracting a bin of plastic smaller than the ones that had occurred so far at hand. He opened it and immediately recognized the pile of bills that he signed the loan sharks. Apparently his partner was time to withdraw before they could happen, something irreparable and had always been silent this detail.
He put the effects in the wallet, he collapsed on the couch littered with photos and burst into tears. Figures of Flora and Tania's overlapped in the mind first then disappeared and the emaciated face of severe social stands and clear-cut on the wall in front of him: he was mumbling something, but he was still pretending not to understand. ; He jumped up from the couch felt very weak and confused, he closed his eyes because that vision bothered him, but Tania's face began to bounce in his mind like a spinning top gone crazy. Then went out running towards the road, down the stairs three at a time, almost overwhelmed his former girlfriend who had decided on that day and after long hesitation to lurk along the path, like a sprinter overcame the long straight of the course that began to come alive and flung himself upset at home.
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